May I have your attention: This is not complete. Please read with the knowledge that there may be errors and that there are certainly omissions. If you cannot bear this thought, please read no further. But please, if you can correct or add to this pool of knowledge I have tried to collect, please please contact me: John Yochum, P O Box 27, Sherwood OH 43556, or call (419)899-4227. Thanks. Last update 7/4/95, 6/3/96. Posted 6/27/04 This does not include all the Yochum descendants. For more names, dates, begats, and detail see my page at GenCircles: Posted 6/27/04 to the net, in hopes of finding out more about my family.
Peter Yochum (great-great-grandfather)
John Yochum (great-grandfather)
Arthur Yochum (grandfather)
Frank Yochum (father)
John Yochum (me)
At the Fort Wayne Indiana Public Library is an oversized thick book on the Yochum family. In it, Dr Charles A. Yocum boldly declares "on very high authority" that all of the people by the name of Yochum in the United States, Mexico, Canada, Cuba, Alaska and South America have descended in one way or another from one Peter Yocum, who came to America with the Swedish Settlement at Philadelphia in 1638, sent by Gustavus Adolphus, King of Sweden and Norway. My research is so preliminary that I could not tell if this is true of our particular branch of the Yochum worldwide family.
This same book lists a wide variety of spellings for our surname, since the letter J was the latest addition to our alphabet, sometimes used interchangeably with the letters I and Y. John, for instance, is Ian in Scotland, Ivan in Russia, Jan in the Balkans, Jean in France, Johan in Germany, Juan in Spain etc. The listing of possible spellings he gives is:
Iagum, Iugum, Jachim, Jachin, Jachum, Jacombe, Jagum, Joachim, Joachum, Joakum ,Joccom, Joccum,, Jocen, Jochemre, Jochems, Jochemsen, Jochemssen, Jochum, Jochumsson, Joggers, Juccum, Juccums, Jugum, Yachum, Yacum, Yeocham, Yeocom, Yeokam, Yeokham, Yeokim, Yeucomb, Yocaham, Yocahim, Yoackam, Yoacon, Yoacum, Yoakam, Yoakem, Yoakham, Yoakhum, Yoakim, Yoakman, Yoakom, Yoakum, Yocam, Yoccom, Yoccum,Yoccomb, Yoccumb,Yocen, Yocham, Yochem, Yochim, Yochum, Yockham, Yocom, Yocomb, Yocome, Yocumb,Yocumbe, Yokam, Yockeham, Yokem, Yokeum, Yockham, Yokim, Yokom, Yokome, Yokum,Yolcom, Yolkecome, Yolkiom, Youcam, Youcham, Youchem, Youkam, Youckham, Youcom,Youcum, Youkam, Youlekem.
My family's earliest American Yochum seems to have "Jochum" on his tombstone in New Washington, CrawfordCo OH, while Dad's own brother, Arthur "Jake" Yockum, changed his name to one not even in the above list, and we know he is related!
The earliest Yochum I can so far truly verify is indeed a Peter Yochum, but a Peter Yochum who arrived in New Washington Crawford County OH about 1830. In History of Crawford County and Ohio (1881, Baskin & Battery of ChicagoIL publisher), it was observed that "quite a large portion of these early settlers were of England origin. This fact of late years has been entirely changed, and the German has in most parts of the county has assumed ascendancy. This change begain about 1832. In this year and succeeding ones, there was a large accession of German population coming DIRECT FROM EUROPE [emphasis mine]. Coming by the Erie Canal to Buffalo, and thence to Cleveland or Sandusky, the Maumee Valley presented the most available place for settlement at that time, and this fact undoubtedly determined the destination of scores of persons who have since made this once marshy and unhealthful country to become a strong competitor with localities far more highly favored by nature. In 1848, the political troubles of Germany brought another considerable addition to the Teutonic element of Crawford, and many a German 'agitator' is to-day among the county's most reliable citizens."
Another source cites "Early settlers in [Chatfield] township were mostly of English descent ...Around 1832, an influx of Germans came DIRECTLY FROM THE MOTHER COUNTRY and the area became so strongly German that public and private business was conducted in the German language, and state and national election tickets were printed in both English and German." One of great-great grandfather Peter's famous neighbors in the township was David McKinley and James McKinley, great-grandfather and grandfather of President McKinley. One of the more unusual businesses of the township was the raising of silkworm moths fed on mulberry tree leaves. Some good silk was made and marketed for some twelve years.
This source continues, "As early as 1832 a few families of the Roman Catholic faith had moved to New Washington and the surrounding community...The first mass was celebrated in New Washington in 1837...In May,1843, the Catholics of the area decided to build their own church. Members who were the early founders of the church include PETER YOCHUM [emphasis mine], John Fortner, Joseph Wurst, Matthew Loehnhoff, Casper Dallas, Peter Young, John Alt...A lot was purchased from Mr and Mrs Christian McIntiffer on May 21, 1843, and a small frame church erected at a cost of $600, with building completed by 1845." In 1868 this church was sold, and a gothic brick church on five acres was dedicated in 1879 after "members of the congregation did much of the work on the new facility, including burning the brick, hauling stone and sand, assisting brick-layers and furnishing lumber." It is in the cemetery of this St Bernard's church that Peter Yochum is buried, his stone still standing and legible in New Washington, Crawford County, Ohio.
It may be that the Yochums migrated from Sweden to Germany and then to the United States as the Good Doctor says, but it is clear that our Peter Yochum was born in Germany (1850 Census) or Prussia (1860 Census) or France (1870 Census) or Alsace-Lorraine, as some sources are fond of calling this same birthplace which often changed hands between the German and French governments during several wars. Michael Grone of Sidney OH writes that John, Peter's son, spoke both French and German fluently, probably learned from his father, which lends credence to this birthplace. Also, John's 1880 census lists his parents as born in Alsace, while his 1900 census says Germany.
Naturalization Records can consist of four series: the Declarations of Intention (renouncing allegiance to a former sovereign, declaring intent to become a citizen, listing the applicant's name, birth county, date of application and signature, while some added port and date of entry), Petitions (formal application for citizenship, not used in the 1800's), Depositions (sworn statements by neighbors/relatives of character and residency), and the Final Papers, often called the Oaths of Allegiance (the final granting of citizenship). Peter S. Yochum in Volume 3 page 52 of the Common Pleas Court is listed in the Declarations of Intention, dated Dec 12, 1842 native of "Prussia." Peter Jochum (the letter J was the latest addition to our alphabet and in foreign languages, used interchangeably with the letters I and Y) is listed as Naturalized 11/4/1846 in V4p101 of the Common Pleas Court Docket at Bucyrus OH, a native of "Prussia."
His land acquisitions include (according to Crawford County Courthouse Record deeds) 45 acres for $400 (Sect 15, Twp 1, Range 17, 11/3/1846, V11p.173), 13.5 acres for $200 (Sect 11,Twp 1, Range 17, 4/21/1851 V13p.668), 15 acres for $225 (Sec 15, Twp 1, Range 17, 10/10/1851 V14,p.236), all from Joseph Briggs, and perhaps (doubtful since it is not in the will, and it is farther away, and perhaps another Peter Yochum) Lot 8 Riblot's addition in GalionOH 1/20/1854 for $300 (V16 p.373 from J & D Riblot). There is a Peter Yochem (wife Katherine!) who is buried in Mount Calvary Cemetery outside Galion, but with far different dates. This last entry is this Peter's grandson, I believe, but I don't know if he is an actual relative yet.
Our Peter is listed by University Microfilms International of AnnArbor MI in Marriage Certificates of Richland County as wed to Catharine Wechter 6/27/1847 Volume 5-I p.85-545. Wife Catherine Wechter, born in Prussia, died of apoplexy (an old-fashioned term for a stroke) 5/16/1883, four years before her husband and is buried under the same stone as her husband at St Bernard's Cemetery. While no death certificate for Peter could be located (there was a fire in the County courthouse), Catherine's certificate lists her as a housekeeper, and born 68 years, 1 month and 17 days earlier. Her birthdate would thus be March 30, 1815. Well, her tombstone says she died 68 years and two months old. This would be 3/16/1815, married at age 32 to Peter. 1815 also coincides with the dates given in the Census records. A Francisca Wechter "wife of George" is buried one row behind Catherine, dying 8/29/1881 at age 86. Magdalene Wechter "wife of Joseph", born 12/12/1814 and died 3/27/1880 is buried beside Francisca. If you can't actually go to New Washington, check out Cemeteries of Crawford County OH volume 1, compiled and published by Crawford County Chapter of the Ohio Genealogical Society, copyright 1987 (Box 92; Galion).
Peter's children included:
1. MARGARET wife of Phillip REINLINGER as of 4/4/1860 Crawford CoOH, born 1838, and listed as residing in Kirby OH in 1889, the time of Peter's will.
2. CATHERINE wife of John MILLER as of 1/12/1862, born 3/31/1840, and listed on page 994 of History Of Crawford County and Ohio, as married to a "prominent and influential" merchant of New Washington, born 7/2/1839 in the province of Lorraine, France. He had arrived with his parents Peter (b.1811) and Mary (Ludman b.1818 m.1838) Miller 7/19/1847 in BuffaloNY, and then to Crawford County in 1856, where his father was a merchant until his return to Buffalo ten years later. John's siblings included Mary Ann, Hubert, Magdalena, Nicholas, Mary, Josephina, Julia and Jacob. He and Catherine had nine children of their own: Peter C, Clara M, Mary E, Josephina O, Henrietta L, Elvina E, CL, Henry L and Clara R. Mr Miller was a Democrat and Catholic, holding a number of "positions of honor and trust in the municipal and township governments, and is at present Director of the County Infirmary of Crawford County. He owns valuable property in New Washington, and is one of the prominent and influential men of Crawford County."
3. ANNE born in 1842, married 2/5/1867 Matthias KARL, later moving with brother John to Landeck AllenCounty OH.
4. MATTHIAS was born in 1844, married Ann E, and moved to ChicagoIL. The 10/3/1862 edition of the BucyrusJournal : "Below we give the names of all those who were drafted as the quota of 9 months' soldiers needed by the Government from this County. The drawing took place at the Court House in this place, under the superintendance of Commissioner Kearsley, in the presence of some hundreds of our citizens and was done as follows: The names of all those in each township who were subject to draft were written on slips of paper, and those slips put into a sealed envelope by the Commissioner; these envelopes were opened and their contents put into a box and the box thoroughly shaken by Sheriff Warden, and Mr. C W Fisher, having been completely blindfolded, drew one single name at a time from the box, and so on, till the number required from the Township was drawn." Matthias Yocum was #34 from Chatfield Township. 18 years old! John Youcum is #25 from Jackson Township, but it is doubtful that it would be Matthias' brother, only 11 at this time.
5. MARY ANN, born in 1846 married Peter FAETH 5/1/1877 (Marriages Of Crawford County 1831-1989 compiled and published by A1 Printing Center, BucyrusOH), who was to be the administrator of her father's estate. They resided in Bucyrus after their 5/1/1877 wedding, and then she removed to Cleveland OH after marrying a MILLER, as written in brother John's obituary "Succumbs to Long Illness."
6. JOHN G., our ancestor, will be described at length later, but note that his birthday, 5/9/1851, is the first to occur after the marriage date of Peter Yochum and Catherine Wechter. Perhaps, Peter had been married previously, especially when we note later that Philip Cramer, when orphaned by his parents, comes to live with his Uncle Peter at age nine. Philip Cramer's mother's maiden name was Smith. John married 5/5/1874 and died 7/29/14 in LandeckOH.
7. JACOB was born in 1852, baptized on 1/27/1852 (godparents Joacob Scharf and Mary Uhl), married a Mary 6/27/1878 in Crawford County and moved to Tiffin and then Sandusky OH. At age 18, he is listed in the census as a dry goods clerk.
8. ELIZABETH , born 1855, married 4/4/1860 John W GESSEN, (is this the Eugene Gessner named in brother John's obituary?) in Crawford County and resided in Elyria.
9. ODILIA was born 9/23/1859 in New Washington and died only two years later, 2/26/1861, buried in St Bernard's Cemetery.
. ?. PHILIP CRAMER is described in History of Crawford County by John E Hopley, published by Richard Arnold Publishing of Chicago, 1912, as only nine years old when his father died and afterward, for four years, he lived with his uncle, Peter Yocum, at New Washington, and then worked on farms for eleven years, following which he bought an old saw mill in Cranberry Township." Philip's parents were Mathias and Margaret (Smith) Cramer, married in Germany, buried at St Bernard's. He became quite successful, being "one of the heavy tax payers of the county, his seven farms aggregating 1017 acres," in both Cranberry and Auburn townships." His sister Christina was born in Germany, while sister Catherine was born here, married a Felter, and moved to Huron County. He married Miss Anna Hetzer, daughter of Anthony Hetzer, and they had the following children: Andrew, Henry, Edward, Emma, John, Nora, Jacob, Frank, Fred, and Philip, Jr.
?. Further children may or may not be forthcoming, as the 1840 census lists 2 females under 5, l female between 10 and 15 and one female between 20 and 30 years of age living with Peter. Of course, the 2 under 5 are Catherine and Margaret, and the other may be a servant, or a friend, or a visiting relative. The 1870 census lists Lonesa Rulinger, age 4, as living there. Of course, this is probably Margaret's daughter, staying for an extended visit.
Peter "Yocum," in the 1850 census, is a mason, but in the 1860 and 1870, a farmer.
His funeral card lists his date of death as July 28, 1887, aged 77 years. His stone has the same date, but gives his age as 75 years at death. The Censuses agree he was born in 1810, however, so probably the former date is correct. Mike Grone pens that Peter Yochum's estate was appraised at $6421.65 on 9/23/1887. In 1850 his real estate was valued at $500, in 1860 $1800 in real estate and $500 in personal estate, in 1870 as real estate worth $4000 and personal estate of $4200. Peter Faeth, his son-in-law, was the administrator of the estate, which was sold to pay outstanding debts to creditors and heirs (See Crawford County OH Court Records compiled by Jane Fisher, printed 1988 by Apollo Press).
The census of 1840 is extremely hard to read, but seems to list only 1 male betwen 20 and 30 (Peter), 2 females under 5 (Margaret and Catherine), 1 female between 10 and 15, and one female between 20 and 30 (Catherine). 1850 OHCRCH 15 census lists Peter Yocum, age 38, a mason, $500 value of real estate, birthplace Germany, with Catherine, age 34, also born in Germany, and children born in Ohio, Margaret, age 12, Catharine age 10, Ann age 8, Matthias age 6, Mary age 4, and John age 1. 1860 OHCRCH 274 again spells it Peter Yocum, age 49, now a farmer, value of real estate $1800, value of personal estate $500, born in Prussia. Catherine (with an "e" now) is 46, Catherine is 20, Anne 18, Mathas (one "t" now) age 16, Mary Ann age 14, John age 11, Jacob age 8, Elizabeth age 5, Odelia 10/12, Philip Kromer 16 with an illegible occupation listed. 1870 Peter, 57, is a farmer born in France but a citizen of the US. His real estate hoding were worth $4,000, and personal estate $4,420. His wife Catherine, 54, was born in Prussia. Their listed children were Mary Ann, 24, John 21, Jacob 18 who was a dry goods clerk, and Eliza age 15. Also there was Lonesa Runlinger, 4, whose foather was foreign-born and mother a citizen, probably their granddaughter.
John G Yochum-- I never did learn what in the world that G stands for. Aunt Joy Kimmel wrote 2/17/95: "...according to Art [Joy's brother, my uncle] his father's middle name was (don't know how you spell it but it sounds like this) Gornoras. In German he said means Knothole? All I know John." John G Yochum was born May 9, 1851(per death certificate) in New Washington, Crawford County, OH, the sixth of nine children. His descendant Michael Grone describes him according to his family tradition as fluent in French and German (as well as reading, writing and speaking English), and as having "dandy ways of enjoying fine beer and clothing [perhaps] learned from his father who would have been exposed to the finer things in life during Parisian excursions." The 1870 census lists him at age 21 as a worker on his dad's farm. The 1880 census, however, lists him in Marion Township of Allen County (as a farmer who could read and write, with 3 boys and a wife, whose parents were born in Baden,Germany). Indeed, his obituary declares that he had moved there "about 42 years" prior to his death, or about 1872. March 21 of that year that Landeck was surveyed; in fact, The History Of Landeck (published in 1972 celebrating the centennial) relates:
" 1834 a Wm Scott and a Wm Brady opened the first road from the Auglaize River throught the present site of Delphos to the village of Van Wert...this road passed through what was known as ten mile woods, and ... not a single cabin was seen in all that distance. It is generally believed that the Black Swamp which covered most of the Northwest part of Ohio had its boundary along a ridge which ran from Van Wert to Delphos. This became known as the Ridge Road and is now US 30. The land around Landeck was dense virgin forest consisting of native hardwoods of great size.
"Prior ...the French and Indian War drove the Indians from the area...In 1828 the US gave OH lands with the condition that a canal would be built from Dayton to Defiance...When the canal route was agreed upon and completed in 1845, there was a rush for land close to it. A number of German people who had settled in the neighborhood of Ft Jennings, bought land in what is now Delphos.
" The first settlers of Landeck are believed to have arrived between 1850 and 1860. The very first settler is believed to have been Sebastian Ley prior to 1860. Also here prior to 1860 were Joseph Schimmoeller, Michael Vorndran [whose daughter would be John's brother-in-law's wife], John Shaffer, Nicholas Mueller, and John Rahrig. These settlers were five miles from Delphos which had approximately 150 families in 1855. There were more pioneers arriving between 1860 and 1866, these being Hubert Youngpeter [John's mother-in-law's brother would marry his daughter], Peter Gengler, Nicholas Kill, John Kill , John Lucius, Frank Williams, Bernard Schwinnen, K Fornafelt, Henry Heidneisher, Michael Rahrig, Jacob Oelberg, Thomas Hiett, Anthony Pothast, and Peter Bonifas.
"The Landeck settlers were almost exclusively Catholic, German Catholic, including many of Luxembourg [like our Kill ancestors] and Belgium descent. Many of these families first settled in Seneca County near New Riegel and Frenchtown. They arrived in Seneca County in the 1840's and moved to the Landeck area in the 1860's.
"John was one of the many hard-working men who made settlements of western Ohio possible by draining and tiling areas of the Great Black Swamp to make it suitable for farmland." That well-turned phrase is from the pen of Mike Grone, but indeed, the census lists his occupations as ditch digger and farm laborer. The census lists him as unemployed for two months in 1909. He was also supposedly the village horse doctor. His death certificate lists his occupation as a "laborer."
This excerpt from History Of Landeck, 1972, tells what life was like then:
"It is to be sure if anyone had told our great-grandparents that someday one need only flip a switch for light, heat or transportation, they would either have laughed or had you put away.
"Just to arrive near Landeck, those who came by wagon blazed trails and faced great challenges. So soggy were the trails that the weight of their few possessions on the wagons caused deep ruts which remained for a long time; so spongy were these trails that a man once commented that 'on occasion, you can pick up a hat in the middle of the road and find a man and his horse still further down.'
"Therefore in this dense forest the first settlers sought the highest spots for their homestead. This can still be seen along Jennings Creek. There was in this whole area only one spot clear of trees. This was along Jennings Creek, near the present Art Haunhorst farm, and settlers feel this was an Indian village at one time. Arrowheads can still be found there.
"Everywhere else the woods were so dense that once the settler reached his land, he had to clear a space just to build his home. It was not unheard of for a man to level the largest tree and build his cabin around the stump, using it as a table.
"Hardware for hinges and nails were sometimes not available, so the use of strips of leather and wooden pins were common [This is what my dad taught us to use when we built rabbit pens as children].
"The only plentiful thing was wood. It was used for shelter, heat, tools and split for rail fences. Stumps were pulled out by using the strength of the horses and those stumps that could not be pulled and cut out were heaped with branches to burn them out. The men spent their winters clearing land and, depending on the size of the family, clearing from one to three acres each year. Each landowner left uncleared a portion of his land for fuel supply and those that are presently growing wild and untamed will give a hiker a scratchy idea of what our forefathers had to contend with.
"The frontiersmen on arrival had two other prime concerns-- water and fire. Wells had to be dug by hand, but in this vicinity they were rather lucky, as at about twenty feet they usually received a good supply. But it then had to be carried by bucket for household uses and animals. A bucket for drinking and washing had to be kept in every cabin. Another supply of water was the old rain barrel which caught the water from the cabin roof.
"Matches were scarce and so fires had to be saved, usually in the hearth. Sometimes live coals had to be borrowed from a neighbor. It was the job of a member of each family to make kindling and shavings, also to bring in from the woodpile or woodshed wood for the next day's fires so it would be dry.
"The early settlers soon learned of the uses for corn to help keep them through the winter. A member of each family had to grind the corn by hand until mills were established near them. They ate it in mush, cornpone and Johnnycake to name a few.
"They planted gardens and stored their root crops, such as potatoes, carrots, beets and sweet potatoes, also other foods such as cabbages, apples, and pumpkins in a huge pile, which they covered with straw and then with soil to keep them over the winter. As soon as he was able, each homeowner built himself a root cellar. They also dried as much food as possible and hung these from the rafters of their cabins.
"Winters were bitter cold so beef was killed well after winter set in and was frozen and wrapped and kept hanging in a shed. Pork was 'fried down.' This process kept a mother busy for several days, as she fried the sliced meat crisp and then packed it into crocks with the melted lard. Pork was also cured and smoked in the smokehouse, and then left to hang until used.
"The milk cow was another necessity. The cow supplied their milk, cheese, and butter. The milk was cooled in crocks, set in cold water to get the cream to rise to the top to be skimmed off for churning for butter. If one was lucky enough to have a windmill the steady flow of water would keep the milk cold for as long as age would allow it to stay sweet. When aging caused the milk to thicken into a gelatin state, it was heated slowly till it separated, whey from solid, then drained and eaten as cottage cheese.
"Coffee was always sold in bean form and had to be ground at home. Some chose to grind and roast rye instead to make a drink in place of coffee.
"Their only light in the night was from fireplaces, candles and kerosene lamps.
"Clothing was made at home and no scraps were wasted. They were used to make bedding. Women often got together for quilting parties and sewed the bits and pieces of material into heavy quilts for use during the long winters since their heating was often only coals during the night.
"When the clothing and bedding wore out and could no longer be used as such, the good was cut out into strips which were then woven by looms into floor coverings.
"Their mattresses were stuffed with either corn husks or straw.
"Soap was made at home by cooking lard or meat rinds and grease with lye over an open fire. They even made their own lye by pouring water over ashes and draining off the liquid.
"For the men of the family, having spent the winter sawing trees by hand, piling up the wood for fuel and clearing the brush, come spring they had to turn their thoughts to farming. And farming was no snap either. He walked behind a team of horses pulling a plow. Grain was sown by hand. Corn was planted with an instrument held in both hands and pushed into the soil for each hill of corn.
"Harvesting was done for grain by sickle and scythe. Later, binders which cut the grain and bundled it into sheaves were utilized, about 1880. The grain then had to be put into shocks and this then had to be gathered and hauled to the barn where threshing machines separated the grains from the straw. This took many men, neighbors usually. Many wives came too, to help cook, for it took several women working all day to prepare enough food for the many hungry, dry, dusty men. And it was like a big party except that all became very tired from the heavy work and all had to go home to do their chores (feeding the animals and milking the cows and gathering eggs), and then to bed for the next day would be more of the same. They worked from dawn to after dark, from neighbor to neighbor till all were finished.
"Corn harvest at first had to be done by hand. This was usually after freezing and it was necessary for the men to wear heavy gloves for protection, not only from the cold but because of the roughness of the corn. When picking standing corn their clothing was usually well-shredded on the wearer from the knife-like edges of the corn leaves. Some found cutting the stalks and hauling them to the barn for a corn-husking party more profitable as the husks and fodder could then be used for cattle fee. Corn binders were later invented which cut and bundled the corn stalks. It was then shocked and a process similar to harvesting grain was followed. The shocks were placed on wagons and brought to the barn where a shredder separated the ears from the fodder which was then chopped and stored in the barn. This too required neighborhood cooperation.
"Hay was forked onto a wagon and forked onto a pile in the mow in the barn.
"Nothing was ever wasted. Even animal skins were tanned for leather or to make into hide rugs.
"Some of the pleasant memories, for those fortunate enough to remember them, are the aromas of making homemade bread and jams and jellies. A delight these days, but in grandmother's day a chore which had to be done about every third day and very early in our area, baked in outdoor ovens.
"Thanks for the passing of the spittoon and the portable toilet, not to mention the outdoor toilet.
"Thanks for the passing of the scrubbing of clothes on a washboard and hanging them up to dry and ironing every piece with a small heavy iron.
"Thanks for the passing of hitching up horses whenever one wanted to go to church, the general store, or visiting. And while the horse could bring home his passengers or cargo almost without a driver, it was by no means a flip of a switch to put him in the barn
"And so they worked and lived, following mottos like 'Waste not, want not,' and 'Where there's a will there's a way.' They shared whatever they had with those who had not, and every neighbor knew he could count on his neighbor to help him if he was ill or behind in his work. They enjoyed their get-togethers and the work was satisfying. They asked their Maker for the things they needed, and thanked Him for his favors. They never dreamed that life one day would make their time almost unbelievable."
Like his father Peter, who helped establish St Bernard's Catholic Church in New Washington, John was active in St John the Baptist's Catholic Church at Landeck. In 1866 there were 37 families living in this vicinity and they formed a group and petitioned Bishop Rappe of Cleveland for a church and a resident pastor. Bishop Rappe established a permanent parish and the site chosen for the church was on two acres donated by Sebastian Ley. This location is where the church stands today. Joseph Schimmoeller also donated two acres in1866 and the school and Sisters' house are now on this site.
The families first build a church of frame construction in 1866, the first Mass being Christmas that year. Fr Westerhold of the Delphos parish served until Fr Maesfrancx became resident pastor in1868, living with one of the parishioners. He left after a year because of language difficulties. Fr Seltzer came next, and Landeck was known as Seltzerville for a while. Fr Brem came in 1871. Very zealous, he had a rectory built and encouraged settling near the church. From Austria, he picked the name "Landeck," perhaps after an Austrian town, perhaps just because they were in the corner of the county, "eck" meaning "corner." May 1972 R Gilmore, Michael Vorndran, Jacob Oelberg, Maria Anna Rahrig, and Marie Mueller, "proprietors of the above plat...request...that all streets and alleys therein designated by hereby donated to the public as Public highways." And Landeck was born.
In 1894 plans for the new brick church were made, the cornerstone laid 8/24/1902, and was destroyed by a tornado 3/19/48, the collapsing steeple killing Norbert Bonifas and Jerald Kill. The same cornerstone was relaid 5/8/49 for the new church, with Frank and Charles Kill as laborers. It was solemnly blessed by the Bishop of Toledo, Rev Karl Alter, 2/16/1950. "Even as a young child (1st grade) I can remember all the people that was there not by names but people. I remember naturally the tornado that destroyed the Catholic Church. The steeple was there and a picture of Jesus. Uncanny but true. The mass was always said in Latin. I went there every day for mass before attending first grace, then across the road to the school. Uncle Mattie and Uncle Chang took me on Sunday mornings. Arthur or Ella never went to church. Why? don't know, " wrote Joyce Kimmel, John's step-granddaughter through Arthur. "Uncle Shang, Uncle Mattie lived with Grandma on the old home place...Those were the good times, all we could eat, (I and Mary) at Grandma Yochum's. A very good Catholic...Sometimes we got to stay over night and she (Helen) always sprinkled our bed with holy water to keep the evil spirits away...The Yochums all drank, except Grandma. They had a bar in Landeck at that time, too."
John's obituary in the Delphos Daily Herald 7/30/1914 lists him as "a well-known and respected resident" who passed away at 10pm July 29, 1914 after a long illness from "stomach and liver trouble. He had been in failing health for the past year and last May his condition became such that he was forced to take to his bed. Since that time he has gradually declined until death finally conquered." His death certificate officially lists cirrhosis of the liver as the cause of death. Already the name of his mother is listed as "not known" on the certificate-- a good argument for the cause of genealogy!
John's children
1. PETER born 3/4/1875, residing in FindlayOH in 1914, according to his father's obituary, and at LorainOH in 1937, according to his mother's obituary.
2. EDWARD was born 9/22/1877 according to his cemetery stone he shares with his brother Harry, but in 1879 according to his prayer card. It is most likely 1877, since his brother Harry was born 3/16/1879 according to Harry's prayer card, making them too close to be brothers, too far to be twins (although to confuse things further Harry's stone and prayer card disagree with his birthyear as well). Edward was living at home in 1914 and 1937, although he married Mary C, whose beautiful stone in St John's at Landeck lists her as dead already 10/7/1905 at the young age of 24 years, 1 month, and 7 days. The 1910 census lists Edward as a widower who worked as a laborer/hay baler. Edward died 3/15/1957, and was buried 3/18 in St John's Cemetery at Landeck sharing his handsome stone under the name "Yochum Bros" with hs brother:
3. HARRY HERBERT, nicknamed "SHANG." His cemetery stone lists him as born in 1880 and his brother as 1877. Their prayer cards list them as being born 3/16/1879 and 9/22/1879 respectively. He is listed as living at home in 1914, at Landeck (but not in the family home) in 1937. He died June 23 1957, 3 months after his brother Edward, buried 6/26.
4. CORNELIUS J. was born 11/27/1882 (even his prayer card says so!), and married Agnes A. Sauber, daughter of Nicholaus and Matilda Elassor SAUBER. She was born in Landeck 2/3/1893. They resided at 505 E Canal St in Delphos OH. He died 12/23/1939 and was buried in Delphos 12/26/1939. She died in St Rita's Hospital in Lima at the age of 77, much later: August 26, 1970. She had two brothers in Fostoria, Robert and Cornelius Sauber, brother Louis M (b.1900 d.2/15/65 ReadingPA m.Erma) and three sisters: Mrs Raymond (Angeline) Nye of Fostoria, Mrs Josephine Krebs, Mrs Burgan (Marie) Wilson, both of Delphos. Cornelius and Agnes Yochum's children included Eva Louise Yochum, who married Arthur Augustus GRONE. Her son Mike Grone of SydneyOH has corresponded frequently with this writer concerning the Yochum family. A nice Grone history has been published and hopefully I'll get around to putting a piece on the net.
5. ODELIA, the only girl, was born in September of 1886 and married Nicholas SAUBER, residing in Landeck in 1914.
6. FRANK H born 6/1888, is listed in the 1914 and 1937 obituaries as living in PrincetonNJ. His military record: " RA Columbus Bks O Apr 27/14. Br Lnadeck O. 26 10/12 yrs. 3 Co Sandy Hook Ft HancockNJ to 10/10/1917 (maybe this is how he decided to live in New Jersey), Hq Co 313 FA to 11/8/1917, Co C 506 Engineers to August 3 1918; Battery C 57 Artillery to July 29, 1918, Battery A 43 Artillery CAC to discharge. Corp Oct 2/14, Sgt on Sep 24/15, Col Sgt on Oct 23/17, Sgt on Nov 6/17, Corp Aug 13/18, Sgt Nov 12/18. St Miheil; Meuse-Argonne; Defensive Sector AEF Jan 2/18 to Dec 21/18. Hon disch June 4/20. The obituary for his brother Arthur William listed him as living in Wisconsin in 1955.
7. ARTHUR WILLIAM, my grandfather, born 8/24/1891-- more later! but his military record is: "NA Lima, O. Sept 18/17. Br Delphos, O. 25 1/12/yrs. Co F 329 Inf to disch. Corp Dec 22/17; Pvt Jan 21/18; Pvt lcl Apr 1/18; Sgt July 22/18. AEF June 12/18 to Jan 31/19. Hon disch Feb 15/19."
8. OTTO S, born 5/27/1898 in Lima, living at home in both 1914 and 1937, only 16 at the time of his father's death. His military record in the official record in Ohio Soldiers, Sailors and Marines, World War, 1917-18 p.19270: "RA Columbus Bks, O. Nov 27/17. Br Delphos O 20 6/12 yrs. BtryA 56 Arty CAC to disch. Pvt lcl Dec 20/17. Aisne-Marne; Oise-Aisne; Meuse-Argonne; Defensive Sector. AEF Mch 28/18 to Jan 18/19. Hon disch Jan 28/19. Joy writes: "Otto Yochum had a nickname of Cocky. There was a family dispute and he took off. He never showed up for Grandma Yochum's funeral."
9. ALBERT who died at age 12, was born 12/9/1906.
John's wife Helen and her family, the Kills
May 5, 1874 John married in Landeck Ohio Helena Kill. The 1870 census of Marion Township in Allen County Ohio lists House No. 299 as Nicholas Kill, age 52, Laborer, born in Luxembourg; Mary, age 40, also born in Luxembourg, and Helen, age 13, born in Ohio. This would make her birth date around 1857. Sure enough, we find Helen was born 11 September 1856 in Tiffin Ohio, and passed away at 11am 1/7/1937 (reported in the 1/7/1937 Herald) after an illness of a year and a half, her death attributed to "infirmities of her advanced age." "I do know Grandma Yochum was a wonderful lady, " wrote Joy, "When she died the church bell rang and rang. Mom said to Art, better see if that was Helen who died. At that time Art and his brothers Mattie and Chang was not talking so Art did not see his mom for quite a while before she died. Anyway that was her that died." Both Helen and John were buried in St John's Cemetery in the small town of Landeck, Allen County OH.
Helen's father Nicholas Kill, according to this same 1870 census, was born about 1818. Her mother Mary would have been born about 1830, and according to Mike Grone is thought to have been a midwife who delivered most of the babies born in the landeck area. She lived with John and his family after the death of her husband. "The census records of June 23, 1900 indicate that Mary Kill, who was born in Ocotber of 1830 in Germany, also lived with the family.
1900 Allen Co, Marion Twp John is a day laborer born in OH in May 15, married 1874, parents born in Germany. He could read, write and speak English, lived in a rented home in the country. His wife Helena was born in Ohio in September 1857, her parents born in Germany. They had 9 children, all living. She also could read, write and speak English. Their children were listed as Cornelius b. 11/27/1882; Odilia b 9/1886; Frank b. 6/1888; Arthur b.8/1891, Albert b.12/1894, Otto b.5/1898. ALso living with them was Mary Kill, a widow. She had two children, one of whom was living. She could read but not write or speak English, born 10/1830 in Germany. 1910 AllenCo Marion Twp. John 56 was a laborer/ditch digger who owned his home. Unemployed for 2 months during 1909. Had been married 36 years. Wife Helen was 52, the mother of 9, eight of whom were living. Children listed were Edward, 32, a widower and day laborer/hay baler, and Otto, aged 12. Josephine, 6, was a granddaughter living there.
1846 V11p.173 11/3/1846 Peter Yochem from Joseph and Margaret Briggs, Section 15, Twp 1, Range 17 $400 for 45 acres
1846 V13p.668 4/21/1851 Peter Youchum from Joseph Briggs, Section 11, Twp 1, Range 17 $200 for 13.5 acres, signed by Peter and Catherine Yochum
1851 V14 p.236 10/10/1851 Peter Youchum from Joseph Briggs, Section15, Twp 1, Range 17 $225 for 15 acres
1854 V16 p.373 1/20/1854 Peter Yochum from J&D Riblot, Lot 8 Riblot's addition, Galion OH $300
appraised at $6,421.65 9/23/1887. Peter Faeth, husband of daughter Mary Ann, was administrator. Real estate was sold and sued to pay out-standing debts to creditors and the heirs. The original family farm was located south of SR 103 and west of Swabb Rd. From that point it ran west fo r 247.5 yards, south for 880 yards, containing 45 acres. Other parcels had been added in later years.
Above is photo of Grandfather Arthur in full uniform, courtesy of Mike Grone of Sydney OH. He was in the 11th Company during World War I, the Columbus barracks. Ohio Soldiers, Sailors, and Marines, World War, 1917-18 19269 lists abbreviations for him that are a bit difficult to decipher: "YOCHUM, ART W., 1937110, White, RFD 5, Delphos O. ; NA Lima, O. Sept 18/17. Br Delphos O. 25 1/12 yrs. Co F 329 Inf to disch. Corp Dec 22/17; Pvt Jan 21/18; Pvt 1cl Apr 1/18; Sgt July 22/18. AEF June 12/18 to Jan 31/19. Hon disch Feb 15/19."
It's hard to define a person. One shouldn't define a person by his occupation, or by what he did as a 2-year-old, or by what he did as a 20-year-old, or what he did as a 60-year-old, or by some anecdotal incident in his life. Yet, I tend to think that if one can gather together enough details of a person's life-- his occupation, what he did as a 2-year-, 20-year-, 60-year-old, plus some anecdotal incidents in his life-- then perhaps one can get a rudimentary picture of who this person was. Unfortunately, these details get left behind as time marches on and people start to worry about their own jobs, families, and interests, forgetting about the past so that they can fully devote themselves to the present, or maybe even the future.
That's why I must caution the reader of this entire treatise,but especially of this unit: these are only partial details, and maybe the details that are missing would explain the details that are present. Nevertheless, here are the details as I know them presently, in the case of Grandfather Arthur William Yochum.
Arthur William was born August 24, 1891 (per death certinficate) in the Allen County half of Delphos OH, the seventh of nine children. That I know. I think. Now comes the difficult part. Genealogists don't dig so they can find dirt or dig up things that other people want buried. Just the facts, ma'am, as Joe Friday of TV's Dragnet used to say.
Arthur's first family
My dad mentions that his dad Arthur William had been married to a woman named Frieda before he married Miss Ella May Moyer. Dad also says, as a matter of fact, that Arthur and Frieda had two daughters, Edith and Dorothy, as a product of their marriage. Furthermore, the newspaper account ("Arthur Yochum, GM Worker, Dies of Saturday Crash Injury" Defiance Crescent-News) lists Dorothy of Lima,OH and Edith of the state of Texas, as daughters.
Sam Bonifas <> e-mailed me 10 January 2006 with Dorothy's obituary. Thank you, Mr Bonifas!:
"Dorothy Bonanno, 84, died at 8 a.m. Saturday after suffering from Alzheimer’s.
"She was born in Landeck to Arthur and Alfreda (Wagner) Yochum. On Aug. 28, 1941, she married Nick Bonanno, with whom she spent 64 ½ glorious years. Mrs. Bonanno was raised by her mother in Lima, where she attended St. Rose Catholic School and went to Mt. St. Joe’s College. She worked as a legal secretary. She was a volunteer worker at St. Rita’s Hospital during World War II. She was an officer in the Child Conservation League. She was a homemaker but was probably best known as a Realtor in Lima for 30-plus years. She was also in Real Estate in Scottsdale Arizona for approximately 3 years before retiring. She was a very kind and loving person whom we shall always remember. She was very outgoing and people remember her smile, elegant style and the classy down to earth person she was. She was an excellent cook as her family can attest to. She played the violin and was artistic and loved music. She was truly a beautiful person inside and out. She was always willing to help someone in their time of need and will be remembered and cherished.
Survivors include eight children, Nick (Rita) Bonanno, Mike Bonanno, John Bonanno, Tom Bonanno, Jim Bonanno, Paul Bonanno, Frank (Penny) Bonanno and Ann (Tony) Ficara; 14 grandchildren, Lisa (Mike) Sackmaster, Nick (Heather) Bonanno III, Anthony Bonanno, Brandon (Holly) Bonanno, Amy Becker, Tom (Melanie) Bonanno II, Sarah (Vito) Anzelmi, Jim Bonanno II, Jessica Bonanno, Bryan (Heidi) Bonanno, Aaron Bonanno, Brittany Ficara, Giovanna Ficara, and Antonio Ficara; and 9 great-grandchildren as well as 3 more great-grandchildren to be born in 2006.
She was preceded in death by three children, Barbara, Ann Marie and Anthony; a sister, Edith ”Chubby” Kroening; and all her in-law relations, Mary DeVita, Rose Bonanno, Ernest Bonanno, Irene Infante, Lucia Mikesell, Francis Bonanno, Angelina Painter, Sister Marie Agnese, C.P.P.S., Antoinette Sealts and Cecelia “Sally” Hurm. She was also preceded by numerous other relatives and close friends.
Mass of Christian burial was held at 11 a.m. today at St. Benedict’s Catholic Church, 16223 S. 48th St., Phoenix, Ariz.
In lieu of flowers the family has asked that if someone wants to do something they make a donation to the “Dorothy Bonanno Scholarship Fund” and mail the checks to: 5904 W. Dublin Court; Chandler, AZ 85226. Condolences may be conveyed via email at or mailed to 5904 W. Dublin Court; Chandler, Ariz., 85226." --from January 10, 2006
Arthur's second family
The Marriage License I found in the Putnam County Courthouse (Ottawa OH) clearly states that "Arthur Yokum (sic) is 49 years of age on the 24th day of August...his father's name is John Yokum his mother's maiden name was Helen Kill...WAS NOT PREVIOUSLY MARRIED AND THAT HE HAS NO WIFE LIVING." Oh well. But the date on this license lists them married October 12, 1937, AFTER the births of their sons Jake and Frank...And the woman marrying Arthur has the same birthday (12 June 1899) and birthplace (Delphos Ohio) as Ella May Moyer, known to us as Grandma Yochum, but assumes the name Mary Ellen Northup, whose parents are listed as Ida Crane (true!) and John Northup (Ida's mother's second husband, after Alpha Crane, Ida's father, died).
I remember even as a small child (I was only seven when she died) the green house by the railroad, where I used to try to catch the cats living under her foundation, in Knoxdale, Paulding County Ohio. Knoxdale is a ghosttown, but was a Post office and station on the Toledo Wabash and Western Railroad, five miles west of Cecil. The business places disappeared about 1920, brought about by improved rural roads, rural mail delivery and the decline in railroads (Ghost Towns of NW Ohio by Richard M Helwig,and Dr James E Nagel c.1976). In 2006, on the very spot of Grandma's house is a small airport!
The Moyer in-laws
1954 Art&Ella
Arthur's wife, Ella May Moyer is listed in the 1900 census as the new daughter of Samuel and Ida May (Crane) Moyer with a 10-year-old brother, David, living in Highland Township Defiance County OH. Their family thus looked like this:
Great-Great-Grandfather Daniel Moyer b. August 18, 1815 in Germany married Mary Ann Ranes b. July 02, 1826 in France on in Lima AllenCounty Ohio. Their children included
1.Ruffina (b.1862 in Lima) I found 10/20/2005 on posted by Sue Chism,, Dec. 6, 2000 - "DAVIS, MOYER Would like to find additional information on the marriage of Refina (Ruffina) Moyer and James Davis. The marriage took place on July 31, 1883 in Defiance Co., Ohio. Ruffina would have been 21 years of age at this time. Would marriage records have given her birthplace? Her parents were Daniel and Mary Ann Ranes Moyer. Three of her siblings were born in Allen County (William, Elizabeth, Sarah Jane). I am trying to locate Samuel ( another brother) and Ruffina's birthplaces. Did James and Ruffina live in Defiance County? Were there children? I also have a marriage for Ruffina listed as taking place September 1, 1891 to E. K. Burnett, but taking place in Henry County, Ohio. This marriage is a matter of court record. Was she actually married twice? If so, what happened to James Davis?)"
2. William Rueben Moyer (b.1846 in Germany) married Margaret Melissa Edwards in December 1877 in Paulding County Ohio. Children: Benjamin and Allie Found on 10/20/2005: "Sue (Moyer) Chism, Fri Nov 28, 1997, 12:32:48 - MOYER, EDWARDS Searching for information on William Reuben Moyer who married Margaret Melissa Edwards in Paulding Co. in 1887. In approx. 1892 William divorced Margaret and placed their two oldest sons (Benjamin & Edward) in an orphagage thought to be in Defiance Co.,Ohio. No record of him staying in Paulding County, but cannot find him anywhere else. He would have been about 42 years of age when he divorced and placed the boys in the orphanage. William was my grandfather. His parents were Daniel and Mary Ann Moyer who came to the U.S. in 1848. William was born in Germany. Other siblings of William were: Elizabeth (born 1848), Sarah Jane (born 1849), Samuel W. (1854) and Ruffina (1862). Did they settle in Defiance County?"
3. Elizabeth (b. April 26, 1848) married Charles Nelson Lamison in AllenCounty Ohio
4. Sarah Jane (b.1849) married Johiel Mansfield
5. Great-Grandfather Samuel Washington Moyer (b. August 04, 1854 AllenCo OH d. March 22, 1943 Delphos AllenCo OH i. Walnut Grove Cem; Delphos OH) married in Defiance, Defiance County, Ohio, on 1898 Ida May Crane (b. July 17, 1882 Deerfield HardinCo OH d. October 26, 1947 St Rita's Hospital, Lima, AllenCo, OH, "had racehorces, lived on Defiance/PutnamCoLnRd. was a gambler on horses and cards, losing it all. Ida couldn't stand to live out in the country with no near neighbors. She had gone into town and got an apartment, living apart for quite some time. They then moved to Delphos. Aunt Billie, who died 2 years ago, told me this." --Aunt Joy Kimmel 26 Feb 01
A. DAVID born in November of 1889, he is mentioned in his sister Clara's obituary as having passed away before she did in 1985. Joy writes that David is a half-brother, and died 10/25/47. "Mom told me he looked like grandpa (Moyer) thats all I know."
B. ELLA MAY born 6/12/1899 in Dupont, PutnamCounty, OH, who married Grandpa Yochum.
C. CLARABELLE SOPHIA born 3/26/1908 in Romeo MI. She married first Alfred Hughes, with whom she had son Joseph (of LondonOH), and Clara in 1937 married Leo Henry MEYER, b.1904 d.1970. Clara and Leo had son Ralph (of Grover Hill, OH in Paulding County). Clarabelle died 7/20/1985 in Van Wert Manor Nursing Home and is buried in the Odd Fellows Cemetery in Convoy, VanWertCounty, OH.
Joy sent from Joseph Meyer a certificate of baptism from St John the Evangelist Church, 331 E Second St, Delphos OH 45833 "to certify that Ida Mary Moyer, child of Alfred Crane and Rebecca Fisher, born in Deerfield Hardin Co OH on the 17th day of July 1883 was baptized on 27th day of July 1935, according to the rite of the Roman Catholic Church by the Rev. H B Lammers. The Sponsors being Maria Crider, as appears from the Baptismal Register of this Church. Date July 25, 1991." Joseph had written at the top "This is my mother's mom, or my grandma's."
D. AMERICA "BILLIE" who married a Mr Roy BAKER and lived on W 7th St in Delphos according to the obituary of her mother, Ida May Crane-Moyer-Stant. She was living in ColdwaterMI at the time of Clara's death in 1985. Joyce Kimmel writes that Billie has two children from her first marriage: Ester (residing in California) and Annabell Shock (who died of a brain tumor), and two children from her second marriage: Roy Junior and Bettie Baker (who lives in Michigan).
E. MARY REBECCA who is mentioned in the obituary only as having died before her mother. Joyce writes that they found her on page 120 of Volume 3 in Defiance County born August 13, 1901.
The Stetlers--the family of Dad's half-brothers and half-sisters
Ella May was married previous to her Yochum marriage to1915 George Henry Stutler. who was born 2/5/1857 in WilshireOH, according to Their daughter Joy Stutler Kimmel sent me a nice family history in June of 1996 which included the following details:
GEORGE STETTLER (b.8/31/1739 m.176?) appears as a labourer in the 1768 tax list for tulpehocken twp, BerksCo PA, bought a plantation of 160 acres 75 perches, called Huberton, from Frederick Huber 6/15/1772, in Bethel Twp, BerksCoPA (recorded 2/10/1798 BerksCoPA Deed Bk 16, p141). George was enrolled during 1781-2 of the Revolutionary War as a Private in Capt John Fulmer's 8thCo, 2ndBattalion, BerksCoMilitia (Fine Book of Berks Co p.27). He lived at Huberton until 1804 when he and his family moved to MontgomeryCoOH. Four men from Tulpehocken had in 1803 found land they liked 60mi east of Cincinatti, owned by a man in Virginia. They contracted to buy 1000 acres, but when they arrived in Virginia at the man's home to close the deal, he had died. Disappointed and exhausted, they nevertheless gave such glowing accounts of Ohio that "western fever" became an epidemic in the neighborhood. 24 families decided to sell out and move to Ohio the following spring. George was in this group. J P Hentz writes in Twin Valley c.1883:
"...the goods,women, and children, had to be conveyed by wagon over rough mountain roads. The country through which the emigrants had to pass was yet but thinly settled: wild beasts, such as wolves, bears, and panthers , were still abounding in the forests; and Indians, more savage than savage brutes, were still lurking in forest and mountain fastnesss. At night they usually encamped by some stream, and whilst one party laid down to sleep, another kept watch around the encampment. Exposure and malaria often caused serious illness, and not unfrequently one fell a victim to disease and was buried by the wayside. Our friends, on their way through PA, experienced many of these evils; they arrived, however, at the time agreed upon, in Pittsburgh, without having met any serious accident. Here they engaged river boats, on whic they put their chattels and families, and then paddled down the Ohio River. Cincinatti was their destination by water. After a trip of about a week they landed at the latter place. This event occurred on the 20th day of June 1804. From Cincinnatti they went ot New Reading, a hamlet not far distant, where they tarried a fortnight, considering what next to do or where next to direct their steps. A few of them found employment here and remained, but to the majority this did not seem as their Canaan.
"They again took up their line of march, this time their course lay northward. They had heard of the Miami Valley, and desired to locate in it, but they had no definite objective point in view, trusting rather to fortune and the guiding hand of Providence. Some distance north of Cincinatti they entered this Valley, and were delighted with the country. It was so very different from the rugged mountain country which they had left in Pennsylvania. No mountains or rocks were to be seen here. The forests were much taller, the soil was more productive, and the surface much more level, than in the country from which they came. They passed over many an attractive spot where they might have located, but they moved on, doubtlessly prompted and guided by the invisible hand of Providence, until they reached the vicinity of the present site of Miamisburg. Here lived a wealthy farmer, whose name was Nutz, and who spoke German. They were glad to meet a gentleman who spoke their own tongue. With him they stopped to rest and refresh themselves and after forming his acquaintance, and finding him a genial and kindhearted man, they concluded to encamp awhile on his farm. It was now midsummer, and the weather being warm and pleasant, they took up their abode in the woods, where they lived in wagons and temporary huts, for about two weeks.
"A Mr Philip Gunckel, being a man of superior intelligence and the only person among them who spoke the English language with any degree of fluency, was for these reasons looked upon as the leader of the group. He searched the area looking for a proper location to build a mill, as he was by occupation a miller, "and at last found the object of which he was in search on Big Twin Creek, a branch of the Miami River. THe precise point chosen by Mr Gunckel was about 6mi from the mouth of this stream, now within the corporate limits of Germantown. When he made known his decision to his companions, they all concluded to settle near around him. Upon this the encampment on the Nutz farm was at once broken up, the immigrants forded the Miami River, crossed over to the western bank, ascended the steep bluffs adjoining, and then traveled on in the direction of the Twin Creek. And here, by the side of this stream, they rested at the end of their long and wearisome journey. Here now was their future home."
Their first winter they lived on game, having spent the whole summer in journey with no crops to harvest. The following spring they cleared, sowed and planted. Religiously, they were either Lutherans or Reformeds; and as in those days it used to be said, that all the difference between the denominations was that in the Lord's Prayer the one said, "Vater Unser," and the other, "Unser Vater."
(EVA CATHERINE MOYER) p. Johannes Moyer (sometimes "Mayer) of Tulpehocken Twp b.2/16/1742
all 8 children born in Berks Co PA probably:
1.George Stettler d.1832 m. Teany (Christine)
2. Jacob Stettler d.1949 m.Elizabeth Strauss and Mary ?
3.Henry Stettler b.3/13/1769 d.1/26/1825 m.Anna Margt Gundrum
4.Daniel b.7/6/1773 d.5/15/1853 m.Catherine Gehres
5.J William b.3/31/1777 d.2/11/1836 m. Catherine ? and Anna Maria ?
6.Eva Catherine b.9/28/1778 d.11/3/1862 m. Abraham Pontius
7.Elisabeth m.Jacob Shupert
8.Chadrina m.John Barlet
to Jacob B b.1825 and Rose (nee Swank b.1823 m.1848 VanWert Co m.Bollenbaugher) Stutler. The 1860 census lists Jacob as 35, Rose as 37, Phebe A as 18, Lewis as 12, Lydia as 10, George as 5 and little Joel as 2. George also married a Rebecca H and had Edna, Joel, Pansy, Ethel, Jim and John Stutler.
Joy writes: "How George Stuttler influenced me, or tried to at least, was I was going to church one night, (Church of God in Scott) this was on a Wednesday. Dad lived with Henry almost across from the church. I told him I was going there and he said I might as well go to that tree there and pray, will do you as much good. I found out through gathering this Stuttler history that he was a liar, and liked his beer. My feelings never get hurt, I just get a little disgusted.
"Just because our ancestors had their many faults, is no sign we need to be like them. I am not at least."
Although George Stutler was at least 42 years older than Ella May they nevertheless had the following children:
1. IDA BEATRICE, born in Continental, PutnamCo, OH married to William D Yocklin (who married secondly "Joan" and was living in Seminole FL in 1991), had children 1.Linda (born 1950 LimaOH, moved to Defiance OH, to Kansas City MO to Seminole FL dying 4/1/91 in Clearwater Convalescent Center, ClearwaterFL leaving sons H.Lee Yocklin of KansasCity, and Daniel of SeminoleFL), 2.Carl r. ToledoOH 1991, 3.Donald r.CascoWI 1991, 4.Mrs. Kay Wood of FremontIN 1991, 5.Mrs. Rita Keyes of GilaBendAZ in1991, and 6.Mrs Carol Glasco of KansasCityMO, and then wed William Douglas Yoh on 7/6//1959 (children 7. William r.TacomaWA 1991, 8. Mrs. Mary Wise of Southwick, Maine in 1991 and 9.Andrew).
Mr Yoh b.6/18/29 MonmouthIN to Geo Wm & Florence Neocia (Rowe?Friend?) Yoh d.4/10/81 TucsonAZ attended Oakwood High School and the United Methodist Church. In 1950 he served in the Army at Ft KnoxKY, after which he was employed at Compo's of Defiance OH, and self-employed at his own shop. He left four siblings: Neocia Dimock r.OakwoodOH 1981, Yvonne Mali r.PrescottAZ 1981, Robert Yoh r.DefianceOH 1981, and Gary Yoh b.7/10/1940 Cloverdale PutnamCoOH d.5/11/1991 SpringfieldOH m. Delna R Boroff w.Navistar in Springfield c.Roger of UrbanaOH, Edwin, Jacquelin, Lori i.Hedges Cemetery, PauldingCoOH r.PauldingOH 1981.
Step-siblings in the Yocklin family include David and Robin of SeminoleFL 1991, Robert of ClearwaterFL 1991, Stephen Westrick and Brenda Eureste ofToledo, Anthony and Nicholas of Los Angeles, Mrs Andrea Garcia of Archbold, Mrs Cristine Small of Greenville NC
Ida lived in Coldwater OH at the time of her mother's death in 1965, in CascoWI at the time of her daughter Linda's death in 1991.
2. HENRY GEORGE, JUNIOR born 10/28/1919 in Scott, VanWertCo,OH where he resided the rest of his life. He enlisted in the army September 1942 at Toledo, and was honorably discharged in 1943. He was employed as a plasterer's helper by Harry Jewell of Scott. He married Juanita Potter, but at the time of his death was living in Scott with Clarence Cotterman. He died in a collision with a semi 6/3/1950 north of Van Wert OH on US 127.
3. NANETTE "ANN" born in Scott, married Gene Huffine (children Joyce, Jerry and Bobby) and a Mr. Jex
4. RAYMOND JOEL born 3/13/1926 in Scott, married Mary Louise Stittsworth (her children from marriage to Lewis Dix, Ray's stepchildren, included 1.Rodney r.CA 1981, 2.Mrs. Margaret Choats of AZ in 1981, Paulding 1993, 3.Mickey r.CA 1981, 4.Randy r.CA 1981, CecilOH 1993, 5.Melvin r.CA 1981, Paulding 1993, 6.Willard & 7.Keith & 8.Robin all 3 r.SanJoseCA 1981, 1993, 9.Arthur r.CA 1981, d. before 1993, 10.Freemond E r.Paulding 1991, GilaBendAZ 1993, 11.Leatus r.PauldingOH 1981, Cecil OH 1993, 12.Kenny Dix r.Paulding 1981,1993, and 13.Raymond Eckard, r.Gila Bend AZ 1981, 1993. Richard Dix, b.9/23/36 PauldingCoOH d.5/22/93 BryanOH lists Lewis Dix and Ruth Goeltzenleuchter Dix as parents but the above people as half-brothers. This Richard m. Cindy Watson 5/12/90 c.Rick L r.Hicksville 1993, Patrick r.Bryan 1993, Mrs Tamara K Poth r.Hicksville 1993, Mrs Julie A Moore r.BensonAZ 1993, Mrs Pamela Ewald r.LewistonMI 1993, Mrs Lori L Moreno r.ButlerIN 1993, Barbara, deceased by 1993, and stepson Jamie Watson r.BryanOH 1993.
Ray served a short stint in Germany with the Army, but Sandra (Waldron) Dove, his niece, reports that he was given a dishonorable discharge for slugging an officer! I'm sure there are good things to say, too. The only memories I have of Uncle Ray are when he and his large family were visiting from California. They used to cover our entire floors with their sleeping bags! It was fun!
Wife Mary b. 2/13/24 Marion OH (grandparents James & Mary (Turner) Stittsworth, who had Mrs. Lowell (Lillie) Warner Sr of Paulding in 1981, Mrs Jennie Griffis of Middlepoint in 1981 and Arthur L b.7/13/08 PauldingCoOH d.11/25/81 PauldingCoHospital after a five-day stay. Arthur married Alice and parented Mary.
5. JOYCE MARIE was born in Scott (This is Joybelle Thursey in the family Bible). She has been extremely forthright and forthcoming in sending wonderful beautiful pictures of the Yochum family history, along with clearing up my many misunderstandings along the way. She married Edwin Harold Kimmel (p. Christ C & Rosa (Barker) Kimmel). Christ had been born in Melrose OH 4/28/1897 to Myrtle Kimmel. Their children: 1.Edwin Harold Jr 2.Patricia who wed Michael Green 3. Victoria (married Kenneth Roth).
6. MARY LOUISE born 10/5/1931 in Scott, married 10/7/1950 in VanWert OH to Merle Elmer Waldron. Both of Merle Waldron's parents had died by the time he was fourteen, he served in the Army PFC #15233344 1/1946 to 3/9/47 stationed in Korea, and he was discharged at SheridanIL. Their children are all living, so aren't listed here on the internet. No child ever had more fun than we had when we visited Aunt Mary and Uncle Merle. I'm sure, looking back, they must have surely dreaded our visits, since we stayed for hours until the sun went down, playing softball (or maybe it was baseball when *, who always hit them over the barn, hit my slowpitch back so fast I didn't see it return; I only woke up under the water from their outside pump!), soccer (that * could run like a deer!), chasing and cleaning chickens, petting their silver pony (* and * I remember grooming constantly), playing with *'s cats (it seemed like hundreds), and telling scary stories.
With Arthur Yochum, Ella had the additional children:
7. ARTHUR EDWARD He was married first to Theresa Shewman, then to Margaret Kinzer (who was married second to Larry Keith Rose with children Wm, Bonnie and Michael Rose), and he remarried Theresa Shewman. As a result of some family dispute, he changed the spelling of Yochum to Yockum, and his children as a result spell the name Yockum.
Ella was baptized shortly thereafter (July 26, 1935) at St John's in Delphos OH, according to her Family Bible.
8. FRANK WILLIAM JOHN He married Ruth Irene Stahl
9. BONNIE MAY She married Kenneth Gubbins and Luther Harmon. with children Julia (married Jerry Kashmere, children Jennifer Lynn, Stephanie Marie, & Megan Rae, married second Steve Johnson), Bobbie (married Deborah Wyse children Tiffany Joanna and Audrey May Gubbins), Christine ( Kent Wyse, children Matthew Travis and Tyson Wayne), and Timothy Joe (married Melissa Evers and child Timothy Gubbins Jr).
10. ERNEST PATRICK He married Ann C Woods (both 17 at the time, by whom he had three children: Ernest Jr, William, and Wayne, who subsequently adopted the name of Ann's second husband, Ladd), Karen Underwood (daughter of George Underwood and Maxine Beattie, married second to Charles Bugai, with whom she had a daughter Stacie. Karen died young and is buried in the Sherwood OH cemetery. Her 1973 stillborn infant with Pat is buried beside Grandma & Grandpa Yochum at Bethel. Her sisters and brothers include Mrs Delores Greenwalt, Mrs Dean (Helen) Seiler) Mrs Michael (Joyce) Akers, Nancy, Mrs Sandra Stickney, Ronald, Donald, Harold, George, Darrell, Terry, Thomas, Dennis, Kevin and Lowell), and married Shirley A. Godsey (a pastor's daughter from Michigan).
On a unique note, in May 1995 a private investigator contacted cousin Grone of SydneyOH who contacted me to say that Wayne Ladd, now living in Fort WayneIN was trying to make contact with his dad and family. He located Pat in a northern Michigan jail, and Mom, Bette, Fran and her children April & David, and I visited May 20 there. A big blue house with attached garage & fenced in backyard, he looked like a (younger version of my brother) Jim. His dark-haired wife, 15-yr-old daughter, and l year old blond son were there for this son Eric's first birthday party. We made promises we'd be back & I gave them a copy of this manuscript. Wayne evidently just left the army after a long stint and was trying his hand at long-haul trucking.
Of course, Arthur's daughters Edith and Dorothy from wife Frieda would make 12 children in this blended family.
Arthur's mother-in-law Ida, Ella May Moyer's mother, was born 7/17/1882 in Deerfield to Alpha Crane and Mary Rebecca Fisher, daughter of James Fisher and "a full-blooded Indian," says Joy. Ida's death certificate says that this Deerfield is in Hardin Co OH, but there is no Deerfield in Hardin County, and the only Deerfield in Ohio (Portage County) says they have no record of her. I thought with all the Michigan ties, it may be Deerfield MI, just over the line from Toledo OH, near Adrian, but a September daytrip there revealed nothing. Joyce Kimmel writes that Ida had a brother named Sherman, and that Alpha & Rebecca lived around PawPawMI.
Joy also pens: "Ella told me her grandma was Indian. So if that is true that would be Rebecca. I was told Rebecca died Aug. 28, 1912. " Rebecca married 6/28/1892 PutnamCoOH (Ella was born in 1899) John E Northrup. This is evidently where the name arises that Ella later uses on her marriage license as the name of her father, really the name of her step-grandfather. The marriage license of Rebecca & John Northrup says "Personally came Richard Crane applying for LIcense for John E Northrup to be married to Mrs Rebecca Crane..." This Richard, Joy writes, was Rebecca's son If so, it is doubtful that her maiden name was Crane. True?
Ida married first Samuel Moyer who died March 22, 1942. He did not die in VanWertCounty OH, since I unsuccessfully requested a death certificate from there 2/28/94.
She then married July 10, 1946 William Stant. Mr Stant, born in Cincinatti 8/18/1868 to Newton Stant, had previously married Mary Alma (no maiden name found) who died 9/10/1944, leaving their children JH, Roland, Mrs John (Mildred) Miller, and Mrs Merritt. Mr Stant died in May of 1947, leaving his children, two brothers (Louis of Cincinatti and Sylvester of Lima), and two sisters (Mrs Lucy Diehl of MI, and Mrs Anna Clock, East Sixth St in Delphos).
Ida Crane-Moyer-Stant followed after a two-week stay at St Rita's Hospital in Lima OH on 10/26/1947. She had been hospitalized after a three-year bout with a gangrenous foot due to her diabetes. Services were at St John's Catholic, Delphos (she lived at 235 N Canal St in Delphos) with interment at Walnut Grove Cemetery.
James Fisher
Rebecca Fisher (Alpha Crane)
Ida Crane (Samuel Moyer) (William Stant) (John E Northrup)
sad endings:
Ella's son Henry George Stutler, named after her first husband, skidded on wet pavement after taking Nile Hockenberry to work and crashed his 1936 car broadside into the front of a semi-trailer Pet Milk truck on US Highway 127 near Van Wert OH. Henry was pinned in the wreckage 20 minutes according to one account, 40 minutes before being extricated according to another. He died of internal injuries and compound fractures and multiple cuts and bruises at the Van Wert County Hospital six hours later. He was buried in Scott Cemetery. The driver of the truck was uninjured.
Five years later, August 20, 1955, Ella lost her second husband in another car accident. "Arthur Yochum, Rt 2, Antwerp, 64-year old Defiance General Motors Central Foundry Division plant worker, died today at 2:35 am in Defiance City Hospital of injuries which he received Saturday at 10:15pm in a collision on state route 281, in front of the plant, east of Defiance." (--Defiance Crescent-News). The State Highway Patrol investigation reported that Art turned his eastbound car left into the driveway leading to the plant's parking lot as Warren Long, 35 was westbound in a 1940 Chevrolet. Long also was taken to the hospital suffering from scalp, face and leg injuries. Grandpa Yochum's death certificate cites a compound skull fracture.
December 10, 1965 Ella May Yochum died from cardiac arrest due to acute heart failure due to arteriosclerosis in the Paulding County Hospital after a six-day stay. Burial was in Bethel Cemetery next to Grandpa Yochum. Joy, her daughter, wrote this poem in memory of her:
Dear Mother you are gone this we all know
But Mother dear we miss you so,
You worked so hard for us all
You were always there to our every call.
Your thoughts, your looks, your every way,
Still linger with us day by day,
Death came and took you away from us,
Without delay, without any fuss.
Meanwhile, mother dear,
We'll always wish you were here.
Meanwhile we'll feel your touch, see your smile,
And know that with God you walk your mile.
Things we do, things we say.
What a friend we have in Jesus, how you sang that song,
Every night, you sang it loud and long.
Mother dear now you are gone,
And these memories linger on.
Of the shirts you wore each day.
Of the way of Hi! you'd say.
Of the way we combed your hair,
And the way you seemed to care,
We could write a book of you,
And every word would be true.
How we love you, miss you, too.
Other chapters in my genealogy include those of the Yochum family, the Hinsch family, the Jones family, the Rathbun family, the Mattson family, the Brown family, the Weiser family, and the Stahl family