May I have your attention: This is not complete. Please read with the knowledge that there may be errors and that there are certainly omissions. If you cannot bear this thought, please read no further. But please, if you can correct or add to this pool of knowledge I have tried to collect, please please contact me: John Yochum, P O Box 27, Sherwood OH 43556, or call (419)899-4227. Thanks. Last update . Last update 7/4/95, 11/5/96. This does not include all the Stahl descendants. For more names, dates, begats, and detail see my page at GenCircles: Posted 3/25/06 to the net, in hopes of finding out more about my family.
4 greats-grandfather Lewis Lehytt Hinsch
3 greats-grandfather John Charles William Hinsch
2 greats-grandfather John Lebrite Hinsch
great-grandfather David Hinsch
grandmother Irene Hinsch (m.William Woodrow Stahl)
mother Ruth Stahl (m.Frank Yochum)
me, John Yochum
Great-great-great-great-grandfather Lewis Lehytt Hinsch 1769-1864
Reverend Lewis Lehytt Hinsch, sometimes referred to as Reverend Ludwick Lehytt Hinsch was born 9/18/1769 in Saxony, Germany, and came to America in 1789. Early census shows him in MenallenTwp of WarrenCoOH, but he moved to MiamiCoOH in 1835 where he died 8/1/1864 in PiquaOH. I have found no information on his wife ( Debby Blus <> wrote, "...Also came across A Mrs Hinsch death paper dated 4-16-1833 she died on the 8th w/Rev Hinsch . Is this the wife of Ludwick and do you know who she was...") , but three sons have been identified:
1. John Charles William Hinsch, our great-great-great grandfather (see next section for details)
2. Augustus Ferdinand Hinsch (b.2/9/1805 AdamsCoPA d.WarrenCoOH) "...civil engineer, Lebanon, was born in Adams Co., Penn., Feb. 9, 1805; his father, Lewis Hinsch, who was a native of Saxony, emigrated to America in 1789, and in 1835 came to Ohio; he died in Maimi [sic] Page746 Co., Ohio, at the advanced age of 96 years. Our subject received a classical education in Dickinson College, Carlisle, Pennsylvania, where he graduated in 1827; he chose the occupation of civil engineer, and, in 1829, became assistant to Col. De Witt Clinton in his work on the Juniata Canal, in which capacity he continued until 1833, when he emigrated to Ohio and located in Lebanon, which has since been his residence. In 1836, he married Miss Louisa E. Denman, of Cincinnati, a native of New Jersey, of English descent. By this union seven children – five boys and two girls – were born. Of these, two sons and one daughter only survive, viz., William, book-keeper of Merchants’ National bank, of Cincinnati; Mary J., wife of Thomas E. Drake, of Lebanon, and Al-fred M., now at home with his parents. Charles D. enlisted in 1861in Company F, 5th O. V. I., and was killed at the battle of Cedar Mountain, Va. Mr. Hinsch is an able engineer, and has had charge of some very important and arduous tasks. Soon after his arrival in Lebanon, he was appointed assistant engineer of the Miami Canal, and, after its completion, he became superintending engineer of the same work. In this capacity he continued until 1860, when he was elected Surveyor of Warren County and served three years. In 1871, he was again elected to fill the same office, and was continued in it until 1880. Mr. Hinsch can boast of an excellent public record, a reputation above reproach and a well-spent life full of good works; he is a Republican and is highly respected by the people of his community." --The History of Warren County Ohio , Part VI Biographical Sketches - TURTLE CREEK Township
3. "Rev. Hinch also had a son Jacob, (d. 1837 from the kick of a horse), who married Sarah Fehl in 1832, and had at least one child."
Lewis was a Lutheran minister, holding services in various places around Miami County "as early as 1835," according to The First Century Of Piqua compiled by John A Rayner; The Magee Bros. Publishing Co. Piqua OH 1916. The History of Miami CountyOH (copyright.1981) lists the Rev. C. Hinsch as first pastor of St Paul's Lutheran Church, now St Paul's United Church of Christ in PiquaOH.
In Maryland: " The Reformed Church at Emmitsburg. Md., like all other Reformed Churches in this part of the country, grew out of the early German settlements that were established here. The history of the Reformed Church in Emmitsburg goes back to the year 1768. It was in that year that the Reformed and Lutheran people in this district united and built a union chinch at Tom's Creek. about 2 1/2 miles east of Emmitsburg.
"The new church was built on the same spot where the old log Lutheran church formerly stood at the corner of the cemetery, and, like its predecessor, was built of logs. A school house also was built. We know very little about the history of this church while at Tom's Creek, as no records have come down to us.
"No doubt the charter members were formerly members of the Monocacy church, and saw and heard the great missionary sent to the Monocacy church, Rev. Michael Schiatter. About all we know is the names of the pastors who served the congregation during this early period. The first regular pastor was Rev. Jacob Wepner, 1784-1788; the second, Rev. Valentine Nichodemus, 1788-1794; and the third, Rev. Lebrecht L. Hinach, 1794-1804.
"It was during the pastorate of Rev. Mr. Hinsch that the congregation removed to Emmitsburg. In the year 1797 the Lutheran and Reformed congregations again united and built a stone church in the little village of Emmitsburg. Both using the German language. the Lutheran and Reformed congregations united in laying the corner-stone, and erecting the large and substantial stone church which is still used by the Lutherans.
"For many years these two streams of life ran side by side. The cemetery surrounding the church contains the earthly remains of many of the early and influential members of the two congregations that worshipped within the church, as well as others of the community. The names of the pastors are: Rev. Jonathan Rahauser, 1804-1808; Rev. Frederick, Rahauser, 1808-1816: Rev. William Runkle, 1816-1821; Rev. David Bosler, 1821-1832; Rev. Elias Heiner, 1833-1835; Rev. Samuel Fisher, 1836-1839, Rev. D. P. Freeze, 1840-1842; Rev. William Philips, 1842-1846; Rev. Geo. W. Aughenbaugh, 1846-1856; Rev. E. E. Highee, May to August, 1858; Rev. XValter E. Kubs, 1858-1863; Rev. J. M. Litzel, 1863-1873.
"It was during the pastorate of Rev. J. M. Litzel that the Lutheran and Reformed congregations separated. The Reformed congregation bought the John Nickum lot for $800, and in 1868 erected the present church at a cost of $7,000, and where they have worshiped ever since. The church is a large substantial brick building and is a credit to the congregation and an inspiration to the community.
"The following ministers have served as pastors: Rev. Abner R. Kremer, 1873-1881; Rev. M. A. Gring, 1881-1882; Rev. Geo. B. Resser, 1882-1884; Rev. XV. H. Heilman, 1886-1892; Rev. A. M. Scheffuer, 1893-1895; Rev. XV. C. B. Shulenberger, 1896-1903; and Rev. A. M. Gluck, the present pastor, who was ordained to the Christian ministry in this church on November 1, 1903. It will be seen, from these facts, that at no time in its history has this congregation been without a pastor for any great length of time, and some of these ministers have been leaders in their denomination."
1860 City of Piqua Census lists "Lewis L Hinch age 92, Minister German R Church born in Caten" with "Elizabeth Hagen Tailoress"
Great-great-great-grandfather John Charles William Hinsch 1799-1881
This is JCW's headstone, in Spindler Cemetery on Jericho
Road in Defiance County Ohio, near the tiny town of Mark Center
The 1880 OHioPAuldingCoCRaneTwp p.26, lists the birthplace of both of John's parents as Pennsylvania, but the Defiance Co Atlas lists John's birthplace as BaltimoreMD. According to an article by Mrs. Vera Hinsch Harter, in the History of Defiance County, JCW was b.2/2/1799 EmmasburgMD, (but Ruth Bostater R4 Box 141 3936 SR2, BryanOH 43506 has him born 1/31/1799). An early census finds him at GettysburgPA, but in 1835 he probably left for Ohio with his father. Defiance County History:"...came to Mark Twp DefianceCO OH in the year 1852. They left Piqua OH by canal boat on the Miami and Erie Canal to the Maumee River and thus NW by foot to the uncleared land which was to become their farm and family home for well over a century...Two sons, David and John by JCW's previous marriage settled in this vicinity. Five other children by this earlier marriage remained in the area of Lebanon, Dayton and Cincinatti OH..." He died 9/20/1881 in Mark Twp, Defiance CoOH, at age 82, a farmer.
marriage and family
J C W Hinsch married about 1844 presumably in MiamiCoOH Barbara Spindler (b. 7/19/1816 LancasterPA d.3/3/04 at the MarkTwp DefianceCo OH family home). We know that Barbara was not his first wife. Debby Blus <> wrote: "... I came across this in Adams County Penn a John Hinsch s / Rev Hinsch Of Menallen married Sarah Miller d/o Michael Miller 3-8-1826 by Rev Bossler. Is this our John Charles William who later married Barbara Spindler..." , and so the Spindlers are not my direct relatives. Their genealogy has something to do with this:
Spindler in-laws
Michael Spindler (m.Catharine Miller) had a son and a daughter:
Henry Spindler (b.10/23/1812 LancasterCoPA married Ellen Ward (daughter of Thomas & Mary Ward, b10/1812 Ireland) 3/1839 WarrenCoOH MarkTwpDefCoOH d.5/10/1882 i.Spindler Cem, Mark Twp DefianceCoOH farmer) children: SusanM , Mary C, Mrs Margt A Emery, Claudenia, IsaacB,SarahJ, Benjamin F (d.4/19/1872 aged 22y 7m 28d says on stone in Spindler cemetery), WmH (68thOVI 11/1861 enlistment, killed in battle at Atlanta 7/22/1864), David M (enlisted 2/1864 under Capt Wicker at age 16, in 4 battles, & "while in the army contracted a disease which is wearing out his life." d.9/25/1882 i.SpindlerCem OM Co E, 21st Ohio Infantry on stone).
Barbara Spindler (b.7/19/1816 LancasterPA d.3/3/04 at the Mark Twp family home m..J C W Hinsch)
JCW's children
It was in 1851 that the Hinschs moved into Mark Township, Defiance County OH. J C W Hinsch's children are:
(with Barbara Spindler, the first six at least)
1. Charles A Hinsch m Emily Anna Connelly (b.1849 d.1911) "...carried mail in a sack to and from Mark Center daily (to the town of Nebo, founded at the intersection of Jericho and Breininger Roads in 1890s) according to Kenny Hinsch, lived in Milwaukee WI, lived to be 102 years old and was a heavy drinker, was blind more years than he could see." --from Paudling Library, Hinsch Genealogy compiled by Elowene G Eyster-Hinsch 1994 Charles' children include a. Daniel Hinsch r.107 E Cornelia, HicksvilleOH b.9/22/1875 WmsCoOH fireman, stationary boiler d.12/27/55 Hxvl i.Scipio Cem AllenCoIN c.Mrs Hazel Martin r.Hxvl b.John Hinsch c.Thomas Hinsch d.Tressie Hinsch b.1881 d.1977 m.Clair Davidson. For grandchildren please see my site...
2. Jacob F Hinsch b.11/14/1847 PiquaOH d.2/9/43 MarkTwpDefianceCoOH farmer i.Spindler never married, came with his parents at age 5 where they settled on the farm where he died, 90 yrs on the same farm
3. George Lewis Hinsch b.1/15/1849 PiquaMiamiCoOH d.8/17/32 MarkTwp DefianceCoOH United Brethren Church, farmer, i.Spindler Cem m.10/10/1877 DefianceCo m. Louisa Schwab (b.10/11/1858 PhiladelphiaPA) children: a. Jacob William Hinsch b.4/16/1884 MarkTwp m.3/29/08 c.8/27/45 StLuke'sHospital Cleveland 35 yrs of married life on 80acre farm in Section 32, Mark Twp, l yr in BryanOH, l year in Cleveland. both i.Riverside Cem, ClevelandOH says Vera Harter,but stone at Spindler...m.Florence Durfey (b.9/6/1886 PauldingCoOH d.5/17/61 MarkCenter) children a.Mrs Ernest (Freda) Paul (b.5/27/11 RN for 52yrs m.5/27/38 Ernest Paul. r.MedinaCo O children: (Collette Paul m.Pope Missionaries to Thailand), Yvette (beautician), Lee ( m.Della c.Dawn,Joe,Keith,Michael,David r.BellevilleIL) b.Mrs Asa (Vera) Harter b.1909 r.5907 Snow Rd, ParmaOH in 1985 m. 9/24/38 Asa Harter (b.1901) she was a teacher for 25 years, and he was employed at EmpirePlowCo 32yrs their child. Carol Harter m.5/30/58 ParmaOH Joseph A Oberth, postmaster at NewPhiladelphiaOH. She is antiques dealer & educational aide. c.Thomas, Susan, & Carol Marie (m.StevenZufan 10/1/77 Parma c.David b.1/10/80 & Rebecca b.2/3/82) c.Ferris Hinsch i.Spindler A d.Mabel W Hinsch i.Spindler
4. William Henry Hinsch b. July 09, 1854 DefianceCo d. April 29, 1923 Ypsilanti i. HighlandCem YpsilantiMI m. Lydia Ann Rigel (b.5/6/1870 d.6/14/39 m.May 06, 1888) children a:Homer Floyd Hinsch b.Mrs Jacob (Jennie Ruth) Oakes c.Rolland Burton Hinsch
5. Sarah J Hinsch b.2/25/1840 d.5/10/1893 m. John Bland of PlymouthOH
6. Catharine "Cassie" E Hinsch m.John Connelly (both b.1850 d.1931)
(Vera Harter writes: "2 JCW's previous marriage settled in this vicinity. 5 other children by this earlier marriage remained in the area of Lebanon, Dayton and CincinattiOH")
7. Mary M Hinsch
8. Susannah Hinsch
9. Frank M Hinsch b.1860 d.1/5/1875 MarkTwp
10. Marion Hinsch
11. Samuel Hinsch
12. Louisa Hinsch
13. John Lebrite Hinsch mother Sarah Miller b.1/7/1835 PA our great-great-grandfather, see next section below
14. David William Hinsch mother Sarah Miller b.7/24/1837 ColumbianaCoOH d.9/3/28 worth $400 personal, a farmer with $650 in land, $40 personal according to OHPACR census of 1860 p.141, and worth $1000 and $400 in 1870 (OHPACR p.22). He is 22 in the 1860 census, 32 in the 1870. He married Barbara Lehman (b.1843OH d.4/11/1872 m.11/11/1858) Their children include: a. Theodore E Hinsch b.3/17/1862 DefianceCoOH d.7/14/54 TiffinTwpDefianceCo farmer i.Spindler, b. John L Hinsch b.10/24/1864 CraneTwpPldgCoOH d.10/31/52 MarkTwpDefianceCoOH farmer i. Lost Creek Cem m. Susan Horn (b. February 05, 1869 DefianceCo OH d. March 30, 1943 CraneTwp PldgCo OH) c. Ellnora Hinsch b.1867OH m.Phillip Halm d. Emma B Hinsch b.1869 OH d.4/22/1872 e. Anna M Hinsch b.1870 d.4/22/1872 He married secondly Lydia Schafer (m.10/20/1872 Defiance OH b.7/9/1843 WayneCoOH d.4/3/18) with further children f. Oscar Hinsch b. 9/8/1879 d 9/30/1879 g.George L Hinsch b.2/27/1875 d.4/24/47 i.Ypsilanti MI m. 9/3/1896 Fannie D Dysinger (b.9/3/1872 d.9/12/53) c.Mrs Roy (Constance) Beck, Mrs Cloyd (Vena) Beck, and Archie Hinsch h.William David Hinsch b.7/31/1881 d.3/6/52 Detroit i.Ypsilanti m.Lucy May Brown (b.9/28/1885 d.8/19/22) c. Mary M, Alpha and Seth William Hinsch i.Carrie Hinsch b.6/16/1877 d.10/27/27 m.Albert Burd j.Elizabeth O Hinsch b.5/18/1883 d. 1979 m.John David Brown c.Richard (b.1919 d.1921). For more grandchildren etc see website on
David's second wife, Lydia Schafer, had a brother Alpheus Shafer (b.8/25/1848 WayneCoOH m.10/19/1873 PauldingCoOH to Rosalie B, b. 1/16/1852 PauldingCo, daughter of Amos & Eunice (Shaw) Hills, of New York, c.Florence Amelia Shafer b.7/28/1874) who was supervisor of Mark Township for at least 4 years. Alpheus and Lydia's parents were John (b.PA) and Nancy (Monasmith, b.OH) Shafer, who moved into Mark Township, also in 1851. Alpheus was a Section 33 farmer.
An article by Lydia Brown Lenz in the History of Defiance County recounts that a John D Brown (p.Wm b. 1880 d.11/6/1944) married Lizzie ("and Lizzie's father David Hinsch"). Which of the above girls was Lizzie, I do not know at this point. Their children were Russell Brown of Tiffin, Mrs Lydia Lenz of FarmingtonMI, Mrs Alice Fisher of HillsdaleMI, Harry Brown of GrossPointeMI, and Mrs Elinor Luke of MarinaCA. The article closes to say that Lizzie moved to Hicksville upon the death of her husband, and had been in Fountain Manor Rest Home in Hicksville since 1972.
Great-great-grandfather John Lebrite Hinsch 1835-1904
John L Hinsch was born January 7, 1835 in AdamsCoPA and died March 7, 1904 in Paulding County OH, and was buried in Spindler Cemetery in Mark Center, DefianceCoOH. The 1860 census lists him as a farmer with $650 in land and $50 personal; the 1870 census increases to $1000 and $400. He is 25 in the 1860 census, 33 in the 1870 census, and 45 in the 1880.
Marriage and family
On 2/21/1858 in Troy, MiamiCoOH, John married Sarah (referred to as Mary on son David's death certificate, as Sarah on son David's birth certificate, as Sarah, age 21 on the 1860 census; Sarah, age 30 on the 1870 OHPACR p.22 census, Sarah on the War Records; referred to as Clara, age 40 in the 1880 census) Lehman. Sarah was born 2/25/1840 in MiamiCoOH and died 5/10/1893 at Cecil, as is dutifully recorded on the four-sided stone she shares with husband John, son Arthur, and John's second-wife Jemma in Spindler Cemetery
Their children, all born in Paulding County, were:
1. Arthur Baird Hinsch b.11/5/1858 MiamiCoOH d.1/2/1888 at age 30 i. Spindler Cemetery. At age 21, he is living at home.
2. Lorena Jane b.9/30/1861 PauldingCoOH d.1/18/1924 m.12/19/1899 Neal Wonderly.
3. Harriet Mae b.11/4/1863 d.8/2/1923 m.11/9/1879 PauldingCo to John Daugherty.
a. Sadie May b.9/10/1880 PauldingCo m. Charles Wilkinson (c.Charles, Jr)
b. Mary Jane m.George Horsey (c.Walter, Wm(b.2/12/04 PCo), Geraldine)
c. Kathryn L b.8/26/1892PCo m. Calahan (c.Jeraldine)
d. Ethe Ellen "Ettie" b.7/6/1886 PCo m. Luce (c.Nellie)
e. Denise
f. Charles E Daugherty b.1/23/1895 PCo c.George
g. Perry Clint Daugherty b.6/23/1897 PCo
h. Daniel D Daugherty b.4/17/1890 PCo
4. Mary Melvina b.6/9/1866 (4/1?) PauldingCoOH d.3/16/1964 Paulding Co HospitalOH m.8/17/1886 PauldingCo Harry Wallace. i.Rochester Cemetery outside of Cecil PauldingCoOH. Member Cecil Presbyterian Ch.
a.Charlotte May b.3/17/1888 PCo m.Mr Karl r.PauldingOH
b.Fred Wallace r.FallsChurchVA
c. Clyde Wallace
d. Lottie mHoward D.Brubaker
Mary Kathryn Brubaker b.7/25/11 PCo
Becky Meek
5. Annie Frances b.1/30/1869 PauldingCoOH d.9/17/15 CraneTwpPauldingCo m.6/26/1886 PauldingCo (Ruth Bostater lists 6/24 as the date) Iva Clemic Lewis Morhart.(b.11/13/1863 HancockCoOH d.8/23/36CraneTwpPauldingCo) both i. Spindler Cemetery
a.Iro Morhart m.Lily Going
i.Ralph Morhart (b.1914 m.1/14/37)
(Emma Gordon) b.1914 both i.Bethel Cem
A.Mrs Richard (Mary Jane) Cline r.HicksvilleOH
B.Joe Morhart r.HicksvilleOH
C.James Morhart r.HarlanIN
D.Mrs Maxine Ader r.FL
ii. Ray Morhart m. Mary Yoder
A.Linda m. Gary Keeley c. Nathaniel,Troy,Justin,Ryan, LaurenMarie (b.9/28/88 HicksvilleOH
B. Rebecca m.David Mullett c.RachelElvira (b.2/15/89 HicksvilleOH)
iii. Lois m.Ed Reeb
iv. Mary (m. Smith)
b.John Herbert Morhart b.2/10/1893 PauldingCoOH m.5/8/15 MonroeMI r.BryanOH
(Hazeltine Hauter) see below
i.Elma Frances b.5/25/17 d.1996 PCo i.Forder's Cem; Antwerp m.2/17/40 Antwerp PCo r.115 Elbar Dr; BryanOH; RN; Wesley United Methodist CH
(John Henry Newcomb) b.3/10/13 WmsCenter WmsCoOH d.4/21/1994 BryanOH 41 years at Aro Corp in BryanOH i.Forder's Cem.
A. David Allen Newcomb b.2/27/47 DefianceOH m. 9/21/68 FairbornOH r.922 Hemlock, CelinaOH 45822
B. Rachel Ellen m. Donald Noble r.WyandotteMI
C. Michael W Newcomb m.Elizabeth Ann ??? r.BryanOH
ii. Letha m.Harpel c.Claude
iii. Martha Imogene m.Morhart
c. Donald Morhart b.Cecil PauldingCoOH d.4/15/86 Cecil i.Forder's
(Doris Poth) m.1935
i.Jerry Morhart
ii.Donna Mae Morhart b.10/31/38PCo m.Snyder
iii.Jack Morhart (married a second time and had c.Tona)
(Roberta Tuttle) p.Edward & Bennie (Brashear) Tuttle siblings: Mrs Sandra Hill, Mrs Sharon Clark, Mrs Sharla Dean, and Wayne b.6/1/45 Defiance DCoOH d.9/1988 after 10 year coma in Lutheran Home of FtWayneAllenCoIN i.Forder's
c.Lisa, Kathy, Bobbi
(Merle Voight)
iv.Louise Morhart m.Mendelson
d. Clara P Morhart b.1887 d.1975
(George C Brink) b.1876 d.1936
i. Lloyd O Brinck b.3/3/1905 d.3/29/19 at age 14
ii. Annie Brinck
iii. Viola Brinck (b.8/19/06 d.2/5/89 Ft WayneAllenCoIN and perhaps m.Keith Calvin)
e. Claude L Morhart b.3/3/1895PCo m.Freda Morhart
f. Lydia Morhart m.Moore c.Marcille, Wilda, Helen (who had c.Eloise)
g. Hazel Jane Morhart b.8/20/03 PCo d.3/23/76 BryanWmsCoOH m.12/31/21 LansingMI
(Donald Maurice Poth)
c.Helen, Burt, Lee, & Ruth Doris Poth (b.7/21/31 PldgCo m.Bostater)
h.Annie Mae Morhart b.1/29/1896 i.Fred Lewis Morhart b.5/19/1899PCo j.Marie Morhart
k.Lizzie Helen b.11/13/07 PCo l. Ralph C b.6/25/1889
Morhart in-laws
David Morehart (b.5/4/1806OH d.3/16/1878 HancockCoOH m.1829
(Elizabeth Fenstermaker) p. Geo b.12/14/1810OH (Ruth lists 11/7) d.10/24/1882 (Ruth lists 10/11) HancockCoOH
John Wesley Morhart (b.12/21/1834 HancockCoOH d.7/24/05 MidlandCoMI)
(Louisa Jane Siddall)b.8/1835 OH d.1919OH (Ruth lists 1918 MidlandCoMI m.8/17/1856 PauldingCoOH p.Steven(d.1845) & Marilda Siddall.
Orin Wesley Morhart (b.7/21/1869 PauldingCo d.7/15/46 AboiteTwp AllenCoIN m.8/16/1894 PCoOH
(Imogene Anna Pursley) p.JamesF & Sarah Sophia (Hart) Pursleyb.6/18/1873 MontgomeryCoOH d.11/3/1949 AvillaNobleCoIN
Iva Clemic Lewis Morhart (m.Annie Hinsch-- see above)
Poth in-laws
?? Poth (b.1822 d.1893 m.Maria Mathias b.1819 d.1901)
GeoJohnPoth (b.10/19/1843 HesseDarstadtGE d.2/7/18 Hxvl)
(Mary Ann Patterson)b.2/20/1849 & m.10/28/1865 both CrawfordCoOH d.6/2/1925 114 DefianceAve Hxvl p.Henry (b.3/13/1822 d.2/4/1885) & Anna
Elizabeth (Tracht b.8/9/1825 d.8/6/1883) Patterson.
Gust Poth (b.4/16/1884 GalionOH d.9/23/27 DefianceOH)
(Clara Blanch Good) b.10/3/1883 AllenCoOH d.8/26/25 DefianceCo
m.7/7/02 p. Samuel D (b.3/13/1856 RockinghamCoVA d.12/28/43
PldgCo & Mary Elizabeth (Miller p.Solomon b.11/25/1862 VA
d.9/28/21 PauldingCo) Good
Donald Maurice Poth (m.Hazel Morhart--see above)
Ruth Doris Poth (m.Bostater) genealogist that gave
me much information. Thanks, Mrs Bostater!)
Hauter in-laws
George Henry Hauter (b.6/20/1829 Germany d.3/12/1892 OhioCityOH i.Forder'sCem
(Caroline Strawhacker) b.7/20/1836 CrawfordCoOH d.12/10/1873 VanWertOH
m.8/14/1856 MedinaCoOH
Michael Hauter (b.4/12/1862 MedinaCoOH d.5/19/41 PauldingCo
(Elma Emma Forder) b.6/17/1867 CraneTwp PauldingCoOH d.10/14/62 PCo
m.8/2/1891 PauldingCoOH both husband & wife i.Forder's Cemetery
Hazeltine (b.10/21/1895 PCo d.9/26/72 Bryan WmsCoOH m.MonroeMI
(John Herbert Morhart-- see above)
Max b.12/11/1899 PCo
Viva b.11/14/1897 PCo
Cordelia b.3/18/05 PCo
James Hauter
Mary Eleanor Hauter
Forder in-laws
Samuel Forder (b.1/1/1812 BeaverCoPA d.1/13/1867PCo both i.Forder'sCem AntwerpOH
(Rachel Crouse) b.1817 SusquehennaCoPA d.2/28/1890 Hicksville DefianceCoOH
1. Thomas F Forder( b.2/14/1850 d.3/17/1869 at age 19 i.Forder's)
2. Ada Dell (b.1898 d.1898 i.Forder's)
3. George Washington Forder (b.9/20/1840 Trumbull/MahoningCoOH
d.2/11/24 PCo m.2/16/1865 AntwerpPCo CoC68th OVI,GAR bd of directors
of Hxvl/Antwerp banks, bred/sold cattle/horses, rumored to have tunnel from
river to his basement as part of underground RR, 1889 bridge named after him
as greatly skilled in handshaping the pier/abutment locally-quarried stone w/o
use of mortar)
(Mary Cordelia Middleton) p.John & Lydia (Phillips) Middleton, both of
whom were born in NJ and died in NobleCo IN b.11/25/1845 NobleCoIN
d.11/27/26 PCo both husband & wife i.Forder's
i. Wm W Forder (b.1866 CraneTwpPCo m.1/18/1891 PCo)
(Ella Drexler)
ii. Samuel G Forder (m.4/16/1892 PCo )
(Phanie Wentworth) b.1871 d.1937 i.Forder's
iii. Elera R Forder (b.1877 d.1963 m.4/3/1898PCo)
(Robert Cleland) b.1872 d.1956 both i. Forder's)
iv. Thomas O (b.1880 d.1958 i.Forder's)
v. Almeda (b.3/15/1882 PCo d.1977)
(Seth DeMuth) b.1875 d.1956 both i.Forder's
vi. Flora vii.Kittie B
vii. Elma Emma (m.Michael Hauter-- see above)
viii. John Thomas (b.8/13/1879PCo)
Newcomb in-laws
Robert Newcomb (b.7/24/1826 LincolnshireEN d.9/19/06 WmsCoOH
(Sarah Stock) b.3/15/1829 StarkCoOH d.3/28/1888 WmsCo m.9/12/1854 Richland
John Isaac (b.9/15/1857 RichlandCoOH d.2/8/32 WUnity WmsCoOH)
(Mary Armenia Stevens) b.9/26/1862 FultonCo d.3/15/21WUnity
m.9/12/1881 FultonCoOH. Her parents were Charles Leonitus Stevens
who was born 12/25/1835KnoxCoOH d.5/21/12WUnity& m.12/25/1860
Hannah Mary Masters b.2/22/1840 MarionCoOH d.3/23/17 WauseonO
Raynor Rowe Newcomb (b.4/23/1885 AnnArborMI
d.4/16/60 WUnity m.2/16/08 WarrenOH)
(Grace Pearl Opdycke)b.6/6/1886WmsCoO d.4/17/79 Hxvl
Mrs Virginia Frager (r.EdgertonOH)
Mrs Richard (Maxine) Munk (r.HudsonMI)
Wendell (r.WauseonOH) Marvin (r.SanFrancisco)
Hillis(r.WoodacreCA), Mrs Nina Beckman, Leon,
John Henry Newcomb (m.Elma Morhart-- see up)
Opdycke in-laws
Albert H Opdycke (b.6/4/1824 TrumbullCoOH d.8/12/1862 WmsCo OH
(Eliza Dawson) b.10/24/1840 PeoriaCoIL d.8/6/11 WUnity m.2/21/1856 WmsCoO
Henry Herman Opdycke (b.3/14/1857 d.11/2/26 m.3/13/1881 all WmsCo
(Mary Elizabeth Shaffer)b.8/15/1859 WmsCo d.6/5/39 WUnity. Her
parents were David Shaffer b.2/14/1819 CarrollCoMD d.1/31/1899
WmsCo m.4/4/1843 Manchester Mary Ann Smith b.7/4/1825 CarrollCo
MD and d.3/10/1887 WmsCo
Grace Pearl Opdycke (m.Raynor Newcomb-- see above)
JCW's children, continued:
6. Martha Elizabeth b.9/6/1871 d.9/28/34 m.3/4/1888 PauldingCoOH
(James L Taylor) both i. Forder's Cemetery outside of Antwerp PauldingCoOH
a.Harry Floyd Taylor b.2/11/1895PCo m.Mary Shaffer
i.Ellis Taylor
ii.Mrs Keith (Elaine) Calvin
iii.Garnet Taylor m.Robert Keller
b.Jennie Taylor b.12/29/06 PauldingCoOH d.1/21/91 Hicksville DefianceCoOH m.12/12/26
(Stanley O Banks) p.Charles C & Menta D (Moore) Banks b.4/5/06 PCo d.2/5/91 Hicksville DCoOH
farmer & employee of Edgerton Mfg Co. Both are i. Forder's
i. Norval Banks b.4/18/27 m.Irmgard Schmidt
A. Aaron Banks r.DenverCO in1993
B. Maurine Banks b.1951 r.FtWayneIN m.Holle
C. Allen M b.2/17/53 Hicksville d.7/12/93 Hicksville i.Forest Home Cem,Hxvl
I.Allen E Banks
ii. Juanita Banks m.Theodore Shreve
A. Richard Shreve m.Linda Skiver c.Mason Rile Shreve
iii. Roma Banks b.1943 d.1968 i.Forder's
7. David Jackson Hinsch b.2/4/1875, our great-grandfather, more details later.
8. Harry Lebrite Hinsch b.4/4/1878 PauldingCoOH d.1/17/33 Temperance MonroeCo MI m.9/21/1899 PauldingCo
(Emily J Snell) b.1/7/1879 d.3/10/72 both. i. Rochester Cemetery.
c.Cora (c.Harry,Ray), Lena, Goldie, Dollie (c.Imogene,MaryJane), Melvina (b.7/30/01PCo),
HarryF (b.10/4/07PCo pleaded guilty to charge of arson, admitting having set fire to two barns in
DefianceCo and a house in Toledo in order to collect the insurance. Just ran across this article in
12/28/39 Defiance Crescent-News.)
9. Augustie born and died the same day, 8/13/1881
Emeline Lehman, age 7, is staying with the family during the 1860 OHPACR census, during which John is referred to as a farmer.
It is while perusing his war record that we note that he married a second time, 9/3/1896 in Cecil PauldingCoOH by Justice of the Peace R Randolph to Jemima A Hall, b.6/18/1845 d.6/2/1899 i.SpindlerCemetery, Mark Twp, DefianceCo OH.
his war record
John served in the Civil War for both Indiana and Ohio. He served in Company G of the 152nd Indiana Volunteer Infantry, enlisting 2/15/1865 and was honorably discharged 8/30/1865 at CharlestonWVa. An application for benefits was filed 8/9/1890 for "rheumatism, disease of heart & rectum, & right femoral hernia," his lawyer being D F Openlander of SherwoodOH. Upon examination, they found him to be 5'7", 139 pounds, pulse rate of 96, respiration rate of 22 at age 50. On his declaration for invalid pension, however, he is listed as 6 feet tall with dark complexion, brown hair, and blue eyes. He signs with his mark.
the Lehman-Rensch-Hittle-Boyer in-laws
A stone in the Spindler Cemetery notes "Anna, wife of C. Lehmon died 5/30/1896 aged 86 years." This was John's mother-in-law. Miss Anna Hittle was born to Nicholas Hittle and Eva Anna Boyer. Nicholas is mentioned in the 1880 History of MiamiCoOH as "a man possessed of powerful physical strength" that "pioneered [his] way into the wilds of Newton Township," locating on Section 8 "just above Pleasant Hill." Nicholas' son John, Anna's brother, "was raised a farmer, and adopted farming as his vocation through life, and shoemaking as an accessory. He came to Ohio, when about 10 years old, with his parents... the third of a family of ten children." He died on his 160-acre farm, half of which then was bought John's son, John K Hittle. John K was a member of the IOOF since 1866, the Encampment at West Milton, and the Patrons of Husbandry. A democrat, he considered himself "Protestant in faith, but not circumscribed by any particular creed. In all of his transactions, integrity is his ruling principle." Curiously, the Defiance Atlas lists the last name as "Hittler."
Her father-in-law Benjamin Lehman bought Jacob Ullery's saw mill 1818 and later that year a new frame building was erected and a flouring mill was actually in operation in 1820. Jacob Ullery had been a Maryland native who left there in spring 1810 by wagon to Pittsburg, floating on an old "flat" to Cincinnati, then by hired team to Dayton. He bought a mill-site for $300, the SE quarter of Section 30 in Newberry Twp, building a sawmill in 1815, selling it to 4 greats-grandfather Benjamin Lehman for $4000, which he in turn sold for $3500 to John Brumbaugh in 1822 after developing a flouring mill. The Hanks brothers established a tannery in 1820 known as the Covington Tannery. In 1824, it had nearly ceased but Benjamin Lehman rebuilt it in 1825, let John Ross operate it, and then sold it to John Ross in 1830.
the Rench tree
7 greats-grandfather Peter Rench (b.1699GE m.1724GE d.1772 ConococheageDT
(Margreth) b.1702GE
John Rench (b.1726GE d.1794 m.Margaret b.1726 )
c. all born MD:John b.1761,Jacob b.1762,Peter b.1764,Daniel b.1769)
Catherine Rench (b.1730GE)
Andrew Rench b.1732GE d.1792 m.1760 HagerstownMD Elizabeth(b.1738)
Daniel Rench b.4/8/1799 HagerstownWACoMD m.Elizabeth Rohrer (b.1799)
c.John b.1825,Catherine b.1827,Mary b.1829, Andrew b.4/8/1799
HagerstownMD m.ElizabethSchaefer(b.1799)
6 greats-grandfather Joseph Peter Rench ( b.1724GE d.1804HuntingdonCoPA or
(Margaret) b.1733 m.1750 FrederickCoMD d.1779
c. Susannah b.1755 FrederickCoMD, rest HagerstownWACo: Catherine (b.1760),
Peter b.1762, Easter b.1766, Joseph b.1767, David b.3/28/1771, (all b.PCo),
Elizabeth b.1750 FrederickCoMD m.John Gripe (b.1744 BedfordCoPA)
c. Joseph b.7/20/1771PA, Elizabeth b.1773 BedfordCoPA, Susannah b.1776
BCo,John b.1780BCo,Catherine b.1781 HuntingdonCoPA,Hester b.1/30/1784
HCo, Hannah b.1786 HCo, Barbara b.7/4/1788 HCo, JacobC Gripeb.8/8/1793
Morrison's CovePA m.Mary Wilmond (b.9/5/1798PA
c.Susan b.9/14/1818, Sarah b.9/26/1820, Elizabeth b.1821,Mrs
Daniel (Barbara) Gripe b.1822 (spouse b.9/1/1818 MontgomeryCo
OH),Hannah b.10/7/1824, Samuel b.4/181828 m.Salome"Sally"
Frantz (b.9/24/1829), John b.1831, Jacob b.2/4/1833 m.AnnaFrantz
(b.12/5/1832OH) & Emaline Knauff (b.9/24/1841 MontgomeryCo),
Mary Magdalene b.1837 (all b.MontgomeryCoOH except these
last 2, b.KoscioskoCoIN)David C b.1/11/1839,Catherine b.6/4/1842
5 greats-grandfather John Rench b.1761 HagertstownMD d.1824 m.1784
(Elizabeth Caylor)
4 greats-grandmother Margaret Rench (b.1781 d.8/12/1831 MiamiCoOH)
(Benjamin Lehman) p.Peter b.1775 d.12/29/1849 MiamiCoOH
both i.Highland Cemetery, CovingtonOH
3 greats-grandfather Christopher Lehman (m.Anna Hittle)
great-great-grandmother Sarah Lehman (m.John Hinsch)
great-grandfather David Hinsch (m.Edith Mattson)
grandmother Irene Hinsch (m.Woody Stahl)
Ruth Stahl (m.Frank Yochum)
me, John Yochum.
the Lehman tree
5 greats-grandfather Peter Lehman b.1775 d.12/29/1849 MiamiCoOH
(Margaret Rench) -- see above
4 greats-grandfather Benjamin Lehman --see above
Catherine m.12/18/1851
(James Hartle) farmer p.Fred Hartle b.1/28/1828BlairCoPA to OH 1829
c.Elizabeth, Lavina T COlumbus, Frederick, LaFayette, Albert, Calvin,Ora, &
Dr Franklin Hartle.
the Hittle tree
5 greats-grandfather Adam Hittle
4 greats-grandfather Nicholas Hittle (b.GE d.6/1846 DarkeCoOH, to OH in 1813)
(Eva Anna Boyer)p.Fred (b.1790PA toMontgomeryCoOH 1829)
John b.1803 BucksCoPA d.1861(m.Mary Kessler, with whom he had 2 sons & 5
daughters,& Mary Divens, with whom he had a daughter)
John K Hittle farmer b.1840 on the farm. m.1867 Mary E Thompson(p.JohnT.
Adam b.MiamiCoOH d.1876 MiamiCoOH
(Catharine Fockler) b.MiamiCoOH
Michael b.5/30/1842 DarkeCoOH farmer, not married in 1880
Eve (b.11/25/143 m.11/27/1866 George Nill, who d. 6/1/1874)
c.Catherine b.2/12/1868,Mary b.3/13/1870,Michael b.6/20/1871,
Christiana b.1/6/1873 and Margaret 11/11/1874
3 greats-grandmother Anna Hittle(b.1810PA d.5/30/1896 PldgCo m.5/10/1832
MiamiCo i.SpindlerCem)
(Christopher Lehman) b.1811OH d.9/21/1852 MiamiCoOH i.SugarGroveCem
2 greats-grandmother Sarah Lehman (m.John Hinsch)
Barbara Lehman (m.David Hinsch, John's brother, ie brothers marry sisters)
Anna Hittle-Lehman, John and David's mother-in-law, is living next door with David, John's brother,in the OHPACR 1860 census at age 49, born in Pennsylvania, with personal possessions worth $300. In the 1870 OHPACR census, p.22, she is 60, still keeping house for David and Barbara's family. In 1880, she is only 67 with a broken arm, now living with John's family, in the OHPACR census, p.26. Her name changes from Lehman to Lemmon to Layman with each passing census.
great-grandfather David Jackson Hinsch 1876-1940
David was born 2/5/1876 (his death certificate says 2/4/1875, but his birth certificate says 2/5/1876, and his gravestone notes 1876) in Paulding County, moved from Montana back to Paulding in 1929, and died in the Paulding County Hospital 1/30/1940 of myocarditis, contributed to by his diabetes mellitus. He was buried the day before his 65th birthday in Forder Cemetery, outside of Antwerp, PauldingCoOH. His wife, "Gramma Hinsch," as we have always affectionately called her, moved to 220 Rock St, Hicksville OH in 1965 to be near her two granddaughters, Ruth and Dianne Stahl.
marriage and family
On April 18, 1915 in Wilbaux, Montana, David married Edith Della Mattson. She was born 7/17/1895 in OrtonvilleMN and died at 10am 4/23/1974 in Hicksville Community Memorial Hospital, DefianceCoOH. Her body was interred in Forder Cemetery beside her husband 4/26 with the Rev Wm Schaffner of the United Pentecostal Church (The Apostolic Church 626 Ralston, Defiance OH) officiating. Their children:
1. Dora Elizabeth Hinsch b.1/26/1920 Glendive, Montana d.6/11/1994 Bryan Hospital Bryan,WmsCoOH i.6/14/94 RochesterCem Cecil PauldingCoOH m.1/20/1948 FtWayneIN Harvey GILBERT. (b.12/25/21 SouthBendIN)
a: Florence b.12/23/52 d.12/23/52 i.Rochester Cem
b:Martha Elizabeth Gilbert (b.6/21/50 FtWayneAllenCoIN m. 6/20/71 NC)
(David Winslow) b.6/11/51 BoothbayMaine r. while Dave was in the Navy, Norfolk VA and Charleston
SC. Then Boothbay & Dresden, Maine, David's home state. Harvey and Dora named Martha after aunt
Martha Elizabeth Taylor
i.Dawn Michelle Winslow b.12/18/1973 CharlestonSC
ii. Troy David Carroll Winslow b.12/16/1979 or 12/6/80? Maine
2. David Signor HINSCH b.10/19/1921 Beach, ND d.1/3/53 auto accident i.Bethel Cem PldgCoOH
(Julia Ann Szabo) p. Steve Szabo of Mantua b.2/17/24 m. Andrews, Pierce
1409 Oakwood Ave; ClbsOH 43206-3155 1/614-444-2489 1996
a:David Lee Hinsch b.3/31/44 Cecil d.9/12/1953 Cecil "suddenly at 11:30 am at his home." age 9.
b:Jay Edward Hinsch b.8/7/47 adopted as "Andrews" d.1987 m.Sandy ??? c.Wm & Douglas Andrews
3. Irene Christina b.8/14/1923 Hodges, DawsonCo, Montana m.8/11/1941 in WilliamsCoOH d.3/13/1949 William Woodrow STAHL (see previous chapter for details on Stahl side of the family). PauldingCoOH i.Bethel Cemetery. This is my grandmother.
4. June Edith b.6/30/1926 Beach,ND m.1945 Pauld Edward FOCKLER
a: Donna Jean Fockler b.4/4/48 DefianceOH
(Ronald Frances Corwin) b.1/30/42 m.12/30/66 DefianceCoOH
i. Tina M Corwin (b.6/11/69 adopted by Archie Burns)
(DavidVielma) b.1970 m.1/12/1989 divorced 1991
c.Jessica Marie Vielma b.12/20/87 DefianceOH
ii. Tonya Corwin (b.1/22/71 adopted by Archie Burns)
(Sam Carnahan) m. 6/9/90 Agape Lighthouse Ch; 1035 Latty St, DefianceOH
A. Damien Allen Fockler b.7/1/88 PauldingCoOH
B.Kristy Lynn Fockler was born 4/24/1992.
(Archie Burns)
(Guadalupe Martinez)
b: Ronald Ray Fockler b.7/10/52 DefianceOH
(Sally Sinclair) p.Frank Sinclair and Donnave Schwab --see below
i. Theresa Ann Fockler b.1972 d.1972 i.RochesterCem Cecil
ii. Christopher Fockler b.11/30/79 DefianceOH
(Terry Gardner) m.11/23/88 She had a child previously,
iii. Betsey Jean Gardner b.5/7/82
c: Rex Edward Fockler b.8/30/57 DefianceOH m.June 21, 1980 Reba Ruder
i. Jeany Edith Fockler b.8/31/87
Wm Corwin (d.1787)
WmCorwin (b.1778 d.1847)
Ephraim Corwin (b.1798 d.1877)
(SarahVanDorn) c.Geo,David,Eli,John,Chas
(Margt Sharp) d.1845
IsaacN (m.MariaSmart)
FredHoward b.11/6/1864 DefCo m.in1884 LouiseGoller
LakeErie(b.1885 d.1920),RayFred(b.1888 d.1956), Howard Edwin(b.1895d.1949),
GuyRobt (b.1898 d.1980 c.Paul Edwin), Mrs Helen Hawkins (b.1900).
Benjamin b.12/26/33 m.NancyA (Justice)Parteec.Edwin,MaryMargt,Jim,Della,Dollie,Claude
(and m.Mary E Joehring)b.1831 d.2/22/1866 sis.AnnMargt
Peter Marion Corwin (b.2/13/1866 d.1/1/1898 m.10/20/1891)
(Callie Jane Edwards) c.Elmer,Mrs Roy(Gusta)Relyea,MrsChester(Shirley)Sanford, and
Wm Aden Corwin (see below). Callie Jane remarried to Mathias Herr, and had Louis,
Mrs Frank(Zola)Clark, Mrs Avanell Purcell, MrsAden(Chloe)Fuller, MrsChas(Nancy)
Schmunk, Mrs Clarence(Marion)Mast, and MrsLester(Lodilla)Schmunk.
Wm Aden Corwin (b.11/13/1894 DefianceCoOH d.5/11/66DCo m.12/24/17 DCo both i.BrunersburgCem
(Verna Ellen Brunner) p.Warren & Emma (Roehrig) Brunner b.9/15/1898 DCo d.1/12/76 DCo
Leone Pearl (b.12/14/18 d.7/31/76 m.Lee Wilder c.Frances,Lynette,Patricia,Jerry, Sheila
Clarence Edwin (b.10/25/20 d.3/14/78 m.MaryLouHohenberger c.Steve,Dan,Richd,Jeff,Craig
Robt Eugene(b.1/7/23 m.Alice Shock c.GloriaJean)
Luella Edith (b.3/9/25 d.6/25/80 m.3/9/46 Robt Wm Beardsley (b.4/23/19)
RobtWmJr (b.9/19/49 c.DonaldRobt b.10/10/74)
(PamelaYvonneMetz) p.DonaldE (b.1/18/28) & MaryLouise (Funk b.12/18/29) Metz
CynthiaLee(b.5/18/56 m.10/4/77 LawrenceMoore(b.4/30/53) c.LesterSydney b.9/12/70
Julie Ann (b.3/26/61 m.Donald Hughes c.MichelleAnnHughes b.5/27/84)
(Kirkpatrick) c. Joseph Corbin Kirkpatrick b.10/7/84
Wm Orval (b.9/2/27 m.Lois Jean Etchie c.Debra,Rebecca,
Gerald Lavon(b.9/29/29 m.EdithChristineGross c.Randall, Jewell, Terry,Joan
Arlene Ellen (b.1/22/32 m.Royal Wetter c.Barbara, Linda
Melvin Leo (b.7/17/34 m.Dixie Mast c.Carol, Karen,Lisa, Lori
Marvin Lee (b.1/28/37 m.Mae Evelyn Flowers c.David, Michelle, Mary Kay
Betty Jean (b.3/14/39 m.Richard Lichty c.John Long, Kevin Long
Ronald Frances (b.1/30/42 m.12/30/66 Donna Jean Corwin c.Tina,Tonya Burns--see above)
Johan Georg Schwab (b.1791 GE d.1866 CrawfordCoOH both i.ScwabCem CranberryTwp CrawfordCoOH
(Anna Maria ???) b.1797 c.1859 CCoOH
John A Schwab (b.4/1816 GE arrived America 9/1817 d.1/1875 i.Sherwood Cem; DefianceCoOH
(Barbara Hohenberger, secondly)
(Caroline Oberlander, firstly) b.WuerttembergGE m.1824
c.John,Caleb(both b.CCoOH),Fred,Lewis,Caroline,Charles(b.1861 DCo),Elias(b.1863 DCo), &
Lewis Schwab(d.12/4/45IoniaCoMI m.12/1881Ella,then IdaSpindler&DellaEbersole both d.1920)
(Ella Gordon) d.8/1912 MarkTwp DefCoOH p.Thomas (d.1891 c.Emma, Lewis, & Ella)
c.ClintonWm & Clayton Thomas (twins b.1882, Clay lived in IoniaCoMI), MyloEdgar
(b. 6/21/1885PCo)HarryAlfred(b.1886),EthelMae(b.5/4/1889PCo),Bessie(b.&d.1891),
ChasFrankllin (b.1892), John Clyde (b.1899), Jessie Caroline (b.1907), and
Harry Alfred (b.1887 d.1928 m.1910 i.Rochester)
(Bertie Adams) b.1883 d.1942CecilOH p.Edwin & Catherine (Jackson) Adams
Henry Schwab (b.1914 d.1972 m.1934 )
(Hazel Caryer) b.1916 both i. Rochester
Duane Schwab (m.Bonnie Layman c.Denise, Julie)
Delmar Schwab (m.Karen Riley c.Jody,Glenda(both r.Payne),Glen(r.Clbs)
Donnave Schwab
(Frank Sinclair) c.Sally (m.Ronald FOCKLER-- see above),Catherine,Frank
(Wayne Weber) c.Julia, Donna
(Lloyd Cooper)
5. Bernard Jay HINSCH b.1/12/1930 PauldingCoOH d.1/2/1953 at age 22 PauldingCoOH i.Bethel Cemetery
(Helen Rosabelle "Rosie" Gilbert) b.1/15/30 m.5/27/50, remarried after Bernard's death, Arthur Stiltner
r.Briceton PCoOH
a: Bernard Jay Hinsch b.1/21/53 PauldingOH d.5/5/64 i.Bethel Cemetery
b: Charlotte Helen Hinsch (b.6/15/51 DefianceCoOH)
(Dave Colwell) m.8/17/96 293 Converse Ave; PlainCityOH 43064
c: Penny Jo Stiltner
d: Arthur Stiltner
e: Christopher "Bud" Stiltner
ii.Kaylene Racelle (b.1/6/97 at home AntwerpOH)
Amos Thompson b.1871 d.1935 i.Rochester
(Florence Zarr) b.1872 d.1961
c. Clyde, Roy (b.3/15/1892), Harley, Emmett Hera b.9/15/1898PCo, Theodore,
David Lawrence b.2/19/04PCo , Mrs Florence Workman, Isadore H b/3/14/1894,
Neva Hazel b.9/15/1898, Donald (r.LakePlacidFL), and
Nelda M Thompson (b.9/14/10 EmeraldTwpPauldingCoOH d.2/16/1987 PldgCo
Hospital, Lutheran, i.Rochester Cem, Cecil PldgCoOH)
(Ozro Byron "Buzz" Gilbert) p.A.P & Harriet (Deeter) Gilbert b.9/13/1898PCo
d.1959 DefianceOH both i.Rochester
c.Mrs Teddy Keeler (r.Cecil), Sandra Braswell (r.IrvingTX),Carl(Toledo),
Mrs Florence Green (r.Toledo), and Rosie Stiltner (m.B.Hinsch--see up)
Mrs Sandra Braswell(r.Irving TX)
(Earl Shackleford) c.Bernard&Kay S., Amy &
VintLeeGilbert (b.8/7/1867PldgCoOHd.9/19/26ParkersburgWVi.R)
Although her own children were all out of the house and her husband was gone, child-rearing was not yet over for Gramma Hinsch. A letter from the Veteran's Administration dated 5/20/1949 noted that
"An award of death compensation has been made to you as the guardian of two minor children of the above-named veteran, whose death was due to service, at the following monthly rates..." Ruth I $41 monthly payment commencing 3/14/49 and ending 9/23/60 or at her death or marriage, and Dianne V $41 monthly. Another letter arrived dated 5/24/49 that "notified that an award of insurance has been made on behalf of Ruth Irene Stahl to you as guardian. The person entitled to benefits under this award is a beneficiary of insurance in the amount of $10,000.00 granted by the United States under the National Service Life Insurance Act of October 8, 1940, as amended, and is entitled to monthly payments of $55.10 beginning April 12, 1949 to and including September12, 1964 (186 remaining installments certain)."
the Fockler-Renollet-Knisley-Heater-Heller in-laws
David Fockler
(Elizabeth Hollenbaugh)
Paul Edward Fockler (b.1/6/1919 Defiance OH m.1945 d.5/30/84 PauldingCoOH ManvilleCorp. WWII
vet. Agape Lighthouse Ch member
Donald r.LimaOH 1995
Mabel (b.5/4/1897 DefianceCoOH d.1986 i.ShawneeCem LimaOH David was her stepfather,E. her mother)
(Henry Bunke) d.1986r.LimaOH
(Cora Ellen Schafer)
MaeRuth Fockler (b.11/28/1897 DefianceOH d.2/22/95 EvergreenCareCtr Defiance m.1916 i.RenolletCem
EmeraldTwp PldgCoOH)
(Lewis Doran Renollet) b.10/3/1893 DefianceOH d.12/16/74 Holgate HenryCoOH i.Renollet Cem,
PauldingCoOH r.PauldingOH-- see below for genealogy
Anna Blanche Renollet (r.PldgOH 1995)
Theodore Arthur Renollet
Lewis Doran Renollet Jr (r.PldgOH 1995)
Pam Renollet
(Jim Yochum, my brother)
Irvin David Renollet (r.SherwoodOH 1995)
(Mary Lou Knisley)
Richard Harold Renollet
Luther A b.12/19/02 Blanche Ethel b.4/3/1900 Charles b.7/11/1895
(Martha Colwell)
Frank b.7/14/1880 Iva b.3/22/1879 Sarah b.9/22/1883 Simon b.2/27/1895 d.1895
Paul Renollet (b.5/14/1801 Prussia d.9/26/1875 PauldingCoOH m.3/17/1829 i.RenolletCem PauldingCo came to USA in 1938 from France thro' NY to Buffalo down Erie Canal, settling in HenryCoOH)
(Mary Elizabeth Golder) b.2/28/1803 GE d.11/21/1876 Edgerton WmsCoOH i.MapleGrove EdgertonOH
c. Paul, Sophie, CatherineBarbara, Mary, SophiaII, DanielII and
Daniel (b.3/18/1848 HenryCoOH d.2/17/43 LimaAllenCoOH m.11/7/1872 Co5 82 OVI,GAR i.Renollet
Cem; came to EmeraltTwpPldgCoOH 1956 owned 560 acres, had 10 children)
(Barbara May Brown) b.3/10/1854 d.10/22/05 i.Renollet Cem
c. C.E. Mrs Bertha Mast Paul b.8/18/1868 d.9/26/1875 i.R Alvin E b.12/1879 d.5/18/1880 i.R
Franklin J Renollet (b.1/7/1877 PldgCo d.10/1966 Cecil PldgCo i.Renollet Cem took Boxwell
Exam after graduating from 8th grade and became teacher, teaching at Bullard, Hasch and
Junction Schools, also farmer, attended Defiance College)
Harold D Renollet b.1914 d.1975 i.Renollet
Howard W Renollet (b.1912 survivor of 1920 tornado that wiped out R.Sta.)
(Marcella M ???) b.1919 d.1971
c. Vivian Lynn b.1963 d.1968 i.R Vivian Lee d.10/5/46 i.Renollet
John P (b.11/27/1893 d.11/30/1890 i.R)
Samuel (1904 PldgCo treasurer, w/Franklin founded Renollet Sta at RR and Ren.Rd.)
Lewis Daniel Renollet b.1/14/1830 LudweilerGE d.4/15/18 SanduskyOH CoD 182OVI,GAR i.R
(Catherine Kline) b.5/24/1840 Bavaria d.11/21/21 m.8/12/57 DefianceOH i.R p.Peter and Mary
Elizabeth (Haussong b.1/8/1810 d.3/8/1868 i.R).
c. Mary Jane, Ellen Ann, Franklin Marion, Cornelia Delely, Lewis Daniel Jr, Levi Webster,
Edward Theodore, Albert Benjamin (b.1869 d.2/26/1870 i.R), Lillie Ida May, Earl Lawrence
(b.5/26/1873 d.3/2/09 i.R), and
Irvin Peter Renollet b.7/18/1862 PldgCoOH d.12/11/41 Sherwood DefianceCoOH i.R
(Georgia Anna Swisher) b.3/21/1867 SpencervilleOH d.9/5/48 PCoOH i.R p.Enoch Harvey
(b.SpencervilleOH) and Anna (Note b.KY m. alsoSimpson Drenning, DefCoOH)
Theodore Arthur Renollet b.6/2/1891 DefianceCoOH d.7/9/11 i.R
Lewis Doran Renollet b.10/3/1893 DCoOH d.12/16/74 Holgate HenryCoOH i.R
(Mae Ruth Fockler) b.11/28/1897 i.R
1.Anna Blanche Renollet b.6/17/19
(WalterRich'dAnkney) b.5/6/12 m.9/28/38 i.R p.EliAmos(b.1868 d.11/14/57 PCo \
m.in1898)and Susie (Layman b.1878 d.1963 i.LiveOak Pldg) Ankney siblings: Nettie,
Albert, WillisI (b.1902 d.1965 i.LiveOak), Estel (b.1922 i.LO), Earl A (b.1901 d.1954
WWII vet i.Live Oak Cem, PauldingOH).
Larry Lee Ankney
Judith Ann Ankney
2.Theodore Arthur Renollet b.7/29/21 PCo d.4/4/83 PCo m.9/6/47
(Sarah Rae Thomas) b.1928 both i.Pleasant Grove Cem PauldingOH
c.Michael Alex, Jane Lea, Duane Dee, Lewis Riley, Kathy Lou (who m.Wm
Wieppert Jr), Ellen Sue (who m.Donald Hemple)
3.Richard Harold Renollet b.6/16/17 i.R
4.Lewis Doran Renollet Jr b.3/22/24 PCo m.4/6/47
(Geraldine Estelle Klein) b.4/2/29 p.Richard(b.1907 d.5/30PCo) & Theresa (Brown)
Klein grandmother:MrsGertrudeKlein (GK's c:Howard,MrsWmKing,MrsHarold
Krumel, and Mrs Gerald Grant)
Gary Gene Renollet
Patti Kay Renollet
Pamela Sue Renollet
(WmJosephSheurichIII) p.CelesteConstance neeHannenkrat b.9/25/45
Wm Joseph Sheurich IV adopted by James Yochum
(Jennifer Lynn Henry)
(Skip Miller)
Steven Miller adopted by James Yochum
Rachel Miller adopted by James Yochum
(James Henry Yochum) my brother
Matthew James Yochum
5.Irvin David Renollet
(Mary Lou Knisley)
1. Ricky Renollet
(Sue English) p.Dale & Rosemary (Frank) English
PioneerOH siblings:Dan/ MkCtr,Randy/ Defiance, Mrs Kreg (Joni)
Staci Renolletb.2/22,Brooke Renolletb.12/22&NeelyJoRenollet
2. Ronald Renollet b.10/12
(Becky Rath)
c.Trish Renollet b.3/21
Heidi Renollet (b.3/27 m.6/8/96 Ney Ch of God, Ney DefianceCoOH)
(Patrick Briskey) p.John&JackieB of Stryker WmsCoOH
(Barb Donelly) b.8/20 c. Jesse Baker (p.Donnie) b.12/28 & Ryan Renollet
3. Cheryl Renollet b.4/3
(Mike Bergman) b.11/1
Tori Bergman b.7/24 Brock Bergman b.2/2 Jaaci Bergmanb.10/13
4. Brent David Renollet b.9/7 m.7/13/91 StPaul's Methodist DefianceOH
athletic director,bsktball coach at EvergreenHS, MetamoraOH,TinoraHS
(Tamara Sue Young) lawyer w/Borland,Snavely/Renollet of DefianceOH
Russell Brecht (b.1902)
Imogene Brecht ( TinoraHS secretary for 27yrs)
(Dallas Young) m.1957
Tamara Sue (see above)
(Brent David Renollet)
AmyJo (r.GlyndonMD industrial psychologist)
(Scott Yuengling) p. Douglas & Frances Yuengling
foster son Tim Roehrs r.KendallvilleIN m.Becky Osborn c.Taytum
John L Ross (b.3/23/1811 VT d.8/26/1884 i.UnionCem WoodCoOH)
(Anna) b.2/16/1812 PA d.7/27/1885
John B. Ross (b.7/4/1846 PA d.6/7/05 SherwoodOH owned grocery in Cecil, farmed on MudCreekRd,
carpenter, painter)
(Katherine Jackson) b.3/22/1842 WhitleyCoIN d.7/8/26 SherwoodOH her dad: Lemuel G Jackson b.1/25/1817
Maine m.9/24/1846 AllenCoIN i.CenterTwpAllenCoIN her mom:Magdelena Mary Greenwalt b.PA her
grandfather Lemuel L Jackson b.Maine & Mercy White b.1795 NewHampshire great-grandparents: Lemuel J.
b.3/3/1762 Middleboro PlymouthMA d.Northport/North Belmont WaldoMaine & Jemima Sampson.
great-great-grandparents Lemuel Jackson m.10/24/1757 MiddleboroMA Patience Cole
Charles Ira Ross (b.1875 HuntertownIN d.6/25/53 SherwoodOH)
(Anna Elizabeth Shoemaker) b.9/21/1880 DelawareTwpOH d.1961 SherwoodOH her dad: Louis Henry S.
b.1/27/1859 DefianceTwpOH m.12/15/1879 DelawareTwp by G M Zucker d.9/8/1934 SherwoodOH her mom:
Frederica "Rickie" Kuhl (b.10/23/1856 OH d.5/23/39 OH her dad: Adam Kuhl Sr b.1827 GE m.4/2/1855
CrawfordCoOH d.1/1/1877 DelawareTwpOH i.HughesCem DefianceCoOH her mom: Frederica
Wyckert/Weigart b.GE) her grandparents: Frederick Shoemaker b.1820 GE d.4/14/01
DefianceCoOH i.TuttleCem) & Elizabeth Weichard b.1836 GE d.7/27/1896 r.SenecaCoOH
Blanche Ross (b.5/23/1801 Sherwood OH d.4/7/89 SherwoodOH owned Peerless Restaurant, Sherwood.
Sherwood Elem School cook)
(Basil Raymond Heller) b.10/18/1898 SherwoodOH m.4/7/21 St John's Lutheran SherwoodOH d.8/24/56
Basil Heller (b.12/2/21 SherwoodOH d.1996 LeisureOaks DefianceOH, farmer and Baker-Schindler
construction, resided at14264 CR 8, CecilOH m.Helen)
c.Mrs Lonnie (Mary) Williams r.Cecil, William r.EvansvilleIN
Darwin Heller
Darwin "Pete" Heller
Katherine Ross
(Vine Knisley) bought a 2nd farm of 110acres for $500. Lived at the west deadend of VineSt SherwoodOH
Paul Ellsworth Knisley (b.4/3/1906 SherwoodOH once broke his neck riding horses, in AnnArborMI
hospital for 5 wks.)
(Leona Delle Johnston) b.7/29 m.9/1/28 Ney Methodist Ch
Phyllis Joan Knisley (m.Wm Heater, see above)
Shirley Knisley (m. Gene L Vance, see below)
Mary Lou Knisley (m. Irvin Renollet, see above)
Isaac Heller (b.5/26/1752 PA m.5/26/1772 BerkesCoPA d.1814 DauphinCoPA)
(Anna Catherine Wenger(t)) b.BerkesCoPA d.12/12/1791 DauphinCoPA her dad was Lazarus W. b.11/10/1715 SW came to America in 1735 m.11/10/1738 d.12/16/1796 BerkesCoPA her mom was Maria Catherine Lauck b.9/7/1711 SchoharieCoNY
Johannes "John" Heller (b.10/28/1779 BerkesCoPA d.9/20/1847 DauphinCoPA)
(Susan Bordner) b.PA d.1809 DauphinCoPA
Jacob Heller (b.11/20/1801 DauphinCoPA m.1825 d.12/13/1885 CrawfordCoOH moved to OH 1836
(Margt Daniel) b.2/11/1805 DauphinCoPA d.12/31/1891 CrawfordCoOH p.Andreas D.
Edward D Heller (b.1834 PA m.3/18/1857 CrawfordCoOH d.6/5/07 SherwoodOH)
(Mary "Polly" Miller) b.3/24/1835 HarrisonCoOH d.3/18/08 SherwoodOH her dad: David Miller b.1788
FrederickCoMD m.1812 HarrisonCoOH her grandfather: John Miller b.FrederickCoMD her grandmother
b.MD her mother: Mary Schuss b.1793 DauphinCoPA both her parents b.PA
Wm Edward Heller (b.11/28/1863 CrawfordCoOH m.3/23/1886 d.1/20/21 SherwoodOH)
(Doris Belle Helmick) b.1867 d.11/24/23 SherwoodOH her dad:Frederick H. b.1842 Prussia m.7/26/1866
d.8/6/1906 SherwoodOH her mom:Mary Elizabeth Roush b.12/31/1848 DelawareTwpOH d.1/4/1921
Louisiana grandparents George Rousch d.1823 PA d.11/20/1881 DelawareTwpOH Christina b.1828PA
d.1903 i.SherwoodCem
Basil Heller
see for more
Grandmother Irene Hinsch1922-1944
Married William Woodrow STAHL, see the Stahl page for more.
More family at the Yochum page and the Stahl page. more to come later...