March 1, 2007 Independence Dam State Park, Defiance,
Defiance County, Ohio March finds me back in extreme northwest Ohio visiting. My first birding stop
was here. Management had blocked off most of the park, but it was still good to be back in old territory. There
were 10 Canada Geese, 28 Mallards, 2 Goldeneyes, 10 Bufflehead, 1 Black Duck, 2 drake Common Mergansers,
a drake Hooded Merganser, 2 PiedBilled Grebes, 500 Ringbilled Gulls, 50 Herring Gulls, a Great Blue Heron, a Kestrel,
a RedTailed Hawk, a Bald Eagle, 1 Crow, 3 WhiteBreasted Nuthatches, 3 Downy Woodpeckers, 5 Mourning
Doves, a Hairy Woodpecker, a Belted Kingfisher, 2 Robins, 10 Eastern Bluebirds, 17 Horned Larks, 3 Starlings. Not bad for
pouring rain and barely above 30. A Short-Eared Owl, two Harriers and a Kestrel
were at Buckskin/Trinity.
March 2, 2007 CR 16/C, Bryan, Williams County,
Ohio I went to 16/C: 230 Canada Geese, 54 Mallards, 32 RingBilled Gulls, 1 Herring Gull, 1 Harrier, 3 Crows,
2 Larks, 1 Starling. I toured Lake LaSuAnn, Edon, Williams County, Ohio.
I could hardly get the rental through the snow drifts in the road. The snow was blowing ferociously, and floodwaters covered
some roads. As I pulled in the parking lot, a pair of Sandhill Cranes flew tree-high
overhead. Gorgeous! A short time later a flock of eleven flew in, then a flock of ten. The snow was deep, and the wind howled.
I found trees that the beavers had gnawed off, but couldn’t find the long-eared
owls at their usual spot, but lotsa passerines-- Tufted Titmice, Black Capped Chickadees, WhiteBreasted Nuthatches. The Blue
Jays were especially a treat, it’s been so long since I’ve seen them! A drake RingNecked Duck in a sky pond, 3
RedTailed Hawk, a RoughLegged Hawk (a real treat!), a Cooper’s Hawk, 2 Kestrels, 4 Harriers,
a Screech Owl, 25 Crows, 2 Blue Jays, a RedHeaded Woodpecker, a Wild Turkey, 5 Turkey Vultures--
unusually early!, 23 Sandhill Cranes, a Tufted Titmouse, 3 WhiteBreasted Nuthatches, 3 BlackCapped Chickadees,
31 American Tree Sparrows, 35 Juncos, 44 Horned Larks, 4 Starlings. As I entered the parking lot to leave, a WILSON’S SNIPE flew in! I got a bit of video and it flew up again about two-trees-high
in big circles, then landed by the road, where it seemed to be probing for worms. Every time a car went by, it repeated the
high circular flight but always landed in the same spot. It was very fun. It felt more like Alaska than Ohio!
March 3, 2007 Paulding County, Ohio The
day had flown by, cold and snowy and windy. Lapland Longspurs, Snow Buntings, and an early
or late Eastern Meadowlarks at 70/160 were nice.
March 4, 2007 Paulding County, Ohio I visited the water spots in Paulding after visiting family. All were frozen (Reservoir, Stokely Ponds), except
for the Sewage Lagoons. Only a sliver was open but there were 90 Canada Geese, 25 RingNecked Ducks, 10 Coots, 2 Mallards,
a Mourning Dove, 20 Rock Doves, 128 Starlings and 6 Horned Larks and a Song Sparrow.
March 5, 2007 Power Dam, Defiance, Defiance County, Ohio had hundreds of RingBilled Gulls, a few Herring Gulls,
but best of all two big Wild Turkeys close by the side of the road, and two juvenile (entirely brown)
Bald Eagles in the field by the river
March 6, 2007 Oxbow Lake Wildlife Area, Defiance, Defiance County, Ohio
Bird numbers were way low. Of course, it was ten degrees, 2 below zero with windchill. The
lakes were frozen solid: A Cooper’s Hawk, a RedTailed Hawk, a Kestrel, 3 Blue Jays, 2 Crows, 5 Cardinals, a Brown Creeper,
6 Downy Woodpeckers, 2 WhiteBreasted Nuthatches, a Flicker, a Hairy Woodpecker, 2 Juncos, a RedBellied Woodpecker, a Tufted
Titmouse, 12 BlackCapped Chickadees, 67 RedWinged Blackbirds, a Song Sparrow, 20 American Tree Sparrows, 22 House Sparrows,
and one WhiteCrowned Sparrow. I haven’t seen a House Finch or a Goldfinch since I’ve been back. When we got back
to Sherwood, we therefore drove by Millie Weaner’s feeders-- almost no birds. Just a couple
Mourning Doves and ONE FEMALE HOUSE FINCH! Enroute home we passed another feeder-- with no birds at all except for ONE GOLDFINCH!
March 7, 2007 Toledo, Lucas County, Ohio 1948 Wickby Court the site of the SPOTTED
TOWHEE! The first record of this bird in Ohio was in March of 1946, when my Mom was two. The second was 1996,
and the third 1998. It was a wonderful privilege to be a part of Ohio history. My view was short as a Sharpie
(or maybe it was a small Cooper’s Hawk) chased all the birds away. There were three WhiteThroated Sparrows
hanging around with the towhee under a beautifully scenic Blue Spruce. Also 6 Cardinals, 4 Juncos, 20 House Sparrows, a pair
of Titmice, a Downy Woodpecker…
March 8, 2007 Dixieland Park, Harlingen, Cameron County, Texas Back
in eighty-degree weather! Black-bellied Whistling-Duck 40, Mottled Duck 1, Blue-winged Teal 4, Redhead 2, Ring-necked
Duck 10, Lesser Scaup 9, American White Pelican 4, Neotropic Cormorant 4, Double-crested Cormorant 26, Great Blue Heron 1,
Great Egret 5, Snowy Egret 17, Black-crowned Night-Heron 4, Turkey Vulture 1, Red-tailed Hawk 1, American Coot 19, Laughing
Gull 8, Forster's Tern 1, Rock Pigeon 30, Mourning Dove 12, Couch's Kingbird 2, Loggerhead Shrike 1, Tree Swallow 3, Northern
Mockingbird 2, European Starling 5, Red-winged Blackbird 5, Great-tailed Grackle 2
March 9, 2007 Santa Ana National Wildlife Refuge, McAllen, Hidalgo County,
Texas pursuing the extreme rarity from Mexico: the RUfOUs-BAcKEd RoBIN. About thirty of us waited an hour or so before the object
of our affection appeared in the presence of a CLAY-COLORED ROBIN and two
AMERICAN ROBINS-- three Robin species in one place! The American Birding Association only rates this bird a 3 out of 6 in
difficulty, the same as the Clay-Colored Robin, which is relatively easy to find down here in the Rio Grande Valley. In fact,
earlier in the day others had seen THREE Clay-Colored Robins at this same location. My best view of an Olive
Sparrow was here also, as one came extremely close to the crowd, begging for attention contrary to its natural
inclination. It was a beautiful bird in its own right, but no competition at all. Two Lincoln’s Sparrows also put in
close appearances, gorgeous in their own grey-and-brown way. We only get these in Ohio during migration, and they’re
easy to overlook. Enroute back, a bewildered BOBCAT on the path appeared
to say, “What are all these people doing in MY woods?!” The hackberries were covered in Spanish moss, lending
a creepy yet strangely beautiful grey ghost theme to the surroundings.
I only had time for a small part of the park, the Chachalaca Trail: Gadwall 4 Blue-winged Teal 6 Cinnamon
Teal 2 Plain Chachalaca 6 Double-crested Cormorant 1 Great Egret 2 Cattle Egret 5 White-faced
Ibis 17 Turkey Vulture 2 Cooper's Hawk 1 Red-shouldered Hawk 1 Greater Yellowlegs 100 Lesser Yellowlegs 30
Western Sandpiper 3 Least Sandpiper 1 Mourning Dove 2 Inca Dove 4 Common Ground-Dove 1 Golden-fronted Woodpecker 10 Ladder-backed
Woodpecker 1 Eastern Phoebe 1 Great Kiskadee 10 Couch's Kingbird 1 Green Jay 1 Tree Swallow 10 Bewick's Wren 2 Ruby-crowned
Kinglet 1 Blue-gray Gnatcatcher 4 Clay-colored Robin 1 Rufous-backed Robin 1 American Robin 4 Northern Mockingbird 5 Long-billed
Thrasher 4 Orange-crowned Warbler 2 Common Yellowthroat 1 Olive Sparrow 1 Lincoln's Sparrow 2 Indigo Bunting 1 Red-winged
Blackbird 50 Great-tailed Grackle 3 Altamira Oriole 3 House Sparrow 20.
March 10, 2007 Bentsen-Rio Grande Valley State Park, Mission, Hidalgo County,
Texas Today I walked over four miles, maybe six. It was 82 degrees again today, with a nice breeze
as usual, very sunny. A nice couple from Ohio (everybody here today seemed to be from Ohio) insisted I use their 45 SPF sunblock
after I’d been there 3 hours. Her husband had been a fair redhead (now white-haired) and had just gone through melanoma
surgery. I guess I should be looking at wearing hats and sunblock. As it turned out, I am probably the most handsome man on
the planet now that my bald head is fully sunburned.
Anyway, the list was wonderful although it was far too late in the day for any birder worth his salt to be expecting to
see any birds at all. Most birders are finished birding at 11am! And here I was just starting… I saw some
most excellent lizards that I videotaped so that I could look them up later. A Gray
Hawk, itself a Rio Grande specialty not to be taken for granted, perched openly in the top of a small tree
for me, stretching, spreading its tail, in short showing me every field mark possible. A Northern
Beardless Tyrannulet, another specialty, did the same! On such a hot day in midafternoon! The two-mile Rio
Grande River loop appeared pretty worthless at first, but out popped two VERDIN,
clear and sharp views, WITH sound effects! Over 50 Indigo Buntings were at the feeders in varying
states of bright blue as they prepared for their flight north. Also conspicuous were a flood of Gnatcatchers, and a dearth
of warblers:
Ring-necked Duck 6 Lesser Scaup 1 Plain Chachalaca 6 Pied-billed Grebe 11 Double-crested Cormorant 8 Black Vulture 3 Turkey
Vulture 2 Northern Harrier 1 Gray Hawk 1 Harris's Hawk 1 Common Moorhen 2 American Coot 98 White-winged Dove 1 Mourning Dove
5 Common Ground-Dove 10 White-tipped Dove 5 Ringed Kingfisher 1 Golden-fronted Woodpecker 11 Ladder-backed Woodpecker 5 Northern
Beardless-Tyrannulet 1 Eastern Phoebe 2 Great Kiskadee 14 Couch's Kingbird 3 White-eyed Vireo 1 Blue-headed Vireo 1 Green
Jay 27, Tree Swallow 6 Cave Swallow 2 Barn Swallow 1 Black-crested Titmouse
4 Verdin 2 Bewick's Wren 2 Ruby-crowned Kinglet 1 Blue-gray Gnatcatcher 12,
American Robin 2 Northern Mockingbird 3 Long-billed Thrasher 2 Orange-crowned Warbler 1 Yellow-rumped Warbler 3 Olive Sparrow
1 Lincoln's Sparrow 1 Northern Cardinal 13 Indigo Bunting 51 Red-winged Blackbird 31 Great-tailed Grackle 5 Altamira Oriole
March 12, 2007 Hugh Ramsey Park, Harlingen, Cameron County, Texas for
a very rapid walk. Some places in our county got 7 inches of rain last night, so I wasn't sure what to expect. Fortunately,
Harlingen only got about 1.5 inches. It was pretty near dark but we still saw about 500 GreatTailed Grackles headed toward
their night roosts, 35 BlackBellied Whistling Ducks, also headed toward their roosts, 4 Mourning Doves, 2 Ground Doves, 2
Purple Martins (another sign of spring-- yes, even Texas has spring!), plus an unusual overhead Tricolored Heron.
March 14, 2007 Tiocano Lake, Harlingen, Cameron County, Texas only
a few miles from Santa Rosa: Gadwall 44, Mottled Duck 2, Blue-winged Teal 24, Cinnamon Teal 2,
Northern Shoveler 170, Green-winged Teal 8, Neotropic Cormorant 2, Double-crested Cormorant 22,
Great Blue Heron 1, Great Egret 5, Snowy Egret 2, Roseate Spoonbill 3, Turkey Vulture 1, Harris's
Hawk 2, American Kestrel 1, American Coot 36, Black-necked Stilt 18, American
Avocet 2, Long-billed Curlew 2, Least Sandpiper 2, Long-billed Dowitcher 10, Caspian Tern
2, Rock Pigeon 8, Mourning Dove 4, Buff-bellied Hummingbird 1, Great Kiskadee 10, Couch's Kingbird 2, Loggerhead Shrike 1,
Tree Swallow 8, Northern Mockingbird 3, European Starling 1, Yellow-rumped Warbler 1, Red-winged Blackbird 4, Great-tailed
Grackle 6, Bronzed Cowbird 1 (the first I've seen all year!).
March 15, 2007 Harlingen City Lake, Harlingen, Cameron
County, Texas Black-bellied Whistling-Duck 130, Neotropic Cormorant 1, Double-crested Cormorant 16, Snowy
Egret 8, American Coot 18, Killdeer 2, Spotted Sandpiper 1, Laughing Gull 14, Rock Pigeon 40, Mourning Dove 3, Inca Dove 1,
Golden-fronted Woodpecker 2, Great Kiskadee 10, Couch's Kingbird 2, Barn Swallow 1, Tree Swallow 22, Northern Mockingbird
6, Yellow-rumped Warbler 10, Red-winged Blackbird 16, House Sparrow 26.
March 19, 2007 Bentsen-Rio Grande Valley State Park, Mission, Hidalgo County,
Texas This is the official Bentsen-Rio morning birdwalk, only
from the entrance to the first restroom, near the eating place. Ring-necked Duck 1, Plain Chachalaca 8, Pied-billed Grebe
1, Neotropic Cormorant 10, Double-crested Cormorant 2, Anhinga
1, Great Egret 1, Turkey Vulture 1, Sharp-shinned Hawk 1, Gray Hawk 1, Common Moorhen 1, American Coot 50, Mourning Dove 8,
White-tipped Dove 6, Eastern Screech-Owl 1, Ringed Kingfisher 1, Golden-fronted Woodpecker 1, Ladder-backed Woodpecker 2,
Northern Beardless-Tyrannulet 1, Great Kiskadee 6, Couch's Kingbird 2, Scissor-tailed
Flycatcher one flying high over the trees, his tail an obvious hindrance!, White-eyed Vireo 1, Green Jay 3,
Cave Swallow 16, Black-crested Titmouse 5, Northern Mockingbird 2, Long-billed Thrasher 1, Orange-crowned Warbler 1, Yellow-rumped
Warbler 6, Olive Sparrow nice views of 3, Lincoln's Sparrow 3, Northern Cardinal 8, Indigo Bunting 25, Red-winged Blackbird
50, Great-tailed Grackle 40, Hooded Oriole 1, Altamira Oriole 2.
Enroute home, I stopped at the Edinburg World Birding Center, Edinburg, Hidalgo County,
Texas Gadwall 4, Mottled Duck 8, Blue-winged Teal 115, Northern Shoveler 280, Green-winged Teal 22,
Ring-necked Duck 2, Ruddy Duck 94, Least Grebe 2, Pied-billed Grebe 4, Neotropic Cormorant 16, Double-crested Cormorant 8,
Great Egret 1, Snowy Egret 12, Little Blue Heron 2, Tricolored Heron 1, Black-crowned Night-Heron 20 Turkey Vulture 1, Cooper's Hawk 1, Harris's Hawk 1, Red-tailed Hawk
1, Common Moorhen 11, American Coot 60, Laughing Gull 3, Forster's Tern 3, Rock Pigeon 6, Mourning Dove 6, Common Ground-Dove
8, Buff-bellied Hummingbird 1, White-eyed Vireo 1, Bewick's Wren 3, Blue-gray Gnatcatcher 2, Gray Catbird 1, Northern Mockingbird
6, Curve-billed Thrasher 1, Orange-crowned Warbler 3, Wilson's Warbler 1, Savannah Sparrow 2, Lincoln's Sparrow 2, Great-tailed
Grackle 16, Lesser Goldfinch 4, House Sparrow 6. Really cool were MEXICAN GROUND SQUIRRELS running all over. I tried to get pictures, but they were really wary, and I didn't wanna waste
too much time. And just past Santa Rosa, less than ten miles from Harlingen, I stopped at the roadside swamp called Tiocano Lake, Harlingen, Cameron County, Texas : Black-bellied Whistling-Duck
4, Gadwall 4, Blue-winged Teal 40, Cinnamon Teal 4, Northern Shoveler 100, Green-winged Teal 6, Double-crested Cormorant 6,
Great Blue Heron 1, Great Egret 1, Snowy Egret 3, Little Blue Heron 1, Cattle Egret 4, White Ibis 3, my first ones in Texas!, White-faced
Ibis 1, Roseate Spoonbill 12, Red-tailed Hawk 1, American Coot
27, Killdeer 2, Black-necked Stilt 42, Least
Sandpiper 4, Long-billed Dowitcher 50, Great-tailed Grackle 20
March 22, 2007 Aransas National, Rockport, Aransas County, Texas
riding on the boat Gadwall 62, Mottled Duck 2,Blue-winged Teal 200, Northern Shoveler
10, Bufflehead 100, Common Goldeneye 3, Common Loon 6, Pied-billed Grebe 1 , American White Pelican 48, Brown Pelican 27,
Neotropic Cormorant 2, Double-crested Cormorant X, Great Blue Heron 27, Great Egret 22, Snowy Egret 70, Little Blue Heron
3, Tricolored Heron 3, Cattle Egret 1, White Ibis 274, White-faced Ibis 3, Roseate
Spoonbill 1, Black Vulture 1, Turkey Vulture 9, Northern Harrier 1, White-tailed Hawk 2, Crested Caracara 1, Peregrine
Falcon 2 at extremely close viewing!, Whooping Crane 55 truly amazing,
American Oystercatcher 3, Black-necked Stilt 7, American
Avocet 54, Willet 14, Whimbrel 1, Long-billed Curlew 3, Least Sandpiper 1, Long-billed Dowitcher 15, Laughing
Gull X, Ring-billed Gull 5, Herring Gull 50, Caspian Tern 1, Royal Tern 160, Sandwich Tern 3, Forster's Tern 10, Rock Pigeon
10, White-winged Dove 3, Belted Kingfisher 1, Barn Swallow 6, Red-winged Blackbird 50, Boat-tailed Grackle
6, Great-tailed Grackle 2.
March 24, 2007 Estero Llano Grande, Weslaco, Hildago
County, Texas This was my second visit ever (on my first visit
in September I saw a Jacana!): Black-bellied Whistling-Duck 2, distant in the top of a tall tree, Mottled Duck 1, Blue-winged
Teal 26, probably more, Northern Shoveler 14, Green-winged Teal 22, also probably undercounted, Ruddy Duck 1, Plain Chachalaca
1, Least Grebe 8, Pied-billed Grebe 2, Neotropic Cormorant 25, Double-crested Cormorant 2, Anhinga
8, I don't think I've ever had better views, American Bittern 1, this one
was walking in broad daylight along a clear shoreline, stopped midway, put his beak straight up, and waved in the wind like
a reed. when confident enough, he continued on into the cattails, Great Blue Heron 4, Great Egret 2, Snowy Egret 1, Little
Blue Heron 1, Tricolored Heron 2, within 10' with cute white tiny plumes on the back of their heads, Black-crowned Night-Heron
1, Yellow-crowned Night-Heron 2, White Ibis 3, White-faced Ibis 14, Roseate Spoonbill 2, flew low
overhead, White-tailed Kite 2, Harris's Hawk 1, extremely distant, Red-tailed Hawk 1 ,Common Moorhen 3, American Coot 86,
Killdeer 2, Black-necked Stilt 33, probably undercounted, American Avocet 6 , Least Sandpiper 22, Stilt
Sandpiper 1, nice close view, Long-billed Dowitcher 24, Wilson's Snipe 1, circling high overhead, White-winged Dove
2, Mourning Dove 6, Inca Dove 12, Common Ground-Dove 6, White-tipped Dove 2, Red-crowned Parrot 2, Eastern Screech-Owl 1,
in duck box, Buff-bellied Hummingbird 2, Black-chinned Hummingbird 1, hovering
for probably a full minute, looking huge, Belted Kingfisher 1, Golden-fronted Woodpecker 3, Great Kiskadee 2, Tree Swallow
6, Barn Swallow 1, Northern Mockingbird 2, Common Yellowthroat 2, Lark Sparrow 1, Savannah Sparrow 12, Lincoln's Sparrow 2,
Dickcissel 1, listed as rare in winter in Birds of
Texas (Rappole/Blacklock), it was even flagged in E-bird, Red-winged Blackbird 1000, probably undercounted, Great-tailed Grackle
12, Lesser Goldfinch 5, House Sparrow 12
March 25, 2007 Harlingen
City Lake, Harlingen, Cameron County, Texas Black-bellied Whistling-Duck
172, Pied-billed Grebe 2, Neotropic Cormorant 6, Double-crested Cormorant 4, Snowy Egret 8, American Coot 30, Laughing Gull
220, Ring-billed Gull 1, Rock Pigeon 11, Great-tailed Grackle 12
March 26, 2007 FM1421/RegoRd, Cameron County, Texas 6 American Golden Plovers with the
more common 6 Shovelers, 10 Stilts, 2 LongBilled Curlews, 24 Least Sandpipers, 1 ScissorTailed Flycatcher, 2 GreatTailed
Grackles, and an Osprey.
March 27, 2007 Dixieland Park, Harlingen, Cameron County, Texas Black-bellied Whistling-Duck 32 Redhead 2 Lesser Scaup 4 Ruddy Duck 1 American White Pelican 10
Neotropic Cormorant 10 Double-crested Cormorant 48 Great Egret 4 Snowy Egret 30
(thirty!), Little Blue Heron 1 Cattle Egret 4 American Coot 30 Black-necked Stilt 2 Laughing Gull 34 Rock Pigeon 10 Mourning
Dove 2 Scissor-tailed Flycatcher 2 Purple Martin 6 Tree Swallow 2 Tiocano Lake, Harlingen, Cameron County, Texas Black-bellied
Whistling-Duck 8 Mottled Duck 2 Blue-winged Teal 66 Cinnamon Teal 4
Northern Shoveler 90 Green-winged Teal 32 Neotropic Cormorant 2 Double-crested Cormorant 10 Great Blue Heron 1 Great Egret
2 Snowy Egret 1 Tricolored Heron 1 Roseate Spoonbill 4 American Coot 75 Killdeer 5 Black-necked
Stilt 31 American Avocet 2 Lesser Yellowlegs 1 Least Sandpiper 30 Stilt Sandpiper
3 Long-billed Dowitcher 225 Gull-billed Tern 2
Caspian Tern 1 Rock Pigeon 10 Mourning Dove 2 Great Kiskadee 2 Couch's Kingbird 1 Northern Mockingbird 3 European Starling
2 Common Yellowthroat 1 Red-winged Blackbird 6 Great-tailed Grackle 24 Bronzed Cowbird 1
March 28, 2007 Pendleton
Park, Harlingen, Cameron County, Texas Black-bellied
Whistling-Duck 12, American Coot 3, Laughing Gull 34, Rock Pigeon 5, Mourning Dove 9, Golden-fronted Woodpecker 5, Great Kiskadee
2, Northern Mockingbird 3, European Starling 2, Red-winged Blackbird 5, Great-tailed Grackle 30, House Sparrow 3.
March 29, 2007 Quinta Mazatlan, McAllen, Hidalgo County, Texas Plain Chachalaca 4, Harris's Hawk 1, Rock Pigeon 4, White-winged Dove 4, Mourning Dove 4, Inca
Dove 4, Common Ground-Dove 1, Eastern Screech-Owl 1, Golden-fronted Woodpecker 6, Ladder-backed Woodpecker 1, Great Kiskadee
2, Purple Martin 2, Tree Swallow 2, Black-crested Titmouse 4, Long-billed Thrasher 1, Curve-billed Thrasher 2, Olive Sparrow
1, House Sparrow 38.
March 31, 2007 McMurray Turf Farm, LaFeria, Cameron County, Texas Black-bellied Whistling-Duck 7, Mottled Duck 3, Northern Harrier 1, American Golden-Plover 4, Killdeer 4, Black-necked
Stilt 4, Lesser Yellowlegs 1, Least Sandpiper 3, Stilt Sandpiper 13, Long-billed Dowitcher 112, Mourning Dove 2, Purple Martin
10, Tree Swallow 2, Barn Swallow 1, Savannah Sparrow 4, Red-winged Blackbird 26, Eastern Meadowlark 1, Great-tailed Grackle
Harlingen Thicket, Cameron County, TexasLaughing Gull 8, Rock
Pigeon 2, Mourning Dove 5, Inca Dove 2, Common Ground-Dove 4, White-tipped Dove 1, Golden-fronted Woodpecker 3, Scissor-tailed
Flycatcher 1, White-eyed Vireo 5, Bewick's Wren 1, Northern Mockingbird 15, Long-billed Thrasher 4, Olive Sparrow 3, Lincoln's
Sparrow 2, Red-winged Blackbird 15, Great-tailed Grackle 8, Brown-headed Cowbird 2, Lesser Goldfinch 2.


