Defiance County
1/1/06 A Blue Snow Goose has replaced the 3 white ones
2 American
Black Ducks had
joined the crowd as of 8am, and at 2pm there were 26 RingBilled Gulls
OWLS flew like
kites out-of-control in front of the car at Buckskin/Trinity. My only GoldenCrowned Kinglet of
the day was on the SR424 bank opposite Preston's Island. 1/2/06 If a Groundhog doesn't see its
shadow on January 2, does that mean winter is over??? This one is at
Shepherd's Pasture Campground outside Sherwood today.
1/3/6 100+ Canada Geese, 100+ Mallards, 10 Black
Ducks on the east edge of Evansport. 1/4/6 Looking for count week birds, but found
only four Snow
Geese mixed in
with the Canada Geese, Mallards and Black Ducks at Evansport. I did find a small flock of Larks
<blush> at Scott/Trinity. 1/5/06 The last day to look for count
week birds, so the last hour of light after work was rushed!: still
the four Snow
Geese at
Evansport. Nothing but a solo Mallard
66/Greenler only deer. Bronson Park/Power Dam empty except for Mute Swans. But
at Christy/Banner School was the RoughLegged Hawk, only 1.5 miles from where I
had staked it out before the count (Christy/Schultz).
This guy was awful leery
too...1/6/06 Winter Bird Atlas, perhaps, from Stryker
enroute to Fort Wayne: 35A5 (Stryker Jail) Rock Pigeon XX, RedBellied
& Downy Woodpeckers, Blue Jay, Crow, BlackCapped Chickadees,
WhiteBreasted Nuthatch, Brown Creeper, Carolina Wren, Starlings XXX;
35A4 (Evansport) Kestrel, Mourning Doves XX, Eastern Bluebirds,
Starlings XXX, American Tree Sparrow XX, Junco XX, Cardinal; 34a3
(16/C) Canada Goose XXX, Mallards XXX, Mourning Doves XX, Starlings
XXX; 34b3 (Sherwood) Rock Pigeon XX, Downy Woodpecker; 34b2
(Hicksville) Harrier, RedTailed Hawk, Kestrel, Snow Buntings 100+ at SR49/Jericho 1/9/06
No short-eared
owls tonight in any of the haunts of the past: not Jericho/Rosedale,
Jericho/Wonderly, Jericho/FarmerMarkRd, Buckskin/Trinity,
Glenburg/Lockwood, Flickinger/Buckskin, nor FountainStreetRd/WmsCtrCecil Rd.
Last seen
January 1, perhaps having moved on due to the flooding of the
Evansport and SR424/SR281 dried up 1/15/6 2 hours and 75mi driving the rural
east-west roads of the Atlas block found little. I was pleasantly
surprised by 7 Lapland Longspurs at Independence/Behrens, so stopped to watch them
awhile. When I started the car up again, a huge flock of 100+ Lapland
Longspurs, 100+ Snow Buntings flew up from the corn stubble! It was a
delight to watch them hunched over gobbling whatever it was they eat.
A small flock of Snow Buntings was also at Sr18/Standley. I had to work for Larks, that appeared
only in 2's and 6's: only 48 total! Otherwise, just 4 Kestrels, 1 RedTailed
Hawk, 4 Rock Pigeons, 6 Mourning Doves, 2 Crows, Starlings 35, House
Sparrows 50 (all in one spot!), Another SHARP-SHINNED HAWK on Jericho near Openlander
Word of the day
is Robin with a small flock near US24/EmeraldRd. Another flock was on
KiowaCt in
Defiance. None
to be found on any of the local Christmas Counts though... Checked
Cemetery, Veteran's Memorial Park, Bronson Park (redbreasted nuthatches are
gone, but the Mute Swan, Kingfisher and a soaring Bald Eagle were
there), Riverside Park (YellowBreasted Sapsucker, and deer in the
middle of Defiance!). Otherwise the usual birds in the usual numbers:
hundreds of Canada Geese, House Sparrows, Starlings, Rock Pigeons;
tens of Goldfinches, Blue Jays, Cardinals, Juncos; single digits of
Carolina Wren, RedBellied and Downy Woodpecker, Flickers and
WhiteBreasted Nuthatches.
Bill Peters of Edgerton reports a COUGAR sighting in the Bryan Times on 1/10/2006
on Beerbower
between Cicero and Rosedale! 1/22/6 A Cooper's Hawk
harrassed by two Crows near the RedHeaded Woodpecker woods on
and a little ways away on
Kleinhein at SR18 were two more
Robins sitting with a Cardinal
with a Kestrel and a Harrier nearby. 1/31/6 Yet another flock of about 50
Robins at SR424/High Street.
This is a Passenger Pigeon on display at
Defiance's historical Auglaize Village
2/22/6 Preston's Island A DC Cormorant among the usual Mallards/Canadas/BlackDucks. Power Dam Just a few Canada Geese. 2/23/6 Buckskin/Trinity A dozen Harriers in spite of the heavy wind. 2/24/6 US127/WilliamsCenterRd Huge flock of RedWinged Blackbirds. Coy Rd behind Fairview School 15 Wild Turkeys Jericho/US127 50 Wild Turkeys 2/28/6 Preston's Island My first HOODED MERGANSERS of the year (3 drakes and a hen). Lotsa Robins at Coy/Sausman.
A White Red-Tailed Hawk
visited September 11-12, 2004 beside US24, near the SR18 exit
3/1/6 SR66/Nagel 20+ Wild Turkeys and a Screech Owl.
Power Dam
3/2/6 Bend/Bradshaw 8 RingNecked Ducks outnumber the Canada
Geese at this pond. RedWinged Blackbirds are now on about every
telephone wire, picking out real estate for their summer homes.
Power Dam
I checked on
the MOCKINGBIRD at Rosedale/Scott, still dependable after at least the last
six years. The farmhouse however is now empty.3/6/6 Power Dam empty. Bronson Park Just Canada Geese. 3/8/6 A Cooper's Hawk at Rosebrook/18.
Bend/Bradshaw A few Canada Geese, and another pair of Killdeer at
Rosebrook/Lockwood 3/13/6 HUGE FLOCK OF AMERICAN PIPITS, my
first-of-season, at Jericho/FarmerMark. 3/17/6 Preston's Island
had 100 Turkey
Vultures overhead circling, but nothing at all at Independence Dam, Power Dam,
Bronson Park, SR66 bridge, etc. 3/23/6 Beerbower/Behnfeldt RedWinged Blackbirds (both sexes
and sub-adults) still in a large flock, with Cowbirds.
3/25/06 Independence Dam, Bronson Park,
Power Dam, Sherwood Lagoons No nothing. Well, Canada Geese.
Cooper's Hawk
at the Schick bridge. Cock Pheasant at Trinity/Lockwood.
7/7/2001 A Short-Eared Owl
stayed this summer at Jericho/Wonderly, here being chased by
RedWinged Blackbirds.
3/26/5 Flickinger/Lockwood a pair of SHORT-EARED OWLS
4/10/6 Preston's Island 4 Coots, Canada Geese, and a RedTailed Hawk feeding at the nest. Independence/Power Dams no waterfowl. 4/11/6 Before Beerbower on Ney/WilliamsCenter Rd huge Cooper's Hawk in the blue spruces. 4/12/6 Preston's Island 3 Cormorants Independence/Power Dam zilch waterfowl. 4/24/6 My first PURPLE MARTIN was at the white gourds hung out on The Bend Road, just north of Beerbower.
This Tundra Swan sat at Stadium
Drive/Carpenter near K-Mart on 2/6/2004 watching traffic go
5/5/6 Glenburg/Lockwood Tonight after work it was strange to see a
male Harrier hunting in a field full of singing BOBOLINKS (my first of season), a strange mix of
winter and spring. 5/17/6
Evansport A Great Egret 6/14/06 Defiance
County Enroute home after
an oil change after work, I couldn't help noticing Dickcissels in the fields of Winn/Canal Roads. At
Canal/Ball Rds
were about FIFTY Turkey
Vultures gathered at the dump. At the other end of Ball Road (at Krouse Rd) was a field of Bobolinks.
And in the middle of this mile
(Ball Road)
was a Mockingbird. 6/15/6 Enroute to Fort Wayne, a Cooper's Hawk
chased a group of RedWinged Blackbirds, with black feathers flying at
several misses. Suddenly, the tables turned and the blackbirds chased
the hawk away! (Breininger/Jericho) 6/22/06 Enroute home I heard a REDSTART singing at Bradshaw/Coy. Stopped the car but found myself looking
into the sun, so didn't see it. Did have Dickcissels and a
Hummingbird entertain me.
7/12/6 Lockwood/Bend Six huge bucks with great antlers in velvet, in one place at one time. Stunning. 7/13/6 SR18/Flickinger Surprised by a HARRIER.
Independence Dam 1/1/6 The Bald Eagle pair, four YellowRumped Warblers, and eight Brown Creepers were at Independence Dam
as well as 4
American Tree Sparrows, 21 Blue Jays,14 Cardinals, 7 Chickadees, 46
Canada Geese (overhead), 4 Carolina Wrens, 2 Crows, 8 Downy
Woodpeckers, 1 Eastern Bluebird, 2 Flickers, TWELVE Great Blue
Herons, 5 House Sparrows, 2 pairs of Hairy Woodpeckers (a pair at the
beginning and a pair at the end), 10 Juncos, 2 Kingfishers, 24
Mourning Doves, 8 RedBellied Woodpeckers, 2 Song Sparrows, 4 Titmice
(all at the beginning, mobbing at Screech Owl), 8 WhiteBreasted
Good thing
I checked Independence Dam State Park!
The first
Common Merganser
of the
Waddya mean,
"what is it?"!! It's a Common Merganser running away from me! and i'm
almost a half-mile away! 1/7/06
Independence Dam
State Park where the highlight was a mixed band of
GoldenCrowned Kinglets (which I hadn't been able to find for the
Christmas Bird Count here!!!), YellowRumped Warblers, Brown Creepers,
and Chickadees. 1/10/6 Nothing of interest. 1/12/6 Common Merganser drake still
hanging around, as well as a Kingfisher. 1/15/6 for Winter Atlas, 3 hours, walking.
Highlight: WINTER WREN that wanted to be seen, calling, bouncing
closer and closer along the Maumee River shore. Perfect weather (no
wind, crispy 27 degrees, partly sunny) brings out more birds than
normal: TWELVE Great Blue Herons, 146 Canada Goose (most
were flyovers, the rest were hard to pick out, extremely wary along
the shore in small groups), 2 Am Black Ducks, 26 Mallards, 2 Bald
Eagles, 1 RedTailed Hawk, THIRTY Wild Turkeys, 14 Mourning Doves, 7
RedBellied Woodpeckers, 17 Downy Woodpeckers, 2 Hairy Woodpecker, 9
Flickers, 25 Blue Jays, 2 Crows, 10 BlackCapped Chickadees, 6 Tufted
Titmice, 16 WhiteBreasted Nuthatches, THIRTEEN Brown Creepers, 5
Carolina Wrens, 2 Starlings, 7 YellowRumped Warblers, 3 American Tree
Sparrow, 12 Juncos, 6 Cardinals, 19 Goldfinches, 6 House Sparrows.
Missing were
kinglets. 1/22/6
Highlights: Yet
another Robin,
two drake
COMMON MERGANSERS, and five BLUEBIRDS have re-appeared (first
I've seen this month).
EIGHT Titmice were in one roving clan. The Eagles were
very chummy sitting together near the nest.
Idyllic weather again (no wind,
crispy 27 degrees, partly sunny) with heavy frost: TWENTY-TWO Great Blue Herons, 88 Canada Goose
(flyovers), 8 Mallards, 2 Bald Eagles, 1 Mourning Dove, 1 Kingfisher,
7 RedBellied Woodpeckers, 16 Downy Woodpeckers, 4 Hairy Woodpecker, 4
Flickers, 14 Blue Jays, 1 Crow, 12 BlackCapped Chickadees, 9 Tufted
Titmice, 16 WhiteBreasted Nuthatches, THIRTEEN Brown Creepers,
5 Carolina Wrens, 10 YellowRumped Warblers, 4 Juncos, 5 Cardinals, 2
Goldfinches, 20 House Finches, 14 House Sparrows. 1/25-27/6
Drake Common Merganser persists. 1/29/6
Raining, 35mph winds, 53 degree weather, plus not
starting until 2pm, I wasn't expecting many birds. Highlight was a
YellowBellied Sapsucker.
Accompanied by Fran and Dave M.
17 Great Blue Herons, 31 Canada Goose, 1 Common
Merganser, 5 Mallards, 2 Bald Eagles, 2 RedTailed Hawks, 2
Kingfishers, 1 RedBellied Woodpeckers, 2 Downy Woodpeckers, 3 Hairy
Woodpecker,1 Crow, 2 WhiteBreasted Nuthatches, 7 Brown Creepers, 2
Carolina Wrens, 10 YellowRumped Warblers, 22 Juncos, 2 Song Sparrows,
4 Cardinals,54 House Sparrows. 1/31/6 Drake Common
Merganser still.
Deer stuck on floe
2/19/6 The birds were evidently hunkered down due to the icy wind, making for an oddly silent walk. 14 CEDAR WAXWINGS were a nice surprise, as was a WINTER WREN. 9 Great Blue Herons, 49 Canada Goose, 4 Am Black Ducks, 14 Mallards, 2 Bald Eagles, 15 Mourning Doves, THREE Kingfishers, 7 RedBellied Woodpeckers, 6 Downy Woodpeckers, 1 Flicker, 2 Crows, 5 WhiteBreasted Nuthatches, FOURTEEN Brown Creepers, 1 Carolina Wren, 12 Juncos, 2 Cardinals, 2 House Sparrows. 2/22/6 Two drake Common Mergansers 2/28/6 Just the usuals-- Canada Geese, Great Blue Herons, a Kingfisher, etc. 3/6/6 nada 3/21/6 A stunning aerial dogfight between a RedTailed Hawk and an adult Bald Eagle directly above the dam. 3/27/6 2 PiedBilled Grebes
8/25-27/2005 A
LITTLE BLUE HERON fished by the dam itself.
4/4/6 Empty 4/10/6 no waterfowl. 4/12/6 zilch waterfowl. 4/22/6 Loved One's hair appointment gave me time
for a quick drive: a BlueGray Gnatcatcher, a RingBilled Gull, an
Eagle, and a single singing warbler, had me slam on the brakes--
could it be? I've listened to that song on tape a million times. And
seen the bird elsewhere, but NEVER in Defiance County--
DAY for an extremely
cooperative YELLOW-THROATED WARBLER in, of course, a Sycamore tree, allowing
me extended scope views, but alas all cameras at home re-charging!
4/23/6 Just a few minutes to see if the
YELLOW-THROATED WARBLER remains-- he does! Easy to find cuz he's the
only warbler singing besides a lone Yellow-Rumped. Although extremely cooperative
last night, he was his usual-warbler-bad-self today, moving
continually, using leaves for cover, making pictures practically
impossible. While waiting for him I couldn't help but notice my
first-of-the-season BALTIMORE ORIOLE (only one seen or heard in the
park!), HOUSE WREN
(only one seen or heard
in the park!) and BANK
SWALLOW (only one seen or
heard in the park!). The Gnatcatcher (only one seen or heard in the
park!) was in his same spot too, and two Phoebes were nice. Also saw
my first Canada goslings of the year.
4/25/6 Lotsa CLIFF SWALLOWS (my first of season) have returned, and
Wood Ducks were at 8 pair visible, signifying a great return.
Warblers were still just Yellow, YellowRumped and YellowThroated.
Independence Dam
Nothing unusual, but nice
to be out on a breezy summer morning a couple hours 7:30-9:30.
Birded only
from the marina to the first restroom. Number of species: 45 Canada
Goose 71, Wood Duck 8, Mallard 8, Wild Turkey 1, Double-crested
Cormorant 1, Great Blue Heron 8, Turkey Vulture 6, Bald Eagle 1,
Killdeer 2, Spotted Sandpiper 2, Mourning Dove 5, Yellow-billed
Cuckoo 1, Chimney Swift 1, Belted Kingfisher 1, Red-bellied
Woodpecker 2, Downy Woodpecker 1, Northern Flicker 10, Eastern
Wood-Pewee 1, Eastern Phoebe 1, Great Crested Flycatcher 2, Eastern
Kingbird 6, Warbling Vireo 15, Blue Jay 10, American
Crow 6, Tree Swallow 2, Northern Rough-winged Swallow 1, Black-capped
Chickadee 1, White-breasted Nuthatch 3, Carolina Wren 1, Eastern
Bluebird 2, American Robin 109, Gray Catbird 10,
European Starling 13, Cedar Waxwing 17, Chipping Sparrow 4, Song
Sparrow 2, Northern Cardinal 3, Indigo Bunting 1, Red-winged
Blackbird 3, Common Grackle 10, Brown-headed Cowbird 5,
Oriole 23, House Finch 1, American Goldfinch 4, House Sparrow
6, also a Peking duck someone let loose evidently. Critters included
Raccoon, Cottontail, Chipmunks and Fox Squirrel. 7/4/6 What better place to be on Independence
Day than at Independence
Dam State Park, just from the first restroom to the campground, ie
what i didnt cover July 2. This section is 1.5 miles in length, but
being a linear park, you have to walk 3 miles to cover it. I had the
entire park to myself at 7:15am. When I ended at 9:15am, floods of
people started to arrive: the sheriff, the park ranger, a jogger, a
dogwalker (pekingese/maltese mix, he said), a bicyclist, two
fishermen looking for a spot, an older couple walking, and eight cars
of who knows. Number of species 39: Canada Goose 44, Wood Duck 5,
Mallard 1, Great Blue Heron 9, Mourning Dove 3, Yellow-billed Cuckoo
4, Chimney Swift 2, Belted Kingfisher 3, Red-bellied Woodpecker 4,
Downy Woodpecker 4, Northern Flicker 2, Eastern Wood-Pewee 4, Eastern
Phoebe 2 (this pair was very agitated when I took a picture of their
nest in its usual spot again the year, at the entrance to the
campground) , Great Crested Flycatcher 7, Eastern Kingbird 2,
Vireo 14,
Blue Jay 11, American Crow 2, Northern Rough-winged Swallow 2 (I feel
sorry for anyone wanting this shelterhouse today-- their nest is
inside, and they were ready to attack me) , Black-capped Chickadee
2, White-breasted Nuthatch 11, Carolina Wren 6, House Wren 3,
American Robin 42, Gray Catbird 4, European Starling 2, Cedar Waxwing
1, I was pleased to hear the Yellow-throated
Warbler 1
still singing (and perhaps nesting!), Eastern Towhee 1, Chipping
Sparrow 5, Song Sparrow 5, Northern Cardinal 5, Indigo Bunting 2,
Red-winged Blackbird 4, Common Grackle 3, Brown-headed Cowbird 3,
Oriole 16, American Goldfinch 4, House Sparrow 1. The first
thing I saw stepping out of the car was a pair of bucks in velvet!
Beauteous. Other critters besides Deer: Red Squirrels, Chipmunks.
Nice also were becoming reacquainted with Fringed Loosestrife and
Michigan Lilies (um, turk's cap have the green star
eh?) 7/9/6
Independence Dam
Only the
three-mile hiking trail from Florida to the campground, but very
pleasantly surprised by a still-singing Wood Thrush and nice views of
two others. GreatCresteds were very rowdy, chasing other birds
everywhere. Best was to see the Cliffs still nesting under the
Florida bridge. Disheartening were House Sparrows either marauding or
moving into their nests. I counted less than 20 Cliff Sparrow
Number of
species: 39. Wood Duck 9, Mallard 5, Great Blue Heron 2, Mourning
Dove 3, Yellow-billed Cuckoo 1, Belted Kingfisher 2, Red-bellied
Woodpecker 4, Downy Woodpecker 4, Hairy Woodpecker 1, Northern
Flicker 4, Eastern Wood-Pewee 2, Eastern Phoebe 2, Great Crested
Flycatcher 9, Yellow-throated Vireo 1, Warbling Vireo 2, Red-eyed
Vireo 2, Blue Jay 9, Cliff Swallow 16, Barn Swallow 11, Tufted
Titmouse 1, White-breasted Nuthatch 8, Carolina Wren 5, House Wren 1,
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher 2, Eastern Bluebird 1, Wood Thrush 3, American
Robin 41, Gray Catbird 2, European Starling 6, Cedar Waxwing 4, Song
Sparrow 15, Northern Cardinal 11, Indigo Bunting 4, Red-winged
Blackbird 1, Common Grackle 10, Baltimore Oriole 1, House Finch 1,
American Goldfinch 8, House Sparrow 19. Critters: Fox & Red
Squirrels, Chipmunks, Cottontails and Coons. Tall Bellflower was
nice, too.
Oxbow Lake 1/1/6 A RUBY-CROWNED KINGLET was at the end of the multiflora
rose at the bridge on Schick at Oxbow Lake Wildlife Area, with a GREAT HORNED OWL.
Christmas Bird
Count Day! And the worst weather-- sometimes heavy rain, fog-- at
least it's a warm 47 degrees (low of 38). Highlights: Records for
Great Blue Herons (32, previous record 8), Mallards (229, previous
record 154), Bald Eagles (4, previous record 1), Wild Turkeys (90,
previously 62), 11 Brown Creepers (breaks record of 10, set last
year). One off the records for Mourning Doves, Hairy Woodpeckers, and
Blue Jays, but super low numbers for Juncos, House Finches, and House
Sparrows, only 1 GoldenCrowned Kinglet. SEVEN RedBreasted Nuthatches!
No shows for the snow geese, short-eared owls, rubycrowned kinglet.
No snow makes pheasants, larks and buntings
walked the
whole multiflora row at Oxbow Lake in the remaining light, but found only
four birds, one of which was a WhiteThroated Sparrow. What are you guys doing?!!
The remaining
light after work allowed for a brief visit during which a tiny,
no-necked, shrugging SHARP-SHINNED HAWK flew by me waist-high, into the
woods twisting and turning through the trees near the bridge.
This Rufous-Sided Towhee and Winter
Wren from 12/31/04
3/13/06 This place only rarely has waterfowl but lo! a drake Ruddy Duck. Also lots of Western Chorus Frogs singing! Today Turkey Vultures and Killdeer join the ranks of spring-birds-now-common. 3/27/6 A lone Horned Grebe on a steamy lake in early morning. Ah!
4/26/6 A ten-minute walk around the loop behind the big Oxbow Lake surprised me with the variety of the loud morning cacaphony of 25 species-- in ten minutes!: Canada Goose 6, Mourning Dove 1, Belted Kingfisher 2, Downy Woodpecker 1, Northern Flicker 1, Warbling Vireo 1, Blue Jay 4, Crow 1, Northern RoughWinged Swallow 7, BlueGray Gnatcatcher 1, American Robin 6, Gray Catbird 2, Brown Thrasher 1, Cedar Waxwing 25+, YellowRumped Warbler 2, Eastern Towhee 3, Field Sparrow 3, Savannah Sparrow 3, Song Sparrow 1, WhiteThroated Sparrow 2, Cardinal 3, RedWinged Blackbird 2, Common Grackle 2, BrownHeaded Cowbird 2, American Goldfinch 5 4/28/6 Ten-minute early morning walk before work around the square in front of Little Oxbow: Still just Palm, Yellow, YellowRumped Warblers, but a first-of-season WHITE-EYED VIREO surprised me! Great Blue Heron, Wood Ducks, Mourning Dove, Northern Flicker, Blue Jay, Tree Swallows 4, BlackCapped Chickadees, Tufted Titmice, WhiteBreasted Nuthatch, Carolina Wren, RubyCrowned Kinglet, BlueGray Gnatcatchers, American Robins, Gray Catbird, Brown Thrasher,Starling, Cedar Waxwings 10, YellowRumped Warbler 2, Eastern Towhee, Field Sparrows, WhiteThroated Sparrows, Cardinals, RedWinged Blackbirds, Common Grackles, BrownHeaded Cowbirds, American Goldfinches-- 30 species in 10 minutes...
RedBacked Salamanders
5/1/6 Oxbow Lake Just a half-hour here before work, so
early it is barely light, which was fortunate: TWO BARRED OWLS, a
species I have never seen here before! When I stumbled on them, one
asked me about my cook when I noticed all the silent little birds
(mostly WhiteThroated Sparrows) surrounding them in the trees--
evidently I interrupted the mob in progress! Just explored the
Triangle, where the warblers were Black-Throated Green visual (purely
heard before this morning), BlueWinged evidently on territory, Yellow
(quite a few), and my first OVENBIRD (heard only). Other birds of the short
walk: Great Blue Heron, Warbling Vireos, many Blue Jays, Crows,
BlackCapped Chickadees, Tufted Titmice, RubyCrowned Kinglet, BlueGray
Gnatcatchers, American Robins, Wood Thrush, Gray Catbirds, Brown
Thrasher, Starlings, Eastern Towhee, Field, Chipping, Song and
WhiteThroated Sparrows, Cardinals, RedWinged Blackbirds, Common
Grackles, BrownHeaded Cowbirds, American Goldfinches 5/4/6 Walked around the pond and old Children's
Home cemetery, finding nothing unless maybe a Brown Thrasher might
First bird this morning
was my first-of-season RED-EYED VIREO, with BlueWinged Warbler backup.
5/11/6 Pouring rain and howling wind, and I
couldn't find the warblers these south winds should've brought-- am I
blind and deaf and don't know it?! My first and second Indigo
Buntings of the year though and
a really cool plant,
trumpet honeysuckle (lonicera sempervirens) listed as
mostly in the southern and eastern counties of Ohio (Henn).
5/19/6 After 10 days of rain, clear skies! It was
barely up but I had a half-hour before work: watched a Black-Capped
Chickadee feed it's young in the hollow end of the snag over the
portapotty. Watched and listened to Redstarts in the woods overhead
as BlueWinged Warblers buzzed beneath. Followed an odd song to a
White Eyed Vireo. Saw an oddly beautiful moth I've never before seen:
black with large white spots on the forewings, and large lavendar
spots on the hindwings, orange stripes on either side of the head--
the EightSpotted
Forester, common in the
eastern United States. No better way to start the day. I need to get
out more! Firsts-of-season: Eastern Kingbird, YellowThroated Vireo,
YellowBellied Flycatcher. 6/9/6 Pam
Adams calls to say there's Canada Anemone at Oxbow Lake
7/16/6Oxbow Lake Paved areas only, from 7 to 9am. Surprised by the number of yellow warblers and common yellowthroats: ZERO! Is fall here? Enroute Dickcissels and Grasshopper Sparrows could be heard aplenty from the speeding car on Lockwood from Mulligan's Bluff to Glenburg, and then on Glenburg to SR15. The Bobolink field at Glenburg/Lockwood has been mown-- I hope they fledged in time to make it out of there! Enroute home on the same route, I decided to check Buckskin/Trinity field where there had always been a dozen or so harriers all winter, especially since I saw the Harrier at SR 18/Flickinger on Thursday. Sure enough, a Harrier (not an adult-male) was there. Nesting? Well, I hadn't seen an adult male... THEN, at Mulligan's Bluff/Lockwood an adult male Harrier flew in front of the car!!! Number of species 37: Great Blue Heron 1, Green Heron 2, Red-tailed Hawk 1, Killdeer 1, Mourning Dove 5, Yellow-billed Cuckoo 3, Chimney Swift 1, Red-bellied Woodpecker 1, Downy Woodpecker 3, Northern Flicker 4, Eastern Wood-Pewee 1, Willow Flycatcher 7, Eastern Phoebe 1, Eastern Kingbird 4, White-eyed Vireo 1, Yellow-throated Vireo 2, Warbling Vireo 3, Blue Jay 5, American Crow 1, Tree Swallow 1, Black-capped Chickadee 2, Tufted Titmouse 5, White-breasted Nuthatch 6, Carolina Wren 3, House Wren 5, Eastern Bluebird 3, singing Wood Thrush 1, American Robin 9, Gray Catbird 33, Eastern Towhee 2, Field Sparrow 8, Song Sparrow 14, Northern Cardinal 12, Indigo Bunting 11, Red-winged Blackbird 1, Brown-headed Cowbird 4, American Goldfinch 19 Sherwood At home, RedHeaded/RedBellied/Downy Woodpeckers, a male Towhee, House/Goldfinches, Jays, Grackles, Cowbirds, RedWinged Blackbirds, RubyThroated Hummingbirds, WhiteBreasted Nuthatches, Mourning Doves were at the feeder, as a Turkey Vulture spun lazily overhead. 7/30/6 Oxbow Lake Just a walk around Big Oxbow Lake from 7am to 9am. Highlights (okay, not that high) an immature Green Heron, and 9 Crows mobbing a Cooper's Hawk. Most numerous butterfly: Wood Nymph. Best blooms: Partridge Pea. Great Blue Heron1, Green Heron1, Cooper's Hawk1, Mourning Dove17, Yellow-billed Cuckoo1, Chimney Swift1, Ruby-throated Hummingbird4, Belted Kingfisher1, Red-bellied Woodpecker2, Downy Woodpecker4, Northern Flicker6, Eastern Wood-Pewee2, Acadian Flycatcher2, Willow Flycatcher5, Eastern Phoebe1, Eastern Kingbird5, Red-eyed Vireo2, Blue Jay12, American Crow10, Tree Swallow4, Black-capped Chickadee2, White-breasted Nuthatch6, House Wren5, Wood Thrush1, American Robin5, Gray Catbird28, Cedar Waxwing4, Yellow Warbler3, Common Yellowthroat13, Eastern Towhee4, Field Sparrow15, Savannah Sparrow2, Song Sparrow12, Northern Cardinal10, Indigo Bunting7, Red-winged Blackbird2, Brown-headed Cowbird1, Baltimore Oriole2, American Goldfinch10
Sherwood 1/16/6 Sherwood Feeders were the slowest ever: a pair of Nuthatches, a pair of Chickadees, a single American Tree Sparrow, a female RedBellied Woodpecker, 2 female and 1 male Downy Woodpecker, 2 Juncos...1/24/6 SR18/US127 Cooper's
the only shrike i've seen in
Sherwood 10/30/1990
These Pine Siskins showed up in Sherwood 11/5/2004
2/18/06 Sherwood feeders Ah, so relaxing on a cold 6-degree morning: 7 Mourning Doves, a pair of RedBellied Woodpeckers, Downy Woodpeckers (3 females and a male), a female Hairy Woodpecker, 5 Blue Jays, a pair of BlackCapped Chickadees, a pair of Tufted Titmice, a pair of WhiteBreasted Nuthatches, a single Starling, 19 American Tree Sparrows, 36 Juncos, a pair of Cardinals, House Finches (3 female, 7 males), 4 Goldfinches, and a male House Sparrow. At 12:38, a Cooper's Hawk's arrival jolted the birds and me from our reverie. Better than those pesky cats I keep chasing away.
3/2/6 My first eight GRACKLES of the season are in the
backyard. The Carolina Wren is back, too, but alas no squirrels...
A Cowbird
awaited me at the feeders amidst the lingering Tree Sparrows, and yet
another <sigh> dumped cat. 3/7/6 A Meadowlark at the southern edge of town
flew in front of the car, the Cowbird still at the feeders.
3 of "our"
Bluebirds have returned to the yard, investigating the bluebird
houses in both the front- and backyards. 3/17/6 Sherwood Lagoons at least had a pair of Mallards
and 50 Canada Geese. 3/20/6 First day of Spring, but still cold so the
odd mix was to be expected at Sherwood feeders: lotsa Juncos and American Tree
Sparrows with 9 Cowbirds and a male RedWinged Blackbird.
Sparrows from 3/20/2005
4/4/6 Large female Cooper's Hawk Rosebrock/SR18. Sherwood VESPER SPARROW at SR18/US127. Sherwood Wood Ducks still explore the White Oaks in the yard. 4/9/6 Arrived home tonight to find my first-of-season (of course, I haven't been getting out much!) FOX SPARROW mixed in with the Tree Sparrows and Juncos at the feeders. 4/10/6 A Bluebird egg in the backyard box! 4/13/6 Four Bluebird eggs in the box! Already! And Brown Thrashers singing out front. And a Robin in a nest in the front yard red cedar.
A Cardinal built a nest
just under the living room window.4/16/6 A pair of PURPLE FINCHES showed up at the
feeder tonight:
4/20/6 My first BLUE-GRAY GNATCATCHER of the year was in the backyard.
4/25/6 The Farm SR127/US24 First WhiteThroated Sparrow I've seen in
awhile. Sherwood
Got home at 8:30pm to
find two WhiteThroated Sparrows under the feeder. 4/26/6 Coy/SR18 A MOCKINGBIRD less than a mile from home
started the day right! 4/27/6 A long-absent WhiteCrowned Sparrow joins
the WhiteThroateds under the feeder 4/28/6 A RUSTY BLACKBIRD at the feeder tonight.
Wood Ducks check
out the Oaks in the yard every spring, but never stay : (
5/5/6 Planned to go walk around Oxbow before work, but hey A GROSBEAK at the feeder was too interesting to leave.
Also a Towhee under the feeder. Sadly, my returned House Wren has ruined the Cardinal nest at the living room window:
5/9/6Three RedHeaded Woodpeckers in the
backyard! 5/11/6A female RoseBreasted Grosbeak at the
Pouring rain and howling
wind continues, but a male RoseBreasted Grosbeak, male Towhee
continue at feeders. 5/13/6 Arrived home to find the male Grosbeak and
a RED-HEADED WOODPECKER had decided to stay at least another day.
5/16/6 The male Towhee, the male RoseBreasted
Grosbeak and the RedHeaded Woodpecker continue. "He's so shy, that sweet little
bird that caught my eye..." Now if only the Pointer Sisters show up
this spring. 5/21/6
Back home the Towhee,
RedHeaded Woodpecker, and Grosbeaks seem very mundane-- even the new
Gnatcatcher in the wisteria seems mundane! <grin>
5/27/6 First Nighthawk of the season for me.
Sherwood I had to go out the back door and around
this morning to go to work, since a SKUNK was outside the front door!
At least I saw him before I stepped on him, in the pre-dawn
semi-darkness! Great Crested
Flycatchers have moved into the front Bluebird house, the Bluebirds
have moved to a hole I've never seen before in the telephone pole for
their second brood, House Wrens have moved into the backyard bluebird
house. An Eastern Towhee still calls every day. Perhaps he is nesting
Williams County 1/3/6 100+ Canada Geese, 100+ Mallards at 16/C. Denny S. saw the TURKEY VULTURE again above the Stryker Hunt Club1/10/6 SR576/Cr C empty, but 16/C still has hundreds of Mallards, and Canada Geese; nothing at all unusual. 1/11/6 Stryker Jail A Hairy Woodpecker showed up today amid the usual Creepers/Downies/RedBellieds/WhiteBreasteds/Carolina Wrens. Juncos and GoldenCrowned Kinglets of yesterday were nowhere to be seen. 1/13/6 What?! January and still hundreds of Mallards and Canada Geese and Starlings at 16/C, but that's all the diversity. 1/23/6 CR16/C 3e5k, a Canada Goose from January 2003 still hanging with the hundreds. Cowbirds were mixed in with the hundreds of Starlings near C/20. Stryker Jail's Wild Turkeys were again obvious and unafraid in their large group (50?). 1/25/6 SR66/US6 Cooper's Stryker Jail Wild Turkeys still hanging around. 1/31/6 16/C Just Canada Geese and Great Blue Herons, but in town Bryan: a Cooper's Hawk flew from the courthouse directly onto the side of a building, clambering for perch on a window. Ironically, it was the Golden Eagle Martial Arts building, next door to the Cardinal Arts and Crafts. 2/17/06 16/C The birds here enroute home from work (2 Great Blue Herons, 62 Canada Geese, 12 Mallards, 1 Kestrel, 7 RingBilled Gulls, 2 Starlings) would not be remarkable at all if it were not for the fact that the Great Backyard Bird Count begins today. 2/21/06 Stryker Jail Checked to see if the GoldenCrowned Kinglets, Bluebirds, Chickadees, Titmice, Nuthatches, Goldfinches, Downy/RedBellied/Hairy Woodpeckers, etc were still sticking around; they were. 16/C now frozen over, but still a Great Blue Heron and a Robin. 2/23/6 16/C No spring ducks made it this far north yet; 3 Great Blue Herons, 6 Mallards, well over 200 Canada Geese. A huge flock of REDWINGED BLACKBIRDS at 16/A. 2/24/6 16/C Still same as yesterday nonetheless. 2/27/6 16/C Many Canada Geese (including 3E5K), 2 Mallards, a Kingfisher. 576/C Lotsa Canada Geese and Mourning Doves.
3/2/6 16/C Redheads, RingNecked Ducks and Scaup have
joined the usual Canada Geese, Mallards, and Great Blue Herons, but
best was the first KILLDEER of the year for me. 3/3/6 16/C Many Canada Geese (including 3E5K), 3
Great Blue Herons. 576/C Lotsa Canada Geese and 6 Lesser
Scaup. 3/5/0616/C A Black Duck with the Canada Geese and a
huge flock of Grackles. SR576/C A dozen RingNecked Ducks with the Canada
Geese. Went to Lake LaSuAnn to check on the long-eared owls but there
was no sign of them whatsoever. Most ponds were still frozen so there
were no ducks either. There were Meadowlarks though, at
N30/7 and H/12. Enroute home 3/7/6 16/C Mostly Canada Geese but a couple pairs
each of Redheads, Lesser Scaup and RingNecked Ducks in the Lagoons;
nothing on the marsh itself. 25+ Wild Turkeys by SR34 near CR18 (east
of Goebel's Junkyard). Jeff W. tells me this group sometimes numbers
over 100! 3/8/06 16/C An empty marsh, but plenty on the Lagoons
besides numerous Canada Geese: 8 pairs of RingNecked Ducks, 6 pairs
of Scaup, 4 pairs of CANVASBACKS (first of season), 2 pairs of
Redheads, a pair of Mallards, and a GADWALL (my first of season).
5 GreenWinged
Teal (only one hen), a pair of Mallards, and 2 drake RingNecks. A
pair of Killdeer at Stryker Jail (where a RedHeaded Woodpecker has also
reappeared) 3/9/6 16/C There were ten GreenWInged Teal, and a
pair of Mallards in the marsh; 14 RingNecked Ducks, 2 Coots and many
Canada Geese in the lagoons. 25/D 6 RingNecked Ducks and a drake Mallard.
4 Hooded
Mergansers, 2 Great Blue Herons, a pair of Mallards, 1 Shoveler drake
on the marsh. A dozen Redheads, a dozen Coots, 2 pair of Lesser
Scaup, lotsa Canada Geese on the lagoons. Meadowlarks called from
everywhere. RedWinged Blackbirds, Grackles, Robins are widespread,
but 3 Killdeer at the Stryker Jail are still remarkable. 3/14/6 16/C Waterfowl were packed tightly against the
western shores of all the little ponds in the area, for shelter from
the wind. The marsh itself was higher than it has ever been, a muddy
choppy brown sea. Two dozen Shovelers and a few Canada Geese were
there. The Dark Blue Lagoons here had many Canada Geese, and a dozen
each of Coot, Scaup, RingNecks, Redheads. My first Phoebe of the year was at the
Stryker Jail
Ibid, except
the Shovelers are gone. 3/17/6 16/C much better a PIED BILLED GREBE (first of
year?) with 100 Canada Geese and 150 Scaup/RingNecks/Redheads, all on
the Lagoons. 576/C with the ubiquitous Canada Geese were 20
Scaup, 5 Mallards, 3 Ruddy Ducks, and a small flock of about a dozen
Meadowlarks. 3/18/6 576/C 20 Scaup, a pair of Mallards, 3 Ruddy
Ducks. 3/20/6
Lagoons have
100 Scaup, 6 RingNecks, 2 Redheads, and 2 PiedBilled Grebes. A pair
of Wood Ducks were in the creek. Plus Great Blue Herons and Canada
Geese of course. 576/C 16 Canada Geese, 6 Scaup, 3 Ruddy Ducks,
3 Shoveler drakes, 1 drake Mallard. 20/C An interesting flock of female and
juvenile male RedWinged Blackbirds in all sorts of plumage change.
Denny S. sends this photo of a
Song Sparrow from under his feeder. (191/6)
3/22/0616/C A Horned Grebe, a pair of Wigeon, a pair of Gadwalls, a pair of Pied Billed Grebes, 2 pairs of Buffleheads, 6 Coots, 12 pair of Scaup, 7 pair of Redheads, 100 RingNecked Ducks. (not reporting Canada Geese/Great Blue Herons) 3/23/6 16/C A Horned Grebe, a Coot, a Kingfisher, 2 Great Blue Herons, a pair of Wood Ducks, a pair of PiedBilled Grebes, a pair of Buffleheads, 2 pairs of Wigeon, 3 pairs of Gadwalls, 5 pairs of Redheads, 50 Scaup, 100 RingNecked Ducks 576/C 20 Scaup, 6 Mallards 3/24/6 16/C 6 Coots, a pair of Buffleheads, 2 pairs of Wigeon, 5 pairs of Redheads, 12 Scaup, 50 RingNecked Ducks ((not reporting Canada Geese/Great Blue Herons) 3/26/6 16/C A Horned Grebe, 2 PiedBilled Grebes, 4 Bufflehead, 6 Coots, 6 Redheads, 12 Wigeon, 34 Scaup, 72 RingNecked Ducks (and Canada Geese) 3/28/0616/C 2 Horned Grebes, 2 PiedBilled Grebes, a pair of Mallards, 6 Redheads, 8 Wigeon, 12 Coots, 26 Scaup, 40 RingNecked Ducks 576/C 12 Scaup, 6 Ruddy Ducks, 4 Bufflehead, a pair of Mallards (not reporting Canada Geese/Great Blue Herons) 3/29/06 16/C A Horned Grebes, a Ruddy Duck, a Gadwall, a pair of Mallards, 2 pairs of Hooded Mergansers, 2 pairs of GreenWinged Teal, 6 Buffleheads, 8 Wigeon, 12 Coots, 14 Redheads, 24 Scaup, 50 RingNecked Ducks (and Canada Geese) 576/C 12 Scaup, 3 Ruddy Ducks, a drake Bufflehead, and a pair of Mallards (not reporting Canada Geese/Great Blue Herons)
(9/7/5 American Golden Plovers and WIlson's Phalarope
here with a Yellowlegs) 1
16/C Ibid.
4/4/6 6/C A pair PiedBilled Grebes, 2 pairs of Buffleheads, 3 pairs of Redhead, 3 pairs of Shovelers, 8 Wigeon, 12 Coots, 100 Scaup, 100 RingNecked Ducks (and Canada Geese) 576/C 2 Scaup, a pair of Bufflehead, and my first pair of TREE SWALLOWS for the year (not reporting Canada Geese/Great Blue Herons) 4/5/6 16/C 10 BlueWinged and 2 GreenWinged Teal on the marsh itself. On the Sewage Lagoons: A Horned Grebe, a Redhead, 2 Horned Grebes, a pair of PiedBilled Grebes, 2 pairs of Buffleheads,a pair of Shovelers, a pairs of Mallards, 10 Wigeon, 30 Coots, 25 Scaup, 100 RingNecked Ducks (didn't count Canada Geese, Great Blue Herons, or Killdeer) 576/C 3 pairs of Ruddy Ducks, 6 pairs of Scaup. Stryker Jail Four eggs in a Killdeer nest, 3 GoldenCrowned Kinglets, Flickers replace the usual Hairy, Downy, and RedBellied Woodpeckers.4/6/6 16/C A dozen GreenWinged Teal on the marsh itself. On the Sewage Lagoons: A PiedBilled Grebe, a Horned Grebe, a female Hooded Merganser, 3 pairs of Ruddy Ducks, 3 pairs of Shovelers, 4 pairs of Mallards, 5 pairs of Redhead, 3 pairs of Shovelers, 10 Wigeon, 20 Coots, 8 pairs of Scaup, 50 RingNecked Ducks (didn't count Canada Geese, Great Blue Herons, or Killdeer) 4/7/6 16/C Best birds were hordes of returned RoughWinged Swallows, also 2 DoubleCrested Cormorants, a pair of PiedBilled Grebes, 10 Wigeon, 8 pairs of Redheads, 8 pairs of Scaup (way down), 30 Coots, 100 RingNecked Ducks, all on the sewage lagoons. The marsh held about two dozen GreenWinged Teal (didn't count the Canada Geese, Great Blue Herons, or Killdeer). 576/C 10 pairs of Scaup, a pair of Hooded Mergansers, and lots of Tree and RoughWinged Swallows. RoughWinged Swallows arrived today at home in Sherwood. 4/10/6 Stryker Jail Four Killdeer eggs in the nest that last Thursday held only one. Chipping Sparrows everywhere here, but have yet to see one home a county south...
16/C After work, about 7:30pm: The Marsh had
several of my first-of-seasons: DUNLIN (just one), PECTORAL SANDPIPERS (just six), GREAT EGRETS (just two) with a few GreenWInged Teal,
Killdeer, and Great Blue Herons. The Sewage Lagoons: 1 hen
RedBreasted Merganser, a pair of Buffleheads, 3 pair of Redheads, 4
pairs of Scaup, 5 pairs of Ruddy Ducks, 16 pairs of Ringnecks, 30
Coots. Canada Goose #3e5k. 576/C 7 Scaup pairs, 3 Bufflehead pairs, 2 Ruddy
Duck pairs, a pair of Mallards, a pair of Wood Ducks. Stryker Jail lotsa hen Turkeys took dust baths, a pair
of Toms dueled via strut, openly with no fear as we watched in the
brilliant sunlight. 4/12/6
The Marsh had the
Dunlin (just one), a RingBilled Gull, the Great Egrets (just
two), 2 pairs of GreenWInged Teal, 6 pairs of Shovelers, 10 pairs of
BlueWinged Teal, 6 Killdeer, and 3 Great Blue Herons. The western
Sewage Lagoon: 1 hen RedBreasted Merganser, a pair of Gadwall, 3
pairs of Scaup, 4 pairs of Ringnecks, 48 Coots (and Canada Geese).
The easternmost Lagoon had hundreds of ducks in the air, due to some
guy on a riding mower MOWING THE GRASS ALREADY! It just turned green
for gawd's sake, the daffodils just started blooming! The Creek had 4
pairs of BlueWinged Teal. 4/13/6 16/C The Marsh had only 6 Killdeer! The
Lagoons were greatly reduced too: a Cooper's Hawk, the female
RedBreasted Merganser, 2 female Hooded Mergansers, a single pair of
RingNecked Ducks, a pair of Ruddy Ducks, a pair of Buffleheads, 2
pairs of Redheads, 2 pairs of American Wigeon, 40 Coots. The creek
had 2 pairs of BlueWinged Teal. 576/C A Horned Grebe, a pair of Bufflehead, 2
pairs of Ruddy Ducks, 3 pairs of Scaup. Canada Geese at both stops.
4/14/6 16/C 2 Dunlin, 1 pair of GreenWinged Teal, 1
pair of Mallards, 6 Killdeer, 6 pair of BlueWinged Teal in the marsh
itself. 5 more pairs of BlueWinged Teal in the Creek. The Lagoons had
the female RedBreasted Merganser, 2 PiedBilled Grebes, a pair of
Wigeon, a pair of Shovelers, a pair of Redheads, a pair of
Bufflehead, 2pairs of Hooded Mergansers, 4 pairs of Ruddy Ducks, 52
RingNecked Ducks, 62 Coots 4/15/6 A couple hours at Lake LaSuAnn was absolutely refreshing since I have had
so little opportunity to get out. Stumbled on deer (about 25),
Chipmunks (10?), Red Squirrels, Woodchucks, Muskrat, my first Garter
Snake, Peepers, Tree Frogs, and Leopard Frogs of the year. Lotsa
bloom including Dead Nettle, Toothwort, Yellow Trout Lily, Spring
Beauty, Rue Anemone etc. Trip report, 71 Bird Species: PiedBilled
Grebe 1, Great Blue Heron 2, Turkey Vulture 16, Canada Geese 58, Wood
Ducks 5, American Wigeon 2, Mallard 12, BlueWinged Teal 2, Northern
Shoveler 9, GreenWinged Teal 2, Redhead 4, RingNecked Duck 4, Lesser
Scaup 22, Bufflehead 8, Hooded Merganser 4 (all hens), RedBreasted
Merganser 1, Ruddy Duck 4, RedTailed Hawk 2 (doing an amazing
free-fall talon lock!), American Kestrel 1, Wild Turkey 5, Coot 56,
SANDHILL CRANE 2, Killdeer 13, Pectoral Sandpiper 2, Dunlin 2, Rock
Pigeon 25, Mourning Dove 18, Belted Kingfisher 1, Woodpeckers
(RedHeaded 2, RedBellied 7, YELLOWBELLIED SAPSUCKER 1, Downy 2, Hairy
1, Flicker 15), Phoebe 1, Blue Jay 17, Crow 12, Horned Lark 4, Tree
Swallow 18, Northern RoughWinged Swallow 2, BARN SWALLOW 1 (my first of season!), BlackCapped
Chickadee 6, Tufted Titmouse 7, WhiteBreasted Nuthatch 3, Brown
Creeper 1, Carolina Wren 1, GoldenCrowned Kinglet 1, RubyCrowned
Kinglet 1, Eastern Bluebird 6, HERMIT THRUSH 3, Robin 53, Starling
75, MOCKINGBIRD 1 (Scott/Rosedale), BROWN THRASHER 1, Cedar Waxwing
8, YellowRumped Warbler 8, Eastern Towhee 7, Chipping Sparrow 14,
(my first of season),
2 (my first of season),
FOX SPARROW 1, Song Sparrow30, Junco 2, Cardinal 22, RedWinged
Blackbird 150, Eastern Meadowlark 11, RUSTY BLACKBIRD 2, Common
Grackle 120, BrownHeaded Cowbird 50, American Goldfinch 8, House
Sparrow 50. B-50/SR191
Denny S. has his first
lone WHITE-CROWNED SPARROW of the season
4/16/6 16/C 2 pairs of Bufflehead, 2 DoubleCrested
Cormorants, 1 pair of RingNecked Ducks, 25 Coots 576/C 6 Mallards 4/18/6 16/C A Pectoral Sandpiper, 2 Dunlin, 2 pair of
GreenWinged Teal, 2 Killdeer, 6 pair of BlueWinged Teal, a Great Blue
Heron in the marsh itself. The Lagoons had the female RedBreasted
Merganser, a pair of BUffleheads, a pair of Shovelers, 2 pairs of
Mallards, 2 pairs of Ruddy Ducks, 2 pairs of Scaup, 4 pairs of
RingNecked Ducks, a female Hooded Merganser, 28 Coots Stryker Denny S. and I found a Phoebe's nest.
4/19/6 16/C A Pectoral Sandpiper, 2 Dunlin, 2
Killdeer, 2 Great Blue Herons in the marsh itself. The Lagoons had 3
pairs of Mallards, 2 pairs of Ruddy Ducks, 2 pairs of Scaup, 2 pairs
of RingNecked Ducks, a female Hooded Merganser, 22 Coots
Stryker Denny S. shows me a Carolina Wren's nest
in his watering can.
Also, a
Chipping Sparrow got stuck in his birdfeeder while I was there.
4/20/6 16/C A LESSER YELLOWLEGS was my first-of-year here. Only a Great
Blue Heron and 14 Killdeer kept him company in the marsh. The Lagoons
were down to a pair of Bufflehead, 3 pairs of Scaup and 16
Coots. 4/21/6
Near US6/SR191
Denny has a fine picture
of his nesting Carolina Wren:
4/22/6 A couple hours at Lake LaSuAnn with my personal first-of-years in bold print:
1, Great Blue Heron 8, Turkey Vulture 14,
Canada Geese 197, Wood Ducks 8, Mallard 15, BlueWinged Teal 6, Lesser
Scaup 1, Bufflehead 2, OSPREY 1,
Cooper's Hawk 1, RedTailed Hawk 1, American Kestrel 2,
Coot 12, SANDHILL CRANE 1 (on SR34 just east of CR7), AMERICAN GOLDEN PLOVER 18 (field slough, on SR 107 near SR49),
Killdeer 20, Lesser Yellowlegs 3, SOLITARY SANDPIPER 3, SPOTTED SANDPIPER 2,
slough, on SR 107 near SR49), Pectoral Sandpiper 4, Dunlin 3, Rock
Pigeon 14, Mourning Dove 33, Belted Kingfisher 1, Woodpeckers
(RedHeaded 7, RedBellied 6, Downy 1, Hairy 1, Flicker 6),
Eastern Phoebe 1,
Jay 28, Crow 13, Horned Lark 15, Tree Swallow 14, Northern
RoughWinged Swallow 2, Barn Swallow 2, BlackCapped Chickadee 5, Tufted
Titmouse 9, WhiteBreasted Nuthatch 2, Eastern Bluebird 4, BlueGray
Gnatcatcher 5, Hermit Thrush 1, Robin 112, Starling 85,
(Scott/Rosedale), Brown Thrasher 1
PINE WARBLER 1 (FINALLY!), Palm Warbler 3, YellowRumped Warbler 6,
Eastern Towhee 1, Chipping Sparrow 45, Field Sparrow 40, Savannah
Sparrow 6, Song Sparrow 18, Cardinal 11, RedWinged Blackbird 225,
Eastern Meadowlark 15, Common Grackle 250, BrownHeaded Cowbird 26,
American Goldfinch 8, House Sparrow 35. Almost every butterfly was
awake (Duskywings here):
And also my
first Canada Goose nest
4/24/6 16/C A GREATER YELLOWLEGS was my first-of-year here. Also, 2 Lesser
Yellowlegs, a Solitary Sandpiper, and about 25 each of Dunlin,
Pectoral and Least Sandpipers. The Lagoons had 24 Coot, but also a
single drake Ruddy Duck, a single drake Lesser Scaup, a single drake
Shoveler, a single PiedBilled Grebe, and a pair of Buffleheads. Also
my second set of goslings for the year. 4/25/6 Stryker Jail Denny S. and I get fantastic views of a
very fluffy, almost-yellow Red Fox. SR191/US 6 Denny S. has a WhiteCrowned Sparrow and
five YellowRumps (he's had a single WhiteThroated for a week or so).
We look in a sparrow nest four feet off the ground in a pine from
which jumped a Song Sparrow, but the nest looks Chipping-esque, ie
hair-lined. Will time tell? 4/26/6 Stryker Jail A Possum walking across the heavily
frosted grass was yet another welcome morning sight.
Denny and I also
saw a black-phase Gray Squirrel (Red Squirrels are the norm here,
with an occasional Fox Squirrel), and lotsa Yellow-Rumped Warblers.
16/C After work, a Greater Yellowlegs with a
dozen Lesser Yellowlegs, a RingBilled Gull, over 150 Pectoral
Sandpipers, a dozen or so Dunlin, a Shoveler, a dozen Coots, and my
of the year. Near
US6/SR191 Denny found a Song Sparrow's nest
five feet off the ground in a small pine tree.
The Carolina Wren eggs have
hatched, with at least three nestlings visible
4/27/6 16/C Fifty each Dunlin, Pectoral Sandpipers.
Drake Shoveler is still there, with the RingBilled Gull. Even common
birds look great now, appreciated for their long winter absence,
making the heart grow fonder:
16/C A Great Egret, a Greater Yellowlegs, 6
Coots, 7 Pectoral Sandpipers, a drake Shoveler and a Drake Mallard
16/C 3 Lesser Yellowlegs were the highlight
5.2.6 US6/SR191 A fifth egg in the Song Sparrow nest
proves to be that of a Cowbird, plus a singing SCARLET TANAGER shows
up for stunning views (my first visual of the year). A RedHeaded
Woodpecker also was openly setting up house in an easily-seen snag.
Stryker Jail
Wood Thrush song.
5/3/6 Stryker Jail 3 WhiteCrowned Sparrows 5/4/6 CR22/B50 Wood Thrush sings so loudly I stop the car
to listen awhile before I get to work. Beauteous. Just Yellow
Warblers/Catbirds etc join
Stryker Jail Denny S.
and I find local firsts: Common Yellowthroat, Least Flycatcher, Palm
Warblers, Baltimore Oriole, House Wren. House Sparrows have, sadly,
taken over the Phoebe nest, and the Phoebes attempt to rebuilt
near-by. 5/5/6
16/C 8 Semipalmated Sandpipers (first of season) and the drake Shoveler.
Stryker Jail
WhiteCrowned Sparrows and
Savannah Sparrow with Palm, YellowRumped Warblers... 5/8/6 14 Dunlin and my first SEMIPALMATED PLOVER of the year. US6/SR191 Stopped by Denny's: Cardinal nest in
burning bush, Carolina Chickadees fledge, RedHeaded Woodpeckers
chiseling out a new home
, 3 of the four Song Sparrow eggs have hatched
, my first
of the year.
5/9/6 16/C A Semipalmated Plover, 3 Mallards, 3
Spotted Sandpipers, 3 Greater Yellowlegs, 3 Least Sandpipers, 4
Solitary Sandpipers 4 Lesser Yellowlegs, 12 Dunlin, 12 Least
Sandpipers, 14 Killdeer. Canada Geese: A family with three huge
goslings, a family with 4 goslings, a family with 5 goslings, and a
family with 6 tiny goslings. Two childless couples. 3e5k is still
sticking around. Watched a fight wherein the combatants tumbled down
the banks of the lagoons. Stryker Jail Male Towhee, RedHeaded Woodpecker
5/10/6 Stryker Jail Okay, okay, I know they're coming, but
today just my first-of-season INDIGO BUNTING. 5/16/6 Stryker Jail Denny S and I get great views of a
two Great Egrets; 3e5k
continues. 5/17/6
4 Ruddy Ducks
5/22/6 Enroute home from work I
stopped off per usual and per usual I scoped the regulars (13 Dunlin,
3 Semipalmated Plovers, 2 Dowitchers (first-of-season for me),
a Semipalmated Sandpiper, a Spotted Sandpiper, Mallards, Canada
Geese, Killdeer, Great Blue and Green Herons etc) when in flew a
Blindingly-Beautiful (technical term) female WILSON'S
(first-of-season), with her duller, somewhat henpecked and part-time
husband (still no slouch in the looks department). 5/30/6 16/C There were so many Canada Geese I didn't
think there could possibly be any sandpipers here, but I pulled out
the scope and counted the geese (283) to slow me down. Sure enough,
there were 3 Semipalmated Sandpipers, a Semipalmated Plover, and two
first-of-season), trying hard not to get stepped on by all the geese.
Also here were 5 Great Blue Herons, a Great Egret, plus two
Kingbirds, lotsa Meadowlarks/Savannah Sparrows/RedWinged
Blackbirds/Bobolinks/Tree Swallows etc. A Wood Duck was with her
brood in the green waters of the Sewage Lagoon. 6/1/6 Williams County
16/C My first BLACK TERN of the season! 6/6/6 Williams County
16/C Drake GreenWinged Teal, a Semipalmated
Sandpiper and a Spotted Sandpiper amidst the regulars.
7/3/6 16/C Number of species: 27
Recent rains mean no mud for shorebirds, nor did I hear any bobolinks
today. Canada Goose 94, Mallard 58, Green-winged Teal 1, Great Blue
Heron 5, Great Egret 2, Turkey Vulture 12, American Kestrel 1,
Killdeer 13, Rock Pigeon 1, Mourning Dove 7, Eastern Kingbird 2, Tree
Swallow 15,Northern Rough-winged Swallow 2, Barn Swallow 5, Eastern
Bluebird 4, American Robin 5, European Starling 6, Cedar Waxwing 12,
Chipping Sparrow 2,Savannah Sparrow 7, Song Sparrow 3, Dickcissel 13,
Red-winged Blackbird 10, Eastern Meadowlark 8, Brown-headed Cowbird
9, American Goldfinch 6, House Sparrow 6 6/7/6 S6/SR191 Denny S. has two Woodcock CHICKS in his yard!16/C A Great Egret, 2 RingBilled Gulls, 2
Spotted Sandpipers, a hen Wood Duck and her ducklings were the
standouts in a pond of Mallards, Canada Geese, Great Blue Herons, and
Killdeer. 6/8/6
16/C 4 Spotted Sandpipers, a hen Wood Duck and
her ducklings, but the doe with her tiny fawn standing ankle deep in
the creek? Priceless. 6/9/6 16/C Among the regular Mallards was a fawn
female with white wings and tail-- perhaps my first mutt here, or
perhaps leucistic. A dead Grasshopper Sparrow on the road gave me opportunity to admire
its beautiful golden shoulders. 6/15/6 16/C Nothing new here: The drake GreenWinged
Teal, 2 Spotted Sandpipers, a hen Wood Duck and her ducklings, about
50 Killeer and 50 Canada Geese, two dozen Mallards, 7 Great Blue
Herons, plus Dickcissels, Savannah Sparrows, Meadowlarks, Buebirds,
RedWinged Blackbirds, Barn/Tree/RoughWinged Swallows, etc. Couldn't
detect any Bobolinks today here. 20/C Wild Turkeys, deer wandering in broad
daylight, 25 Turkey Vultures 6/17/6 Lake LaSuAnn A casual (read "non-birding") walk with
Loved One, but couldn't help being thankful for a place so close to
HENSLOW'S SPARROWS... A fawn and a cock pheasant were also nice. Too
bad it's 50 miles from home, or I'd come here more
20/C Enroute to work, a freshly-hit adult
WOODCOCK. A few miles away (SR191/US6) Denny S. is still seeing two juvenile
Woodcocks. 16/C
Two COMMON TERNS amidst the regulars, enroute home after
work. From OhioBirds@Envirolink: " I had a chance to finish up my
bird atlas project (well, just for this season) up in Williams County
on Monday June 19 (Williams county is in the far northwest corner of
the state, nestled against Michigan and Indiana.) My two blocks
include parts of Lake La
Su An Wildlife Area and adjacent areas. Here's what I found that, according to
the Ohio Bird Atlas folks, are regionally rare or uncommon, or a
species of statewide conservation interest or rarity: Hooded merganser -- I found a female leading seven
newly-hatched chicks in a wooded pond Red-shouldered hawk -- one seen two times over the course of
two weeks gliding over a wooded area, Sora - one heard, White-eyed
vireo -- three singing males that I have found. I'm sure there are
more Hooded
warbler -- two singing
males Least flycatcher - a small colony with at least four singing
males. Cerulean
warbler - at least three
singing males. I'm sure there are more. Prothonotary warbler - there has been one singing male,
evidently unpaired. I'm concerned because there have been several
breeding pairs in past years.Henslow's sparrow -- I have found two small colonies, and
several other single singing males throughout the county.
Unfortunately, the most reliable spot at Lake La Su An for these
sparrows, and the one that hosted the largest colony, was plowed
under to make room for a "controlled youth turkey hunting area"
(according to the signs). Bobolink -- several small colonies
throughout the county. Missing this year were yellow-throated warblers and Louisiana
waterthrushes, both of which
I have found in the past several years. Jeff Grabmeier,
The Wood Ducklings
aren't getting any bigger it seems! Savannah Sparrows were especially
ouchy-- must be all those begging kids. From Rarebird.org: "Spent a wonderful day
with the birds, butterflies and dragonflies in Williams County on
Tuesday, June 20. Birds of note: About 60 Bobolinks (~40 of these in
two large fields), 6 Dickcissels (1 female) in 3 separate locations,
and 8 Henslow's
Sparrows found in 5
different locations. All the Henslow's were singing males but I was
only able to see 2 of them. Other birds of interest: 2
warblers, 1
Chat, 4 Redstarts, 1 Louisiana Waterthrush, 1 Hooded warbler, Pileated Woodpecker,
1 Grasshopper Sparrow,
Yellow-billed Cuckoos, Rose-breasted Grosbeaks, Osprey and Acadian
Flycatchers among others. Butterflies: Baltimore Checkerspot, Bronze Copper, Giant Swallowtail, Great
Spangled Fritillary, and Red Spotted Purple. Dragonflies: Halloween
Pennant, Banded Pennant, Eastern Amberwing, Prince Baskettail, Blue
Dasher, Eastern Pondhawk, Dot-Tailed Whiteface, Twelve-Spotted
Skimmer, Common Whitetail, and Widow Skimmer. And, unfortunately, a
road kill Short-Tailed
Weasel. Roads driven were
County Roads S, 575, Q-50,
6, P-50, 7, and R. Edited
by Rick Nirschl - 21 June 2006 at 9:38am" 6/21/6 Williams
A Great
7/6/6 16/C Joint Watershed Management
Number of species: 28 Canada Goose 75, Mallard 1, Great Blue Heron 4,
Great Egret 1, Turkey Vulture 3, American Kestrel 2, Killdeer 59,
Greater Yellowlegs 1, Lesser Yellowlegs 2, Solitary Sandpiper 1,
Spotted Sandpiper 1, Mourning Dove 75, Belted Kingfisher 1, Eastern
Kingbird 1, Eastern Bluebird 5, American Robin 6, European Starling
11, Cedar Waxwing 11, Chipping Sparrow 1, Savannah Sparrow 5, Song
Sparrow 4, Dickcissel 5, Red-winged Blackbird 31, Eastern Meadowlark
6, Common Grackle 1, Brown-headed Cowbird 1, American Goldfinch 2,
House Sparrow 2 576/C Canada Goose 46, Great Blue Heron 11, Killdeer 16,
Spotted Sandpiper 1, Mourning Dove 2, American Crow 3, Eastern
Meadowlark 2 7/7/616/C The water evaporates
enough to allow a Greater Yellowlegs, 2 Lesser Yellowlegs, and a
SOLITARY SANDPIPER to return. The pair of Great Egrets persist, with
the Wood Duck family. 7/10/616/C Yes, that's right-- zero
Canada Geese! First peeps of the season. Number of species: 32.
Mallard 3, Great Blue Heron 10, Great Egret 2, Turkey Vulture 1,
Killdeer 47, Greater Yellowlegs 1, Lesser Yellowlegs 2, Solitary
Sandpiper 1, Spotted Sandpiper 2, Semipalmated Sandpiper 5, Least
Sandpiper 32, Mourning Dove 33, Chimney Swift 1, Eastern Kingbird 2,
Tree Swallow 8, Northern Rough-winged Swallow 2, BANK SWALLOWS 4 (not
seen here yet this year-- scared up by truck on reservoir), Barn
Swallow 20, Eastern Bluebird 2, American Robin 5, European Starling
6,Cedar Waxwing 22, Chipping Sparrow 1, Savannah Sparrow 3, Song
Sparrow 5,Dickcissel 4, Red-winged Blackbird 11, Eastern Meadowlark
4, Common Grackle 7, Brown-headed Cowbird 1, American Goldfinch 2,
House Sparrow 7 7/11/6
16/C Raining, but two
brighten the marsh. Mud is rapidly disappearing, but still a few
sandpipers: Canada Goose 71, Mallard 23, Great Blue Heron 10,Great
Egret 1,Killdeer 22, Greater Yellowlegs 1, Lesser Yellowlegs 1,
Spotted Sandpiper 2, Least Sandpiper 9, Caspian Tern 2, Mourning Dove
67, Northern Flicker 1, Eastern Kingbird 2, American Crow 1, Barn
Swallow 55, Eastern Bluebird 2, American Robin 3, Cedar Waxwing 11,
Savannah Sparrow 3, Dickcissel 2, Red-winged Blackbird 25, Eastern
Meadowlark 3, Brown-headed Cowbird 3 Stryker Jail
Denny and
I have excellent, close, prolonged views of a singing Yellow-Billed
Cuckoo. 7/13/6 16/C As expected the rains
have raised the water so high there are no shorebirds at all, not
even Killdeer. 7/24/6
16/C After a very long time
with the water being far too high to allow any mud for sandpipers,
the mud reappeared and with it the sandpipers. Also notable was a
THIRD Great Egret-- did they breed nearby? Was this offspring?:
Canada Goose 214, Mallard 2, Great Blue Heron 16, Great Egret 3,
Green Heron 1, Turkey Vulture 2, American Kestrel 1,Killdeer 73,
Solitary Sandpiper 2, Spotted Sandpiper 2, Semipalmated Sandpiper 2,
Least Sandpiper 10, Pectoral Sandpiper 3, Mourning Dove 4, Chimney
Swift 1, Ruby-throated Hummingbird 1, Eastern Kingbird 2, American
Crow 3, Barn Swallow 8, Eastern Bluebird 2, American Robin 2,
European Starling 13,Chipping Sparrow 1, Song Sparrow 6, Dickcissel
7, Red-winged Blackbird 3,Eastern Meadowlark 6, Common Grackle 3,
Brown-headed Cowbird 1, American Goldfinch 2, House Sparrow 7
7/25/616/C Canada Goose 89, Mallard
3, Great Blue Heron 8, Killdeer 61, Solitary Sandpiper 4,
Semipalmated Sandpiper 6, Pectoral Sandpiper 10, Bank Swallow 2,
Eastern Bluebird 2, Dickcissel 1, Red-winged Blackbird 1, Eastern
Meadowlark 1, House Sparrow 6. Plenty of Little Wood Satyrs (!-- no
trees!), Black Swallowtails and Monarchs. Also Purple and Prairie
Coneflower and BlackEyed Susans all over. 7/26/6 16/C Fat raindrops fell soon
after I arrived, where there was 1 lone Semipalmated Sandpiper, 10
Pectoral Sandpipers, 3 Lesser Yellowlegs, and 1 Greater Yellowlegs
Jail Denny S points out a female Ichneumon Fly by the door
I had just passed:
7/31/6 16/C These wonderful hot days
have finally dried up the flooded waters a bit, revealing a little
mud, which means SANDPIPERS! Highlights: Two Kingbirds vigorously
attacking five weary Crows that have obviously learned their lesson,
and a huge flock of Pectoral (and one Baird's at least) Sandpipers,
ten feet from the car in mud evidently made by the overflowing
Lagoons. A loud motorcycle sent them into the air. That wasn't all
bad, as it made counting them much easier. Great viewing with no
binoculars necessary! Canada Goose 84, Mallard 15, Great Blue Heron
11, Great Egret 3, Killdeer 70, Greater Yellowlegs 1, Solitary
Sandpiper 2,Spotted Sandpiper 1, Baird's Sandpiper 1, Pectoral
Sandpiper 65, Mourning Dove 7, Eastern Kingbird 2, American Crow 5,
Tree Swallow 3, Barn Swallow 27, European Starling 18, Savannah
Sparrow 2, Song Sparrow 4, Dickcissel 4, Red-winged Blackbird 2,
Eastern Meadowlark 1, American Goldfinch 6, House Sparrow 5
Paulding County
Searched in
vain for the reported snowy owl but did see hundreds of Mallards,
Canada Geese, Starlings, a few Cowbirds, and an Am Wigeon at the Thomas Wetlands. And talk about being at the
right place at the right time! FIFTY-SIX Wild Turkeys came up a path
from the Maumee River into some lucky guy's front yard
US24), each
giving itself a little shake as it emerged. Marvellous.
Darkness caught
me near Payne,
searching for the snowy owl. 1/14/6 Canada Geese everywhere, not much else.
OhioBirds@Envirolink: "Greetings from the tundra of NW Ohio, There
had been reports of a Snowy Owl seen in the western part of Paulding
County a few weeks back. Micki and I had spent a lot of time looking
for this bird and had decided that it must have moved on. However,
today I was informed by one of my former colleagues that the Snowy
had indeed been hanging around an area just northwest of the village
of Payne, Ohio. Elated, Micki and her mother set out in search of the
bird late this morning. What began as a joyous search ended most
unhappily. They succeeded in finding the owl in the vicinty
indicated, but the bird had apparently suffered a serious injury that
left it without one foot and had subsequently died. It had been about
8 years since the last Snowy had been seen in the county, and it is
unfortunate that this bird met with such an untimely end. Bird long
and prosper, Doug & Micki Dunakin Antwerp, O." 1/23/6 Payne From OhioBirds@Envirolink:
"Greetings from the 'Second Tundra,' Just a few days had passed since
my wife Micki and her mother had found a Snowy Owl dead along one of
our county roads. Imagine, then, our amazement and delight when a
sudden phone call alerted us to the presence of a second Snowy
Owl in Paulding County, about four miles as the owl
flies southwest of where she had found the first owl. This timely
call sent us hurrying across the 15 miles from our house to the spot
where the owl had been seen, and sure enough, it was still sitting
there on the top of a ditch bank. It had been eight years since our
last sighting of a Snowy in the county, and within less than a week
we had seen two! This is also the same vincinity where one of the
last Snowies had been reported in 1998. At that time, the bird was
also seen in Indiana, just across the state line near the village of
Edgerton. This could be a great bird for both Ohio and Indiana
birders! For those interested, the bird was seen about a mile east of
the Indiana-Ohio border, along Township Road 11 between Township Road
70 and State Route 500. Delorme 34, D-1. If one were travelling west
from the village of Payne, Ohio on State Route 613, one would turn
left (south) on Township Road 11 and drive about 1.75 miles south to
the ditch (on the right or west side of the road) where the bird was
last seen. There are also gas pipelines through this area; the
markers for the gas lines might be easier to spot than the ditch.
Good luck finding this bird. Once again, the winged creatures of the
North have shown us how much they like the bleak emptiness of our
Winter fields, and for that we are most thankful. Bird long and
prosper, Doug & Micki Dunakin, Antwerp, O." 1/24/6
From OhioBirds@Envirolink: "Made the 2.5 hr. drive
from Columbus to Paulding County yesterday to look for the snowy owl
that had been seen the previous day. Checked out the site and
surrounding countryside from 2:30pm to 5pm. Lots of Horned Larks and
a few Kestrels but alas no Snowy. --Kim Graham, Galloway, Ohio" I
myself searched until it was very dark without luck, but then it was
very windy. Lotsa deer
tho...1/25/6 Payne From OhioBirds@Envirolink:
" Hello again from the flatlands, Well, the snowy owl that lifted our
spirits has either gone into hiding temporarily or has relocated
somewhere. My wife and her friend Audra spent a couple of hours
looking this afternoon with no success. That doesn't mean that the
bird is gone, however; it could just be playing hard to get! If
anyone else sights the bird and reports to us, we'll post that
information as soon as we get it. --Bird long and prosper, Doug &
Micki Dunakin, Antwerp, O." 1/26/6 Payne (From OhioBirds@Envirolink: "Went looking
for the the snowy owl reported by the Dunakins in Paulding County
yesterday afternoon, but no luck. A possible reason for the lack of
arctic visitors was one of the largest GREAT HORNED OWLS we have ever
seen flying (at 3:45 PM) about 0.2 miles from the site of the snowy
report, just off
twp road 11 on CR 71, southwest of Payne. Also lots of
kestrels and horned larks -- not much else. Same in Indiana, just
across the border. Nice sunny day for a drive, though. --Jean and
John Perchalski Van Wert, Ohio")
2/26/6 Buoyed by new ducks at Archbold, I looked two counties south. Discounting the ubiquitous Canada Geese, all I found were 10 RingNecked Ducks at the second Stokely Pond (if they were numbered east to west). The Black Swamp Audubon Sanctuary at Antwerp, however, had a RUFOUS-SIDED TOWHEE, and a MOCKINGBIRD feeding with a small flock of Blue Jays only a few feet from a group of feral cats!
The other locations
Black Swamp Nature Center, St Paul's Cemetery Pond, Sewage Lagoons,
Thomas Marsh) had only Canada Geese or less.
3/1/6 From
Ohio-Birds@Envirolink: "Hello all, On Monday and today (3-1) we
checked out the Paulding Reservoir, Nature Center, and the Stokely
Ponds. The first two locales produced nothing but Canada
Geese on either day. The Stokely Ponds were quite pleasant. Below are
the species observed: Canada Goose - many, SNOW GOOSE - 1, Mallard -
4, Redhead - 4, Canvasback - 2, Lesser Scaup ~ 6, Ring-necked Duck
~45. The Snow Goose was a near miss. We had left the pond that sits
back off the road a wee bit and saw a big flock of geese flying in.
Stopping the car, I scanned the incoming hordes and found the Snow
flying just above them on the way in. It landed at the ponded we had
just departed. The marshy pond on the other side of the road from the
main two had nothing but Canada's on it. The pond across from it
produced all the other mentioned duck species. We plan on returning
tomorrow to see if anything new has flown in, as well as a trip to
the Thomas Wetlands. Take care! - Scott Myers and Carrie Busch"
3/2/06 Scott Myers and
Carrie Busch can add American Black Duck at Thomas Marsh
to yesterday's list of Paulding County birds.
3/7/06 A call on the car phone from
Micki & Doug Dunakin, and I can rush over to Stokely Ponds to see a ROSS'S GOOSE with a flock of Canada Geese,
and a few
RingNecked Ducks. The other Stokely Ponds held my first GREEN-WINGED TEAL of the
year, with quite a few Redheads, Lesser Scaup and RingNecked Ducks.
These poor pics are stills from video taken late after work on a very
cloudy day-- the bird was almost the same color as the water! From
Ohio-Birds@Envirolink: " Greetings again from Northwest Ohio, We were
very excited by the sight of 74 Redheads at one of the Stokely Ponds
at the west edge of Paulding. We were also happy to have seen our
first Eastern Meadowlarks since December on the way over to Paulding.
But we were totally, totally unprepared for that small, white goose
that sat there in the grass next to his giant cousin Canadas on the
east bank of the westernmost pond. At first glance, we both thought
Snow Goose, since they often show up in small numbers with the
Canadas. But then, a second look revealed that this bird was tiny!
Interesting, but I had a dentist appointment, so Micki came back
while I was opening wide for the technician to look for the bird. Her
attempt to close in for a better look at the face apparently excited
those easily excitable Canadas, and they all took off, heading south
and east. After my appointment, Micki and I headed over to the sewage
lagoons east of Paulding for a look see, but no tiny goose was to be
seen. Well, we had lunch, then did a job of work, and finally headed
back to the Stokely ponds for another attempt at spotting the bird.
Alas, there was nothing but those ubiquitous CAGOs in sight. I
decided to walk around the pond for a partial look at the backside,
and my sudden appearance caused most of the geese to waddle down into
the pond to escape my uninvited presence. And with them, the Ross's
suddenly appeared on the water!
For nearly half an hour, we looked and noted
and exclaimed as we spotted the typical characteristics of the Ross's
versus the Snow. This is our first Paulding County record of this
remarkable little waterfowl. We believe that it might have been
around for several days, but with the coming warmer weather, it is
difficult to say if it will remain much longer. What can I say? It
doesn't get much better than this in these parts!! Bird long and
prosper, Doug & Micki Dunakin, Antwerp, O. Scott Myers e-mailed:
"Hey John, I felt the Snow we saw on the first was small - but more
or less wrote it off to wishful thinking and underqualified optics.
Now, having seen the bird again today and seeing the Dunakins post I
believe this to be the Ross's. If this is the case (and I do believe
it is) this bird has been in Paulding County since at least the 1st
of March. Sorry bout this - I didn't want to call it a Ross's - I
really felt it was just wishful thinking on my part. Also - we had 3
Red-breasted Mergansers at the Reservoir today. Best of birding John
... - Scott 3/9/6 Raining hard and almost dark (late in the
day after work) but could see hundreds of birds on the
(RingNecked, Redheads, Scaup) and no geese! I didn't count them so I
wouldn't disturb them. St Paul Cemetery Pond just a few Canada Geese.
3/14/06 Stokely Ponds Six RingNecked Ducks on the
easternmost, a dozen or so each of RingNecked and Ruddy Ducks,
Redheads, Scaup, Canada Geese on the second, nothing visible on the
third, a few RingNecked and Redheads on the westernmost. About fifty
of the RingNeck/Scaup/Redhead mix were huddled by the western
embankment of the Reservoir. Just a pair of Canada Geese at
the Nature
Center. The Sewage Lagoons were best with at least a hundred
RingNeck/Scaup/Redhead/Bufflehead mix, but only seen for a few
seconds, as I hurriedly backpedalled so as not to frighten FIVE
stumbled upon up-close-and-personal (it seemed eye-to-eye!) as I
topped the bank. 3/16/06 Lotsa ducks everywhere,
extremely beautiful in the setting sun's light, but like on the 14th
they were too close to count without frightening them into flight.
Shovelers joined in at the Sewage Lagoons, a couple Coots at the Nature Center, but best were blackbird
flocks: the Stokely Ponds flock was large and pretty evenly divided
among Starlings, Grackles, Cowbirds, RedWinged Blackbirds, RUSTY
BLACKBIRDS, and even many Eastern Meadowlarks! CR176/US 127 had a large flock made up almost
entirely of RUSTY BLACKBIRDS, which I followed west a mile to CR105
where they joined up with a HUGE flock made up of 90% Starlings, and
10% Grackles and RedWinged Blackbirds. 3/23/6 Sewage Lagoon 200 Scaup/RingNecks, 6 pairs of Mallards,
3 pairs of Bufflehead Stokely Ponds, westernmost
Scaup/RingNecks, 10 pairs of Mallards, 1 pair of Buffleheads
next one
eastward 6
RingNecked Ducks next one eastward 50 Scaup/Ringnecks, 2 pairs of
Redheads easternmost 4 pairs of Mallards and a drake Wood Duck
My personal
BlueWinged Teal drake, 1 drake RedBreasted Merganser, 3 Ruddy
Ducks, 7 Horned Grebes (one in full alternate, the others in almost
full basic!), 50 Scaup/RingNecks which arrived after I did. (not
reporting Canada Geese/Great Blue Herons)
4/19/6 Reservoir A COMMON LOON, 2 Horned Grebes, a distant
probable Bonaparte's Gull. Sewage Lagoons 10 pairs of RingNecked Ducks, 6 pairs of
BlueWinged Teal, 10 Coots, 4 pairs of Scaup, a pair of Ruddy Ducks on
the northern pond, only a lone Mallard on the southern.
Stokely Ponds
4 pair of RingNecked
Ducks, two drake Mallards, and a female Hooded Merganser on the
westernmost; 3 Coots and a pair of RingNecked Ducks on the
easternmost; 2 pairs of RingNecked Ducks, a pair of Mallards and a
pair of Ruddy Ducks on the second from the east. 4/21/6 Reservoir Nothing at 6:15pm Black Swamp Nature Center,
fast track around the
Stick Pond in only 15 minutes: PiedBilled Grebe, SIX Brown Thrashers,
4 Blue-Gray Gnatcatchers (a pair of which were harrassing a female
Towhee), a YellowRumped Warbler, a Carolina Wren, a Kingfisher, and
my first PALM
WARBLER of the season.
Scott Alan Myers on OhioBirds@Envirolink, from sometime earlier in
the day: " ...Aside from the expected stuff, we had: Green Heron - at
least 2 (reservoir), Bufflehead - 1 female (reservoir), American
Pipit - 1 (first one for me in 3 years!) (reservoir), Yellow Warbler
- 1 (BSNC), Brown Thrasher - ~6 (BSNC)" 4/24/6 Reservoir Nothing at 6:15pm Black Swamp Nature Center,
very fast track around
the Stick Pond in only 15 minutes found almost nothing: one
PiedBilled Grebe (perhaps the very same one from Friday), one
Blue-Grey Gnatcatcher (perhaps the very same one from Friday), a
Kingfisher (perhaps the very same one from Friday), a Yellow Warbler,
but as I went to the car across the parking lot YEOUGHing from the
top of a tree was a GREEN
HERON, my first of the
season. Stokely Ponds
A pair of Redheads still
hanging around Sewage
Lagoons Still much
waterfowl! 12 pairs of RingNecks, 10 pairs of Scaup, 8 pairs of
Mallards, 7 pairs of Wood Ducks, 4 pairs of BlueWinged Teal, 3 female
Hooded Mergansers. 4/26/6
Nothing at 7pm
Black Swamp Nature Center,
very fast track around
the swampy woods (Blue Jay trail) found lotsa YellowRumped Warblers
and WhiteThroated Sparrows, a RubyCrowned Kinglet, a NASHVILLE WARBLER (first of season for me), and four Green
Herons in one spot. The Rabbits and a newly-awakened bleary-eyed
Raccoon looked surprised to see me, "Birders bird in the morning,
guy, not at night!" Stokely Ponds 3 RingNecked pairs and a PiedBilled Grebe.
Sewage Lagoons
A pair of Scaup, a pair
of Ruddy Ducks, 3 Coots, 4 pair of BlueWinged Teal, 6 pairs of
Mallards, 7 pairs of RingNecked Ducks, and 7 pairs of Wood
Black Swamp Nature
Center My first-of-year
OhioBirds@Envirolink, Carrie Busch reports, "Just a few birds of note
from my yard: Bluebird (they're nesting here again!), White-crowned
Sparrow, Red-headed Woodpecker (not sure if they're nesting on our
property or across the road in the woods), House Sparrow, Killdeer,
Starling. Not much and not spectacular, but wonderful for around
County Carrie Busch on Ohiobirds@Envirolink: " Did a little
more birding today than yesterday. My house: Killdeer, Mourning Dove,
Ruby-throated Hummingbird, Red-headed Woodpecker, Red-bellied
Woodpecker, Am. Crow, Eastern Bluebird, Am. Robin, European Starling,
Cedar Waxwing, Chipping Sparrow, Red-winged Blackbird, Am. Goldfinch,
House Sparrow Downtown Paulding: Chimney Swift
Swamp Nature Center (Across from Parc lane): Great Blue Heron Green Heron
(many flying around. Possible nesting?????) Canada Goose (many many
many gosslings). Downy Woodpecker. Warbling Vireo (one very
persistant singing one between the nature center and the hide on the
trail that goes around the marshy pond). Barn Swallow (one pair
nesting under the roof of the nature center next to the front door)
Granted, not as special as a nesting pair of King Rails, but
wonderful for Paulding County. Got some very very good looks at a lot
of these birds. Plus, Cedar Waxwings and Red-headed Woodpeckers are
hardly seen in my yard - which makes them special to me. And the
nesting Bluebirds are quite a sight." 5/28/6 "Not sure if this is a
rarity for Paulding, but I had a Northern
Mockingbird in my yard yesterday (5/27/2006) near Charloe. I
haven't seen one this far north before and found it kind of neat.
Also had the regulars. Bluebird, House Sparrow, Killdeer, Starling,
Horned Lark, Chipping Sparrow, American Goldfinch. The mother
Mourning Dove has left her nest as her fledgling is a bit on the huge
side. Had one Red-headed Woodpecker and 2 Barn Swallows, which was
interesting. Not bad for my yard. Carrie Busch. Oakwood, OH"
Sewage Lagoons
With the usual Mallards
and Canada Geese were a pair of RUDDY DUCKS, still there
OhioBirds@Envirolink: "Did some atlasing today of my block (Delorme
34C4SW) and came up with some birds I haven't seen in my yard, as
well as birds I have. Red-tailed Hawk, Killdeer, Mourning Dove,
Red-headed Woodpecker (2 pairs in my Uncle's woods. One was carrying
food), Horned Lark (These little guys are EVERYWHERE), Barn Swallow
(One pair trying to nest in our garage, much to the dismay of my
parents), Eastern Bluebird, Am. Robin, European Starling, Eastern
Towhee (Only giving me half of his song - being Lazy!). Chipping
Sparrow. Song Sparrow. Indigo Bunting (One little male chasing off a
Song Sparrow and getting agitated with me), Red-winged Blackbird,
House Sparrow Not bad for only 45 minutes of birding while riding my
bike. Carrie Busch" 6/6/6
County Sewage Lagoons
Ruddy Ducks continue with
Mallard ducklings and goslings. Both the Teal and the Ruddys are
listed as rare any week in June, according to the great new
checklists from ohiobirds.org 6/10/6 Paulding
OhioBirds@Envirolink: "I have been busy, so I haven't been able to
post this. A few days ago I was walking around my yard when I saw the
bluebird box slightly askew. Upon investigation, I found the nest to
be torn apart. My younger sister than saw some blue feathers lying on
the ground. It seems that the female bluebird and her nestling met
their fates at the hand of a predator. I know this becaus I saw the
male flying around a few minutes later in what seemed to be a state
of shock and confusion. I wouldn't be surprised if a cat got them
because our neighbors down the road "breed" cats (meaning, they don't
Regulate their cats by getting them spayed or neutered.) Such a sad
end to such a beautiful bird that I enjoy having nest on our
property. Why not go after the house sparrows that insist on invading
my bird feeders and taking the seed away from the goldfinches and
other birds? Saddened and annoyed by cats, Carrie Busch
I thought I would post what I
have been seeing/hearing around my property. Killdeer, Red-headed
Woodpecker, Chipping Sparrow, Song Sparrow, Dickcissel (one singing
on the telephone wire across the road for at least the past week),
Red-winged Blackbird, Am. Goldfinch, Am. Robin, Barn Swallow,
Mourning Dove, House Sparrow, European Starling, Horned Lark. And one
very confused Carolina Wren flying around inside the garage for a
good 10 minutes by the time I discoverd it. Really excellent looks at
this one. Good birding, Carrie Busch, Oakwood, OH 6/22/06 Paulding County
OhioBirds@Envirolink Carrie Busch: Oakwood "Birds around my yard:
Turkey Vulture, Killdeer, Mourning Dove, Red-headed Woodpecker,
Horned Lark, Am. Robin, European Starling, Chipping Sparrow,
Dickcissel (I'm hearing at least 4-5 of these guys now in the fields
around my house), Bobolink- new for my yard list. I've seen at least
2 and have heard many more, Red-winged Blackbird, Common Grackle,
Brown-headed Cowbird, American Goldfinch, House Sparrow"
Fulton County
1/17/6Archbold Denny S. has tracked the Turkey Vulture
here, still hanging around... 2/24/6 Arhbold Reservoir 3 REDHEADS, a LESSER SCAUP, a RINGNECKED DUCK (first of season), 2 CACKLING GEESE, 29 RingBilled Gulls, a Great
Blue Heron, and lotsa Canada Geese and Rock Doves
3/11/6 Goll's Woods Jon Diller reports on Ohio-Birds@Envirolink kicking up three WOODCOCKS.3/19/06 Wauseon Reservoir 6 Horned Grebes, 6 Ruddy Ducks, 6 Lesser Scaup. 3/26/06 Jon Diller earlier today made the same tour, reporting on OhioBirds@Envirolink: Archbold Reservoir I had 100 Scaup and 100 RingNecked Ducks, 11 Horned Grebes, and 7 RingBilled Gulls. Jon earlier found the same 11 Horned Grebes, but also a Common Loon and 50 Canvasbacks here. Wauseon Reservoir 10 Ruddy Ducks, 4 Scaup, 1 RingBilled Gull. Jon had 7 Horned Grebes and 6 Ruddy Ducks earlier. Delta Reservoir I didn't go here, but Jon found Mallards. SR66/Turnpike 50 RingNecked Ducks, 16 Mallards, 6 Wigeon, 6 Wood Ducks, 2 Shovelers and FOUR RUSTY BLACKBIRDS in a large group of Grackles/Starlings/Cowbirds/RedWinged Blackbirds. (not reporting Canada Geese/Great Blue Herons) 4/29/6 Wauseon Reservoir Swallows covered the face of the reservoir 5/3/6 Archbold Reservoir Highlight was my first FORSTER'S TERNof the season, but also a Common Loon, two Ruddy Ducks, 3 Mallards, and a female RedBreasted Merganser. 5/13/6 I counted 157 Cormorants at Wauseon Reservoir with 3 Ruddy Ducks and lots of CLIFF, Barn and Tree Swallows. Archbold Reservoir had four Cormorants and a COMMON LOON still in winter plumage.
Van Wert County
2/1/06 Wed VanWert County From OhioBirds@Envirolink, John & Jean Perchalski: "Was notified this morning about a SNOWY OWL in Van Wert - YES, INDEED! 224 W/Convoy-Heller Road (49N). The owl (a female) was NE of the intersection. Easiest viewing by going north on Convoy-Heller to first road - Harrison Center Rd and turning east. This morning the owl was enjoying the corn stubble fields there. Most frequently was perched on the wire going into 6158 Harrison Ctr and canvassing the corn field to the west. Attempted to relocate the snowy this evening between 5 & 6 PM, but had no luck. Will try again tomorrow and let everyone know. For anyone else interested in trying, the roads listed below are west of Van Wert. (DeLorme p. 44B2). For out-of-towners, State Rte 224 crosses US 30 northwest of Van Wert. If you go south on 224, SR 49 is about 6.8 mi from the Rt 30 intersection. The rest is as in the original message. The neatest thing about this sighting (aside from the snowy being a life bird for us) is that it makes the 200th species that Jean and I have logged in Van Wert County since moving here in 1997. Not bad for a "birdless" county, eh? J & J 2/23/6 From OhioBirds@Envirolink: "The elusive VW SNOWY OWL was again seen and observed for about 30 minutes tonight. It was on the ground between the abandoned house & barn across from the power station on Convoy-Heller Road (about 1/10 mile south of 224W). Four of us observed the owl, including a VWC Sheriff, who after determining that we were not up to mischief at the power station, was nice enough to throw his spot light on the owl. (may be this is where the owl is roosting at night?) Thanks Troy [Childs] for calling us!-- Jean & John Perchalski" 4/15/6 From OhioBirds@Envirolink: " With the storms coming through things got very active Friday and Saturday. Weekend results were: Common loon (1 female), Horned grebe, Canada goose (pair nesting in northeast sedimentation pond), Ring-necked duck, Ruddy duck, Lesser scaup, Blue-winged teal, Wood duck, Am Coot, Turkey vulture, Osprey, Broad-winged hawk, Killdeer, Mourning dove, Downy Woodpecker, Red-bellied WP, Northern flicker, Yellow-bellied sapsucker, Eastern phoebe, Red-winged blackbird, Common grackle, Blue jay, Brown-headed cowbird, Eur starling, Brown creeper, Golden-crowned kinglet, Ruby-crowned kinglet, White-breasted nuthatch, Red-breasted nuthatch, Carolina wren, Am robin, Hermit thrush, Brown thrasher, Palm warbler, Yellow-rumped warbler (numerous, including 1 lost westerner, AUDUBON's variety), PURPLE FINCH (3 males, 1 female at our feeders) (unusual this area), Am goldfinch, House finch, Nor cardinal, Chipping Sparrow, Song sparrow, White-throated sparrow, Dark-eyed junco, House sparrow Jean & John Perchalski Van wert, OH" 6/9/6 From OhioBirds@Envirolink: "...SEDGE WREN - calling in a tall grass field, DICKCISSELS- Several places probably ~20 in all, ROSEBREASTED GROSBEAK - 3 places, VESPER SPARROW - about every corn field had one... Summer Cheers! Troy Shively"
Other Ohio Counties
3/4/06 Allen County
Loved One
wanted to go shopping so I checked some of the reservoirs of
and found many
birds: Ferguson Reservoir 27 RED-BREASTED MERGANSERS, 23 RingBilled Gulls, 17 Canada
Geese, 1 HORNED
GREBE. Metzger Reservoir 12 Ruddy Ducks, 3 male Hooded
Mergansers, and a big group of 200+ Scaup/Redheads/RingNecked Ducks
(sun in my eyes, and Loved One waiting patiently) Lost Creek Reservoir
Black Ducks, 6 Scaup, 8 Canada Geese Twin Lake Reservoir 30 RingBilled Gulls, 2 Canada
Geese Bresler
Reservoir A
drake WIGEON,
a pair of
2 Horned
Grebes, about a dozen each NORTHERN SHOVELERS and BUFFLEHEAD,
40 Redheads, 50
Canada Geese, and lotsa Scaup and RingNecked Ducks. 1/8/06
Sun Lorain County
I couldn't find
a single gull in my own defiance county, so I went to Lorain Harbor where there had to be TEN
THOUSAND RingBilled, a few Bonaparte's and Black-Backed Gulls, Coots,
Cormorants, Mallards etc... Alas, no black-headed gull, my true
prey. 1/28/06 Sat Wood
Bowling Green
Enroute elsewhere, at Bowling Green State University
I was surprised how tame this Cooper's Hawk was, ignoring traffic and
passing students while sitting eye-level at a building's entry.
Casual search for the snowy owl near Milton
Center was unsuccessful.
Some stills from the video of 10/9/5 Columbiana County BlackBilled MAGPIE!!:
10/3/05 Henry County From the Toledo Rare Bird Alert: " A couple of dark plegadis ibis were feeding in one of Napoleon's birding hotspots yesterday - the drainage pond behind the Wal-mart on Route 24. I watched the birds at about 4:30pm from the service driveway behind Wal-mart for about 5 minutes before they took off, circled once, and landed in another pond less than 100 yards west of the Wal-mart pond. These birds appeared to be Glossy Ibis to me. However, while the ibis allowed close-up observation, light conditions were not ideal. The second pond is separated by a line of trees and cannot be seen from Wal-mart. I'm not sure how/if it can be accessed other than it is visible from the eastbound lane of Route 24. --Matt [Anderson]"
10/5/05 Henry County Two dark plegadis ibis in the drainage pond behind Napoleon's Wal-mart on Route 24.
couldn't find the ibises but there was a strange goose hanging out
with the Canadas: This was the same goose seen here in July of 2003
5/20/6 Wood County BowlingGreen A Wild Turkey sat on the overpass railing, unperturbed and not disturbed at all by passing traffic on US 6 at SR25. Henry County Napoleon Walmart A pairof BLueWinged Teal and my first Mallard ducklings (10 in one family) of the year. US6/CoRd 7 RedHeaded Woodpecker
6/1/6 Wood County Rudolph I'd never
even heard of this great park until Paul dropped a hint on Toledo's
Rarebird site. KENTUCKY
WARBLER highlight of the
few minutes I spent here (dropped Loved One off at Bowling Green
Walmart). My first of season for this bird. White Campion was nice
too. Lucas County
Oak Openings
More Kentucky and Hooded
Warblers and Deer
, but the real chase was for a wildflower I'd never seen
before: YELLOW
writes in Wildflowers of
Ohio: "...The excitement
which occurs at the discovery of a Lady's-slipper is unparalleled
[AMEN!]. Yellow Lady's-slipper is a potentially threatened
species...Range At scattered sites in the northeastern and southern
counties of the state." And here it is in the northwest!
Western Lake Erie Basin (Ottawa/Lucas Co)
Lucas/Ottawa County CraneCreek/Ottawa/OakOpenings Complex
Everyone said it was a
perfectly awful day with almost no birds, but let me tell you: the
worst day at Crane Creek is better than the best day locally most of
the time. Beautiful day weatherwise. I didn't notice the cold north
wind at all; of course i had on an insulated top, a pullover sweater,
and the Black Swamp hoodie. I got many first-of-the-season birds
(ones I hadn't seen yet this year): Caspian and Common Terns, BLACK-BILLED
CUCKOO, BELL'S VIREO, Magnolia (just two), Parula (at least 6), Black-n-White, BLACKBURNIAN (at least 6! perfect
viewing!), Blackpoll (1),
Black-Throated Blue (one
Redstart (one
male), Northern
Waterthrush, Chestnut-Sided, WIlson's Warbler (one heard only). Afterward at Oak Openings quickly and
easily found near Girdham/Reed were LARK SPARROW, SUMMER TANAGER and BLUE
first-of-season, of course, was a TRUMPETER SWAN
that flew low over our heads trumpeting,
and calling MARSH
WRENS. Other warblers
there included OrangeCrowned and Cape May (both of which I missed,
and there was only one of each seen), lotsa YellowRumped, Nashville
(only two!), BlackThroated Green and Palm and Yellow and Common
Yellowthroat (many), a female PINE (tough ID! glad I was with a
Other birds seen
were PiedBilled Grebe, DC Cormorants, Great Blue Herons, Great Egrets
(great plumes!), Green Herons, Turkey Vulture, Canada Geese, Wood
Duck (one of the first birds I saw on the boardwalk! in a tree!
), Gadwall (1),
Mallard (just 3!), RedTailed Hawk, Coots, Killdeer, Dunlin,
Yellowlegs, Woodcock (a MAMA BIRD with THREE FLUFFY WHITE BABIES
following her! near the boardwalk!), RingBilled and Herring Gulls,
Rock & Mourning Doves, RedHeaded/RedBellied/Downy/Flicker, Great
Crested Flycatcher, Blue Jays, Crow, Lark, Martin, Tree and Barn
Swallows, Carolina and House Wrens, RubyCrowned Kinglets (many,
many), Gnatcatcher (just 1!!), Bluebird, Robin, Starling, Towhee,
Chipping/ Field/ Song/ Swamp/ WhiteThroated/ WhiteCrowned Sparrows,
Cardinals, RedWinged Blackbirds, Meadowlarks, Grackles, Cowbirds,
Baltimore Orioles (not orchard), Goldfinches. Remarkably missing were
scarlet tanagers,
rose-breasted grosbeaks, yellow-billed cuckoos, any vireos but
warbling and bell's, no thrushes but bluebird and robins, etc. I still haven't seen my
first-of-season kingbird or indigo bunting!
8Glossy Ibises mix with 3
White-Faced Ibises at Ottawa Refuge
5/13/06 Lucas/Ottawa County CraneCreek/Ottawa Refuge/Magee Marsh Easy to ignore the rain here on the boardwalk! It was packed with people and with birds, so it was easy to miss and forget many. Partial list: My firsts-of-the-season include SORA, BAY-BREASTED WARBLER (many), VEERY (a few), LINCOLN'S SPARROW, CANADA (poor view), TENNESSEE WARBLER (how cool is it when renowned author Kenn Kaufman points out to Nathan P and me-- the only one we saw, and singing up a storm! Literally, now that I think about it), GOLDEN-WINGED WARBLER (a beautiful male, singing, and an extended stay only a foot away! This is when I discovered my videocamera battery was dead...), MOURNING WARBLERS (several birds, several wonderful views!),. There were also many Marsh Wrens, Common Terns, Nashvilles, ChestnutSideds, Magnolias, BlackThroated Blues, BlackThroated Greens, Blackburnians, Black-and-Whites, Yellows, Least Flycatchers but I saw only Ione Palm (on the beach), one Parula (within touching distance), Redstart (male), Ovenbird, Northern Waterthrush, WIlson's (oh so close!), Pewee and Solitary Vireo (great just-overhead views). No grosbeaks, buntings, tanagers or cuckoos. Due to the rain, I only made one pass-- oh! and another great find were Don and Lillian Stokes on the boardwalk and at Ottawa Refuge, looking even better than they do on TV! I saw only one Double-Crested Cormorant-- dead on the beach.
Lucas/Ottawa County CraneCreek/Ottawa Refuge/Magee Marsh
Another amazing day,
clear blue skies KIRTLAND WARBLER (at 8am and again at 8:30am, the Kirtland
really did prove to be a uniter and not a divider ), KING RAIL (great enough to see the male preening for
as long as we wanted to watch, but to see the female fly across the
marsh to join him? Priceless), SNOWY EGRET, PHILADELPHIA VIREOS (first-of-season for me), and many warblers of course including a
BlueWinged, which I've never seen on the boardwalk before.
Wild Lupine 5/21/5 Kitty Todd
5/27/06 Lucas/Ottawa County CraneCreek/Ottawa Refuge/Magee Marsh Another amazing day with few warblers. Yesterday, they said, was great. Today virtually none: Black-throated Blue (a female), Yellow-rumped (still one), American Redstart (few, all female), Wilson's (mostly, in fact!), Canada (a few, all female), and Magnolia (second most populous). It was like being back home... Nicest were two BlackCrowned Night-Herons on either side of the causeway in broad daylight:
MI Brighton
Amazingly enough, coming
to Chris and Jean Hensick's feeders was a bright unmistakeable male
Peterjohn's only lists one occurrence in Ohio (winter 1974-5 in Columbus) so I was excited to see this bird so close to home, not having to travel to the western US (western Kansas the usual limit) to see it. There since the 15th, a great Valentine's Day present! This will likely be the fourth accepted record for Michigan, but possibly the first breeding adult male.
2/20/06 Allen County IN Found ourselves in Fort Wayne for the day so visited Franke Park, where the ducks and geese were very tame due to the feeding by the public: 350 Canada Geese, 280 Mallards, Greylag Geese (15 White, 3 Pied), 3 Peking (Beijing?) Ducks, and a mostly-white Indian Runner.
3/11/6 we saw our first TURKEY VULTURE of the year near Warsaw in Kosciusko County IN which is on roughly the same parallel as home. Stopping off for an extremely short visit to Kankakee Marsh in Starke County IN was amazing: at least FORTY-FIVE ROSS'S GEESE mixed in wth SNOW GEESE, on a pond in back of the headquarters, and mixed in with first-of-season SANDHILL CRANES (two groups of 150 each, then a huge uncountable group of at least 500) at SR39/SR8 was an amazing, amazing, amazing juvenile
In 1942 there were only SIXTEEN WHOOPING CRANES in the world!!! Now there are 340 wild birds, of which 74 are pairs. In captivity are 135 birds, with 32 pairs, for a total of 475 birds world-wide.
3/12/06 Cook County IL
Park, Chicago Although I had seen the wild
(aka QUAKER PARROTS) previously in Burnham IL, Loved One
hadn't seen any wild ones yet, so we stopped in-- tons of birds in
downtown Chicago! LaPorte County IN Michigan City Our second Turkey Vulture of the year.
4/29/6 Allen County IN
Fort Wayne
From IN-BIRD [with my
commentary in brackets]: "Some twenty people showed up for Stockbridge Audubon
Society's field trip to Fox Island Park, Allen County, on a cloudy, cool
morning. Birds seemed rather scarce overall, and many of those we
identified were hidden in the thickets, not seen, and singing only a
few times before falling silent. Still, the two field parties into
which we divided manged to record a surprising total of 82 species,
including several firsts for the year (capitalized below)[bold if
first for me personally]: Great Egret 1, flyover, GREEN HERON 4,
Least Sandpiper 5, flyover, Pectoral Sandpiper 1, flyover, Barred owl
1, Chimney Swift 1, Yellow-bellied Sapsucker 1, Pileated Woodpecker
FLYCATCHER 2 [very nice viewing and hearing], Great Crested
Flycatcher 2, EASTERN KINGBIRD 4 [I personally missed all of these!],
flyover, White-eyed Vireo 4, BLUEHEADED
[again nicely seen and heard, four for me], Yellow-throated Vireo 2
[I personally missed these :( ], Warbling Vireo 6, REDEYED
[heard only], Winter Wren 4, Ruby-cr. Kinglet 10, Blue-gray
Gnatcatcher 7, Hermit Thrush 4, WOOD
[heard only], Gray Catbird 6, Northern Mockingbird 1, fifth record
for Fox Island, Brown Thrasher 3, Warbler: Nashville 5 [heard only],
N. Parula 1 [missed by me], Yellow 7, Yellow-rumped 8,
Yellow-throated 3 [missed by me], Palm 3, Black and White 1 [missed
by me], COMMON YELLOWTHROAT 3 [heard only],
HOODED 1 [best bird of the day, for me!], SCARLET
[heard only], ROSEBREASTED GROSBEAK 4 [beautifully heard and
seen], ORCHARD ORIOLE 1 [missed by me], Baltimore Oriole 2, Purple
Finch 4-- Jim Haw" 5/20/06
County IN Fox
Island I joined the
Stockbridge Audubon Society for a fantastic spring day. My
first-of-the-season birds included CAPE MAY WARBLER, ALDER FLYCATCHER,
CUCKOO, ORANGE-CROWNED WARBLER (in perfect light and close to the
CHAT (brilliant
almost-orange in the sun), OLIVE-SIDED FLYCATCHER (in great light at 8am) and CONNECTICUT WARBLER.
Amazing morning, and this
is where my report would end, except leader Jim Haw reported detail
on IN-BIRD: " Inspired with hope by Rodger Rang's report of his
splendid day at Fox Island on Friday, twelve birders turned out for
Stockbridge Audubon Society's Fox Island field trip on a sunny
Saturday that saw temperatures warm from a chilly morning in the
mid-40s to the 60s. We were not disappointed. In fact, some of us
stayed after lunch to do the east end, leaving around 2:15 and adding
seven or eight species to the morning's list. The total for the day
was 94 species, 26 warblers (most heard only or seen only briefly),
including: Spotted Sandpiper 1, Yellow-billed Cuckoo 2, Ruby-thr.
Hummingbird 6, Pileated Woodpecker 2, calling to each other near
quaking bog, Flycatchers: OLIVE-SIDED 1, east side of gun club;
trying to eat a large bumblebee, E. Wood Pewee 6, YELLOW-BELLIED 1,
west of marsh observation dock, Acadian 7, Willow 5, Least 8, E.
Phoebe 2, Great Crested 11, Vireo: White-eyed 3, Blue-headed 1,
Yellow-throated 3, Warbling 6, Red-eyed 21, Veery 1, Swainson's
Thrush 6, Wood Thrush 7, Warblers: Tennessee 12, ORANGE-CROWNED 1,
seen; N side of lake; latest spring record for NE IN by 1 day,
Nashville 6, Yellow 11, Chestnut-sided 5, Magnolia 14, Cape May 2,
Black-throated Blue 2... Yellow-rumped 2, Black-throated Green 5,
Blackburnian 4, Yellow-throated 2, PALM 1, latest spring record for
NE IN by 1 day, Bay-breasted 2, Blackpoll 4, Black and White 3, Am.
Redstart 8, Prothonotary 1, seasonal wetland due N of Bird
Observation Bldg [I missed this one!], Ovenbird 2, Northern
Waterthrush 2, CONNECTICUT 1, heard only; thickets E of marsh
observation dock, MOURNING 6, Common Yellowthroat 12, Wilson's 4,
Canada 1, Yellow-breasted Chat 3, Summer Tanager 1, Scarlet Tanager
6, Lincoln's Sparrow 1, White-throated Sparrow 1, White-crowned
Sparrow 1, Rose-breasted Grosbeak 8, Indigo Bunting 34, Baltimore
Oriole 17--Jim Haw" 7/8/6 Noble CountyAlbionRd/220 A SANDHILL CRANE flies low over the car
and lands by the side of the road!