May I have your attention: This is not complete. Please read with the knowledge that there may be errors and that there are certainly omissions. If you cannot bear this thought, please read no further. But please, if you can correct or add to this pool of knowledge I have tried to collect, please please contact me: John Yochum, P O Box 27, Sherwood OH 43556, or call (419)899-4227. Thanks. Last update 12/31/96. This does not include all the Yochum descendants. For more names, dates, begats, and detail see my page at GenCircles: Posted 3/25/06 to the net, in hopes of finding out more about my family.
Great-great-great-great-great Grandfather Lyman Remington Jones
Great-great-great-great Grandfather Ransom Bruce Jones
Great-great-great Grandfather Lyman Ransom Jones
Great-great Grandmother Dora Jones (who married Charles Mattson)
Great-Grandmother Edith Mattson (who married David Hinsch)
Grandmother Irene Hinsch (who married William Woodrow Stahl)
Mother Ruth Stahl (who married Frank Yochum)
Me, John Yochum
Great-great-great-great-great Grandfather Lyman Remington Jones 1792-1824
Grandpa Jones was born in Wales 1792, married Marvel Rathbun (for her family history, see the chapter on the Rathbun family) 1819 in AvonNY, and died August 12, 1824 in GreenCreekTwp, SanduskyCoOH. His grandson Lyman Ransom Jones writes May 11, 1914 that they "were buried in a field on the bluffs of a creek in Green Creek Township, Ohio. The field was afterwards plowed over and all trace of the graves was lost...And he came from Wales. There in the house a letter from his brother Ransom Jones which was written from Clairmont New Hampshire and addressed to Lyman Jones Avon New York. This letter was written Sept 22, 1822 a month before your grandfather was born so his father must have left New York before the letter was written."
The Chancery Records of SanduskyCoOH list "Rathbone v Jones, 1828:
Chaplin Rathbone stated that on April 1, 1823, Lyman Jones was leaving Lorain County, Ohio to buy land in Sandusky County. Owing Rathbone money, Jones promised to purchase land for Rathbone while in Sandusky County. As agreed, Jones made several purchases but entered all of the land in his own name. In January of 1824, Rathbone came to the county and built a cabin on the land, however, Jones refused to transfer the title. In August of 1824, Jones died and his wife died the following month. Two minor children, Ransom and Ami Ann, were their only heirs and were known to be living in New York. In order to inform the minors, the court ordered publication of the suit in the NY "Buffalo Journal." The children eventually issued legal title to Rathbone.
I did find the original records:
"May Term 1828--Appraised by five respectable freeholders on the Eighteenth day of March in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight-hundred and TwentyEight, and deposited a copy thereof in the office of the Clerk of this Court andon the same day he advertised in the Sandusky Clarion, a newspaper in general circulation in this county and also advertised on the court house door and in fiverother places in the county, two of which went up in the Township in which said sale was scheduled that he would on the third day of May thereafter at the Courthouse in said County offer the said lots at pulic sale at which time and place he did sell the lots to Daniel Conversehe bidding on each lot more than two thirds the appraised value thereof and being the highest and best bidder which money amounting to one hundred and eighty three dollars and seventy three and two thirds cents the said Samuel Treat here now in Court and the court having carefully examined the proceedings of said commissioners and satisfied that he has in all respects acted agreeably to said and they do order and judge and decree that the said Master Commissioners execute a deed to said Daniel Converse for the lots of land so sold to him . you said which deed shall rest in said Converse all the title to said lots which now is or at any time has been in any of the defendants and it is further Ordered and decreed that the money arising from said sale be just applied to defray the costs of this sale, Taxes of Nine dollars and thirty-five cents. Except that no docket fee be taxed against the complainants and that the remainder of said sum be paid to Daniel Poinsetts.
"Chaplin Rathbone compainant vs Ransom & Ami Ann Jones, Def. S Chancery now before Ebenezer Lane and his associates at a court of common pleas coninued and heed sitting as a court of Chnancery for the county of Sandusky at the Courthouse in Sandusky O. the twenty third day of May in the year of Our Lord One Thousand Eight hundred and twenty seven. Came Chaplin Rathbone and his solicitor and filed herein the following Bill in Chancery against Ransom and Ami Ann Jones which is in the words following to wit. State of Ohio Sandusky County in Common Pleas in Chancery to the honorable president, judge and associates and in and for the County of Sandusky in Chancery sitting in . Humbly complaining sheweth unto your honor your orater Chaplin Rathbone of Green Creek Township in Sandusky County State of Ohio that same time about the first day of April 1823 one Lyman Jones, now deceased, bring about to go from Lorain County to Sandusky County in the Stae of Ohio for the purpose of purchasing land in said county of Sandusky and the said Jones was then indebted to your orator in the sum of Thirtyone dollars and fifty cents. And the said Jones then did propose to your orator that if your orator would let him retain the said 31 dollars and 50 cents which the said Jones had and if your orator would pray the said Jones a proportion of his expenses which the said Jones should be at in and about the purchase of said lands that he then said Jones would purchase from forty to eighty acres of land for your orator and provided your orator would pay back to the said Jones the money which th e said Jones should lay out for Lands for your orator over and above the said 31 dollars and fifty cents so owing as aforesaid from the said Jones to your orator, and your orator."
Lyman Ransom Jones writes that
"this man Lyman Jones was a rustler. On this letter [see above] are also receipts showing entries of lands the same being five different tracts of lands amounting in all to between four or five hundred acres. I have seen all the land. He must have died young probably between 35 and 40, but those who lived at the same time said he had accumulated lots of personal property."
In the History of Sandusky County pp654-5 Lyman is listed as buying 80 acres in Section 15-- in 1829 five years after his death. The fine print explains:
" frequently happened that the most cherished hope of an industrious squatter who had cleard and cultiviated, cheered on by the anticipation of being the rightful and legal owner, was blasted by one who had risen earlier, and secured a front place at the land office when the book of entries was opened...Horses were rode at full speed to the office, where a lively contest for turns ensued... The scramble for land was conducted with as much ardor and self-interested feeling then, as the scramblefor office at the present time...The United States Land Office gave each purchaser a certificate of entry and receipt of payment. These certificates entitled the holder to a patent from the United States. They were also filed in the auditor's office, and under the law, five years from the date, the property...was...recorded in the book of entries. It will appear, therefore, that the date of record given in the following table of Congress lands, is five years later than the real purchase at the land office..."
The earliest entry listed is 1826, with Lyman at 1829.
Marvel had been born in 1802 in TyringhamMA and died August 28, 1824 in GreenCreek. For her genealogy, see the Rathbun chapter in this series.
the children of Lyman and Marvel Jones
1.Ransom Bruce Jones (b.9/12/1822 Batavia GenesseCoNY)
2.Ami Ann Jones
"Know all Men, by these presents, that we Roswell Merrill as principal and Luther Porter and ...are held and stand firmly buond unto the State of Ohio in the full sum of $700 to which payment well and truly to be made we bind ourselves, our heirs &c, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents, sealed with our seals, and dated this 24th day of May AD 1825. The condition of the above obligation is such that whereas, the abovebound Roswell Merrill hath this day been apponted by the court of Common Pleas of Sandusky County, guardian for AmiAnn & Ransom Jones infants under the age of six years minor & legal representatives of Lyman jones deceased. Now if said Roswell Merill do and shall well and truly perform all the duties enjoined upon him by law as guardian then this obligation to be void, else in full force and virtue in law. Attest. A Scranton, Roswell Merrill, Luther Porter, Curry...:
Who was this Roswell Merrill? Marvel's sister's husband:
Jonathan Rathbun (who wed Elizabeth Clark)
Sarah Rathbun (who wed Roswell Merrill)
Marvel Rathbun (who wed Lyman Jones)
Ransom Jones
Amy Ann Jones
Great-great-great-great Grandfather Ransom Bruce Jones1822-1907
Grandpa Jones was born 9/12/1822 [tombstone, but a letter written 5/11/14 by his son Lyman Ransom Jones to his grandson Bernard and Sybilla Jones says that Ransom B was born in Greencreek Twp SanduskyCoOH 10/10/1822] in Batavia GenesseeCoNY, and died February 9, 1907 [tombstone, son Lyman's letter of 5/11/14] in Big Stone City, South Dakota, and is buried in Greenwood Cemetery there. The 1900 census lists him as born in 1823, but also says he is 76 years old on June 5, 1900.
Since his father and mother both died before he was quite two years of age, he went to live with his father's brother in AvonNY. Sometime later he moved back to Ohio, to the place his parents had lived.
Lyman Ransom Jones, his son, writes of him in the May 11, 1914 letter:
"Your Grandfather's life was mostly barren of incident except the eternal grind to make money. He never held a public office except road overseer, and he took that because he wanted a piece of road fixed near his house. He went to California in 1852 at the time of the gold fever but stayed less than a year.
"He was a man of fine impulses and did many good and generous acts during his life. This made him many strong friends. On the other hand he always had two or three people in the neighborhood who he disliked. and this was the occasion of a continual turmoil with someone making things not only disagreeable for himself but also for his family. This trait of charactor he inherited from the Rathbuns.
"To sum up I think his good impulses mostly over ballanced his other shortcomings of temper and perhaps this is as well as the best of us can do."
A page of family history of unknown origin is read:
Out of the book we all copied from Grandmother Jones, Mattson La Barre. [sic]
This is what mother told of her Fathers people the Grandparents of her father Bardoff. Grandmother's name was adopted as a young girl, and the name was Bush and her fathers name was John Bush.
Greatgrandmother's name was (Wolf) and she had people by the name of Studebaker Uncles she said.
Ransom Jones came around the Cape Horn to San Francisco in 1849 and was in California for two years. He came out here for his health. As he had bad lungs and was the order of his doctor. He lived to be 84 years old. He bought the Islands in Big Stone Lake in 1880 and lived there for some time. He then came out to Sacramento, California in 1882 for a trip. He came from Ohio in 1870 and bought the Furber places, three or four of them. Twelve miles east of St. Paul, Minnesota. And lived there for some time. Then as all his children moved to their homes in the Western Minnesota and South Dakota, He sold out and came to Big Stone City, South Dakota and bought farms in Dakota and lived there until he and his wife Mary passed out in 1905. He died in 1907
Bruce K Harris (great-grandson of Ransom through Sam Jones) writes Helen Olson 12/12/1988:
"The letters from Ransom Jones to my grandfather (Sam C. Jones) and were dated from 1882 or 1883 thru 1890s or thereabouts. Very difficult to read, as they were in indelible pencil; it took me many hours to work them out, but I finally got most of the words, and typed up the longer letters. There was much about the farming, crops, etc. but in all the letters only once did he mention wildlife [Bruce is a retired wildlife biologist, co-authoring a book on South Dakota birds, working for the Nature Conservancy and DNR]--when he wrote that 'Mother has had good luck fishing recently so we will have a good mess of fish when you come to visit'! I underline Mother to show that the old guy did not get into that sort of thing himself! And my mother said he was great for getting others to do his work--this I gather from some of the letters also. Mother [Alice Jones Harris, his granddaughter] was rather afraid of him--she was a small girl of course--and said he regularly sat out in the sun on the front porch at the lake home, drinking his morning coffee--in his long underwear! Ransom Jones was apparently well educated, for his day; he had a strick view of how others should conduct themselves, and there is one letter urging grandma Jones to be sure her family was brought up in a manner that would not disgrace the Jones name!...The Ransom Jones farm [was] along Big Stone Lake--opposite the 'Big Island', also known as Kites Island; it is now a state park area."
In the [August 10] 1850 GreenCreekTwp SanduskyCoOH census, his mother-in-law Statira Clark is living with the family at age 62. Also living with them is Samuel S Clark, age 22, a farmer with real estate valued at $1300, born in New York, his brother-in-law. Samuel was still living in Sandusky Co in 1857 when he wed Helen E Curry.
In the [July10] 1860 Census, Ransom is still a neighbor of Chaplin Rathbun in GreencreekTwp SanduskyCoOH in spite of the court case with his father, and his real estate is valued at $5000. Two farm laborers are living with the Jones family: Groll Cuny (?) of New York, and Joseph Stevenson of Ohio.
An August 16, 1896 letter to his son Sam exists, which shows he was living in OrtonvilleMN then:
My dear Sam:
I think you will be surprised to hear from me on the business that I am going to speak of but the unnatural and miraculous comes to the front at times. Your Uncle [Sam?] and son [Will Edelmann?] wish us to rent the island and farm for ten years, giving us one-third its product in [?]. Will put [?] acres under cultivation. Mr [?] has become tired of place. Hasn't half-farmed the place. The result is we haven't got half a crop--says there istoo much of it for one man. Of course there is no contract but verbal as made before you. As I understand a verbal contract is only binding for one year. But still we want [?]. Says he will farm part of the place but this leaves a mixed affair of the thing. I told your uncle I hadn't the power of contract, only our [?], but if you concurred to the proposition I would post it to them. This of course pitches us out of our home and would delay your coming onto the place for the term of ten years. If you are ever wanting to turn your attention to farming, which is to me doubtful, of course this places ourselves at a great disadvantage, and loss of our pleasant home. We would like to still keep us a home for the children to come to when they so desire, but our beautiful resort would be gone to us the balance of our lives. But we must do something. I can't look after a damned [?] any longer. Your uncle is a good farmer, his son Will you know as much about as I do. He has a grown boy that will fill a man's place at most things. My opinion is we can do no better, but I leave the decision to you. Wish your earliest opinion and reply as they wish to start the ploughs by the 1st of Sept. They wanted to buy Isl. and 300[?] acres of farm, but price on Isl. scared them. They couldn't think of $4000 I told them the 600 acres would have to go together as it was yours as a partial gift from me. I would much rather see the two remain as they are at least for the next 10 or 15 years, and see if the isl. won't buy the interest on $4000 or the farm $600. Sam, something has got to be done. While you and I don't exactly appreciate our relatives as perchance they do us won't it be best to accept this offer with a cast iron contract that will blow them out on the least infraction. As he says he wants a contract that will stipulate our whole understanding. I of course consented. If I don't make it plain and strong enough to satisfy them as far as my interest goes, why then I will suffer my loss without a murmur.
[?] has been with us this summer, but is to return the first of next month. We have enjoyed her homecoming very much. It has done her a world of good. She was a mere skeleton when she came but now weighs 150 pds. She is a treasure of a person. (Why all of the family is concentrated in the one she didn't ask for a [?] of our position. Was surprised to receive a request to return. She leaves us on the 1st. She is still improving. A very estimable person where does she inherit it.
The lake has been a great resort this season but not for us, as they have converted the [?] into a [?] of entertainment. Its a pleasant [?] and well-furnished. Well-kept but sorry they did not take the isl. [?] and [?] has had large crowds. Both sides at foot of lake has been well patronized. The town flourishing.
The time will come to make this a popular resort and then you may feel proud that you own the best acres on its shores. With a liberal support in your old age. I feel we may think of it so.
If I get 500 bus. of wheat I think I will be able to make the payment on the place and taxes of last year. We have 1000 bsh oats of last year and will have 600 more this but they are only 10cts. per bsh. so you can see that a man can't live raising oats. But I am going to hold yet. If John [?] leaves the place he owes me a note of 75[?] int for a year and that will help us out. Now Sam, I think this is the best we can do under the circumstances. Give it your best then and reply at once. I have made a deed to you of that 120 acres and next week will survey off about 10 rods down by the stable for [?] balance will deed to you. Leave papers with other papers with Mr [?]. So you may know where to find all papers of interest to the family. As I have neglected these matters too long already but still I would like to see and consult matters with you very much.
I had though I would have had this summer to and for myself but as of the past have had to bind my back and bow my head to the inevitable and wear the yoke of poverty and labor. Such is fate. For it is so decreed. Says the [?]
I shall look and expect to see you at the holidays.
Your mother has 25 turkeys and an innumerable dozens of chickens. If we rent we can sell two cows and a bull and then save l cow, two fine heifers that will come in next spring. Three or four fine calves, sell the old horses.
I am putting on another addition of 12 by 24 so we will be quite roomy. What will our fine relations say to this. Somewhat humiliating, say you. But I say don't give a damn as long as I can save what we have, as I have given thought of pleasure or gain resulting from same, but I...others may...recover and enjoy what I have lost.
Now Sam, if you approve this move draft a contract on Minneapolis subject perhaps to some change I may see fit to make and when transaction is complted will send for your signature. What I may see fit to do holding your interest inview as well as my own. I'll wait your approval.
I still remain your own well-wishing father.
Ransom Jones
A second letter:
Big Stone City
29 Sept. 1896
My dear Sam:
I have neglected answering yours last, partly for time, but mostly to see what I was going to do about the place. I supposed I had it all thought through, but this like all business transactions was a failure. Took great exceptions to my asking $500 security for carrying out contract. Though I could trust him as well as I could Herbert or John DeGreef, as I knew him to be an honest man, but still as he left, he said he would take the place. But before he had got a mile on the way home he recanted, as you will see by your Aunt's letter. Yes he was honest when he bought the cow. Was coming after her in two or three days. Did not want us to commence to feed it. So we waited two weeks, then I told yr. mother to go to feeding it. But I never mentioned it to him. He found a cow he could buy cheaper but I sold a cow not as good for $33 for cash to Phillip DeGreef. So no damage was done.
Won't be around again till they think I have forgotten this but no harm is done as I rented in four or five days after totwo brothers of Mrs DeGreef for five years at a better [?] as we keep our home.
I get the breaking done at $2.00 an acre so you see they would have got the Island ten years for hte pittance of $200. I think we were marvelously lucky that it turned out as it did.
I met Uncle Edleman the other day. Broached the subject of your need of a couple hundred dollars and before my asking him if he couldn't help you he told me he had expected to receive $600 but the man had said hecould not raise it as his crop was so poor. I am sure he would have let you had it if he had it. Our crop is poor, but I shall be able to squeeze through but won't have over 550 bu. wheat, and about like amnt. of oats as wheat, 75 lbs flax, I have 150 of wheat thrashed for which I get 52 cts. Am going to commence driving it tomorrow. Chs. Ruth told me he had some $75 to collect for me. This with $80 that John DeGreef owes me will carry me through.
Sam, I had one of the darnest attack of cholera or white diarreah I ever had. It was the first time in my life I thought I would succomb to the inevitable. Yes it was a hard and close call. When through with it I thought it was time to do what I had so long neglected. putting if off that you might be present.
I have given your mother use of all property during her lifetime, or all if she needs it. Givien Amy Smith place and 7ac. on share at west end and stretch of 10 rods up the road of the fraction of Chamberlain. You the balance...$300 out of it. This leaves the two quarters and 40 ac. after your mother's death. Lyman will draw $50 or $75 a years, as you & Chr. Ruth may see fit and the balance divided with Lyman's and Marvelle's children except $100 to Bruce and Orlando. You will see that I have given you only part of that fraction and I gave you the 120 ac. tract which is at your disposal at any time is with Mrs. Ruth and at your call. I don't know that this will be satisfactory to you but my dear boy if I live I will try to do more or will change when you come to make matter better. I have thought since that the home farm proceeds might be shortened as I have made more improvements on tree claim and you will have the 120 whenever you see fit to come onto it. Which I should advise as soon as possible. Are you going to be able to come and spend the holidays with us? Hope you will. But don't come if you can't afford it as I would rather forgive the pleasure of the meeting than for you to embarrass yourself. How is Mr Bryan? Are you going to [?]. I am, but I don't flatter myself of his election as Mr Cleveland has concluded to run, as he can't rule Heaven and hell too [?] to his defeat. Hope this will find you well.
Ever your father
Ransom Jones
By 1900, the census shows he is in BigStoneCity South Dakota, with his wife and 30-year-old granddaughter Myrtie M Jones. He is listed as a Court Commissioner from 1911 to 1917, in Ortonville.
marriage and in-laws
February 26, 1843 [her obituary, but her tombstone says 7/30/1821] he married Mary L Clark, in Fremont SanduskyCoOH. She had also been born in Batavia GenesseeCoNY (7/30/1825) [1900 census, her obituary], also died in Big Stone City SD (5/9/1905) [her obituary, tombstone], and is also buried in Greenwood Cemetery there. Their house in Ortonville was torn down in 1978 and another raised in its place.
Mrs Ransom Jones At Rest
Mrs Mary Jones, after an illness of many months, passed away peacefully and quitely at her home at 5 o'clock Tuesday morning, May 9th. During this trying illness she has borne up with brave unselfishness that has been beautiful to see, revealing the true character of her gentle and loving disposition. Her unselfishness and devotion to others having been marked traitis in her character through life and even when suffering intense pain.
Mary L Clark was born July 30, 1825 in Genessee County, New York, and was married to Ransom Jones February 26, 1843 at Fremont, Sandusky County Ohio, more than 62 years having passed since their wedding day.
Nine children were born to this union, two having died in infancy, and one after reaching the age of maturity. Six children, toether with the husband, survive her. Lyman R Jones of Ortonville, Bruce Jones of DogdenND, Orlando Jones of JacksonvilleFL, Samuel C Jones of Big Stone, Mrs Wm Ready of Pasadena CA, and Mrs Helen Hewitt of HarvardWI who has been here caring for the deceased during her invalidism. The funeral services will be held at the house this (Thursday) afternoon at 2 o'clock. (1905)
the Clark-Brown in-laws
Her parents were Samuel and Statira (nee Brown-- see the Brown chapter for details) Clark.
John Brown (Lovina Lyon)
Statira Brown (b.3/12/1789NY d.8/28/1871)
(married first William Livingston Brown)
(Samuel Clark) b.NY m.11/11/18 Batavia GenesseeCoNY
a.Frances O Clark(b.3/22/1820 m.2/1/1838)
(John W Goodson)
b.Mary L Clark (our grandmother, married Ransom Jones)
c.Orlando Towne Clark b.5/2/1823 m.7/8/1888 Delta FultonCoOH
(Ellen Sabrina Sanger)
d.Samuel L Clark (b.5/14/1828NY m.1/13/1857 GreenCreek SanduskyCoOH)
(Helen E Curry)
1.Lyman Ransom (b.6/7/1844 GreenCreekTwp SanduskyCoOH Our grandfather--see below)
2.Marville S (b.2/18/1846 d.6/1888 i.GreenGreekTwp, SanduskyCoOH) She is called "Marvel" in the 1850 census.
(Andrew Jackson Batdorff) b.8/7/1845 WayneCoOH d.11/7/17 ClaremontCoOH for his genealogy see the Batdorff chapter. He is the son of our 4-greats grandparents John & Christina (Bush) Batdorff. His sister Mary married our 3 greats-grandfather Lyman Jones:
Lyman Jones John Batdorff
Ransom Jones Mary (Lyman Jones)
Marville (AJ Batdorff) A J Batdorff (Marville Jones)
Lyman (Mary Batdorff)
a. Rance J Batdorff(b.3/11/1868 FultonCoOH)
(Louisa Hodenwald) m.6/20/1901 BigStoneSD
i.Florence Luvina (b.3/24/1902 m.6/7/1924 John F Rugkalvia)
ii.Eveline (b.4/13/03)
iii.Hazel (b.11/2/07)
iv.Margortta b.3/29/12
(Clara Brayitt) m.9/18/17 BigStoneSD
b.Bruce L b.11/4/1869 FultonCoOH
c.Amy M b.6/18/1875 WashingtonCoMA
d.Otto R b.3/30/1882 BigStoneSD d.12/14/21 NewRichmondOH
(Nellie Ruth Edwards) m.8/1909 NewRichmondOH
i.Helen A b.5/13/10 wrote Fate steals along with silent tread
Found oftenest in what least we dread
Frowns in the storm with angry brow
But in the sunshine strikes the blow.
ii.Ralph D Batdorff b.8/13/11
iii.Eleanor b.6/20/13
3.Bruce Randolph Jones (b.3/2/1849 Fremont SanduskyCoOH d.10/8/22 PuyallupWA
(Matilda J Smith) b.1847 Ireland m.2/11/1871 FremontOH-- according to the
[June22]1880 of Twp 122 Range48 of Grant County, Territory of Dakota, Matilda's
father was born in Scotland and her mother in Ireland. A Samuel W Smith, one year
younger than Matilda, lived next dor to the Bruce Jones family.
a.Wm Bruce Jones (b.12/18/1871 CottageGrove WACoMN )
(Tressa C McKee) m.4/3/1894 UnionCoND
i.Alice Jewlle Jones b.2/12/1895
ii.Leonard Elwood b.11/13/1896
(Ella M)
iii.Irwin b.3/7/1912
b.Ransom Irving (b.10/20/1873 WACoMN d.8/1938)
(Bessie Smith) m.5/31/1899
i.Milton Jones b.10/24/02 WashburnND m.4/22/25
(Anna Yunker) b.1/27/06
A.Lloyd Irving Jones (b.2/7/26 m.12/4/52 Settler Alberta Canada)
(Joyce Ramsey) b.Settler Alberta Canada
c.Tresa Ann (b.6/12/54)
B.Jacqueline Beth (b.3/14/28 CutBankMT m.7/16/45 CutBankMT)
(James Severson) b.8/24/27 CutBankMT
JayneSusan (b.1/4/58 GreatFallsMT)
C.Bill Gordon(b.5/1/30 WashburnND m.12/28/57BarheadAlbertaC)
(Yvonne Calahvo) b.Barhead Alberta Canada
c.Jacqueline Sharon Jones (b.10/4/58)
ii.Benjamin Leslie (b.3/26/04 WashburnND m.7/6/29)
(Emma Lockwood) b.2/12/10 BeulahND
(Gordon E Huber)b.5/11/27 ElbowoodsND
c.Benjamin Charles (b.8/1/51 AberdeenSD)
Ava Marie (b.8/30/52 PhoenixAZ)
Thomas Gordon (b.3/8/54 HazenND)
Adele Merry (b.10/13/55 ChicagoIL)
Joseph Allen (b.11/6/57 ChicagoIL)
B.Elizabeth Marvelle (b.11/15/33 BeulahND m.11/26/54 ChicagoIL)
(Gerald B Deane)b.12/12/31 ElbowoodsND
c.Veronica Leigh (b.9/25/55 ChicagoIL)
Wm (b.10/28/57 ChicagoIL)
C.Thomas Howard Jones (b.8/8/36 BeulahND)
D.Carol Marie Jones (b.8/11/39 BeulahND)
iii.Marville (b.7/29/09 HazenND m.2/17/29 StantonND)
(Ray Lockwood) b.2/13/08 ElbowoodND d.5/18/32E,ND
A.Cleo Jean b.1/12/30 E,ND
B.Frank Norman(b.1/12/30E,ND twin m.1/1/55 GrangervilleID)
(Delta Covert)b.10/17/34 GrangervilleID
c.Luann (b.3/8/56 GrangervilleID)
Eugene (b.4/10/57 G,ID)
Frank Norman (b.5/5/58 G,ID)
c.Cora May Jones (b.5/10/1875 WACoMN)
(Fred W Bixbee) m.10/18/1890 WashburnND
i.Guy Ellsworth Bixbee (b.2/18/1892 ND d.6/21/40)
ii.Eva May Bixbee (b.2/18/1894 ND m.11/2/08)
(Fred Mizner) b.11/2/08
A.Stella (b.3/18/10 d.1/10/48)
B.Franklin (b.4/4/18)
(Pauline Chislon)
c.Erma Jean Mizner (b.11/17/41)
(May Donning)
c.Franklin James Mizner (b.11/7/48)
Wm Frederick Mizner (b.11/7/48 twin)
C.Grace (b.11/8/1913 m.11/8/13 Robt A Branning)
c.Darlene Grace b.5/13/35
Harold Eugene b.9/26/37
Robert b.10/4/39
D.Wallace (b.3/28/1920 d.4/1/20)
E.Keith (b.4/28/30)
(Erma Larson)
c.Valerie Mizner b.11/18/50
(Marilyn Bucannon)
c.Michael Wayne b.2/20/53
Keith Frederick b.6/9/54
Gregory Wm b.3/6/56
F.Kenneth (b.4/28/30 d.4/28/30)
(Frank Bridge Parks) m.10/24/1895
iii.Lester Bridge Parks (b.1/31/1898 d.8/17/56 m.1/1/22 Aurelia Killian)
A.Lester Bernard (b.10/23/25)
Marvin Jay (b.9/15/26 PuyallupWA)
George Kenneth (b.7/25/28 PuyallupWA)
Carol Keith (b.7/25/28 twin)
(Wm P Baller) b.1878 TacomaWA d.TacomaWA
(John Nelson) b.1903 TacomaWA d.12/11/43 TacomaWA
(Thomas David Hadden) b.1899TN
A.Earl David (b.1/16/13 PuyallupWA m.2/1933 LA,CA)
(Constance Stevens) b.1912
c.JoyLaDean (b.4/30/34 LA,CA m.LA,CA D W Mitchell)
c.Keith Thomas (b.4/16/52 LA,CA)
Danny Jean (b.7/24/53 LA,CA)
Terry Lynn (b.10/24/54 )
Earlene Jean (b.3/23/36 LA,CA m.Ronald Nehring LA,CA)
c.Dennis Earl (b.9/3/52 LA,CA)
Connie Doreen (b.4/15/54 LA,CA)
Beverly Earlene (b.4/23/55 LA,CA)
v.Laura Belle (b.2/19/1891 McHenryCo m.6/25/21Puyallup)
(Turrel Leonard Anderson) b.8/24/98 TacomaWA
A.Frank Raymond (b.10/31/26 m.9/2/49)
(Shirley Jean Martin) b.3/20/28
c.Jeffrey Kipp Anderson b.5/2/54
B.Douglas Eugene (b.2/1/28 m.6/28/47)
(Marjorie Louise Rora) b.12/31/27
c.Kristine Kay Anderson (b.6/27/50 TacomaWA)
Gregory Douglas (b.6/12/52 TacomaWA)
vi.FrankieRaymond(b5/12/05 Puyallup m9/2/49TacomaWA dVilraND)
(Helen Dohl)
vii.Jay Eugene (b.7/8/07 Puyallup m.Irene Matthews c.Kathy Mae)
viii.Inez Matilda (b.9/13/12 Puyallup)
(Daniel Ressva)
A.Geraldine Cora (b.7/23/28)
(Ensley Matthews) b.1934
B.Verl Louis Matthews (b.9/5/36)
C.Luetta Belle Matthews (b.3/28/43)
ix.Gladys Dorothy (b.3/14/14 Puyallup)
(Dex Dowden)
A.Dex Lester (b.6/28/30)
B.Darlene Maebelle (b.7/8/31)
(Albert Marzano)
C.Albert (b.2/5/49)
D.Douglas (b.2/7/50)
d.Luvina Della "Vernie" Jones (b.2/20/1877 GrantCoSD 1880 census says b.MN)
(Warren David Emyart) m.4/20/1896 StantonSD
i.Hugh Dell (b.4/1/897 ND m.Maud ?)
ii.Elizabeth E (b.6/6/1898 ND m.Paul ?)
iii.David Warren (b.4/13/1900 ND m.Beulah ?)
iv.Jesse Bruce (b.12/15/01)
v.Nora L (b.4/28/03 d.9/22/03)
vi.Mary A (b.2/3/05)
vii.Grace Sylvia (b.12/28/07 d.6/1/08)
viii.Virginia May
ix.Glen F b.7/7/10ND
x.Kenneth S (b.6/11/15ND)
e.Carrie Zenella Jones (b.2/9/1878 GrantCoSD (1880census says b.MN)
m.10/30/1898 DogdinND)
(Frank Bryant Mastiller) b.10/7/1866 MtVernonOH d.12/11/37
i.Grace Leona (b.10/22/1899 McLeanND m.6/6/20 Butte MT)
(Everett Oscar Howe) b.10/6/1898 GlenCoMN
A.Phyllis Jane (b.2/21/22 VelvaND m.4/23/45 LongBeachCA)
(Clive L Blane) all children b.BethesdaOH:
B.Shirley Elaine (b.7/13/24 DogdenND m.12/10/45 WolfCreekMT)
(Wm C Hicks)
c.Everettt Henry (b.10/16/48),KarenElaine (b.10/13/51)
C.Ferol Frances (b.1/3/? m.LongBeachCA 12/8/46)
(H Douglas Hoon)
c.Barbara Maureen b.1/23/49 LongBeachCA
David Montgomery b.10/9/50 LongBeachCA
Charles Wesley b.11/30/53 LB,CA
Clayton Douglas b.10/3/58 LakewoodCA
D.Beverly Ann (b.12/4/27 m.Milton Ingersoll)
c.Daniel Harold b.2/21/48 GreatFallsMT
ii.Clyde Bemer Mastiller (b.6/24/01 McClainCoND m.Orpha Lamouraux)
A.Annette b.5/26/43
iii.Floyd Bryant (b.5/26/03 ButteND d.4/17/21)
iv.Ferol Bernice (b.11/24/07 FargoND m.12/1/28 FargoND Russell F Anderson)
A.Janice Marie b.9/8/28 WashburnMD
(Harold J Holznagel) m.4/29/51 WashburnND
c.Mindy Lea (b.4/15/53 Buzzard Bay MA)
Wayne Douglas (b.BellevilleMI)
Rhoda Lynn (b.6/27/58 BismarkND)
B.Lloyd Oscar Anderson b.11/17/41
C.Bruce Russell b.12/28/45
D.Jenell Ann b.5/17/49
v.Merle Arthur (b.11/9/09 Butte ND m.6/13/35 GlasgowMT Ruth McKenzie)
A.Agnes Lou Mastiller (b.7/6/37)
B.Frank Bryant Mastiller
f.Jessie Estella Jones (b.7/16/1881 GrantCoSD m.7/1907 GlendiveMT)
(Benjamin Franklin Heal)b.7/25/1864 GreenspringsOH d.12/29/30 PuyallupWA
i.Herald W Heal (b.7/25/09 PuyallupWA m.1934 TacomaWA)
(Isabelle Meier) b.3/14/17 Tacoma
A.Wm J b.3/19/36 TacomaWA
B.Joseph b.1/5/38 Tacoma
C.Urban J b.2/28/39 Tacoma
D.Victor F b.4/24/40 Tacoma
E.Francis D b.11/20/41 Tacoma
F Mary Ann b.1/28/43 Tacoma
G.Blanche b.8//10/44 OaklandCA
H.Michael J b.2/25/46 OaklandCA
I.Jessie Estelle b.5/28/47 Oakland
J.Donald A b.7/23/48 Oakland
K.Patrick b.2/23/50 Oakland
L.Josepha b.10/20/51 Oakland
M.Luverna b.7/13/53 Oakland
N.Ilene b.5/23/55 Oakland
ii.Luverine Estelle Heal (b.12/19/11 PuyallupWA d.5/30/51 m.6/2/30Puyallup)
(Leonard Greely)
iii.Aloha Jessie Heal (b.9/22/18 PuyallupWA)
(Ruben Nutt) b.1911 SummerWA m.7/1838 SheltonWA
A.Lanita Nutt b.1/5/40 SheltonWA
B.Larry Nutt b.12/20/41 SummerWA
iv.Allen J Heal (b.12/8/28)
g.Arthur Raymond Jones (b.3/12/1883 GrantCoSD m.11/1/22 WashburnND)
(Esther Lavin) b.11/1894
i.child b.11/5/23 WashburnND
ii.Betty (b.11/1/24 BismarkND m.11/28/43 WashburnND Miles Handy)
A.Michael Bruce Handy b.10/10/44 BismarkND
B.Dana Ferol Handy b.12/9/46 Bismark
C.Nila Esther Handy b.2/10/54 HazenND
h.Harry Clark Jones (b.7/7/1886 GrantCoSD m.WashburnND)
(Louise White) b.1882 VaileIA
4.Orlando Town Jones (b.2/6/1851 FremontOH d.11/21/09 JacksonvilleFL) a printer, founder of the Hastings,MN NewEra newspaper. In WI he published the Precott Clarion for one year, from 1877 to 1881 the Cannon Falls Beacon, then the Grant County Herald. For a few months he was the proprietor of the Milbank Journal.
(MaryWoliver)b.9/25/1880CannonFallsMNd.3/8/27ChicagoIL m.8/25/1880CanonFallsIA)
a.Orlando Town Jones (b.4/26/1882 DundeeIL m.4/18/10 ZoranoEcuador)
(Dorinda Castile) b.6/13/1896 d.12/9/31 PhoenixAZ
i.Ennqueta Jones (b.2/16/11 PortaveloEcuador)
(Wm Jackson) b.8/9/07 m.8/24/29 ValparaisoIN
A.Helen Jean Jackson (b.9/1/31 ChicagoIL m.9/6/52 DundeeIL)
B.Virginia Lee Jackson (b.3/2/47 ElginIL)
ii.Orlando Town Jones III (b.11/11/12 Portavelo Ecuador d.11/12/12)
b.Frederick Goodwin Jones (b.5/12/1888 DundeeIL d.6/25/49 JacksonvilleFL)
Abbie Wilson (b.7/23/1891 EllsworthKS m.6/10/12 JacksonvilleFL)
i.Phyllis Katherine (b.5/17/13 JacksonvilleFL m.9/27/35 J,FL)
(Richard J Davis) b.7/7/10 MaconGA d.5/10/47 JacksonvilleFL
A.Phyllis Catherine Davis (b.5/21/37 JacksonvilleFL m.6/21/48 J,FL)
(Kenneth Earl Arkins) b.3/21/31 CranfordNJ
ii.Carol Wilson (b.5/17/13 Jacksonville m.12/21/40 J,FL)
(Charles E Smith) b.7/26/06 ChHillMD
A.Deborah Carol b.10/21/46 NewCastle Delaware
B.Julie Ann b.8/18/50 New Castle Delaware
iii.Frederick Goodwin Jones Jr (b.4/6/16 JacksonvilleFL)
(Maxine Grassfield Cochrane)b.2/16/20 EnidOK m.7/22/50 AugustineFL
A.Patricia Jones
(Flondell Lovell) b.1870MI
c.Floyd Lovell Jones
5.Sam Clark Jones (b.8/16/1855 ClydeOH d.4/16/29 WilmontSD) grandson Bruce Harris writes that he "was an attorney in Milbank, but in about 1886 his partner got involved in some sort of money mess, and disappeared, leaving Granddad holding the bag. So the family moved to Mitchell, where all three children went thru high school...Granddad worked as a bill collector for 10-15 years, and possibly did some sales work for some implement companies." He graduated from the University of Michigan, as did his brother Lyman our grandfather, in 1878. He was also county superintendant, and connected with the Grant County Herald. tombstone photo
(Emma Mary Edelmann)b.5/1/1863 NY,NY d.11/2/36 WilmotSD m.11/19/1881 BigStoneCitySD. have tombstone photo.
a.WarrenFurberJones(b12/4/1882GrantCoSD d9/19/29WilmotSD) tombstone photo
(Blanche Elaine Peters) b.7/6/1883 MapletonIA m.6/23/09 ColridgeNB)
i.Rex Arrid Jones (b.7/13/14 WilmotSD d.5/15/78 ColumbusOH
(DorothyAnnKatzer)b.3/28/16 NaperNB m.8/14/37 NaperNB d.5/75 ClbsOH
A.Patricia Ann Jones (b.12/16/42 ColumbusOH m.ColumbusOH)
(Herbert Clark Lamb)b.4/1/42 MtVernonOH
c.Valerie Clark Lamb (b.4/18/68 Germany)
B.Robert James Clark b.7/7/45 ColumbusOH
b.Alice J Jones (b.12/4/1884 GrantCoSD d.11/18/77 MorrisMN) son Bruce writes that Alice and brothers Warren and Frank found hundreds of Indian artifacts on
the hills overlooking the James River near Mitchell and on the island at Big Stone, which had been an Indian campsite for many years. They were given to Sioux
Falls College. The newspaper account of the wedding says she was a "fine musician and a very successful teacher in primary work."
A very pretty home wedding ws solemnized at high noon last Thursday, Aug. 26th, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S.C.Jones at Pebble Beach fram, near Big Stone, when their daughter Miss Alice was married to Dr. Herschel Harris of Wilmot, by the Rev O E Boyce of Milbank. The rooms were profusely decorated with golden glow and other yellow flowers, and a three course dinner was served to some thirty of the relatives and intimate friends. The six young lady acquaintances attending the table were Miss Alice Thorndike, Miss Grace Gold, Miss Eloise Hicks, Miss Harriet Puder, Miss Bessie Keinholz of Big Stone City and Miss Bessie Downie of Bilbank.
The bride is the only daughter of Mr and Mrs Jones, and is a very accomplished young lady, being a fine musician and very successful teacherinprimary work, while the groom is a very popular physican of Wilmot. at which place the newly wedded couple will be at home to their many friends. Among the guests oft his very pleasant affair were : Mr and Mrs John Craig of AssumptionIL, early day friends of the groom; Mr and Mrs Marvin Merrill of Lac qaui Parle. Mr and Mrs Lyman Jones of Ortonville, Mr and Mrs F W Thorndie and Mr and Mrs M Edelman of Big Stone. Mr and Mrs Warren Jones, Frank Jones, Rev Hooppy, Prof Georffrey and Mrs Wilson of Wilmot; Dr and Mrs Vosburg, Mrs J M Watson and Mr and Mrs Downie of Milbank. The gifts received b;y this worthy couple were many and beautiful, and included was a telegram of congratulations from friends of the bride in Sioux City.
Another article added, "the bridal party stood under a canopy of bittersweet while the ceremony was being performed..." While a cartoon also was printed: "What's your name, my child?" "Miss Alice Jones at present, Sir, but I have high hopes."
(Dr Herschel Gordon Harris) p.Nelson A(b.Scotland) & Margt Ellen (mother nee
Middleton) Harris b.1/3/1877 IL d.WilmotSD m.8/26/09 BigStoneSD)
i.Mary Margt (b.4/1/1911)
(Raymond Habermehl) b.4/9/11 WebsterSD d.9/6/46 WilmotSD
A.Mae Gordeane b.9/13/38 MolineIL m.10/5/63 GreatFallsMT
(Glenn A Lane) b.8/17/35
c.Heather Rae Lane b.8/29/69 EugeneOR
Linnea Chantel Lane b.3/26/67 Great FallsMT
B.David Barton Habermehl (b.3/30/43 MilineIL d./1/27/47 Moline)
(Donald Vernon Smith) b.7/16/16 SheldonIA d.5/19/78 CrookstonMN
C.Eugene Gregory Smith (b.10/19/48 SheldonIA m.7/22/67 CrkstnMN)
(Barbara Duckworth)
c.Shaun Eric (b.10/10/67 FargoND)
Laura Lynn (b.11/24/72)
D.Paul Warren Smith (b.4/9/50 SheldonIA m.5/1979 EugeneOR Gloria)
E.Kathleen Alice Smith (b.12/20/51 SheldonIA)
ii.Gwynethe June (b.6/15/13 WilmotSD m.11/11/36 MilbankSD)
(James Lester Thompson) b.9/5/13 StPaulMN
A.Gwynethe Nancy (b.3/10/37BismarkND m.6/10/58 EugeneOR)
(Clyde Eugene Stauffer)b.11/8/35 DuluthMN executive editor
of Cereal Foods World for the Amercian Association of Cereal
c.Grant James Stauffer (b.1/9/64 CincinattiOH)
Katherine Gwynethe (b.7/1/67 CincinattiOH)
B.Joan Leslie (b.2/9/41 Bismark m.9/2/62 FargoND)
(Lowell Palmer Bush) b.3/31/39 TylerMN
c.LeslieLynn (b.4/8/64 AmesIA m.8/16/86LexingtonKY)
(James Willard Bueher)
Craig Palmer Bush (b.9/7/66 LexingtonKY)
James Lowell Bush (b.6/3/71 LexingtonKY)
iii.Florence Roberta (b.8/9/15 WilmotSD m.6/2/44 MiamiFL)
(Laurence Frederick Tenney) b.10/4/11 MaldenMA d.6/13/79 HialeahFL)
iv.Herschel Craig Harris (b.8/10/16 WilmotSD d.9/19/18 WilmotSD)
v.Hugh Blondel Harris (b.11/24/20 WilmotSD d.7/21/38 WilmotSD)
vi.Bruce Kent Harris (b.11/12/24 WilmotSD m.5/30/56 NewhallCA) wrote
12/12/88 to Helen Olson. retired wildlife biologist "much interested in birds
especially, but have done a good deal with plants and butterflies." Has letters
from Ransom Jones to his grandfather Sam C Jones dating 1882-1890s.
(Lavina Lee) b.4/4/33 PeevexSD m. ? Have
A.Gordon Bruce Harris (b.3/27/57 MplsMN m.7/9/83 RedwoodFallsMN)
(JudyRaeOellien)c.LeslieEllenb.4/15/85RedwoodFalls&Anthony b.9/87
B.Mark Curtis Harris (b.5/7/58 RoswellNM m.6/7/80 BrookingsSD)
(Lynn Marie Bretsch)
c.Mark Nicholas Harris (b.6/13/82 BrookingsSD)
Christopher Lynn Harris (b.11/13/85 BrookingsSD)
C.Janet Gail Harris (b.5/12/62 CarlsbadNM m.4/25/87 BrookingsSD)
(Alan Leroy Clark)
vii.Frederick Keith (b.6/22/25 m.11/3/53 BerkleyCA)
(Charlene Carson) b.12/22/29 FargoND
c.KeithAllan b.11/13/57 & DavidBrian b.1/3/61, both BerkleyCA
viii.Ruth Elaine (b.7/3/19 WiolmotSD d.4/18/30 WilmotSD)
c.Frank Clark Jones (b.9/28/1886 GrantCoSD d.3/17/67 FargoND) pharmacist
(Grace Marie Gold) m.7/3/13 BigStoneSD Bruce Harris of Clear LakeSD writes
that the Golds "practially owned Big Stone City up to the '20s, but lost everything
in the 1929 crash.
i.Vance Gold Jones (b.3/29/14 WilmotSD d.6/10/45 MemphisTN WWII
training flight m.4/1935 FargoND Jewel Ydstie)
ii.Margorie Grace (b.6/10/17 WilmotSD d.4/12/21 WilmotSD)
iii.Kenneth P (b.12/20/20 WilmotSD m.6/22/48 FargoND)
(Darlene) b.1924 MooreheadMN c.Scott Jason b.12/1/49 FargoND
(Joyce Sieverson) m.1/11/58 FargoND c.Kimberly Ann b.12/13/58 FargoND
iv.Frank Robert (b.11/10/22 WilmotSD m.7/24/45 GlendaleCA)
(Mavis Elaine "Sunny" Purdy)b.12/5/21 MinotND
A.Peggy Suzanne Jones (b.8/3/47 Fargo m.9/20/68 FargoND)
(Carl Danielson)b.5/21/47 WildRoseND
c.Christina Marie b.5/16/71 OmahaNB
VanceWm b.11/27/73 WeisbadenGE
B.Kathleen Marie (b.2/3/50 Fargo m.12/19/77 FargoND)
(Robert Nielson) b.5/1/44
c.Alyssa Sunshine (b.10/31/78 FargoND)
Benjamin Robert (b.10/13/80 FargoND)
C.Deborah Angeline (b.11/17/51 FargoND m.5/17/75 FargoND)
(Dennis L Bounds) b.10/6/52
c.Timothy Lyle b.2/14/79 OrlandoFL
Angeline Kathleen b.8/29/81 MplsMN
Steven Michael b.5/16/84 MplsMN
v.Beatrice Elaine (b.7/22/27 FargoND m.10/14/50 FargoND)
(Gordon Kartenson)
A.Cynthia Jean (b.1/15/52 FargoND m.5/4/73 FargoND)
(Dale Lura) b.10/10/51 MooreheadMN c.JeremyDale b.3/16/75 Fargo
B.Bruce Gordon Kartenson (b.7/6/54 FargoND)
C.Barry Vance (b.7/7/57 FargoND d.1/1/87 Fargo m.10/10/81 Fargo)
(Peggy Grace Bobrowski) c.Chad Eric b.10/21/83 FargoND
D.Brian Robert Kartenson (b.7/4/64 FargoND)
Matthias Edelmann (b.7/15/1828 Germany d.6/5/16 both i.BigStoneCemetery SD)
(Mary Wildbrett) b.12/8/1830 Germany d.9/5/09
c.Fred, Frank, Mrs Minnie Walker, Mrs Sam Clark (Emma) Jones, and
William H Edelmann (b.12/25/1869 HendersonMN d.6/23/52)
c.Ted, and
Wm H Jr (b.3/22/01 SheridanWY d.3/8/71 Sheridan)
(Caramay Keeline) m.2/1929
6.Amy Anna Jones (b.3/2/1858 m.12/4/1878 PrescottWI d.4/16/11 Pasadena CA)
(William Henry Ready) d.PasadenaCA
a.Edythe Rodgers (b.12/19/1879 m.5/29/04 PasadenaCA)
(Walter Lindsley Wheaton) c.Floyd Lindsley b.4/27/05 & Harold b.11/29/08
b.Bruce Floyd Ready (b.8/24/1881 d.1914 m.9/23/13 LA,CA Martha Fisher)
c.Barbara Irene b.7/20/1891
7.Helen Amelia Jones (b.7/17/1861 ClydeOH)
(Henry Hewitt) adopted Nora Gilmor b.6/1938
(Willis Thomson) d.11/6/28 TulareCA m.8/16/05 DenverCO
Great-great-great Grandfather Lyman Ransom Jones 1844-1922
Grandpa Lyman Jones was born 6/7/1844 in Green Creek Township, Sandusky County OH. [Ref: University of Michigan Necrology Report, his 5/11/14 letter to Bruce]. He met and became friends with Andrew J Batdorff who invited him to come to his home where he met his wife, Andrew's sister.
In nearby FultonCoOH, he married 4/2/1866 [license,5/11/14 letter] Mary Lavina Batdorff (see the Batdorff chapter for her genealogy). The marriage license shows an "S. Clark" as making application for the couple--could this have been his grandfather Samuel Clark? Their 50th wedding anniversary was held in Delta Ohio April 2, 1916 where they had been married, one year before they moved to Washington, according to a granddaughter's history. She writes: "Mother didn't go nor did Uncle Bern. I don't think that Aunt Marvelle went." But the St Paul Pioneer Press published an article on the anniversary:
ORTONVILLE, Minn, April 11-- "Wedded happiness may be maintained for fifty years simply by being careful that both do not become angry at the same time, " says Lyman R Jones of this city, who, with his wife, has just celebrated the golden anniversary of their wedding.
Mr and Mrs Jones are Ortonville pioneers and their anniversary, lasting two days, brought many former residents of the city back to revisit old scenes and old friends. Among the relatives present was [crossed out and handwritten in: Mrs Dora LaBarre] of Tacoma WA.
Mr Jones is a veteran of the Civil War and one of the early prosecuting attorneys for Big Stone county. He is now municipal judge. The Masonic lodge has presented him with a gold-headed cane and his wife with a new gold coin.
Mrs Esther Otos Miller has handwritten at the bottom of the article: "A cut bowl was also received. I have inherited it. (Esther Otos Miller). Handwritten at the top is "My Father and Mother. Dora LaBarre." The granddaughter's history writes that "neither Theo, Frank nor I remember the Bowl, so Grandma must have given it to Marvelle."
August 7, 1862 he enlisted as a private in CoK 100 OVI from Sandusky under Capt Nat Haynes and Col J E Green, but was discharged December 31, 1862 on account of a Surgeon's Certificate of Disability. The Regiment was organized at Toledo in July and August, and mustered into service in September. On the 8th they were in Cincinatti to defend that city. The next day they were in position on Covington Heights, near Fort Mitchell, then marched for LexingtonKY on the 8th of October, where it remained for drill and took a "thorough course of instruction in the science of war" (History of Sandusky County) until December 1. Danville was next and on January 3, 1863 (immediately after Grandpa Jones was discharged) to Frankfort. 250 of this unit were captured and taken to RichmondVA September 1863. Fortunately, by then he was in the 129th OVI.
He enlisted again July 17, 1863 as a private in Co C 129 OVI under Capt R Montjoy and Col H D John, taking part in an engagement at Cumberland Gap, and Clinch River 12/2/1863 as well as many other skirmishes. His expiration of service was March 4, 1864. He re-enlisted again 9/2/1864 as a private and promoted to corporal under Capt Roemer and Col S Butler, in Co B 182 OVI. He fought in the Battle of Nashville December 15-16, 1865. He was discharged July 7 1865 NashvilleTN at the end of the war. He himself writes of this period:
"Went into the army when only 16 and was in untill close of war. was at Cumberland when taken, 7000 prisoners, if my memory serves. Seven days skirmisting and fighting on banks of Clynch river to keep enemy from crossing and escaping into Virginia after the battle of Knoxville Tenn. Battle of Nashville."
The Jones family moved from Ohio to Cottage GroveMN in1874, then in 1879 to OrtonvilleMN. Big Stone County had opened for settlement only ten years earlier in 1869. He is listed as a member of the 1877-1878 class of the University of Michigan. The Book of Deeds, p431, lists Cornelius R Orton and wife Augusta sold for $250 2.3 acres to Lyman R Jones. March 27, 1884 27 men, including Andrew Batdorff and Lyman R Jones, met in Orton's Hall (later the third story of Cartwright Drug) and organized Frank P Blair Post #82 of the Grand Army of the Republic. Their charter now hangs in the lobby of the Big Stone County courthouse. He was elected Commander of the Post in 1909, 1910 and 1911. The 5/11/14 letter by Lyman says:
"Have been Commander of our post three years. And then had to take the place of adjutant as there was no one qualified to fill it. This I have held, this makes the 3rd year. I am now City Judge and Court Commissioner. Have held nearly every office in the Masonic Lodge and this year hold the highest office within its gift in this town. Also play "Cello" in the Orchestra. You may wonder how a man can creditably fill so many offices. And for the last year at least have been in bed nearly half the time with acute indigestion. If I had begged for these offices it would not be a wonder, but I never ask for them and some of them I knew nothing untill after I was elected. But I get up and do things when they are to be done. As an illustration this spring I took it into my head I would like to see a soldiers' monument in our cemetery. I started the ball rolling March 1st. We had no money in the treasury. There was two societies that must meet and take action. I got busy and in 20 days the monument was ordered, no one outside the post and woman's Relief Corps has been asked for a cent. Now we have a beautiful granite monument with a bronze statue on top, lifesize representing a soldier with a gun standing at parade rest. It will be dedicated May 30th at a cost $525.00. You ask about Rance and Bruce-- they are out of the farm. Rance and Louise have parted and he helps Bruce farm. I suppose on shares."
This monument in Mound Cemetery at Ortonville reads "TO OUR NATION'S DEFENDERS." The total cost was $250 for the statue, $255 for the stone, freight $5.27 for the statue, repairs to the statue $5. Contributions from GAR members was $265, the Women's Relief Corps $190, and the balance from post funds. A photograph of members of the No.82 GAR is in the lobby of the courthouse around an earlier Civil War monument, a cannon and cannonballs that was moved to the courthouse lawn from Union Park, and then into the scrap metal drive during World War II.
A quit claim deed from Grandma and Grandpa to one Leonard M Kaercher was found by descendant Lyman R Jones (b.1930) filed April 30, 1903, two and a third acres for one dollar. [Book of Deeds 27, p420]. This was no doubt the same 2.3 acres bought when they first moved to Minnesota. One history says they moved to PuyallupWA in 1916, then to Tumwater one mile from Olympia. A granddaughter, however, writes than in 1917 Grandpa and Grandma Jones moved by train to TumwaterWA from OrtonvilleMN. The house was located near the grocery store, but everything was torn down when Interstate Highway 5 was put through Tumwater. They lived there about 2 1/2 years.
A letter to son Bernard, dated April 11, 1917 exists on "Office of LYMAN R JONES County Commissioner, Big Stone County, Minn." stationery, but is very hard to read:
The gun came to hand safe and sound. When we were talking about this when you went home I never expected you were going to getone and send it. But is in hand.... Frances is gone and we miss her very much. Your ma is out milking according did not think i will do much no this life. Take me some money in the business $5.00 yesterday.
I think I would have started for the coast before but I don't dare to travel myself alone. But Frances expects to be back about 1st of Sept then we shall all go.
I am proud of that gun. Did they tell you about readinga song called "The Stingy Lucious" when you went home? Well if they did (as is Francis and your ma) you will understand it when I say that I am not when I think of that pistol. There is no news to write about. So Good Bye and Love to all.
Then they moved into a country house past the Log Cabin and the Tumwater Cemetery where they stayed another 2 1/2 years. Lyman became very ill with a lot of pain in his stomach. Dora cared for him until 3/16/1922, when he died in OlympiaWA [Ref:UnivMiNecrologyReport, family history written by daughter, but a letter from Odd Fellows Memorial Park says he died 3/18/22, with the funeral on 3/21/22]. His tombstone says "Lyman R. Jones, Civil War Veteran, Native of Ohio, 1844-1922. His obituary:
Bury Lyman Jones
The funeral of Lyman R Jones who died Sat. night at his home near the Log Cabin at Tumwater, was held yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Kills Parlor.
Lyman R. Jones was born June 7, 1844, in Sandusky, Ohio. He enlisted in the 182nd regiment of Ohio Volunteers and served throughout the Civil war. He was married April 2, 186
Grandma Jones moved to California with her daughter Dora Mattson and spent a few years there, moving back as she wanted to be buried with her husband. She said that she wanted to make the trip while she could enjoy the scenery. She died 3/16/35 [granddaughter's history says 9/16/35] in TumwaterWA, having been born 10/10/1848 [granddaughter's history, but tombstone says 1847) in LakeHillStation, WayneCoOH. Emma and Marvelle helped her but she was very independent and cared for herself alot. Her tombstone says "Mary Lavina Jones, his wife, Native of Ohio, 1847-1935."
They are both buried in the Masonic Cemetery at TumwaterWA.
1.Dora Ella Jones (b.11/12/1867 our great-great Grandmother-- see below for details)
2.Martel May Jones (b.5/15/1870 FultonCoOH d.12/23/19 DelanoCA m.2/1/01 TroySD)
(Raymond O Johnston) b.7/18/1879 d.7/18/58
a.Mabel M (b.11/19/02 TroySD m.12/24/31 LindsayCA)
(John Keiry Wilson)b.10/24/1900 WestPointMA
i.EugeneLeonard b.9/8/32
ii.LymanRay b.10/6/36 m.Carolyn
A.CarrieLynette b.11/22/61
B.TimothyRay b.1/6/63
iii.KennethKeiry b.1/17/40
iv.LorraineLou b.10/13/42 m.2/24/62 BerkleyCA RoyDavidWood
A.Roy Allen b.10/30/62
b.Leonard Leroy Johnston (b.3/27/04 m.Julia)
i.HelenFrancis b.6/6/39
ii.JulianFranklin b.11/1/40 d.11/12/40 NapaCA
iii.Leonard Joseph b.12/24/43
c.Ray Clifton (b.2/17/13 d.1/9/38 PortervilleCA m.SanDiegoCA)
(Beatrice Helen Hemming) d.1/9/39 PortervilleCA
3.Herbert Leroy Jones (b.8/12/1872 PikeTwpFultonCoOH d.3/6/1895 OrtonvilleMN) have certified copy of birth record
4.Bernard Hassen Jones (b.9/10/1874 CottageGrove,WashingtonCoMN d.9/18/47 GreenleafOR m.7/3/07 WhiteSulphurSprings,Montana)
(Sybilla Reinhart) b.11/28/1890 d.10/24/63)
a.Clayton Paul Jones (b.9/9/08 AbesorkeyMT d.4/12/86)
(Ruby A Freeman) b.4/15/14 MarshalFieldOR m.MarshalFieldOR
c.RaymondBernard b.1/25/35 & CleonaJones b.7/3/38,both EugeneOR
b.Laura May (b.2/22/11 MT d.8/21/79 m.3/14/38 EugeneOR)
(Henry H Hattan) b.2/22/13 LovelCO
c.Joan J b.12/13/40 EugeneOR & Dean E b.10/30/46,both EugeneOR
c.Lyle Augustus Jones (b.9/13/14 MT d.11/1/65)
d.Bruce Lyman Jones (b.4/27/15 MT)
(Lucille Davis) b.5/10/20 EugeneOR
c.Carol b11/27/40 LorraineIrene b10/12/43 GailM b10/30/44 LarryE b3/20/49
e.Vera Sybilla (b.4/25/17 OR m.ButteMT 11/9/44)
(Andrew Christenson) b.2/6/16
c.Dennis b.1/21/45 & Kraig b.4/5/57, both EugeneOR
f.Gussie Woodson Jones (b.12/24 18 OR d.5/17/74 m.5/20/43 SpringfieldOR)
(Wanda Hill) b.10/20/22 c.KarinRayJones b.10/9/44
g.Courtney Bernard (b.4/9/23 GreenleafOR d.9/12/77)
(Wilma Gordon) b.1920 d.8/24/46 EugeneOR m.8/10/46 EugeneOR
(Marie Molas)
h.Ada Maria Lavina Jones (b.4/12/27 OR m.7/29/50 PortanglesWA)
(Robert Owen) c.Candy b.4/22/52 & Orwin b.1/14/54 both PortanglesWA
i.Lyman Ransom Jones (b.7/30/30 EugeneOR m.4/3/51 SalemOR)
(Lyla Marie Kitselman) b.4/29/28 DowneyCA
c.Marc b.4/1/53 SanDiegoCA & Timothy b.6/19/55 SpringfieldOR
j.Frances Leroy (b.1/9/21 GreenleafOR m.EugeneOR)
(Helen F Westfall) b.4/3/23 PortlandOR
c.AnnV b.9/14/47, BernardF b.3/12/50, PalmaM b.9/8/53 all PortanglesWA
k.Stanley Reinhart Jones (b.7/12/35 m.2/16/56 LancasterCA)
(Loren Morgan) b.6/14/36 CA
c.Randy Jones b.1/30/57 LancasterCA
5.Mary Della Jones (b.6/18/1876 CottageGroveMN d.2/21/56 HettingerND)
(LouieHarryOtus)b1/22/1874RinvilleCoMN d3/11/42BucyrusND m11/3/1895HartfordSD
a.Pearl Ora (b.11/25/02 LongPrairieMN m.12/2/20 BisonSD)
(John Petrus Olson) b.1/24/1897 Ostmare Varmland Sweden
i.AlvinOtusOlson (b.7/22/22 HettingerND)
(Sylvia Myers) m.6/15/43 c.Sharlene Twila Olson b.8/12/44
(Claudia Lawson) b.8/6/20 m.10/19/45
c.ArleneClaudia b.4/12/40 & Terri Ann Olson b.10/18/47
(Helen Morris) b.3/16/21 m.2/18/56
ii.Joyce Elaine Olson (b.12/21/23 HettingerND)
(Alfred Poole) m.1/17/42 MplsMN
c.Patrick Alvin b.9/14/43 & Georgine Elaine b.4/24/45, both MplsMN
(Carl H Olson)b.3/9/19 m.3/1/52 BakerMT)
c.Mark Nolan b.5/13/53 HettingerND
John Martin b.1/18/56 DickinsonND
Mary Ann b.7/26/57 HettingerND d.9/20/68 MapleValleyWA
Dan Lee b.3/17/60 DickinsonND
iii.Judith Pearl (b.1/22/39 ReederND m.6/10/61 GreatFallsMT)
(Richard C Garlington) m.6/10/61 GreatFallsMT
b.Harry Louis Otus (b.10/15/1896 LongPrairieMN m.8/22/18 BowmanND
(Gladys Larson) b.1/25/1900 PetersonMN d.5/19/69 VancouverWA
i.Roger H Otus (b.7/4/19 HettingerND m.2/15/47 OmahaNB)
(Eleanor Ann Jensen) b.6/11/20 OmahaNB c.PatrickLee b.8/3/48 Denver
ii.Grace (b.8/1/20 HettingerND)
iii.Martell Eugene Otus (b.9/14/22 H,ND m.1/15/42 WilmarMN)
(Roberta Ruth Kelly)
c.Susan Jane b.12/12/44, Sally Ann b.11/16/46 (both b.WilmarMN),
James Martell b.6/5/48, David Charles b.1/16/50, Louis Howard
b.12/29/50, Rebecca Jean b.6/30/54, Daniel Wm b.9/1/57, and
Stephen Douglas Otus b.2/10/60 (the rest b.TheDallesOR)
iv.Francis Gordon Otus (b.11/27/28 H,ND m.9/16/50 VancouverWA)
(Betty Carolyn Smith)
c.Randy Scott Otus b.12/30/51 VancouverWA, David Lynn
b.10/11/55 LA,CA, Debra Marie b.10/4/58
v.Wm Carlyle Otus (b.11/29/32 H,ND m.6/22/57)
(Maurine Brooks Richardson)
c.Cheryl Lynn b.9/30/58, Colleen Marie b.7/21/60
vi.Larry Don Otus (b.3/24/39 KandiohiMN m.6/28/59 VancouverWA)
(Jacqueline Jean Jacobson)
c.Larry Mark Otus (b.7/2/60)
vii.Thomas Kaye Otus (b.3/27/40 WilmarMN m.6/11/60 VancouverWA)
(Sandra Lee Swanson)
c.Kenneth Marion Otus (b.8/30/07 BucyrusND)
(Norma Davis) m.MplsMN
(Phyllis Fix) m.7/16/45 BrightonCO b.7/11/20 HarveyND
i.Mary Katherine (b.4/27/59 MplsMN m.Donald Munson)
d.Esther Irene (b.9/25/09 BucyrusND m.6/14/34 BigStoneCitySD)
(Thomas Barnum Miller) b.1/18/07 Desmet SD
i.GilbertLou(b7/21/40HotSpringsAK mPhoebeHayes c.JasonCharles(b1969
ii.Delbert b.7/21/40 Hot SpringsAK d.7/24/40
Daniel Samuel Miller (b.1799PA d.12/6/1869 UnionCoPA)
(Isabella Iddings) p.Thomas(b.1774)&Isabella (nee Ritchie b.1780) I. b.1801 UnionCoPA d.4/20/1849 UnionCoPA
Thomas Miller (b.12/7/1830 UnionCoPA d.7/21/1891 TwinGroveWI m.9/27/18??)
(MargtJaneBurdick)p.Clark (b.RI)& Sarah B. b.1/23/1849NY d.4/1/10 SaratogaCA
(Silas S Parker)
Lewis Peter Miller (b.10/24/1878 GreenCoWI d.1/3/41 HotSpringsAK)
(Caroline Gertrude Barnum) b.12/4/1881 GreenCoWI d.12/25/64 HotSprings
m.3/23/04 ChicagoIL
Paul George Miller (b.12/2/09 HuronSD)
Thomas Barnum Miller (see above, m.Esther Irene Otus)
SirWalterBarnum(b1350KentEN ChiefBaronOfTheExchequerOfEngland,RichardII reign )
Sir Nicholas Barnum (Sgt at Law, reign of Edward IV)
Sir Stephen Barnum (Gentleman of Privy Council to Henry VIII)
Sir Francis Barnum (b.1517 d.1575 KentEN Sheriff of London in 1570)
Sir Martin Barnum (b.1550 d.1610 Sheriff of London 1598)
Sir Francis Barnum (b.1582 m.Elizabeth Lennard c.Robt, Wm, and)
Thomas Barnum (b.KentEN 1625 d.1695 DanburyCT)
(Hannah Hurd)p.John&MaryHurd
c.Thomas (b.7/9/1663 NorwalkCT m.Sarah Beardsley), Hannah b1665,
John b.2/24/1667, Ebenezer b.5/29/1682
(Sarah Thompson) m.John Hurd
c.Esther b.1666, Mary b.1669, Sarah (b.1673 m.Thomas Puckett,
Samuel Hayes), Francis (b.1671 NorwalkCT m.Deborah Hoyt), and
Richard Barnum (b.1687 CT m.Mary Hurd)
c.Benjamin, Capt John d.1757, Nathaniel b.1701, Abner b.1703,
Bethuel b.2/17/1705, and also...
...Joseph (d.1739 m.10/20/1731 Mary Brackenburg)
Col. Joseph Barnum (b.1739 d.1790 m.Mabel)
Joseph (b.1755 d.4/1799 m.TemperanceNichols 4/16/1772)
Capt Justus (b.1753 d.5/25/1825NY m.5/4/1773 Mary Benedict)
Seth Barnum (b.11/3/1754 d.12/26/1820 m.5/27/1777 Abigail Bears)
Gabriel Barnum (b.3/24/1760 d.1822 m.12/6/1781 Sarah Segun)
Asher Barnum (m.Rhoda Burt)
Mrs A A (Marietta) Goddard
Thomas B Barnum (b.9/20/1800 d.7/3/1887)
Horace Barnum (b.1805CT d.KS)
(Caroline Curtis) b.1806CT
Francis Barnum (b.11/6/1834CT d.8/21/1896 TwinGroveWI) m.9/18/1859)
(Sarah Jane Myers)b.3/26/1844 OakleyWI d.3/5/17 GreenCoWI
CarolineGertrudeBarnum(see above-m.Lewis Peter Miller c.Thomas)
P T Barnum is said by Esther Irene Miller to have been b.1810 BethelCT, his father a brother of Abner's. Will check on this.
Henry Myers (b.GE)
Samuel Myers (b.1806 BucksCoPA d.5/2/1863 m.1831IL)
(Sarah Kline)p.Isaac (d.1863 SpringfieldMO)& Catherine (d.1853) K.
her siblings: John (d.1873 c.Mrs Frank(Matilda)Wagonner),Eli (d.1883 RockGroveIL),
Mrs J H (Mary) Clemens, Mary, Mrs Horace (Catherine)Griffin (m.1839) &
Wm [b.5/20/1832IN m.1853 MaryAnnO'Neal (p.RobtEO'N. d.8/5/1864 c.David L,
Mrs D C (Luella) Allen, Mrs Charles (Flora R) Hawkins) & m.Lucinda ? (who m.Geo
Newcomer who died 11/8/65 in PetersburgVA)
Sarah Jane (m.Francis Barnum-- see above)
John Myers (b.3/22/1839 SpringGroveWI m.3/19/1863 Fanny H Bussey)
e.Bertha Lavina (b.11/11/11 BucyrusND m.7/3/47 SeattleWA)
(Fred Angelbeck) b.6/18/10 LiverpoolEN c.Kayleen (b.10/1/48)
f.Hilda Gladys (b.11/11/11 BucyrusND m.11/11/44 SeattleWA Arnold Smoiles)
g.Myrtie Mae (b.11/11/11 BucyrusND d.8/17/58 VancouverWA)
(Walter Garfield Wilja) b.2/19/03 RockSpringsWY m.6/24/39 ChehalisWA
i.boy b.1/6/41 WillaminaOR d.1/6/41
ii.Michael W Wilja (b.3/10/42 WillaminaOR m.10/1/60 Mary Lou Jewell)
A.Lance Scott Wilja (b.5/28/61)
Toleff Otos (b.1828 Norway d.8/23/1880 KandiyohiMN)
(Kari Agne) p.Ole & Mette Agne b.1822 Norway d.3/5/1895 KandiyohiMN
Reginald (i.WilmarMN)
Ole (d.1-yrold, i.WilmarMN)
Oline (b.1852 Norway)
Toleff (b.1854 Norway i.WilmarMN)
Ole (b.1856 Norway i.WilmarMN m.Caroline (b.1831 Norway))
Thorval (b.1862 Norway)
Rolna (b.1877MN)
Hannah b.1869
John T (b.1865 Yttre Rendalen, Osterdalen Norway m.4/9/03 DuluthMN)
(Anna O Larson) b.BambleNorway 1/18/1880 p.Swante (b.11/10/1838
VastergotlandSweden) & Ana Antonenson (Drammen) Larson(b.Norway)
c.Glen (b.5/16/04MN c.Tom), Lloyd, Mrs Alfred (Adeline)Greenwood
(c.Freddie), Mrs Oscar (Marcella) Gulbrandsen (c.Carol)
Karenus (b.1858 Norway i.WilmarMN)
(Gusta) b.1867 Norway
c.Ray b1892MN, Phillip b1900MN, Renhart b.1903,
MrsChenne(Clara)Hensen b1888MN, and
Jennings b.1897MN
c.Douglas Otos
Berten (b.1859 Norway i.WilmarMN)
(Mary) b.1866 Sweden
c.Henry b1885MN, Arthur b1888MN, Harold b1890MN,
and Clarence b1894MN
Martha (m.WilmarMN i.WilmarMN)
(Andrew P Quam) b.1850 Norway siblings:John P & Pettrie
c.MrsHarry(Christine)Nelson(b.1876MN), Mrs Olga Gooch (b.1881MN),
Mrs E J (Jennie) Boomer (c.Ellsworth Boomer), Adolph (b.1879MN),
Theodore Quam (b.1877 MN)
Halsten Otos (b.5/11/1845 Norway d.5/23/1890 MN i.WilmarMN)
(Gunilde ?) b.1/30/1841 Norway d.2/22/20 RedLakeMN
Thorvald b.11/14/1879 HawkCreekMN
Henry b.2/22/1876 HawkCreekMN
Henry b.7/10/1881 EmmetMN
Gina B (b.5/8/1877)
Louie Harry Otus (see above m.Mary Della Jones)
Carin (b.8/5/1868 RenvilleMN)
(Nels Johnson) p.Peter & Anna J. b.12/22/1867 Denmark
c.Peter Helmer b.4/1/1890MN, Annie Augusta b.3/28/1892,
NenaCara b.3/29/1896, Melvin Leon b.5/12/06, HarryMarvin
b.7/13/01, Lloyd Edwin (b.4/13/04 m.Agnes), Harry Clifford
(b.6/30/1894 m.Mable), Goodwin Lorance (b.7/22/1898 m.Wm
Lynch), Gladys Lenora (b.11/10/09 m.Lou c.Lou (m.Sharon) &
Gerald (m.Mary c.Brian & Dean))
6.Marvelle Statire Jones (b.5/12/1878 CottageGroveMN d.1964 i.MasonicCem,
TumwaterWA have photo of tombstone)
(Thorval H "Tom" Otus) m.5/1895 OrtonvilleMN b.11/11/1871 d.1937 Saskatchewan
a.Florence Marcella (b.12/15/1895 LongPrairieMN d.8/19/78 GoldendaleIA)
(Frank A Rose)b.7/18/1887OH
c.MerrieMarvelleRose (b.9/10/26)
(Dale E Loafburrow)
c.VickieLynn b.1/8/46 & Judy Kay b.8/17/48
b.Lavina May (b.12/27/1896 LongPrairieMN)
(George Ambrose Peterson)
c.ArthurRomnessPeterson b.1/15/25 Saskatchewan
c.Beatrice (b.12/25/1897 LongPrairieMN)
(Eugene B Taylor) d.2/4/48 OlympiaWA
(Will Dewey)
d.James Dewey (b.8/14/1901)
(Florence Clodt) c.Daniel Jay b.3/5/23 & James William Dewey b.4/4/24
(Alice Yates) c.Alice Marvelle, Raleigh Dewey
(John M Perkins)
7.Emma Helen Jones (b.2/23/1880 BigStoneCitySD d.2/4/46 TumwaterWA) She wrote:
In a time of real need When I get rite down and beg
My children to feed For my hen to lay an egg
Came a letter with And she don't
Something nice in it. Then I sharpen up my ax.
Let my daughters make the whaks.
From Lew and from Dell Don't you see?
I hollered on hell Then I turn my back and run,
I'll never give up to old worrie So the killing I can shun.
A ten dollar bill Now if this a sin should be
I near got a chill Just throw the blame on me.
So glad was I then to receive it. Cause I sharpened up the ax
That made the fatal whacks
So to Lew and to Dell Poor Emoline
Good luck and keep well I say whacks because it is whacks oftener than whack.
Like the bread cast on waters
Returneth, some day it will
(Nick Hosch) b.4/1/1871 SpencerSD m.1897
a.Delbert C (b.12/25/1898 d.3/1960NJ m.2/19/19 NewportRI)
(Margretta Hussey) b.1/28/1895 all children born in NewportRI:
c.PaulD b.11/14/21, JoanE b.7/1/24, JayM b.1/21/27, FrancisJ b.7/29/29
b.Francis O (b.2/22/01 DogdenND)
c.Phillip b.8/11/03 & Janice Hosch
c.Bessie Gay (b.8/5/06 WashburnND) a woman who signed her name "Senile Faye"
wrote that her mother Emma Helen Jones took her and Theo to OrtonvilleMN
when she was only 6 years old to visit her grandparents Lyman R Jones and Mary.
This "Senile Faye" wrote
Jones Ancestry Feb 19- 1921
Article taken from the National Republican
Martha Washington Ancestry
Martha was a descendant of an ancient family that first migrated to the colony of Virginia in the person of the Reverend Orlando Jones, a clergyman of Wales.
Uncle Orlando Jones' son wrote this to Dora E Jones LaBarre. She collected all the material for the family history. She is Lyman R Jones' daughter.
Lyman R Jones was a good musician. He played the violin. Most of his kids played.
Aunt Dora-- played the organ & piano
" Frances-- " " violin
Emma Hosch-- " chello & violin
her son Frank " the violin
" " Phil " " "
" " Theo " " organ & piano
Please excuse my mistakes & poor writing!!
Senile Faye
Attached is a note dated 9/10/1983 from Frank C Hosch:
Dear Cousin Lyman R Jones, Bruce Jones, and all the other Joneses,
I hope this information that my sister arranged for will be helful and perhpas some surprises, Faye saved a lot of information that I did not know about our families, in as much as I have been out of touch with our immedicate families.
We are hoping to see all of you folks in the days ahead.
Another note, from Faye Putnam, 402 Hazelhurst Dr, TumwaterWA 98501:
Dear Cousins: Please excuse my many mistakes. I tried to find all the interesting things I could as I knew both grandma and Grandpa very well and enjoyed them a lot. He was musically inclined and Frances played the violin beautiflyy. Dora played the organ and mother played the chello and guitar. Grandma used to pick wild flowers and ferns and dry them and make beautiful pictures with them.
I must ring off and get this in the mail. I remember meeting you kids a long time ago. Do look us up if you are ever over this way. We live just off Interstate 5. Our phone no is 352-1798.
Faye & Theo
(Walter Rayburn) b.1898IN m.10/28/27 OlympiaWA
c.Reta Faye b.7/7/32, Conrad Gerald b.9/7/33, Claudia Rayburn
(Garold O Putnam) m.OlympiaWA
d.Phillip Peter (b.8/11/03 WashburnND
e.Thedora (b.3/17/08 WashburnND )
(Erick Ask) b.8/15/1899 Sweden m.OlympiaWA
c.Barbara b.5/16/27
(Henry Hosch) d.7/5/38 m.7/7/16 PortlandOR
f.Conrad L (b.10/15/17 TumwaterWA d.10/27/38 TumwaterWA
8.FrancesClarkJones(b11/26/1883 BigStoneCoMN d.1977 i.MasonicCem, TumwaterWA have photo of tombstone) Faye and Theo write that "Frances played the violin beautifully."
(William Donkin) m.OlympiaWA
a.Marville Donkin b.Black DiamondWA d.3/18 ButteMT
Great-great Grandmother Dora Jones 1867-1942
Grandma Dora Jones was born November 12, 1867 in Fulton County, Ohio, married Charles Edward Mattson first, then William E LaBarre secondly October 19, 1921 in Tulare CA. She died October 26, 1942 in BreaCA and is buried in Loma Vista, California. For further interesting details, see the Mattson chapter. Her children:
1.Lyman Erick Mattson (b.6/15/1888 Ortonville BigStoneCo MN)
2.Carl Merton Mattson (b.8/30/1889 BigStoneCoMN)
3.Bernard Orlando Mattson (b.12/29/1890 BigStoneCoMN)
4.Amy Theodora Mattson (b.a4/9/1892 BigStoneCoMN)
5.Margaretta Marvella Mattson (b.7/21/1893 BigStoneCoMN)
6.Edith Della Mattson (b.7/17/1895 Ortonville BigStoneCo MN)
7.Victor Allen Mattson (b.9/31/1896)
8.Agnes Mary Mattson (b.2/9/1897 BigStoneCoMN)
9.Edward Richard Mattson (b.5/14/1898 BigStoneCoMN)
10.Sybil Frances Mattson (b.8/5/1900 BigStoneCoMN)
11.Inez May Mattson (b.1/5/1903 BigStoneCoMN)
12.Mildred Helen Mattson (b.1/3/1906 BigStoneCoMN)
13.Signor Jones Mattson (b.6/5/1905 BigStoneCoMN)
Other chapters in my genealogy include those of the Yochum family, the Hinsch family, and the Stahl family