May I have your attention: This is not complete. Please read with the knowledge that there may be errors and that there are certainly omissions. If you cannot bear this thought, please read no further. But please, if you can correct or add to this pool of knowledge I have tried to collect, please please contact me: John Yochum, P O Box 27, Sherwood OH 43556, or call (419)899-4227. Thanks. Created 22 March 1997. This does not include all the Batdorff descendants. For more names, dates, begats, and detail see my page at GenCircles: Posted 3/25/06 to the net, in hopes of finding out more about my family.
11-greats-grandfather Johannes Jacob Batdorf
10-greats-grandfather Johannes Batdorf
9-greats-grandfather Johannes Batdorf
8-greats-grandfather John Jacob Peter Batdorf
7-greats-grandfather Johannes Martin Batdorf
6-greats Grandfather Henry Batdorf
5-greats Grandfather George Peter Batdorf
4-greats Grandfather John Jacob Batdorf
3-greats Grandmother Lovina Batdorf (who married Lyman Ransom Jones)
Great-great Grandmother Dora Jones (who married Charles Mattson)
Great-Grandmother Edith Mattson (who married David Hinsch)
Grandmother Irene Hinsch (who married William Woodrow Stahl)
Mother Ruth Stahl (who married Frank Yochum)
Me, John Yochum
The Batdorffe is in Switzerland two words: "Bot" meaning "a place to take a bath," and "dorfe" for "village." It is said to have become the name of families who in early times lived in a small village located upon a lake or stream of fine water, where possibly there was some summer resort. The name has various spellings, including Badorf, Batdorf, Bottdorff, Battdorff, and Bottorff.
11-greats-grandfather Johannes Jacob Batdorf
He was a minister, born 1534, and died 1584 Westphalia Germany.
10-greats-grandfather Johannes Batdorf
He was born 1564 Westphalia Germany. He attended Gymnasium (classical high school where Latin and German were stressed) at Hamm and Dortmund. After his father's death in 1584 he studied in Harburg, and later at Herborn where he received "a good foundation in the languages and soon excelled his teachers." He finally settled in Basel Switzerland in 1588, where he spent the rest of his life studying and teaching. In 1614 he was listed as Professor Johannes Batdorf, a teacher of the Hebrew language. His son and his grandson also are listed as Professors.
9-greats-grandfather Johannes Batdorf
He followed in his father's footsteps and in 1647 was a Professor who was expounding the religious controversies and was teaching the methods of expounding the Gospel Gottesgel Aineheit. In 1654 he was listed as a Professor of the Old Testament.
8-greats-grandfather John Jacob Peter Batdorf
He was born in Basel Switzerland and, following the family tradition, was listed as a Professor in 1680. With his wife Anna Maria Catharina left their native Switzerland in search of a better life where they would no longer have to endure the horrors and terrors of religious persecutions. They lived for several years in Palatine Germany where their five children were born.
In 1707-8 it was so cold in the Rhine Basin that the crops, fruit trees, grape vines and meadows were all killed by the frost. Rivers were icebound and even the seas froze along the coasts. Louis XIV taxed unbearably, and southwest Germany was plundered time and again by French and German robber barons. During the summer of 1708, the family of five children left their home in the village of Badorf, near Stuttgart Germany, and traveled by boat down the Rhine River to Rotterdam Holland. From Rotterdam, they were transported by ship to England to await further transportation to America. They joined the thousands who took advantage of Queen Anne's offer, who had the intention of establishing a colony in present New York State. The trip was extremely long and hard, and not without tragedy for the Batdorf family. The father, our 8-greats-Grandfather, died in 1709 perhaps in London, perhaps enroute at sea, for we find only the widow Anna Catharina and a son and a daughter surviving the journey:
1.Catharina Elisabetha(b.1697PalatineGE d.1764 HeidelbergTwpLancasterCoPA m.1717 NY i.TulpehockenCem LancasterPA)
(Christian Wilhelm Walborn)
for their children, see "The Walborn in-laws" in the next "Grandfather Martin" section
2.Johannes Martin--our grandparent, see below
(Maria Elizabeth Walborn)
for their children, see the next "Grandfather Martin" section
In Walborn(Walburn)Genealogical History of America compiled by Herman W Walborn of St Paris ChampaignCoOH copyright 1975 pub HammerGraphics PiquaOH, we read a behind-the-scenes-account of how they ended up in New York. It seems that Peter Schuyler, mayor of Albany, needed to attract English support in their constant battle with the French and Indians. They took five Mohawk Sachems to London to impress the Queen, "knowing that the movements of nations are often caused by the veriest trifles." When the Chiefs were in London, they were moved by the unbelievable condition of the Palatines and unsolicitedly and voluntarily presented the Queen a tract of land in Schoharie NY for the use of the distressed Germans. One sixth died on the journey. Upon their arrival and emminent starvation, "the barbarous people showed them no little kindness and out of their own scanty stores of maize gave freely to them...The Indians showed them where to find many edible roots. Many of their feasts were of wild potatoes and ground beans."
Anna Maria Catharina, Martin and Catharina dwelled at Livingston Manor, New York for two years until Governor Hunter refused to pay the bill for their subsistence, because the English Crown was very slow in reimbursing him. They joined a group of 150 Germans who decided to move west to Schoharie, south of Albany, where they remained until 1723. They lived in Neu Ansberg, sometimes called Schmidsdorf.
about his wife...
In 1978, historian George Thomas Zeller with the help of Professor John Valentine of Brigham Young University compiled a history of the Zeller family in which he states that in 1712 Anna Herber, the widow of John Jacob Peter Batdorf, married Johannes Zeller.
Furthermore, for some odd reason, another source thinks that perhaps the Anna Margaretha Oherndorf that married Henrich and had Grandfather Martin as baptismal sponsor for their daughter Maria Elisabetha's baptism 9Jun1717 may have been the widowed mother of Grandfather Martin. I don't get a connection at all, but I cite...
Anna Maria Catharina Herber (b.GE d.1/14/1749 Millbach LebanonCoPA
(John Jacob Peter Batdorf)
(Johannes Zeller) b.1686 Fr d.10/25/1737 Ft ZellerPA m.1712 --see the Zeller section.
7-greats-grandfather Johannes Martin Batdorf
He was born September 1698 in Palatine Germany, arriving with his mother and sister in New York in 1709 (this birthdate is deduced from the fact that on 10 June 1710 his mother was listed as head of family, and where there was a boy of 12 years or over, the boy was listed as head of household). There is no record of it, but about 1717 NewAnnesbergNY he either married Maria Elisabeth Walborn, or they lived as common-law man and wife (which was common due to the shortage of preachers). This was during the time their families were living in the New York encampment. She had been born 25 October 1696 in Wiesbach-Nassau Germany to Hans Adam and Anna Elisabetha (Dietz) Walborn. She was baptized in Weisbaden November 25, 1696.
They moved from Schoharie in 1723, cutting a road to the head waters of the Susquehanna River, down which they floated their flatboats and canoes, and drove their cattle along its banks. When they reached what is now MiddletownPA they turned up Swatara Creek and finally landed at their intended destination in western BerksCountyPA and eastern LebanonCountyPA (then a part of LancasterCountyPA), with no one but Indians for neighbors (in fact, the friendly Indians had been their guides!). Here they squatted, each family picking their own particular spot to build a home.
Martin and Maria Elizabeth built their home on a small branch of the Tulpehocken Creek, about 1 1/2 miles northeast of Myerstown LebananonCoPA, as early as 1727. Martin bought the 329 acres on 2 Nov 1739 from Casper Wister, Brass Button maker of Philadelphia, after squatting there many years. It was originally a tract of 1724 acres granted to Mr Wister by Thomas Penn 10Nov1738. This land was eventually divided among Martin's three sons, Hermanus, George Peter, and Martin Jr. They gave 160 acres and 51 perches of land to son Christian in 1766. This was part of 443 acres purchased from the estate of Thomas Framme. Another part of this went to Henry and to Martin, son of John Adam. Having given away his land, he ordered a quit rent paid to him annually.
Grandfather Martin was first assessed for taxes in ChesterCoPA in 1725. Lancaster County was formed from a part of Chester County in 1729, so for a few years their home was in Chester County. In 1785, his land ws legislated into Dauphin County, and in 1815 the homeplace was transferred to Lebanon County. "It is there yet, and a small stream runs in its original bed until it falls into the Tulpehocken Creek a mile below."
Martin was a charter member and a deacon of Christ Lutheran Ch, Strouchberg, BerksCoPA and in 1748 and 1752 was a high delegate representative to the first organization convention held in PhiladelphiaPA which decided the nucleus for the Lutheran Churches of America. He had an excellent education for those days, and was very proficient in reading adn writing. His signature is on several petitions, including one for a road from Tulpehocken (now Myerstown) to Boone's Meetinghouse below ReadingPA. The road is there yet, and forms a part of the Wm Penn State Highway from Myerstown to Reading.
Their children:
1.Hermanus (b.1718 SchoharieNYd.1763 HeidelbergTwp TulpehockenPA. His widow asked his parents to settle the estate because she wished to remarry. On 4/1/1769 they appeared at Orphans Court at Lancaster to settle the estate. Martin and wife deeded their own land to Hermanus' children (about 10 acres apiece). Due to the amount of land, it was decided to keep it intact as one piece until the children came of age)
(Maria Barbara Anspach) p.Balthasar&AnnaMaria(Reith)A. b.1/28/1719NY m.1743
her parents also were 1709ers.
a.AnnaMaria b.3/11/1744
(Christian Karsnitz) p.Johannes&EuphroniaK.b.12/27/1732 d.1814 i.ChristLutheran
A.Catharina m.9/23/1783
(Jacob Weigand)
i.Elizabeth b.3/5/1785
B.Margt Elizabeth b.7/19/1772
C.Elisabeth Christina b.3/19/1776 m.5/25/1796
(Christian Diefenbach)
b.MaryElizabeth (b.11/29/1746)
(Michael Codderman/Katterman)p.Jacob&CatherineK.
A.John b.11/19/1768
B.George b.2/9/1773
C.Elisabeth b.7/19/1774
D.Ann Margt b.2/20/1776
c.George Peter Batdorf (b.12/23/1748 d.1826 bought out siblings' shares of land
i.Christ Lutheran at StouchbergPA)
(Anna Maria Kurr)p.Thomas K m.12/10/1771
A.Judge John Batdorf (b.2/3/1773 bap 3/9/1773 d.9/5/1835)
(Elizabeth Lauer)p.GenChristianL d.9/1/1828 m.12/11/1796
i.OldUnionCem MyerstownPA
i.Catharine (b.4/3/1799 d.1/19/1832 m.5/19/1822 LebanonCoPA)
(Peter Edris)
ii.Benjamin (b.10/4/1802 d.6/9/1856)
(Esther Walborn)p.Leonard&Catherine b.5/29/1809 d.5/6/1864
1.Dr Milton Batdorf (b.1/10/1844 d.9/7/09 m.
2.Dr Daniel L Batdorf (b.3/23/1824 d.11/15/1874
iii.Peter (b.6/6/1806 d.9/20/1835)
iv.Elizabeth (b.2/22/1809 d.11/11/1841)
(John George Walborn) b.1/23/1809 d.8/4/1870
v.John (b.9/28/1812 d.9/19/1842 i.OldUnionCem MyerstownPA)
(Catherina Lauer)m.10/19/1831 John Batdorf m.Jacob Kurr before him,
with whom she was wed 27yrs and had 9 children. d.9/28/1835
B.Thomas (b.1/10/1775 d.11/20/1843 m.1799 i.Christ Lutheran Stouchberg)
(Elizabeth Moser)
C.Elizabeth b.8/16/1777
D.Catherine b.8/8/1783
d.Martin (b.1/2/1751)
(Anna Maria (Margaretta) Walborn d/o Hermanus W
(Catharina Elizabeth Reith)p.Caspar&AnnaMarguerittaR.
e.Catherine (m.Christian Karsnitz)
f.Michael (b.1/25/1754 m.Catherina Emerich sold his inherited land to Peter for 34#)
g.David (b.3/12/1755 d.1820 m.Elizabeth--)
ch.Mrs Christian (Margt) Runkle,Catherine,Mrs John (Susan) Wanbuck,Mrs
Benjamin (Mary) Baltzer, Mrs Peter (Sarah) Koontz,John Bottorf (m.Mary
c.Elizabeth, Sarah),Eva, Charles, Barbara, David Jr
h.Phillip b.1/13/1756 m.Elizabeth Hundred
i.Christian b.1758
j.John Caspar Batdorf (b.12/14/1759 LancasterCoPA d.10/4/1836 PrebleCoOH
m.1784 RockbridgeVA in Rev War for both MD & VA. National Archives have
his War Record: Serial #S-17024; BLWT.49468-160-55)
(Susanna Ridenour)b.1766 ShenandoahVA d.1831 PrebleCo p.JacobJR.
A.Jacob Potterf (b.1/12/1786VA d.4/3/1862 m.1/22/1826 Christina Brown)
c.Mary (m.WmGarrett)
B.Samuel (b.1787VA m.11/22/1825 Mary Seathen d.1848)
C.John (b.1789 d.1829 m.6/10/1824 Elizabeth Wysong)
D.Elizabeth (b.1790 d.1869 m.Jacob Fudge)
E.Susannah (b.1793 m.8/11/1815 George Neff )
F.Mary Magdalena (b.1795 d.1851 m.Col.Samuel Kisler)
G.Nancy (b.1796 d.1874 m.Steven Albaugh)
H.Joseph (b.9/17/1797 RockbridgeCoVA d.11/24/??WAlexandriaO
m.7/25/1816 EatonO both i.OldTownCem WAlex.OH)
(Elizabeth Kesling) b.3/13/1796 d.9/30/1872
i.James Knox Potterf (b.6/3/1815 PrebleCoOH d.5/11/1887
DefianceCoO m.10/15/1840)
(Delilah Pence) b.6/34/1817 ROckinghamCoVA d.5/28/1862
1.Elizabeth m.Jonah Grubb
2.Lavinah Elizabeth (b.2/9/1843EatonPrebleCoO d.2/20/23
DefianceO m.1867EatonO i.AdamsRidge BrethrenCem
(Henry Luderman)b.7/29/1847 Jeddingen Visserhoeveden
HanoverGE d.8/17/1895 p.Anna Lindhorst
a.GeoEdward(b.2/20/1870 m.MarySophiaBaden)
b.AnnaMargt(b.8/7/1871AdamsTwpDefCoO d.6/27/63DefO
(Fritz Johannes Norden)b.6/28/1864 Wittorf HanoverGE
d.12/17/43 DefianceO m.11/15/1892 p.Cord&Catherine
(neeHelberg)N. sibs:Henry,Catherine
B.Harold (m.LillianSass)
D.Lavina Elizabeth (b.7/31/1899 NapoleonO m.1/14/22
(Harry Nupert Andrews)b.2/1/1897 DefianceO
d.5/22/75 p.WmFrances &Kate E (m.3/26/1867 nee
i.ShirleyAvonne (b.3/31/23ToledoO m.11/17/50
1.AndrewJohn(b.9/10/51 JacksonMI)
2.Dawn Elizabeth (b.6/8/56 d.8/9/56)
ii.Phyllis Ruth (b.3/21/28 Defiance m.8/1950)
(Jack Nemier)
1.James Blaine Nemier b.10/9/51
E.PaulineAnnabelle(b.9/29/13DefianceO m.11/4/35
(CharlesHenryBlock)b.4/29/16 Defiance
i.HarryJon (b.6/14/36Defiance m.7/27/68)
(RuthAnnMeyer)b.3/15/47 p.Melvin/LauraM
PatriciaKayBlock (b.2/1/73)
ii.JaneElaine (b.9/24/42 DefianceO m.2/1/64)
(WmClydeParker)b.5/11/42 p.James/Mary
c.JenniferLynn (b.7/16/66)
Susan Elaine (b.8/31/70)
iii.Philip Michael (b.11/14/45 DefianceO)
iv.Arthur Lee (b.4/22/49 m.8/12/72)
(JenniferLynn Swift)b.12/11/50 p.RevDonald &
Virginia Swift
c.DanielFrederick (b.11/3/77)
Megan Lindsey(b.3/26/80)
c.John (b.1/30/1873 r.ReadingMI)
d.Albert (b.12/3/1875 d.2/16/56)
(Mary Schwarzman)b.4/1/1883 Osnabruck HanoverGE
d.10/22/72 m.9/11/02 both i.StJohnLuthCh StrykerOH
p.Heinrich (d.1913)&Christina(neeMelcher d.1920
ClevelandO)S. sibs:Harmon(r.CA),Wm, Gerhardt (r.
ClevelandO),Mrs Harmon (Anna)Schroeder,MrsHomer
A.Raymond (b.7/9/07 d.1963 i.SherwoodOH cem)
(Laura Swinehart) m.1932
Mrs Bonnie Jean Conley
B.Gerhardt (b.9/26/16)
(DeNelda Gertrude Joost)b.3/17/21
e.Emanuel Frederick (b.8/13/1877
A.Ralph Luderman (c.Duane,Ronnie)
f.MaryJane (b.2/24/1880 m.HenryGiffey in1896,ChasMauk)
g.Emma Elizabeth (b.4/10/1882 m.May r.OK)
h.Phoebe Caroline (b.7/21/1884 d.9/25/18)
(John Henry Flory)b.5/11/1882 d.3/9/62)
A.Donald 1905-1907
B.Maynard (b.3/3/04 m.
C.Emma (b.12/14/08 m.
D.Willis (b.8/3/10 m.
E.Lowell (b.2/11/12 m.1944
F.Emmanuel (b.1913 m.
G.Irene (b.8/29/14 m.12/13/44
H.John Jacob (b.11/26/16
I.May (b.5/4/21 m.
Flory Family
Joseph Flory (b.1682GE d.10/1741 LancasterPA m.Mary)
c.Mary (b.1712),Joseph(b.1714 m.1741 Catherine),Hanley (b.1716),John (b.1718),
Jacob (b.1727), Katherine (b.1733) &
Abraham Flory(b.1735 LancasterCoPA d.1827MontgomeryCoO m.CatherineBlocker
c.Abraham (b.1764PA d.1796PA c.Jonas,Abraham, Joseph)
John (b.1766PA d.1845 m.RockinghamVA CatherineGarber 4/26/1790)
Joseph (b.1769PA d.1823 m.Elizabeth Beeghley)
Emanuel (b.1776PA d.1849 m.Sarah Keagy)
Henry (b.1777 FranklinCoPA d.1824 m.1799 Anna Keagy)
1.Emanuel (b.12/26/1800 SomersetCoPA d.11/15/1849 m.4/23/1824
MontgomeryCoO ElizabethKuns (she rem.Eyman) c.Aaron,Susan,Ellen)
2.Esther (b.9/2/1802 SomersetCoPA d.1/2/1849 m.2/22/1822 Montgomery
CoO John Kimmel i.WeaverCem BrookvilleO)
c.LouisP,JohnJ,Jacob,Daniel,Josiah,Maria&Anna (last 2 i.WeaverCem)
3.Abraham (b.12/13/1805 " d.7/28/1893 m.2/4/1827 " Mary Vaniman)
4.Cathy (b.1809PA m.1829 Martin Myers)
5.Sarah (b.1/8/1804PA m.1828 Abraham Weaver i.WeaverCem Brookville)
6.Elizabeth (b.1812PA m.5/20/1832 Isaac Seltz)
7.Henry ((b.3/23/1814PA d.7/13/1861 JeffersonTwp MontgomeryCoOH)
(CatherineHefley)c.James (b.7/7/1846),Albert(b.5/12/1851),Mary(b.1849)
8.Rachel (b.OH d.1903 CarrollCoIN m.1834 Joseph Kuns i.FloryCem
9.Jonathan (b.1816 d.2/20/1853)
10.David (b.11/23/1820 MontgomeryCoOH d.12/10/10 LogansportIN)
(Esther Richardson) c.Wm,HenryR
(Sarah Heffley)
11.Nathaniel (b.1822 Montg'yCoO d.3/9/1866 m.5/1/1849
MontgomeryCoO ElizabethCuppy i.FloryCem AdamsboroOH)
12.John (b.7/5/1810 FranklinCoPA d.1/7/1861DefianceO m.1834)
(Susannah Noffsinger)b.11/10/1817 d.5/2/1879 Her great-grandp: Rudy
Her grandp:John(b.1751)N. Her p.Samuel (b.1783WACoPA m.1818)
&Susanna(neeLeeds)d.1823)N. Her siblings: Daniel(b.1819), Henry
(d.1902 m.6/18/1848 AnnaCaylor&LenaLeeb(b.5/24/38 m.ToledoO
c.byAC Samuel c.byLL:Jnb.12/31/1885 & HenryJr b.5/1/1887)
c.Samuel 4/5/1840-4/19/1866,Daniel 2/26/1843 d.8/30/1853,
Elizabeth 8/18/1845-12/13/1866,Catherine 5/24/1851-3/20/1866,
Isaac (b.34/1848 d.4/06VA)
(Laura Swigert)
c.Delbert (b.1875 d.HI m.Essie(Hoover)Crooks
i.AdamsRidgeCem DefianceCoO)
c.HelenMaeFlory (m.Crook)
(Gertrude Foreman) m.11/7/1880 DefianceOH d.TimbervilleVA
John (b.7/18/1854 DefianceO d.3/6/41 m.12/17/1876 DefianceO)
(Mary Shock)b.1/4/1856d.6/17/15DefO p.Michael&Elizabeth (nee
Hornish p.
Samuel Isaac
Jennie Josephine
Rolland F
Rev Henry (b.5/19/1835 MontgomeryCoO d.10/17/19 DefCoO
(Magdalene Lehman)
Mary Magdalene
John Henry Flory (m.PhoebeCarolineLuderman--seeabove)
Joost-Rosebrock Family
HansHinrich Joost (m.WittorfGE Katherine Mahnke)
HansHinrich (b.2/20/1820 WittorfGE d.3/17/1895 i.StJohnLuthCh StrykerO)
(SophiaCarolineWilhelminaBremer)b.3/11/1822VisselhovedeGE i.ZionCemHenryCoO
AnnaKatherineSophiaDorothia"Doris" (b.11/3/1850 m.Schroeder)
Maria (b.1/8/1856 m.Schroeder)
Anna Cathrine (b.1/12/1859 m.Schroeder)
Johann Herman (b.1/24/1865)
Henry (b.2/23/1853 d.1900)
(Elise Rosebrock)p.Fred/Elizabeth (d.11/4/89MkCtrDefianceCoOH)R. b.1860
Roteberg HanoverGE d.1929 m.Wichers
(m.Carl Miller c.Edgar) &
Theodore Henry Harmon Joost (b.3/30/1882 d.6/22/69 m.11/30/05)
(ClaraLorenaPersin)b12/11/1879d.3/5/63pFrederick(b.2/19/1843 m.10/10/1869
i.GreenlawnCem Hicksville DefianceCoOH)&Mattie(neeHanna b.9/28/1848
d.4/16/1899) Her sibling: CoraAdella (b.7/1/1870 d.1929 i.GreenlawnCem).
Her grandparents Isaac (b.10/21/822 d.8/2212)&Sarah(neeHouser d.4/30/03)
c.RuthMarie,MildredGeraldine,IrisCatherine(b.10/8/19 d.10/10/19),&
DeNelda Gertrude Joost (m.Gerhardt Luderman--see above)
Block Family
John George Block (b.5/22/1801 BerneSW d.3/4/1870 m.CooperstownNY)
(Maria Moon Brown) b.1/12/1807
c.(all b.DefianceCo) GeoH (CivilWarCoE14thRegOH i.KahloCem near RulfSt
Defiance OH),Mary,Elizabeth,Hannah,Wm,Francis(CalvaryDivCivilWar), &
Charles Harrison (b.10/29/1844 d.11/11/24 CivilWar CoEReg14OH)
(Mary Foster) d.7/24 m.9/8/1886
(Sarah Morris)b.5/8/1858 d.1884 m.3/1/1881
Harry Block (b.10/30/1833MkTwpDefOH d.4/1/65 m.1/3/01)
(Cora May Young)b.5/24/1883 d.5/23/56 p.HenryA(b.4/27/1852 d.10/11/29)&
Elizabeth(neeRulf b.7/3/1861 d.1854)Young Her siblings:Roy, Otis,Earl
(d.6/10/10 DefianceOH)
Charles Henry Block (m.Pauline Norden --see above)
c.Harry John Block (b.6/14/36 DefianceO m.7/27/68)
Peter Pence(d.8/27/1864PrebleCoO i.GettysburgCemPrebleCoO)
(Elizabeth Harshman) d.5/2/1865
Delilah (see above--m.James Knox Potterf)
(Margaretta Burk)
c.Nancy,Abraham, Mrs George (Cecilia)Scheurerman
c.Walter,NancyA,Margt&JohnD Waters
Christopher Kesling (m.Christena)
Peter (m.Elizabeth Fudge)
c.Hon.Geo, Henry, & Elizabeth (m.Joseph Potterf --see above)
I.Sally Sarah (b.1799 m.4/14/1839 d.1879
J.Anna Maria (b.1801 RockbridgeCoVA m.9/20/1819 d.8/20/02 FrankfortIN
K.David (b.1802 d.1874 m.1825
L.Roseanna (b.1805 d.1876 m.1820
M.Jefferson (b.1807 d.1852 m.1/10/1832
(Nancy Longnecker)b.1800MD
N.Casper (b.6/27/1833 d.1897 m.
O.James (b.9/25/1835 d.1904 m.
P.Nancy Jane (b.7/22/1836 d.1890 m.
(John George Gall)
John George Gall Jr b.5/22/1764
2.John Adam (b.1720 Schoharie m.1745 d.10/10/1757)
(Anna Elizabeth Zeller)p.JohnHenryZeller
a.John George Batdorf (b.1746 m.1772 Maria Holzman Captain of the Company in
which his brother John Henry was 1stLt)
b.Martin (b.10/30/1748 BerksCoPA d.1792LagrangeKY. 6/4/1770 sold 7 acres 21
perches to eldest bro Capt Geo. sold rest of farm to Jacob Rohrer in1777 and left
BethelTwp BerksCoPA for HagerstownMD, where he was a member of the Old
Salem Reformed Church. A 1790 deed for his wife's interest in
her father's real estate shows he was living in WACoPA by then. Later he moved
to OldhamCo near LaGrangeKY where he died, according to DAR records. Rev
War vet m.12/31/1769)
(Maria Barbara Hautz)her father, Philip Lorentz H. was b.9/10/1715 in
HasslockPfaltz Bavaria and d.10/22/1788. He m.1740 Anna Eva Walborn
(b.1720NY to Rev Christian Wilhelm Walborn).
A.Maria Christine b.12/13/1771 BerkesCoPA
B.Martin Jr (b.2/28/1773 BerksCo d.9/3/1860WACoIN )
(Elizabeth Coons)b.1772 d.8/22/185? m.6/8/1795
i.Henry(b.1/26/1811WACoIN d.4/24/1896WACo m.3/29/1834
WACo both i.RushCreekCem WACoIN)
(Dorcas Chambers)b.4/11/1811KY d.4/27/1892WACoIN
1.Sally Bottorff (b.1833)
2.John Martin B. (b.1835WACoIN d.5/29/1900 WACoIN
m.1/12/1856 i.RushCreekCem WACoIN a private CoB
1thINInf in the Civil War, enlisted 6/21/1862 mustered
7/24/1862 discharged 6/30/1864 at NewOrleans, disabled
due to deafness from injuries at Sabina Crossroads. light
hair, light complexion, blue eyes, 5'11")
(Jemima Nicholson) 5mo pregnant when John returned from
the war, obviously not his son.
a.George (b.11/8/1864)
3.Telitha J (b.1837 m.Archibald Pennington)
4.Cerilda Ellen (b.1843 d.1872 m.10/21/1859 WmDaniels)
5.Margt Elizabeth (b.1847 m.4/1869 Joseph Johnson)
6.Irvin Green B (b.1849 m.9/11/1870 m.Hannah Bennett)
7.James Harvey B (b.1853 m.Millicent Gray)
C.Eva Elizabeth
E.George (b.4/14/1778 HagerstownMD m.4/21/1802 JeffersonCoKY)
F.Jacob(b1786HagerstownMD m.5/12/1805 JeffersonCoKY d.7/12/1869IN)
K.Barbara (b.1792 m.7/24/1812 ClarkCoIN)
(Robt Lucas Plaskett)p.Wm&ElizabethP b.12/15/1782NJ d.4/29/1863
ClarkCoIN i. ShilohCem ClarkCoIN fought in NW Terr Wars, War of 1812
iv.Robt L
v.Louisa J
vi.John M
c.John Peter (b.12/3/1749 d.before10/24/1774 m.Margaret)
d.Andrew b.6/6/1751
e.Eva Elizabeth b.6/8/1753
f.John Henry (b.10/17/1755 m.1776 ChristLutheranCh at StouchbergPA He was an
ensign in Capt Michael Wolf's Co on duty at Newton BucksCoPA, in service
8/5/1777 to 1/5/1778, their co at Brandywine and GermantownPA. John Henry
commanded a Regiment at the battle of Bunker Hill. They owned 240 acres along
the north bank of the Swatara, extending 235 perches along it. In 1790 they sold it
and moved from near HarrisburgPA to ClarkCoIN, where they lived for about 2yrs.
They moved from PA in a flatboat by the Ohio River. In 1792, they moved to
JeffersonCoKY and settled on a farm 7-8mi from Louisville, where he lived the rest
of his life. He was a pioneer minister in the UB Presbyterian Ch. Six of his children
were members of the Methodist Ch. His sons Samuel and Peter were ministers. A
grandson-in-law, M S Blizzard, wrote this in 1905:
"John Henry, on a certain occasion many years ago, was called upon late one afternoon by two young men with a
message requesting his presence on the evening of that day at a certain place several miles distant from his home for the purpose
of uniting a young couple in marriage. Grandfather at that time was not feeling well and for that reason refused to go with them
and grandmother thought him too poorly to go so far and undertake to return home at night alone and insisted on him to remain at
home. The young men insisted on his going with them and as an inducement to have him go promised to accompny him home
again after the marriage ceremony was performed and it was with that understanding that he finally consented to go with them.
"They arrived safely at the place where he was wanted and after he had perfomred the marriage ceremony and the time for
him to leave for his home had arrived, the young men both utterly refused to go with him. Grandfather knew that his family
would expect him to return home that night and for that reason started home alone on horseback, and that so far was was ever
known by any of his family, was the last time that he was ever seen by any person.
"His horse with saddle and bridle returned home that night, but grandfather never got there. His family and neighbors time
and again searched all through and over the country on either side of the road leading from his home to the place where he
officiated at the wedding and was last seen. They however failed to find or hear of him. Several months or perhaps years after
his disappearance some bones, remnants of clothing and relics that were on his person were found, but nothing else. He may have
died of asthma instead of being killed by Indians, and wolves may have killed him and devoured his body."
--"TheAncestors&Descendants ofRex Bottorff --HarcourtIA, John Adam Line"
Twice he walked all the way home from New Orleans after going down on a
flatboat. Once he nearly died at Natchez, but plodded on the 1500 mile journey,
overcame his sickness, and was in good condition when he got home.)
(Sophia Fricker) b.4/1753GE d.7/21/1846 JeffersonCoKY m.7/23/1776 i.Pleasant
Grove Cem CharlestownKY, monument in cem dedicated there in 1965 w/Judge
James Bottorff and Rev Charles Bottorff of TX officiating. Her father AndreasF.
had been in the Rev War as a 1stLt in Capt Casper Stoever's Co, Col. Phillip
Greenwall's Reg, 1st Batt, LebanonCoPA.
B.Henry (b.5/3/1780 LancasterCoPA d.11/18/1857)
(Catharine Hikes)b.3/17/1783JeffersonCoKY m.2/5/1800 p.Jacob H
i.George Bottorf (b.2/5/1801 m.4/1822)
ii.Sophia (b.7/13/1804 d.1/13/1806)
iii.Henry (b.8/21/1805 d.12/1817)
iv.Elizabeth b.12/5/1806
v.Nancy (b.1/17/1807 m.WmHarrod, son of Samuel&Sarah(ONeal)H)
vi.Anna (b.6/12/1809)
vii.Lewis (b.5/31/1810 SellersburgIN d.10/4/1841S,IN m.1/16/1830
called "Hog Lew" because he made a fortune shipping hogs on
barges down the Mississippi)
(Sarah Harrod) b.1/29/1806 S,IN d.10/4/1841 S,IN
1.James Bartholomew (b.10/14/1822S,IN d.9/18/1894)
(Margt Coombs)p.HannibalHarrison&Rachel(Hoagland)C.
she died in childbirth
c.Amy, Margt, James (d.CrowleyLA)&
Mary Jane(b.1/18/1865 ClarkCoIN d.10/7/28
KnoxvilleTN m.8/31/1884 300 guests watched her
father press $500--a nice amt of money in those
days--in her hand when she came down the stairs. A
crowd lined the road for a quarter mile. Her father
also gave them a fine farm with fine livestock and a
lovely furnished home)
(Henry Douglas Baldock)b.10/28/1860 ClarkCoIN
d.7/6/41 K,TN He had typhoid fever 2yrs, so Dr
made move to TN. "If Mary Jane had remained near
her father, the 3rd wife and stepson would not have
gotten most of her father's estate when he died."
A.Mary Ina (b.3/29/1888 laFolletteIN
d.1/14/74 TinleyPkIL m.6/5/07)
B.Nell (b.1898)
(Fannie "the hired girl") she would have fits of frenzy, in one
of which she stabbed James' dau Mary Jane. She was finally
declared insane. d. of TB
c.David, Blanche
("a middle-aged woman with a son")
(Sarah Blankenbaker)
C.Jacob Joseph
(Mary Smyser)p.Jacob&NancyS
D.Louis (b.1788PA d.3/23/1837 m.12/29/1808)
(Elizabeth Smyser) b.1789 d.4/27/1838 Jacksonville ClarkCoIN p.Jacob
(who d.JeffersonCoIN)&Nancy S. her sister is Mary. Her parents were
slaveholders "the last few years of his life."
i.GeoWABottorff(b.10/20/1809IN d.3/6/1858 MartinsburgIA
m.9/2/1830 both i.MtZionCem MartinsburgIA sold farm in 1852 to
move to IA. The three older boys, then 20,18, and 16 yo went
overland by wagon, and the rest of the family went by boat down the
Ohio River, up the Mississippi to KeokukCoIA where other Bottorffs
had already settled, incl George's Uncle Jacob & Sarah (Knikade)B.)
(Eliza Beverly Nugent)b.1/30/1812 CharlestownIN d.3/11/1895
1.John Lewis Bottorff (b.3/26/1832 ClarkCoIN d.1895IA
m.4/19/50 i.MtZionCem MartinsburgIA)
2.Wm Franklin (b.2/14/1834 IN d.5/18/22 IA m.12/25/1856
left arm injured and elbow join t stiffened so couldn't be bent.
went to school instead of working on farm as his bros. did.
Taught school many yrs in Country School #7 2miW of
HedrickIA where his sister Allie also taught.)
(MaryAgnesLawson)PAtoINtoIA Irish"happy&lots of fun"
b.Jennie (b.7/5/1849IA d.6/5/1882IA)
c.John Franklin (b.6/18/1861IA d.1933OR)
d.Geo Grant (b.9/29/1863IA d.10/9/36 HedrickIA ran
away to KS where he drove a stage out of Garden
City. Worked in A G Barnes' circus as a clown,
fireman on MilwaukeeRR for 8yr and farmed in
LaPlataMO for 2yr, back to HedrickIA & farmed his
father's farm, bought rooming house in OR 1920,
lived with son Rex for yr inCA, but then back to
Hedrick where he died in 1936)
(Anna Sinclair)p.Gilbert&MarionS. died of blood
poisoning which developed from a sore on her finger.
A.RalphSinclairBottorff (b.4/7/1897
d.10/3/36 m.6/24/25 Margt Parish)
B.Rex Wm (b.7/2/1900IA)
(HelenLouiseCarlson) pFrankVictor&AnnaLouiseC
m.11/24/61AtlanticIA UofIL, taught
AtlanticIA & WashtenawCommunity
College in AnnArborMI)
EllaMaeWeir adopted by Harold & Doris P
1.JamesMichael b.2/19/63UrbanaIL
2.RichardSinclair b.9/10/65AnnArbor
ii.Dan Reece (b.9/28/43FtDodgeIA
m.12/26/65 TerrillIA Meth. minister)
(Susan Brow
e.Roxanna (b.5/13/1866IA d.1929IA)
f.Minnie (b.9/23/1869IA m.9/23/1888)
g.Lizzie (b.12/15/1872IA d.1892IA)
h.Willis L (b.4/89/1874IA d.4/1/1876IA)
3.Erastus Webster (b.12/25/1835IN d.8/20/22IA m.2/25/1857
i.MtZionCem MartinsburgIA)
4.James Madison (b.2/26/1839IN d.4/9/1864 MemphisTN of
chronic diarrhea while serving in the Civil War. vet of Corinth
Vicksburg and Pittsburgh Landing)
5.Mary Jane (b.11/27/1840 ClarkCoIN d.4/15/30 SpencerIA
m.10/23/1856 SigourneyIA i.MtZionCem MartinsburgIA)
(George Milton Smith) b.1831 CassCoIL d.9/28/06 LA,CA
i.PacificBranch Nat'l Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers
Cem, as served in Civil War.
6.Cynthia Ann (b.6/7/1842 d.9/26/1868 i.MtZion)
7.Evaline Rebecca (b.11/13/1846 ClarkCoIN d.2/7/35
MartinsburgIA i.Mt Zion m.3/10/1870 MartinsburgIA)
8.Sarah Francis "Sadie" (b.4/8/1849 m.11/25/1868)
9.Nancy Elizabeth (b.1/1/1844 d.8/19/1881 IA
ii.Ann (b.5/7/1812 d.1/20/05 m.12/16/1830
iii.Matilda Fry (b.1/1/1814 KY d.2/19/1880 m.4/26/1835)
iv.Lewis Fry (b.7/25/1816 IN d.5/6/1845)
v.Jacob Smyser (b.5/18/1820IN d.11/22/1893 JeffersonvilleIN)
vi.Nancy Sarah (b.9/7/1822 IN d.3/7/02)
vii.Mary Elizabeth (b.3/3/1825 d.1825)
viii.Rebecca (b.4/13/1827)
ix.Isaac Jefferson (b.11/4/1830IN d.11/12/18851 Dayton,WebsterIA
m.4/29/1852 d.DaytonIA)
x.Abram Franklin (b.2/18/1833 IN d.3/13/1875 m.11/15/1855)
E.Samuel (b.2/18790PA m.12/15/1812 ClarkCoIN Methodist minister)
F.Peter H (b.1/13/1791IN d.12/112/1861 minister of UB or Methodist Ch)
G.Elizabeth (b.4/1795 KY d.5/13/1881
(John Ganote) b.1796 d.1885 both i.PleasantGroveCem CharlestownKY
g.Simon (b.9/7/1756 HarrisburgPA d.1820 BearGrassCreekKY m.Polly Davidson)
A.John Batdorf b.1784MD
B.Andrew (b.6/19/1786 HagerstownMD d.8/1/1877 WACoIN m.1816 served
in War of 1812, in 1870 census living with son Elijah)
(Jane Hoke) b.1895KY
C.Elizabeth b.WACoMD
D.George b.WACoMD
E.Sarah "Sally" b.KY m.11/23/1845
F.Catherine "Kittie" (b.KY)
G.Simon Jr (b.1779 d.3/23/1876 Eminence MorganCoIN)
(Lenhart Schwartz)m.11/12/1758 owned 200 acres in Bethel Twp, sold to Miller after his death , layed out in lots and called Millersburg, now Bethel
3.Maria Elisabeth (b.1722)
(Simon Koppenhaver)b.1735 d.8281802 p.Johann Thomas &MaryAnn (Zinn) K. Simon was captain in Revolutionary War. 6/20/1768 he bought 200 acres of Manor land and 100 acres of John Penn's land form Tobias Bickel of Heidelberg Twp. 1783, Simon sold his 230 acre farm to cousin Michael Smyser and settled in Newberry Twp YorkCoPA, he is buried there in Lewisberry.
4.Christian (b.1724 ChesterCoPA d.5/16/1781 m.1744 i.Christ Lutheran Cem Stouchberg. He fought in the French & Indian War, stationed at Snavely's Fort. Rec'd 160 acres from his father, l mi e of frystownPA on the s side of the road leading from Frystown to Rehersburg)
(Eva Regina Karsnitz)p.Johannes&Euphrosina K b.1725)
a.Christian Batdorf (b.6/1/1747 d.8/8/1818)
(Elizabeth Schneider) m.6/1/1773
(Rosina Schaeffer) m.6/24/1777
b.Mary Elizabeth (b.9/2/1751 m.6/12/1778 John Lehman)
c.Christopher (b.9/2/1751)
d.Catherine (b.3/31/1753 d.4/24/1773 m.4/28/1772 Hermanus Knoebel
e.John (b.4/23/1755)
f.Anna Regina (b.2/5/1757)
g.Eva (b.2/24/1759 m.4/4/1780 Martin Karsnitz)
h.Johannes George (b.1/18/1761 d.5/5/1835 m.4/29/1783 Catherine Zeller)
A.John b.1/28/1784
B.John Geo b.11/3/1785 LancasterCoPA m.9/25/06
C.Catherine (b.10/14/787 m.4/18/1809 d.4/15/1858)
D.John (b.8/12/1789 d.4/1880)
(Rebecca Fuchs) m.2/13/1819
i.Daniel(b.11/27/1820d.9/20/05m.11/26/1848 i.CedarChapelCem GarrettIN
(Ann Margaretta Fuchs) b.8/23/1797 d.2/23/1879
ii.John (b.6/12/1823)
iii.Julianna (b.10/30/1825 d.3/19/03 m.12/30/1839)
(John Schlessman)b.6/13/1824 d.2/26/1886 p.Peter&SusannaS. Served in
CoB 17thReg PACav in Civil War
iv.Michael (b.2/27/1835 d.1/6/19 m.1869)
(Sarah Stine)b.6/11/1843 d.5/9/31
v.Wm (b.9/7/1840 d.12/16/1851)
E.Benjamin (b.10/6/1791)
F.Maria Barbara (b.9/15/1793)
G.Elizabeth (b.3/4/1796)
H.Anna Marie (b.3/2/1801)
I.Michael (b.9/27/1803 d.2/2/1883 m.1826)
J.Marie Elizabeth (b.9/3/1805)
i.Maria Barbara (b.3/1/1763 m.3/24/1793 Michael Schwartz)
j.Christina Elizabeth (b.8/9/1764)
k.Benjamin (b.5/24/1767 m.3/26/1793 Barbara Bressler)
5.Martin (b.1726)
(Maria Barbara Elizabeth Saltzgaber)p.AndrewS.
a.Barbara Elizabeth b.5/11/1758
b.Eva (b.8/11/1760 m.12/25/1778 John Nicolas Stanch)
c.Martin (b.9/26/1761)
d.George Peter (b.12/12/1763 m.1785 Barbara Weiss)
A.John b.1/26/1787
B.Henry b.11/13/1788
C.Jacob Peter b.3/13/1790
D.Elizabeth b.8/15/1791
e.Anna Maria b.6/24/1765
f.John Batdorf b.1/25/1767
6.Maria Margaretha (b.10/10/1729 LancasterCoPA d.12/22/1822 m.1/29/1749)
(Johannes Conrad Weiser)
7.George Peter (b.1730 Lancaster CoPA d.1792 m.9/1/1748 i.Christ Lutheran Cem)
(Eva Elizabeth Reith)p.PeterR. d.1/31/1773
a.Maria Barbara Batdorf (b.9/21/1749 d.12/26/1749)
b.Herman Batdorf (b.2/17/1751 m.Margaret--)
c.Leonard (b.3/4/1755 m.Catherine-- Rev War vet)
d.Anna Maria (b.2/27/1756)
e.Catharine (b.4/4/1761)
f.Eva (b.2/24/1763 d.1/131/1773)
i.Jacob (b.9/19/1774 m.Elizabeth)
j.Maria Elizabeth b.10/20/1776
(Anna Elizabeth Goldmanin)
8.Henrich (b.1732 d.8/15/1808 m.Anna Maria Saltzgaber-- our grandparents see below)
(Christian Noecker) d.1809 HeidelbergTwpLebanonCoPA
a.Elizabeth (m.John Markely)
b.Catherine (m.Christian Artz)
f.Maria (m.WmWalker)
g.Christina (m.Geo Wetherholt)
h.Christian Noecker Jr
10.Catherine Elizabeth (3rd wife of Christian Walborn Jr)
Hans Walborn
Maria Walborn
(Martin Batdorf)
Catherine Elizabeth
(ChristianWalborn Jr)
Christian Walborn
Christian Walborn Jr
(Catherine Elizabeth)
the Walborn in-laws
Phyllis J Collins sent to Helen Mattson-Olson who sent to me, excerpts from The Walborn Family compiled by Maxine Bennett, published by Clifford H Bennett 1984, revised 1987. This plagiarizes heavily from that:
"The Walborn family legend tells that the name Walborn had its origin with the birth of a small child found in the woods in the fatherland many years ago. Those rescuing the infant, not knowing his parentage, decided ot give it a name connected with its discovery. So they gave it the name which meant woods-born-- Waldgen Borne, Wald Borne, Waldborn. The latter appears in German baptismal records...To speak of the Walborns is to speak of the Batdorfs, for these two families have been closely related for more than 275 years."
7-greats grandfather Joachim Walborn was born 1629 and was buried 10 Sept 1689 in Mossvach-Biebrich, Germany. His wife, Anna Maria, was born in 1636 and died 30 December 1693, also in Mossvach-Biebrich, Germany. (see Hank Z Jones). Another lists him as dying 12/30/1693 at 57 years of age. Their children:
1.Johann Philipp (b.1659 i.12/21/1674)
2.Maria Clara (confirmed 1677)
3.Elizabetha (confirmed 1680)
4.Martin Jacob (confirmed 1686)
5.Johann Adam -- our grandfather, see below
6-greats grandfather Johann "Hans" Adam Walborn was born 1670 in Mossvach-Biebrich, and married 15 February 1691 Anna Elisabetha Dietz (she had been confirmed in 1681 in Mossvach-Biebrich. This same Bennet Document calls her Feg and Dietz in different places, as Feg born 4/1692 in Idar Rhineland-Pfalz. The Walborn(Walburn) Genealogical History calls her "Feg." Another source calls her
"Dietz." Perhaps Bennet quotes both of these. AFJ writes that "There is no evidence whatever that Anna Elisabetha was a Feg, as has been reported elsewhere in print." He says the source for this confusion is a footnote to an article, "The Registers of Reed's Church" by Frederick S Weiser and Vernon Nelson in The Historical Review of BerksCo VolXXXI No 1 (Winter, 1965-66). Footnote 5 on page 27 begins, "Herman Walborn was a son of Johan Adam Wallborn, who is lilsted as a Hoffman of the Schutzenhof near Wiesbaden in the records tehre. His wife was a daughter of Johannes Feg and wife, who were from Idar." The words "his wife" refer to Herman Walborn, not Johann Adam, but may have perhaps been misunderstood.). Hans was a tenant farmer, living in the Palatinate on land owned by Egydius Sartorius. Church records of the family were found in Wiesbach-Nassau Germany, and three baptismal records were recorded in Weisbaden, obtained by Herman Walborn of St Paris OH in 1969. They are for two of Hans and Anna's daughters "of Idar, Germany."
Like the Batdorfs, they decided for the same reasons to take advantage of Queen Anne's offer to transport them to America. In the summer of 1708, they travelled down the Rhine to Rotterdam, Holland. The trip was long and tedious due to the many stops enroute, and their meager resources were depleted by the time they reached Rotterdam. By the time they reached London they were destitute and entirely dependent upon the government. Ten vessels were loaded with 3000 Germans, including several branches of our family tree-- the Batdorfs, the Walborns, the Fegs, the Rischs...They left England 25 December 1709 and reached New York in June 1710. The trip was not usually six months, but heavy storms delayed the ships causing insufficient food and foul air, which in turn made them easy prey for disease, causing many deaths enroute.
Upon landing they lived in the tents brought with them from England. There they remained until autumn, when 1400 moved 100 miles up the Hudson River to Livingston Manor, New York. This group, including the Batdorfs, Walborns, Fegs, and Rischs, was to manufacture tar and raise hemp to repay the expense of their transportation as grateful subjects. In 1711 Hans volunteered for the expedition against the French and Indians under General Nicholson at Montreal. On July 26 of that year, he was one of the Palatine volunteers in the Annesbury and Queensbury Expedition against Canada.
Our ancestors were among those 150 who, to escape the certainty of famishing due to this unsuccessful experiment, left in the autumn of 1712 for Schoharie, 60 miles northwest. No roads, no horses, but in rough-built sleds they pulled themselves, they arrived three full weeks later. In 1717 he took the Oath of Allegiance After being there 10 years the Walborns (and our Grandfather Sebastian Fisher was in the group!) left, when a defect in their land titles caused 33 families to move again in 1723 to Tulpehocken, about 15 miles west of ReadingPA. In 1741 he was still listed as one of those still living in the settlement. He is listed on the 1754 and 1759 tax lists of BerksCoPA, but the exact date of his death is not known. They were the parents of six children:
1.Andreas David Walborn b.1690 Idar Rhineland-PflazGE. He appears in 1717 in the company of J Conrad Weiser in the Tulpehocken. He was one of the signers of the 16 March 1718 petition of Dauphin Co inhabitants. They lived on the outskirts of the Tulpehocken settlement, attended the Tulpehocken Church and had four sons:
a.Daniel b.1733
b.John Peter Walborn b.1734
c.Major Adam Walborn (2ndPAReg in Revolutionary War, promoted to Lt.
20Jan1776, killed at Paoli 29Sep1777)
d.Samuel Walborn (Revolutionary War soldier, buried in BrownCoOH)
2.Rev Christian Wilhelm Walborn (b.4/1692 d.11Dec1769 HeidelbergTwp LancasterCOPA, buried with his wife in the Tulpehocken Cem. He came to America 1709, Tulpehocken 1723. Reith's Church, aka Zion's Church, was built after 5mo in 1727. Made of crude logs, and the pulpit a large round tree stump, seats of split logs, with a large ammunition vault built underneath the earthen floor, with no fireplace (members warmed themselves at a fire outside), it burned down in the late 1800s. The Walborns attended until 1742 when Moravian doctrine took over the church. The Lutherans and Reformed members then built, in 1743 the Christ Lutheran Church on the west edge of Stouchberg BerksCoPA. Many Walborns are buried in this churchyard, and many Walborns are in the birth and baptismal registries there. A charter member, Christian often served as Supply pastor, though only a lay minister. This is why he is referred to in many records as "Rev Christian." He was naturalized 13 Sept1761, and a very successful farmer on the Walborn homestead. The ancestral home still stands on the western edge of Myerstown, LebanonCoPA.
(Catharina Elisabetha Batdorf) This is our Grandfather Martin's sister. p.John Jacob Peter & Anna B. b.1697 PalatineGE m.1717 New Annesburg (aka Schmidsdorf) d.1764 HeidelbergTwp LancasterCoPA Catharina was the sister of our 5-greats-grandfather Martin Batdorf--the siblings married siblings.
a.John Adam (b.1717NY, the first male Walborn born in America. Rev War soldier
d.3/2/1773 FredericksburgPA. In 1800, his wife was listed as the oldest
Revolutionary War widow pensioner of LebanonCoPA at 85. both
i.Stumpstown Cem FredericksburgPA)
(Euphrosina Catharina Karsnitz)p.JohnP b.1715 The children were born where they
settled, near Stumpstown, now FredericksburgPA. m.1744
A.John Andrew Walborn (b.1/1/1745 settled at Mifflinburg UnionCoPA
A private 5th class of Capt Caspar Steover's Co 3rdCo 2nd Batt
LancasterCo Militia; stationed near Kings Bridge---3/21/1776
B.George Adam (b.3/1/1746 d.3/31/1829 m.11/23/1773PA RevWar
Private 2nd class of Capt Caspar Steover's Co 3rd Co2ndBatt
Lancaster Co Militia i.FredericksburgPA)
(Anna Catheirne Klunken)b.8/271755 d.3/17/1847
i.George Peter Walborn (b.6/12/1781 d.11/22/1856 LebanonCo
PA both i.Christ Lutheran Ch Cem at StouchburgPA)
(Christina Zeigler)b.11/15/1789 d.10/2/1846)
c.Christina (b.4/6/1811 d.5/19/04 WellsvilleKS)
(Jacob Batdorf)
C.Christina b.1751
D.Martin (b.4/16/1754 d.1813 BethelTwp i.FredericksburgPA Private 8th
class of Capt Caspar Steover's Co3, 2nd Batt Lancaster CO Militia on
tour of duty to BucksCo, duty began Sept 25,1781
E.Maria Margaret b.11/1/1756
F.Jacob (b.4/4/1758 d.9/3/1836 i.FredericksburgPA Private 5th class of
Capt Caspar Steover's Co 3rd Co 2nd Batt LancasterCo Militia
G.Maria Catherina b.5/25/1762
b.Maria Elizabeth (b.1718NY d.1764 m.Peter Schmitt)
A.Catarina Schmitt (b.1746 LancasterCoPA m.1766)
(Joseph Stroh)b.1743 p.Michael S.
c.Maria Elizabeth,Nicholas,Heinrich,John,George,Daniel,Cathrina
C.Peter Schmitt
c.Anna Eva (b.1720NY d.aft1788 m.1740)
(Peter Lorentz Hautz)p.JohnWendel&Anna Catherina H. b.9/10/1715 Hasslock,
Pfaltz, Bavaria. d.10/22/1788
c.JohnChristian, Anna Maria, Maria Elizabeth, Anna Catherine, Maria
Barbara, Baltzer, John Wendell, Jacob, John
d.Catherina (b.1722 SchoharieNY d.5/1807 Bethel,BerksCoPA
(Christopher Knoebel) p.George b.1718GE, arr in Philadelphia on the "Charming
Nancy" in 1738. d.1794 BerkesCoPA m.3/15/1744 by Rev Wagner at Christ
Lutheran Ch at StouchbergPA They lived on land deeded him by Thomas Freame
heirs 2/13/1755 just east of Berks/Lebanon county line on a stream bridged by old
US Highway 22.
A.George Peter Knoebel (b.2/17/1745 m.1773 d.1123/1823)
(Catherine Gerhardt)
B.Hermanus Knoebel (b.12/15/1747 d.7/21/1820)
(Catherine Batdorf) p.Christian&Eva(Karsnitz)B. b.
3/31/1753 LancasterCoPA m.4/28/1772 d.4/24/1773 in childbirth
(Eva Margaret Emmert)
C.Catherine Elizabeth b.9/25/1748
D.Jacob Knoebel (b.1/1753 m.11/12/1776)
(Marie Salome Cassel) b.1/3/1753 BethelTwpBerksCoPA p.John
Adam & Elizabeth C.
i.Maria Magdalena (b.1778 BerksCo m.George Friend)
ii.Jacob Knoebel Jr (b.1781 WACoMD d.1871 RussiavilleIN
i.RussiavilleCem m.1803/4 SomersetCoPA)
(Magdalene Enos)p.Geo&Ann(Guin)E.b.1786SomersetCoPA
d.1875 RussiavilleIN, when this couple moved to IN they took
all their married children's families with them-- all 52 of them.
They had 17 children.
1.Salome (b.12/30/1804)
2.George (b.3/16/1806 m.4/15/1830 Lea Wengert)
3.John(b.4/18/1807 m.CatherineBittner,Rebecca Younkin)
4.Jacob III (b.2/10/1809 m.1/1/1837 Mary Tedrow)
5.Elizabeth (b.3/18/10 m.WmWalter)
6.Levi (b.11/19/1811)
7.Catherine (b.7/14/1813)
8.David b.126/1815 m.ElizabethBaldwin,NancyIdial)
9.Mary (b.10/24/1816 m.4/16/1837 WmWeigle)
10.Rebecca (b.1/30/1818 d.1902 m.Jn Gribble)
11.Samuel (b.4/10/1820)
12.Noe (b.1821 d.infancy)
13.Emma "Amy" b.7/26/1822 m.Michael Schultz)
14.Suzanne (b.2/1825 r.MN m.James Wiltrout)
15.Martha Magdalene (b.3/28/1826 m.John Brumbaugh)
16.Phoebe (b.1829 m.5/23/1848 Thomas Chandler)
17.Amy b.1830 d.infancy
iii.Sarah (m.Jacob Harbaugh)
iv.John (b.10/27/1789 ClearSpringsMD)
v.Eva (m.Peter Dull)
vi.Maria Elizabeth (b.6/21/1790 m.John Haines)
vii.Catherine (m.Henry Schaff)
viii.Christina (m.Jacob Yonkin)
ix.Margaret (b.1797 d.2/2/1857 m.John Pile)
E.Christian (b.4/24/1755 d.8/1825 m.Barbara --)
F.Magdalena Maria Margt (b.8/16/1758 m.319/1782 John Gerhardt)
G.Christopher Jr (b.1759/60 m.6/5/1781 Stouchberg Christ LutheranCh)
(Anna Maria Hautz)p.Philip&AnnaMargaretta(Boyer)H. b.1760
H.Eva Knoebel (b.1763 m.5/121805 Michael Walborn)
I.Christina Knoebel (b.1765 m.5/17/1784 John Philip Gerhardt)
e.Maria Magdalena (b.1724 HeidelbergTwp LancasterCoPA m.6/1748)
(George Magnus Conrad)p.Peter of NewHanover
f.Maria Catherina (b.1726 HeidelbergTwp m.4/11/1751)
(Nicholas Miller) p.Michael
g.Christina (b.1728 HeidelbergTwp m.11/9/1748 John Jacob Albert)
h.Martinus (b.4/15/1733 HeidelbergTwp d.2/3/1816 i.StouchbergPA Rev War
soldier private 5th class of Capt Wendel Weaver Co7 2ndBatt LancasterCo
Militia, overseer of roads for HeidelbergTwp r."near Myerstown")
(Maria Margaretha Lei)b.1734 p.Christopher&Anna Barbara (Bayer)L. When
Christopher died, his son Michael bought his remarried (John Immel) mother's
share, and his (Maria Walborn) sister's share. Martin signed his name in German,
while his wife Maria made her mark. Maria d.1820 both i.UnionCem JacksonTwp
A.Johannes Walborn (b.1761 m.Elizabeth Sheets)
i.John Walborn (b.1790 d.1868 i.Kloop'sCem)
c.Elias Walborn (b.1818 m.Sara Peifer)
c.EmmaElizabeth (m.1863 Valentine Urich)
c.Mrs David Balliet (her husband was athletic
coach&teacher at Princeton. They added
huge pillars to the facade of the ancestral
c.MrsClydeStepp (at her death the
property was sold after 200 yrs
occupancy by Walborns)
B.Christian (b.5/11/1758 d.11/8/1845 i.Friedens Luth Ch Cem
MyerstownPA. Private 8th class, capt wendel weaver co7,batt2,
Lancaster Co Militia In1811, when the MyerstownPA
LutheranCh was founded, he was an elder)
d.6/9/1855 both i.Union Cem JacksonTwp LebanonCoPA
C.Leonard (b.9/8/1755 d.9/19/1833 i.LutheranCem MyerstownPA)
i.Hermanus (b.3/1735 HeidelbergTwp confirmed 1753 d.3/15/1813 i.ZoarCem
MtZion NLebanonCoPA Private 3rd Class for Capt Wendel Weaver Co7,2nd Battt
Lancaster Co Militia)
(Catharina Bricker) both i.Zoar's Church Cem MtZion,N LebanonCoPA
A.John George Walborn (b.4/14/1769 d.1838 m.1/24/1796 Stouchberg)
(Catherine Lehman) b.7/7/1772 d.1834
i.Henrich (b.12/13/1800 d.1/11/1881 r.SpringMillsCentreCoPA
(Eva Riessinger)
c.John Simon Walborn (b.9/17/1821 m.Elizabeth Salada)
c.Mary W Walborn (b.5/11/1847PA m.2/4/1868
d.1924 both i.FriendsCem had 15 children)
(John C Guiher) b.10/10/1838 d.10/24/17 Civil
War enlisted 9/71861 CoA103RegPAVolInf
j.Anna Margretta Elizabeth (b.1739 HeidelbergTwp conf. Whit-Sunday 1753)
(Johannes Nicholas Kurtz)
A.John Christian Kurtz (b.8/25/1761 bapt 9/1/1762 Christ LutheranCh
Stouchberg sponsors, Christian&Catherina (Batdorf) Walborn)
k.Christian Walborn Jr (b.1740 HeidelbergTwp conf.Stouchberg Christ LutheranCh
whit-sunday 1754, deacon of this same church. d.3/13/1814 BethelTwp BerksPA
(Anna Barbara Koppenhauver)b.2/17/46 p.Michael&EvaMargareth(Strecher)K.
d.1/1790 m.1760
A.Christian Walborn III (b.4/15/1761 m.4/18/1786 d.12/12/1841)
(Elizabeth Lescher) b.1765 d.1835 no children
B.Michael Peter (b.5/8/1763 BerksCo BethelTwpPA bap 5/23/1763 Christ
Lutheran Ch at StouchbergPA m.4/19/1785. In 1800 he owned large
tract of land in RebersburgPA Paxton Twp DauphinCoPA. Rev War
vet. Private 6th class, 2nd Co 2nd Batt 1st Reg Dauphin Co Militia Capt
James Coldwell d.9/8/1827 MilesTwp CentreCo PA. both
i.RebersburgCentreCo PA
(Catherine Siebertin)p.JohnWendell&CatherineS b.9/24/1764 all six
children were born in BerksCoPA:
i.Elizabeth (b.6/11/1787 m.David Miller r.RichtownOH in 1841)
ii.Henry (b.9/2/1791 father disowned him for disorderly conduct)
iii.Hannah (b.11/28/1793 d.3/13/1819 m.Philip Moser of DauphinCo)
iv.Mary (b.11/28/1793 twin r.SnyderTwp JeffersonCoPA d.1848)
(Jacob Shafer)b.10/29/1785PA d.11/17/1850 both i.HafnerCem
BrockwayPA. Earlier called Shafer Burial Ground cuz Jacob
donated the land
1.Jacob (b.1812 d.1850PA accident on LittleTobyRiver)
v.Catherine (m.JohnRauch of DauphinCoPA d.shortly after dau born
c.Elizabeth Rauch b.1826
vi.Margaret b.3/19/1796
C.Herman b.8/1765
D.Martin (b.11/12/1767 d.1840 r.Rehrersburg)
E.Henry (d.1837)
F.Maria Barbara b.9/13/1775
G.Christina (b.1776 d.1831PA m.1794)
(JohannesPeterLenig)pPeter&Elizabeth(Aulenbach)Lb1771PA d1848PA
i.Jonas J Lenig (b.1831PA)
(Christine Heberling)
H.Anna Maria
(Catherine Elizabeth Batdorf)p.Martin&Maria(Walborn)B--our grandparents
l.George Peter (b.6/17/1744 HeidelbergTwp bap 7/8/1744 spon.GeoPeterBatdorf
d.3/191764 never married)
3.Maria Elisabetha Walborn -- our 5 greats-grandmother m Martin Batdorf-- see above
4.Anna Christina Elisabetha Walborn (b.24Nov1700 Weisbach-NassauGE bap.7/29/1703 She became a Moravian at LebanonPA 12/1747 d.12/17/1782 NazarethPA)
(John George Loesch) p.Balthazar&Susanna Phillipina L. m.12/15/1721NY b.4/23/1699 HerrnsheimGE, as was his father, who died at sea enroute to America. d.12/15/1790 GnadenthalPA both i.MoravianCem in NazarethPA
a.Johann Jacob Loesch (b.11/10/1722)
b.Susanna Philipina (b.6/12/1724Tulpehocken d.11/28/1790 GnadenthalPA)
(John Nicholas Weinland)m.1749 b.12/26/1706 Meiningen ThuringsGE
d.1/22/1777 GnadenthalPA r.Gnadenthal both i.MoravianCem NazarethPA
A.David Weinland (b.3/1/1760 GnadenthalPA)
c.Hermanus Walborn Loesch b.3/4/1726 bapt sponsor M/M Hermanus Walborn
d.Maria Elisabeth b.2/12/1728 bapt sponsor M/M Martin Batdorff
e.Maria Catherina b.2/24/1730
f.Christina Elisabeth b.3/20/1736
g.Johann Balthazar b.3/10/1734
h.Margretha Elizabeth b.3/20/1736
i.Johann Georg b.2/13/1738
j.Johann Adam b.6/6/1741
k.Maria Barbara b.9/25/1744
5.Johann Hermanus Walborn (b.1/1/1708 Weisbach-NassauGE, baptized 1/29/1708GE, he was only a few months old when his parents emigrated to America, m.20July1728. He served as warden for the Old Reith Church in the Tulpehocken d.10Jan1747 LancasterCoPA)
(Maria Margaretha Feg)p.Johannes&MariaMargretha(Becker)Feg of Idar-ObersteinGE. bapt. 24Sept1710 by Rev Joshua Kocherthal in NY, sponsored by Johan Jacob Risch, Anna Maria Feg, and Margretha Kuntz. All their children were baptized at Reed's Church at Tulpehocken:
a.Leonard (b.4/4/1729 bapt.Reed'sCh at Tulpehocken d.12/26/1760)
(Anna Mary Kurtz)& herbrother Nicholas Kurtz were executioners of Leo's will
A.George Peter Walborn (b.2/20/1759 d.3/27/1832 i.Solomon's Luth Ch
Cem on Grinstone Hill nearChambersburgPA Private of Capt John
Huling's Co 1/5/1776 to 11/25/1776)
b.Christina Elizabeth (b.4/8/1732 bapt Reed's)
(Martin Stupp) all child bapt at Christ's Lutheran Ch
A.John Leonard Stupp b.6/26/1756 m.Anna Maria Rohrer, dau of Gottfried
B.John b.4/1758
C.Maria Catherina (b.7/26/1762)
D.John Adam Stupp b.7/26/1762
E.Anna Elizabeth b.8/3/1764
F.John Jacob Stupp b.5/30/1766 m.Magdalena
G.Anna Maria b.11/15/1768
H.Christina b.2/22/1772
c.Maria Catherina b.10/12/1734
d.Johann Christian b.7/1/1737
e.Johann Gorg b.3/15/1740
f.Johann Michael (b.11/24/1742 d.aft1790 i.Tulpehocken m.Catherine-- Private
5thCo 1st Batt DauphinCo Militia commanded by John Rodgers 5/1/1786)
g.Anna Margaretha b.5/6/1745
h.Anna Elizabeth (b.1/22/1747 d.10/1/1805 Tulpehocken)
(Jacob Weiser)b.9/22/1736 p.ChristopherFrederickW grandp.J Conrad Weiser --
see the chapter on the Weiser branch of my family tree d.1/1808
6.Maria Caterina Walborn (b.1709 during the ocean trip to NY)
(Peter Schell) lived NW of the Walborn land m.10/6/1730 LancasterCoPA by Rev Stoever
a.Peter Schell (b.11/15/1746 m.Anna Mary)
A.Simon Schell b.2/17/1772
B.Christian Schell b.1776
C.John (b.4/13/1778 m.Magdalene --)
i.Henry Schell (b.6/3/1814)
D.Mary Catherine b.3/15/1789
b.Martin Schell
The Walborns have a "Walborn Reunion Song" that was dedicated at the first Walborn reunion held in 1932 at Lyken's Valley Pennsylvania:
chorus: We're enjoying our reunion, we're enjoying our reunion
We're enjoying our reunion, at good old Christian's home.
1.We come to good old Christian's place to sing our little song
And to show our friends and relatives the place where we belong
We're so happy just to tell you all about him in this song--
For twas good old Christian's home
2.The grove you're in, the ground you're on, was dear old Christian's place
And the spring is overflowing, just go there and have a taste.
Drink and drink and drink until you have your thirst erased,
For twas good old Christian's home.
3.The house and barn are just a half a mile away,
Where you may go and see what we've arranged for you today.
We hope that you'll be pleased with what we've passed along your way
For twas good old Christian's home
4.We want you all to join us in this final verse and say
That you'll be glad to come again just one year from today
For we'll want to meet each other just as happy, bright and gay
For twas good old Christian's home
6-greats-grandfather Henry Batdorf
He was born 1732 died 8/15/1808. Following their marriage Henry and Anna Maria lived on the south side of Swatara Creek, down from Mount Aetna. This was shown by the state survey which was printed in1799. The place is marked Zeller. Henry recieved a grant of 150 acres of the ancestral acres bought by his father, Martin, out of Framme's Manor on the bank of the Swatara Creek in Bethel Twp BerksCoPA.
Their children:
1.Catharine Elizabeth (b.9/10/1755)
2.Eva (b.5/20/1756)
3.Johannes Michael Batdorf (b.7/10/1758 LancasterCoPA d.2/15/1804 WhiteDeerPA)
a.Michael (b.7/12/1780 m.1800)
A.John b.1801 RehersburgPA
i.Michael (b.1832 SchuylkillCoPA d.8/3/1864 AndersonvilleCivilWarPrison
He had gone to IL in antebellum days, and on 8/14/1862 enlisted in CoH
93rdILInf, participating in Battle of Jackson 5/14/1863 and the seige of
Vicksburg. At the battle of Mission Ridge, he was captured and taken to
Andersonville. The number of his grave is 4618)
B.John Wm b.1802
C.Susanna b.9/1/1805
D.Michael b.1/2/1808
(Catherine Emerick) m.3/13/1778 BethelTwp LancasterCoPA
4.Maria Elizabeth b.8/13/1760
5.John Adam Batdorf (b.12/7/1762 m.1786 Susannah Merkey)
6.Martin Batdorf (b.10/29/1763 m.1792 Wendeline Ebrecht)
7.Maria Barbara (b.3/25/1766)
8.George Peter Batdorf (b.2/11/1768 LancasterCoPA i.WayneCoOH) --our grandfather
(Catherine Brine) our grandmother-- see next section
the Saltzgaber-Zeller in-laws
5-greats-grandfather George Peter Batdorf
born 2/11/1768 LancasterCoPA, buried in WayneCoOH. US Land Entries in Mohican Twp--Now Ashland County p.156 lists a George Batdorf in1829 buying 80 acres in Section e 1/2 se 33 in 1829.
1.Johannes (b.8/12/1794 PA m.1814 DauphinCoPA d.3/1/1872 Shreve WayneCoOH served in the War of 1812, moved to Shreve in 1832. Purchased land in FultonCoOH for all his children so they would not go West for the Gold Rush. Some of the children sold their FultonCo land and moved back to Shreve. both i.OakGroveCem in Shreve)
(Catherine Daniel) b.11/1795 d.1/24/1877 rec'd John's pension in 1872. Their childrens records are at St John's (Hill Church) near Berrysburg, MifflinTwp DauphinCoPA. Her genealogy and children below:
Carl Hoy (m.Maria Eva)
Albert Hoy (b.5/30/1737 d.1809 m.4/17/1759)
(Susanna Schnevely)b.6/22/1738PA p.John (who d.5/1772)
Elizabeth (b.2/7/1760PA m.John Dieter)
Charles (b.7/1763PA d.1816 m.Elizabeth)
Phillip (b.1765PA m.Anna Maria Gilbert)
John (b.1767)
Barbara (b.TulpehokenPA m.John Berger)
Eve (b.PA m.Daniel Shoffestall)
Henry (b.PA m.Elizabeth--)
Susannah (b.1777PA m.Andrew Daniel)
Andreas (b.1/24/1797),JohnGeo,Henrich,Elizabeth(b.1802),Sarah(b.1804),
Esther (b.1806), Juliana, and Catherine (m.Johannes Batdorff---see above)
a.Jacob (b.2/5/1817 PA d.1817)
b.Johannes (b.10/26/1818PA d.FultonCoOH m.Elizabeth Morgan)
A.AaronBartonBatdorf (b.1852 d.12/21/18 WauseonOH)
(Mary Jane Minnich) b.1852 d.1922 m.1872 p.David&Hannah(Crawford)M
i.Jessie (b.12/17/1872 m.John W Sands)
ii.Merlin A (b.6/20/1875 d.10/20/41 m.1896 Laura Williams)
c.RalphB,Walter (m.MabelTurney), Mildred M (m.MarionLilley),
Frank H. LowellE, Lawrence(m.AltaSegrist), JohnCair,
Marion L Batdorf (BubWise)
iii.Cora A (m.Blanchard Miller)
iv.Ethel M (m.2/2/1898 Jonas Snyder)
v.Nellie A (m.Frank Ziegler)
vi.Frances (b.6/13/1884 m.9/17/02 Charles Snyder)
B.Emmanuel (b.9/24/1839 d.10/26/1894 m.ElizabethFowler,EmmaLosure)
C.John Harrison Batdorf (b.1840 d.1926)
(Carolyn Brown) b.3/24/1803 d.8/20/06 AdrianMI
D.Jeremiah Batdorf (b.1841 d.10/14/1861)
E.Lavina (b.1842 d.6/22/1930 m.Henry Gassman)
F.Alias Morgan (b.1850 m.90/24/1871 Jennie M Stebbins)
G.Austin (b.1848 m.8/12/1866 m.Lydia Halsey)
H.Almira (b.1857 m.4/13/1882 Oscar Rex)
I.Olive (b.1844)
c.William(b.7/20/1820d.9/14/1900 helped incorporate Shreve in 1859 m.SarahCole)
A.Jane Batdorf (b.1842 m.Sheffield)
B.James Batdorf
C.Ann (m.James Cornell)
D.Maria (b.1847 m.Jacob Fashbaugh whose p were John&ElizabethF.)
i.Viola Fashbaugh (b.5/23/1870 YorkTwpFultonCoOH d.6/1/49)
(Edward G Dailey)b.8/31/1867 DeltaOH d.8/31/50 m.12/12/1889
1.Bessie L (b.3/4/1891 m.HarryWhitmore(b.1889 d.1961)c.Reva)
2.Harold (b.2/8/1893 m.1913 Ethel Porter c.Gerald)
4.Glenn (b.11/30/1897 m.Ruth Guilford c.Floyd)
6.Merle (b.6/4/1900 m.Theodore Hininger)
7.Mildred (b.11/4/1902 m.Andrew Chamberlain)
8.Vera (b.12/8/07 m.Chirist A Neuenschwander)
9.Fern (b.4/11/11 m.Willow Thourot)
10.Donald (b.5/10/14 m.Helen Hauchin)
Peter (b.1810VA)&Rebecca(nee Shaffer b.1820PA) Dailey
Elizabeth (b.1837 WayneCoOH d.12/16/17 m.8/3/1861 Alexander Smith)
c.JohnAlexander,Holmes,May(d.2/15/36m.Hayward),Loduka(m.Stevens), WL
John (b.1840)
MaryAnn (b.1842 d.8/9/13 m.1863 John Batchman (b.8/5/1838SW))
c.Wm J, Mary J (m.Porter)
Hamilton (b.1846 d.6/29/26 FultonCoOH)
Rebecca (b.1849)
Wm(b.6/23/1844 DeltaOH d.4/20/14 Delta m.12/11/1866 i.Delta SalsberryCem)
(Rachel McQuillen) b.5/12/1843 Delta d.3/22/26
Edward G (b.8/31/1867 DeltaOH d.8/31/50 m.12/12/1889 R
(Viola Fishbaugh) --see above
David &Lydia Ann (Switzer) McQuillen (both b.PA)
Eliza Ann (m.11/12/1846)
(John Hefflebower) b.4/20/1821 CumberlandCoPA d.9/25/1896
Rachel (m.Wm Dailey-- see above)
E.Eli (b.1849)
F.Wm Sherman Batdorf (d.6/9/1950)
d.Elizabeth (b.12/25/1819 d.10/27/1867 YorkTwpFultonCoOH both i.RakerCem)
(Philip Morr) b.7/4/1824 Wooster WayneCoOH m.6/11/1845 d.5/17/1890
DeltaOH, moved 1849 to 80
acres in YorkTwp which her father had deeded to Elizabeth 9Nov1852. He
enlisted in CoH 100thReg OHVolInf Army under Capt Albert B Smith leaving
behind 7 children on 8/6/1862. Elizabeth would walk to town with a basket of
eggs and butter on her head, knitting along the way, and then traded forneeded
supplies. He was discharged 6/20/1865 GreensboroNC. According to family
legend, he was father of an illegitimate son, Walter Lufkin b.1855 near BrailyOH.
Walter moved to PawPawMI in 1870 with Edson Morr and his wife Catherine.
A.Anna Maria Morr (b.12/21/1847 WayneCoOH m.OtisBigelowVanFleet)
i.AlmiraMay Van Fleet (b.8/12/1868d.9/1/19)
(Logan Price)b.8/1863 d.4/2/45
1.Clayer Price (b.8/2/1890 m.Dean Hindman)
2.Flossie Price (b.12/1/1892 m.Mervin Mann)
3.Cleo (b.1/9/01 m.Wayne Martin)
ii.Mary Elizabeth Van Fleet (b.3/7/1870 d.7/17/51)
( John Colwell)b.12/8/1857 d.1/4/28
1.Hazel Bernice (b.2/11/1894 m.Frank Hall)
2.Charles Otis (b.1/21/1896 m.Margt McKinnon)
3.Mary FLorence (b.12/10/1897 m.Andrew VanDerVelde)
4.Glenell Zeta (b.5/27/1900)
5.Amanda Grace (b.2/28/05 m.Ray S Orvis)
6.Lula Zola (b.9/11/08 twin m.Otto Carl Hauswirth)
7.Lucy Zela (b.9/11/08 twin)
8.Otha Leroy (b.5/9/12 m.Mildred Fojtek)
iii.Addie Luella (b.11/28/1872 d.4/15/48)
(Joseph Lewis Ball) b.3/22/1860 d.7/23/37
1.Della Marie (b.7/19/01 m.Paul Oswalt)
2.Wilburn Hamilton (b.1/9/10)
iv.Laura Ann (b.1/21/1874 d.9/22/37)
(Wm Hickman)b.1/27/1861 d.1/6/14
1.Bonnie Dale (b.9/11/895 m.Henry Gannan)
v.Alice A (b.10/27/1875 d.3/23/36)
(Harry S Browning)b.10/3/1873 d.3/10/41
1.Mabel (b.7/6/1895 m.Floyd Davis
(Theodore Hahn) b.10/15/1861 d.9/22/29
2.Leona (b.12/12/11 m.Alex Owens)
B.Edson Clement Morr (b.2/1/1850 YorkTwpFultonCoOH d.9/12/33
m.1/29/1870 enlisted 1/21/1864 just before his 14th birthday, assigned as
replacement in CoK 38thReg OHVolInf and was attached to General
Sherman's Army in Gen McPherson's division. Was in siege of Atlanta
& was near GenMcPherson when the Gen was fatally wounded. Was at
March to Sea w/Gen Sherman's army, and at the end of the war
participated in the Grand Review before Andrew Johnson in WA,DC in
1865. Edson was not a drummer boy but carried & used a musket with
the older boys. discharged 7/12/1865 at LouisvilleKY, active member of
the GAR, organized a fife&drum corps which was well known in NW
OH. He handmade & sold canes at these reunions of Army buddies.)
(Catherine Mann)p.Frederick&Mary(Weed)M b.5/12/1853 d.5/20/41
i.Raker Cem DeltaFultonCoOH
i.Mary Elizabeth (b.11/8/1876 d.11/12/12 m.6/15/1893 i.RakerCem)
(Fred Soles) d.1950VA
c.AlvinEdson,Lenora, Edna, Lawrence(b.11/8/1898 d.7/3/19)
all Soles children i.Raker Cem, Delta FultonCoOH
ii.Louella May (b.10/281872 d.4/18/11 m.3/3/1891 i.RakerCem
(Wm Agsten) b.2/20/1864 d.1919 i.RakerCem
1.Frank (b.9/20/1896 d.1896)
iii.EdsonClement Jr (b.10/13/885 d.7/3/58 m.9/6/05 both i.Raker)
(Orra Edna Donovan)b.10/21/1889 d.6/19/72 m.9/6/05)
1.Kenneth Donovan(b.8/22/06 m.EvaMaeSnyder(b.5/13/05))
a.MarilynAnn(b.5/15/33 m.Roy VanDock (b.5/13/29))
c1.Kevin Roy VanDock (b.5/21/54 m.CarolLong)
c2.Kerry Lee VanDock(b.6/1/57 m.Joy Elaine Marshall)
c.KentWm(b.8/14/81,KurtPatrick (b.12/15/84)
2.Hobart Ford Morr (b.6/14/07 m.Florence Connors)
(Joyce Shaneour)
A.JudyJoyceMorr (b.11/13/45 m.Ralph Lyons)
B.Shirley Ann Morr (b.3/11/57 m.Willard Roose)
C.Billy Wayne Morr (b.3/13/49)
(Naomi Skilman)
D.Jean Marie (b.10/24/51)
E.John Edson Morr (b.11/13/57)
b.Dale Miller (b.7/13/30 m.Joan Kennedy)
c.Steve Allen b.1/2/59, Ellen Mae b.11/60
c.Leroy Paul (b.11/17/35 m.Nora Geaty)
c.Thomas b.7/7/57,Cindy,Mike
d.Charles George (b.9/13/38 m.Marvella Peters)
c.Barbara b.6/16/30,child b.7/26/62
e.Walter Ford (b.3/3/40 m.Donna Koisor)
c.Dennis (b.10/13/61)
f.Mary Katherine (b.11/16/44)
g.Janet Sue (b.11/17/46)
iv.Geo Wm (b.1/27/1875 d.1/3/39 m.2/13/1896)
(Nellie Dunbar)b.1950)
1.FrederickLeon (b.9/19/1896 d.5/26/66 m.Lena Wise (b.1894))
a.Mara Nell (b.5/31/19)
(Dean Kennedy) b.1917 d.1957
c.Janet Kay Kennedy (b.12/23/49 m.Wm Bulntschly)
(Richard Shaw)
b.Leonard (b.12/24/25 m.Nellie Thompson)
(b.10/4/51) , Manda Sue b.8/17/53
2.Myrtle Leneva (b.7/19/1898 d.4/85 m.Oscar J Dorr)
a.Leneva Jean Dorr (b.5/1/27 m.Rodney Kropf)
b.Mary Ann Dorr (b.7/22/30 m.John Gaffney)
c.Michael John b.2/25/62
v.Frederick Edward (b.3/17/1878 d.3/19/11 m.1/28/1897)
(MaymeLenoraClose)b.1875d.1960 both i.GreenlawnCem DeltaO
1.LouiseMargtMorr(b.5/12/1899 m. Hall (d.1955))
a.Frederick Hall (b.11/25/22 m.Dana Healy)
c.Sandra b.11/30/44,Frederick b.6/6/50,Martha
b.6/18/54,Chevonne b.3/19/59,Patricia b.9/6/47,
Terri b.12/18/61
vi.Katie Luetrilla (b.2/11/1881 d.5/23/63 m.3/10/03both i.RakerCem)
(WmConstable)b.11/18/878 d.9/24/67 )
1.Nora Elizabeth (b.6/8/04 d.1956 m.Robert Anderson)
a.Robt Edward Anderson (b.10/13/21 m.Lubeke)
c.SharonJ b.6/4/42,RobtE b.6/9/48,
GailMarieAnderson b.3/29/52
b.Arthur(b.7/20/23 m.AnnabelBrady c.Gerald b.1/15/47)
c.KathrynM (b.5/24/25 m.Bertram Ramlow)
c.ConstanceAnn b.1/1/50, John Albert b.2/11/53,
Eric Alan Ramlow b.7/26/62
2.Henry Adam (b.4/1/06 d.6/29/06)
(John Ruckman) b.1877 d.1963
1.son (b.1912 d.1912)
2.Harold Paul Ruckman (b.6/17/14 m.6/3/35)
(ElmaIrisSaunders) b.12/5/15
c.EmilyJane (b.7/12/41), JohnPaul (b.5/1/50 m.Debbie)
viii.Essie Lauretta Morr (b.4/19/1889 d.9/12/15)
ix.Orpha Laverna (b.7/9/1891 d.2/9/20 m.8/7/09 i.RakerCem)
(Melvin Benjamin Wiseman) b.5/22/1888
1.Orpha Wiseman
2.Earl Leroy (b.1/8/10 Delta m.12/25/35 ByronaZimmerman)
a.David Earl Wiseman b.9/24/40 WauseonOH
b.NancyLee (b.2/15/43 Toledo m.8/31/63PortClintonO)
(DonaldEugeneStoddard)b.8/5/41 EoliaMO)
A.Stephen Eugene (b.12/2/65 m.3/24/84)
(KarlaMarieNicholas) c.KyleEugene(b.6/25/84)
B.Juli Marie(b.1/18/67) C.TimothyEarlb.7/31/70
(MaryELizabethAnderson (b.5/24/44 LaurelMD)
ch.Rebecca Louise b.3/15/67, ChristinaJoy
b.4/13/70,NatalieAnn b.10/15/80,Cory
Elizabeth b.4/2/182
3.AudreyLouise(b.3/15/11 m.RobtDeanYeagley)
a.NanEleanor (b.4/28/38 m.James Douglas Tyler)
b.Kathryn Audry Yeagley
c.Ted Robert Yeagley
4.FlorenceWilma (b.7/29/12 m.OmarEddy (b.6/18/1900))
a.RuthAnn (b.4/10/39 m.Donald Wilson)
ch.Cynthia b.9/15/56,Michael b.5/25/60,John Carl
b.JohnWisemanEddy (b.7/31/46)
5.Willard Dale (b.11/18/13 now Dale Laver of ToledoOH)
(GeraldineHollinger) b.7/4/14
a.WillardLouisLaver b.2/12/45
6.Edna Fern (b.1/28/15 m.ZystusWmNoe)
a.GeraldZystusNoe(b.1/12/37 m.Michelle Pinkelman)
b.Mary Edna b.12/26/37
c.Paul Leonard b.10/12/40
d.Charles Frederick (b.7/13/43 d.11/1/84 Deanne)
ch.Michael, Denise Noe
e.Daniel John b.8/1/46
f.Robt Wm b.11/18/48
g.Francis Eugene b.8/28/50
7.Gladys Catherine Wiseman (b.5/20/16)
(Kenneth Dikeman) ch.RobtKenneth b.5/11/40
(Theodore Britz)
8.Ruby Irene Wiseman (b.3/1/18)
(Kenneth Mohr)
a.RichardAllan (b.6/9/36 m.Susan Benlow)
b.Karlyn (b.1/24/38 m.Sharon Allen)
c.Carol Lou Mohr
(Charles Sprague)
x.Laura Irene (b.10/16/1894 d.4/1912)
xi.Howard Earl (b.3/8/1899 DeltaOH d.11/16/73 DeltaOH m.8/28/18
(HelenKearMontgomery)b.5/7/1897 d.9/14/78 both i.Raker Cem)
1.MarvinMontgomery(b.12/20/18Delta m.9/17/38 AngolaIN)
a.Carl (b.7/1/39WauseonOH m.10/14/72)
(Margt Ann Brady) b.12/23/37
b.Daryl Eugene(b.7/22/40WauseonO m.7/4/64DetroitMI
A.LisaJaneMorr b.6/2/71
c.Janice Sue (b.6/5/42 DeltaOH m.6/6/64DeltaO)
(Gary Lee Friess)b.6/8/43 WauseonO
A.Carryl Jean (b.8/22/65 m.10/3/83 Donald Hefner
B.Scott Alan Friess (b.5/28/68)
C.Troy Earl Friess (b.6/18/70)
D.Kristen Leigh Friess (b.5/13/71)
d.Phillip Leroy (b/7/30/43WauseonO)
(DianneMargtCahill) b.8/14/48 ChicagoIL m.8/5/72
A.Mary Claire Morr b.5/23/74
B.Daniel Cahill Morr b.5/19/75
C.Jane Catherine Morr b.10/21/84
(Gladys Louise Murray)b.5/11/20DeltaO m.6/28/41Delta
a.James Earl (b.11/24/46 WauseonO m.2/4/67DeltaO
A.Anthony James b.8/21/67
B.Craig Stevenson Morr b.12/19/72
b.DonaldEugene(b.7/25/48WauseonO )
(SharonKathrineTuri) b.5/7/50m.6/19/70 SwantonO
3.GeraldDaleMorr (b.7/24/21 DeltaOH m.12/20/41DeltaOH)
(Doris Albertine Mullholand)b.2/9/22
a.Roger Alan (b.6/14/43WauseonO m.6/14/64 DeltaO)
(Diane Kay Norris) b.7/4/42
A.Gregory Alan Morr b.4/25/67
B.Stephen Douglas b.7/2/69
C.Jennifer Kay b.2/14/71
b.Brian Dale(b.8/25/45GrandRapidsOm.4/16/66Toledo
(EdnaAnnElliott) b.1/28/47 ToledoOH
A.Lara Renee (b.6/22/67)
B.Michelle Louise (b.7/2/69)
4.Robt Eugene Morr (b.10/29/22 DeltaO m.8/2/42)
(Eileen Rose Trigg)b.8/21/23 WauseonO)
a.Robt E (b.8/16/45 WauseonOm.6/19/71 CincinattiO)
(Kathryn Ann Breuer)b.9/27/47 CincinattiO
A.Douglas Robt (b.3/15/72)
B.Darren Louise (b.6/30/76)
b.Gary Lee (b.11/16/46 WauseonO)
(Sue Ellen Phillips) m.11/25/67 NapoleonO
A.Michael Phillip Morr (b.4/15/71)
B.Mark Wm Morr (b.12/16/73)
(Vicky Smith)
5.RalphVernonMorr(b.4/4/25DeltaO m.6/12/48Delta0)
(Vada Louise Reimber)b.9/3/26 GibsonburgO
a.Dean Herbert (b.7/7/52CelinaO m.10/16/74 SidneyO
(Judy Kay Braun) b.12/3/52
b.Gail Marie (b.10/27/54 CelinaO m.6/5/76 CelinaO)
(Larry James Byers)b.7/9/53 CelinaO
A.KendraMarieByers (b.4/15/82)
6.ReginaRoseMorr(b.2/28/32DeltaO d.3/5/32)
7.Carl Edson Morr (b.6/21/36DeltaO d.12/26/36 i.Raker)
C.Lucinda (b.5/21/1852 d.11/21/1853)
D.Sarah (b.7/29/1854 d.5/15/23 DeltaOH m.Hiram Whitney)
E.Mary (b.4/1/1857)
(Christian Lawrence)b.1/21/854 d.12/29/28
i.Addie May (b .1/4/1882 d.10/15/65)
(Ray Duncan) b.10/23/1876 d.4/13/46)
1.Zeta May (b.5/28/09 m.Fred Wm Schoenthaler)
2.Vernal Lawrence (b.4/5/11 m.Dorothy Hillman)
3.Wilbur Samuel (b.9/17/14 m.Margt Naomi Dann)
ii.Clara Ellen (b.1/26/1886)
(Lester I Mitchell) b.4/18/1883 d.12/18/61
iii.Irvin Wallace (b.1/26/1886 d.3/27/60
(Lulu Raines ) d.10/56
iv.Howard Clem (b.2/10/1888)
(Katie Clevenger) b.1888 d.1/5/15
(Dema Wilson)b.7/5/1885
2.WilsonClemLawrence b.1/27/21 m.Joetta Colene McGuire)
v.Earl Edgars (b.1/7/1890 d.11/25/60)
(Evelyn Marie Evans)b.5/25/1894
1.Kenneth Edgar (b.7/7/14 m.Mildred Probasco)
2.Bernadean (b.11/21/22 m.WmBarkley Alexander)
vi.Emma Lena (b.9/18/1892 d.5/3/47)
vii.Floyd Richd (b.5/8/1895 d.4/22/1896)
viii.Donnell John (b.6/21/898 m.Opal Caudel)
F.Emma (b.8/1/1859 m.Edward Snyder)
G.Eliza Jane (b.6/25/1862 m.Jim Bevington)
e.Jonathan (b.12/12/1824PA d.1908 Wauseon m.LucasCoOH 3/18/1846)
(Elizabeth Biddle) b.HolmesCoO d.1904 both i.WauseonO p.
A.JohnQuimby(b.12/2/1848 FultonCoOH m.12/25/1870 both i.Dutch Ridge Cem
DeltaO,Civil War vet)
(Margaret Mack) b.1850 d.4/25/27 p.Wm(b.1803Ireland m.12/1/1829)&
Elizabeth(nee Brooks b.5/3/1804 DonegalIreland, d.5/7/1899 DeltaOH)Mack
Her siblings: Mary (m.WmLBiddle see below), James(b.1832NY), David
(b.1840OH), Joseph (b.1847OH, Elizabeth (b.1845OH),Agnes (b.11/19/1876
d.2/3/35 DeltaO),&WmJr (b.1843OH m.AliceBurroughs c.Joseph M, Chas
b.3/29/1879,&Frank b.12/2/1874)
i.Jennie (b.5/28/1870 d.6/28/48 m.Willard Gunn)
ii.James Arthur (b.12/4/1872 d.7/11/38 m.Francis Woodward)
iii.Wm Hiram (b.11/29/1874 d.4/5/60 m.1/14/02 )
(Della Fashbaugh)p.Alonzo&Ruth (Kenyon) F.
iv.Edgar Charles "Brooks" (b.3/4/1877 d.6/26/54 m.Bertha --,Ada Lemeraud
(who later married a Devine)
v.May (b.1879 m.Henry Moore)
(John S Hable) b.3/10/1877FultonCo p.Jacob (d.1902)&Katherine(Ottgen)H
His sibling was Orson Hable.
1.Ronald R Hable (b.3/16/03)
vii.Joseph (b.11/22/1884 d.11/22/54 m.6/11/09 Hattie Bowers)
viii.Jonah (b.3/1/1886 d.10/4/56)
(Dorothy Marguerita Roemelles (b.1891 WatervilleOH)
ix.Harry (b.6/1/1891 d.1/15/70 m.7/2/14 Florence Lemley (b.1894JavaO))
x.Ella (b.1879 m.J B Hable)
xi.John Quimby Jr (b.10/27/1888 d.8/21/1890)
B.Wm Ellery (b.1850 m.12/24/1872 Caroline Garman c.Samuel (b.1/2/1875))
C.Mary Ellen b.1854 d.6/22/46 m.9/4/1873)
(Francis Marion Fashbaugh)b.1855 d.1935
D.Samantha (m.5/14/1874 Samuel Blair)
E.Hiram L (b.1863 d.8/25/39)
(Cora Foster) b.1863 d.1898
(Gertrude Cunningham) m.1899
Jacob T Biddle (m.Rachel Todd)
George (b.1808 d.8/7/1877 YorkTwp FultonCoO)
Jacob T (b.1801 BedfordCoPA d.12/25/1884 YorkTwp FultonCoOH)
Samuel (b.1794 BedfordCoPA d.1/17/1867 FultonCoOH)
(ElizabethKnight) b.1807 d.3/2/1877 FultonCoOH p.John &Christina(Grosscost)K
Stillman Biddle (b.1834 d.1916)
(Mary Mack) b.2/17/1840 PerrysburgWoodCoOH d.10/20/03 DeltaOH)
Wm L Biddle (d.8/12/49 DeltaOH)
(Minnie Merrill Bell) d.6/5/37
c.Merrill (d.3yo),Meredith (m.Carson),ClarkO(m.DorothyWaldron),Rachel,
Robt (d. 10mo/o)
Elizabeth Biddle (m.Jonathan Batdorf-- see above)
f.Juliana b.12/13/1826PA
g.Catharina b.3/23/1828 d.11/22/06 WauseonO)
(Henry George Schamp)b.1823 d.10/28/1895
A.James (b.1850 d.1928)
(Sadie J Berkebile)m.2/20/1879
(Lucy Wise)m.8/8/1872 c.John b.8/28/1876
B.John (b.8/20/1851 HolmesCoOH d.7/7/24DeltaO m.2/29/1879 Sarah Berkebile
D.David (b.1856 d.1881)
E.George (b.1858 d.8/15/31 m.9/30/1880)
(Hortensia Amanda Barnes) p.Leonard&MaryAnn (Day) Barnes
c.Theo Roy Schamp b.1891 d.2/20/20
c.Leonard Schamp (m.Wilma Olmstead)
F.Mary (b.12/1860 d.10/10/39)
(Frank Moyer)b.LehighCoPA p.Wm&Sarah (Rebenold)Moyer
i.Pearl, James H, Celia, Florence, A.D. Moyer
G.Lucy Ella (d.WauseonOH m.Wm Kline)
John Trimmer
Herbert Trimmer
Francis Trimmer
Mahalia Trimmer
George Henry Schamp (m.Catharina sis of JOHN JACOB BATDORF)
Anthony Trimmer LAVINA JONES
Anthony Trimmer
Margaret Ann Trimmer (m.Nixon III bro of Samuel Brady Nixon
Richard Milhous Nixon
John Trimmer (d.1/1749 HunterdonCoNJ)
(Mary Dierdorff) m.1721
(Elsie Engel) m.1738 HunterdonCoNJ p.Wm E (d.1758 SomersetCoNJ)
(Mary Catrina) m.1748
c.Matthias,Geo,Wm,John, Nicholas,
Herbert (d.1810 m.MarthaCase)
John Trimmer (m.Maria Martha Thatcher)
Francis Trimmer (m.Sarah Thatcher)
Mahalia Trimmer (b.1801NJ m.George Schamp (b.1797 NJ))
ch.Emeline b.1822NJ,Peter b.1835OH Geo b.1830NJ,Robt b.1838OH, Wilson
b.1840OH, Mary (b.1846OH, and
Henry Geo Schamp (m.Catharina Batdorf --see above)
Anthony Trimmer (b.1724 d.11/1754 RoxburyTwp MorrisCoNJ)
(Elizabeth)b.1732 d.1781 m.1749
(Thomas Faircloe)b.1720 d.1794 c.Isaiah,Elizabeth,Johanna,Mehitable
Paul Trimmer (b.1750NJ d.1825 SmithPA)
(Jane McElwain) b.LancasterCoPA p.Moses & Agnes (Miller)McE
Anthony (b.781 JuniataCoPA d.1841 WACoPA)
(Jane Manning)
(Margaret Hunt)b.1804EN d.1876 VintonCoOH
(Richard Howard)
Margaret Ann Trimmer (b.1826 d.1865 m.1/10/1843)
(George Nixon III) b.1821 WACoPA d.7/1/1863 GettysburgPA
i.GettysburgNat'lCem,PA --see below
From 3/76 issue of The Genealogy Magazine by National Genealogical Society of WashingtonDC:
James Nixon (d.1775 m.Mary-- c.James Jr &)
George Nixon (b.1752 BrandywineHundred d.1842 ClintoCoOH)
(Sarah Seeds) m.8/17/1775 WilmingtonDE
Seeds Nixon
Francis Nixon
Samuel Brady Nixon (b.10/9/1847 MidwayWACoPA d.4/28/14 VintonCoOH)
(Sarah Ann Wadsworth)p.Thomas W b.1852 d.1886 m.4/10/1873
Francis Anthony (b.12/3/1878 ElkTwp VintonCoOH d.9/4/56 LaHabraCA
m.6/25/08 WhittierCA)
(Hannah Milhous) p.Franklin Milhous
Richard Milhous Nixon (b.1/9/13 YorbaLindaCA m.6/21/40)
(Patricia Thelma Ryan)
George Nixon II (b.1784 BrandywineHundredDE d.1865 m.1806 )
(Hannah Wilson)p.WmW d.1827
George Nixon III (b.1821 WACoPA d.7/1/1863 Gettysburg)
(Margaret Ann Trimmer) -- see above
h.Levina (b.12/2/1831 d.9/11/1899 WayneCoOH i.OakGroveCem ShreveWayneCoO)
(Thomas Taylor)
i.Benjamin (b.1829 d.2/1/1902 m.Isabel Leslie)
j.Angeline (b.1832OH d.1956)
(Andrew Jackson Berry) b.1827 VA d.2/29/03 c.Matthew (b.11/18/1851 d.1918)
k.Jacob (b.6/5/1834OH d.12/26/1898)
(Margt Mary Biggs) b.4/20/1839 d.5/13/02OH dau of Mary Ann (d.3/19/1894)
c.Annie,Kathie, Lizzie (b.7/22/1863d.10/25/1899),Mrs L (Nora) Bevington,
Mrs Vera Yockey, & Mrs Lloyd (Marcella) Hofstetter
2.Catharine (b.10/31/1796)
3.Christine (b.2/10/1799)
4.Eva (b.8/24/1802)
5.Christian (b.12/6/1804 d.2/17/1885 m.Sarah)
a.Peter b.1826
b.Christian b.1830
c.Amos b.3/16/1831 d.7/3/16 m.Susanna (b.11/16/1826 d.5/28/1892)
d.Henry b.1835 d.1908 m.Lucinda (b.1836 d.1907)
e.Elizabeth b.1838
f.Amanda b.1841
g.Daniel b.2/15/1842 d.3/24/05 c.Arthur, Charles, Malinda
h.Philip b.1844 m.Elizabeth (b.11/23/1812 d.7/7/1868)
6.John Jacob (b.5/13/1806 DauphinCoPA d.7/10/1870 --our grandparent, see below)
7.Peter Daniel (b.1/20/1813 d.6/12/1885)
the Brine in-laws
It may be Catherine's grave beside her son & daughter-in-law's tombstones in Raker Cemetery outside Delta FultonCoOH. No dates are on the stone, but there is written "CatharineBadorff"
4-greats-grandfather John Jacob Batdorff
He was born 5/13/1806 LebanonCo (copied Dec 1971 by Vashti Seaman DAR #480,950 WauseonOH 43567 "Part 2 from Court Records FultonCo O at WauseonOhio contains names of persons listed in Vol.1 deaths, who are given as being born In PA with a few family records") Dauphin CoPA d.7/10/1870 Delta FultonCoOH m.Christina Bush.
Strangely, his tombstone spells the last name "Batdorff," while Christina's (next to his) reminds us she is the wife of Jacob "Badorff," and his mother Catherine's is also spelled "Badorff."
Their children:
1.Catherine (b.10/21/1839 WayneCoOH d.8/30/18 PawPawMI)
(Wm Raker) c.Oscar (b.1860 FultonCoOH), James Monroe Raker (b.FultonCoOH)
(WarrenBundy) c.Ealey b.1868, Eddie b.1870, Florence b.1872, all in CalmusMI
2.John Batdorf (b.9/2/1841 WayneCoOH twin d.11/1/1911 PawPawMI m.Manda Knight)
3.Elizabeth (b.9/2/1841 WayneCoOH twin d.6/1923 PawPawMI both i.RakerCem)
(Charles Crile) b,1834 d.1911 DeltaOH
a.Edward Crile (m.Anna Wyman )
A.Lela (m.Olen Munson)
i.Beryl Munson (m.Rod Goriz c.Charles,Lynn (m.WmRinch c.Tommy))
B.Cecil (m.Edward Meyer c.Edith)
D.Lola (b.1882 d.1956 DeltaOH)
c.Franklin Pierce Crile(b.1865 TexasO d.9/24/39 DeltaOH m.12/21/1898 DeltaO
(Edith May Raker) b.1878 d.1916 Delta OH both i.Raker
A.Claude Clarence(b.11/18/1900 d.9/7/76 DeltaO m.7/29/22 FultonCoO)
(Kathryn Gearig) b.7/30/1899 d.1/26/79 both i Raker
c.Ilene Rose Crile (b.5/17/27 YorkTwp FultonCoOH m.McClarren)
d.Della (b.4/14/1886 d.1/15/52 DeltaO)
e.Marshell (b.1869 d.1952 DeltaO)
f.Alemeda (b.1861 d.1897 m.Peter Helwig c.Lola (b.1882 d.1956 i.RakerCem))
4.Andrew Jackson Batdorf (b.8/7/1845 WayneCoOH d.11/7/17 ClermontCoOH)
(Marville S Jones) --see the Jones chapter for their children
5.Orphah Ellen (b.8/1855 WayneCoOH m.OrienneSmith in FultonCoOH)
ch.Grant,Flora&Frederick Smith
6.Mary Lovina (b.10/10/1848 LakeHillStaWayneCoOH -- our grandmother, see below)
the Bush in-laws
Christina died 8/31/1884 aged 66y 10mo b.PA according to her tombstone in Raker Cemetery outside Delta FultonCoOH. "Gone but not forgotten," the stone reminds us. Her parents were John & Mary (Wolf) Bush. Her grandfather: John Wolf.
Great-great-great-grandmother Mary Lovina Batdorf
She was born 10/10/1848 LakHillStation WayneCoOH, wed Lyman Ransom Jones 4/2/1866 FultonCoOH, died September 16, 1935 TumwaterWA. See the chapter on the Jones Branch of my family tree.
Other chapters in my genealogy include those of the Yochum family, the Hinsch family, the Jones family, the Rathbun family, the Mattson family, the Brown family, the Weiser family, and the Stahl family